Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


Diagnosis: The new species is rather remote frona ali known species of the genus. Iis externat appearance is similar mostly to E. Stueningi YOS Hl MOTO l 988 although the de talis of the wing patieria a re rather strongly different: the antemedi alline is broader, tess distinci and less sinuous, the mediat fascia is deeply an gled in-wards near the in ner margin, the orbicular stigma is not spol- like but doubie lunulate, the post mediat line has a much dee per curve at costat area and the subterminal line is tess waVed. The male genitalia also fhow this position with in the genus. Most of the typical characters may appear in a more or less similar forna in cellain EPOSEStis taxa but each of them in disserent species; like a mosaic frona the genus and a part of theseatures is unique or Very rare in Esei XEStiS. The uncus is longer, more S tender than in the majority of EPOSEStiS species: the socius is rather E. albidiScia like but more robust. longer. bi Oader. the tegumen is more or less quadratic: the fultura superioris relative ly narro , hi gli, hal- like with sine, sholi, oblique medio- laterat fasciae and sine dentition at dorsal hal f. The valva is stiori, acute ly triangular, the dorsalsaccular crest is the longest with in the genus, covering the fuit tength of the dorsalmargin of the Sacculus, cristate but not spinulose, willi stronger processi at costaland ventral edges. The aedeagus is an gled belween ostium ductus Haculatorii and the ventral plate of the carina this feature cata be mund in Eoi Sestis only in CrenialiS): the plate os carina is long , Strong, spoon- like, the cornuti of the cornuti field os vesica are attached strongly to the basal membrane. The se male genitalia are similar to those of E. Stueningi, but the dorsal plate of the penultimate segment is much smallei broad but shori, not co Vering the papillae anales, the lamella ante vaginalis is not scieroti Zed. the tubular patet of corpus bursae is tess swollen ne ar the ductus bursae, and the Signum is larger, notpyris orna but cordis orna. iis ieeth are arran ged radiat ly.


oblique laterat fasciae consisting of sonaewhat Stronger ieeth. Valva Shori, triangular, apicatly Stronglytapering with apex potiate i. dorSal Saccular crest Very long heavi ly Scleroti Zed, cristate, without spinules, but terminating in Strong processi at costat and Ventrat margins . Aedeagus long angled at distat third be tween ostium ductus Haculatorii and ventral plate os carina: plate of carina Strong, lapathi forna: cornuti fie id os vesica elliptical, narrow cornuti medium- si Zed, bcing attached stronglyto basal membran C. Female genitalia Fig. id): Ovi positor Shori broad , Ventral plate of last segment scieroti Zed more or less trigonicat with weaker, more hyaline apical pari, dorsal plate of last segment broader, membranous. Scieroti Zed dorsal plate os penultimate segment broad but shori. caudat ly rounded, notcovering papillae anales. Lamella antevaginalis not scieroti Zed, Sevelath segment with patred scobinate, rounded Ventral plates laterat ly. Ductus bursae stiori, with fine scieroti ration at naiddie. Appendix bursae s hori, more or less tubular, tubular distat part os corpus bursae long less swollennear ductus bursae. Proximal part of corpus bursae large, discoidat, membranous, Signum large, cordisorna, covered with radiat ly arran ged, sin ali tecth. Bionomics and distribution. Poorly known. The species inhabiis, presumably the highest for- est regions of the Mis Fan-si-pan. two of the three known speci mens were mund along the edge of the montane primary forest and the et n-forest Zones while the third one was collected in a large forest clearing. at the edge of a less disturbed primary forest, at the cnd of a valley descending frona the


Diagnosis: The new species is similar externalty to E. Dili recita sWARREN l9l β); but is larger in si Ze. the forewing ground colour is darker brown withochreotis irroration along the costa. the basal area is broader. the antemediat line is Sinu OUS, arcuate, nono Of the ten known specimens have strong, strat glit, blackishantemediat line. The orbicular stigma of E. Peregovit Si is not a fine, dark commabui an oblique-elliptical spol. filled osten with blackisti scales. the reniform is as mali lunule with whitish-ochreous ouiline, a rounded clavi forin stigma with whit-ish-ochi eous annulus and blackish centre is alwayS present, this marking is regu larly absent frona E. Dilineala. A smaller part of the specimens have a broad blackish brown or blackisti grey fascia running frona the base of the wing along the subcellular vein to the subterminal line, covering also the lower paris of the celi then fused with the dark apical part of the subterminal line, forming a clark Zone frona the base of the wing to the apeX. The unique feature of the male genitalia of E. Perego vitai is the bifid uncus ali other EPOSestis species have single unctis. The other paris of the genitalia showalso distinctive features compared with tho se of E. Dilineata af the socii are longer stra ight. the fultura superior is larger with strong laterat foliis, the valva is morero unded, the sacculus is narrower and the cornuti field of the vesica consists of longer Cornuti.

The fe male genitalia of the new species have also a unique character, the two scieroti Zed plates of the proximal part of the corpus bursae near the tubular distat part os corpus bursae. The other paris of the organ are most similar to tho se of E. Dili recita, but the signum is significantly large r. Stronger the ventral plate of the penultimate segment is larger. rounded quadrangular, the ostium bursae is withstronger laterat scieroti Zation and the ductus bursae is bro ader.


NEW EPIPSESTIS SPECIES LEPIDOPTERA. THYATIRIDAE, FROM VIETNAM AND FROM NEPAL 345brownish, termen with fine, oblique, black apicat streak. Terminal line brownish, continuous, asground colour, spolied with dark brown or dark grcy. Hi nil ing dark greyish brown, ve ins and marginal area even dari ei discat spol usu atly present but diffuse large rounded. Cilia pale ochi cotis grey whith clarii mediat line. Underside of wings dark ochi eous grey with variably strong fusco us sunt usi ora. costa os forewing Spotted rather Strongly, other elements of patieria diffuse or obsolete. Male genitalia sFigs id ib): Uncus medium-long scieroti Zed. bifid. socii stightly shorter than Uncus, more Or leSS struight, actite. FUltura Superior large, sub triangular, with strong, dentate laterat solds. Fultura inferior with rounded basal plates and V- sh apud dorsal part with distat ly slightly di lateis arnas, Vinculum very Shori, bro ad ly U-s hapcd. Valva ruther bro ad, apicatly rounded, Sacculus narrow scieroti Zed, with relatively Shori, dentaled distat crest. Aedeagus tubular, carina with strong, broad, apicatly rounded Ventral proces s and with two scieroti Zed ventro- laterat bars. Cornuti fietit ofvesica large armcd with rather long nail-s hapcd cornuti. Female genitalia Figs l8-l 9): Papillae anales membranous. rounded conicat. Ventral plate of penultimate segment large, rounded quadrangular. SeVenili segment with two narro relative lys hori laterat plates. Ostium bursae with stronger laterat scieroti Zation. ductus bursae s hori ratherbroad. Appendix burs ac Very shori, subconicat tubular distat part of corpus bursae relative ly shori broad. 1 incly scobinate. Proximal part Os corpus bursae Spaciotis, more Or less drop-Xhapcd. apical part with large scieroli Zed laterat pulches. Signum large, Strong, elliptica l. coVered with strong tecth. Bionomics and distributiora. The Vicina mese specimens were collected at light in a large forest clearing between secondary and primary forest patches at abo ut 2000 m a. s. l. Surrounded by large montane primary forest regions at the higher elevations. It is worth to mention that ali sive specimens were collected at the last, cootest night of the expedition 8th December) although the wcather conditions were much betior at the preceding wcck and illi the exception of the holotypo, the specimensare not freshly emerge d. The other population of the species was discovered in Easteria Nepat, in amedium hi gli cha in belwecia the valleys of the Arun and the Tamur rivers. The collecting habitats are large, dense, deciduous forests belween 2500 3000 m altitude. Etymology The ncw species is dedicatuit to Mr LASZLO PEREGOVITS HNHM, Budapest, collection of Lepidos tera). the Hungarian coordinator of the lepido pterological research project in Vict-nam, One of the collectors of the new species.


Diagnosis: The new species resembles stightly to E. ciastianeiam WARREN l9l β) by iis rather pale chestia ut-brown forewing ground colour and whitis h-greymedi an area. but it is eas ity distinguishable frona iis congener by the following features: the forewing ground colour is much pater, more ochreous-brown the basa larea is narrower. the ante mediat line is stronger, oblique, almost strat glit, the median area is broade r. more silvery grey the orbicular and reni forin stigmata are nothlackisti commas but indistinct ochreous-greyisti annuli. osten with darker fit ling. the lower half of the post mediat line is more waVed, etc. The male genitalia of E. Disociata differ frona those of ali known relatives by the hilobate socii with longer. straight proximal and hird-head - like. folded. potiated distat iobe. Comparing the other Datures with those of E. Castaneata, the uncus is narrower. the fultura superior is heaVily Scleroti Zed, Subtriangular. with Strong Spintiles mediat ly and medio-api catly the costa of the Valva is strat glit, the sacculariobe of the sacculus is longer and covered with smali. short spiculi. the cornuti Geldof the vesica is larger, Stronger.



NEW EPIPSESTIS SPECIES LEPIDOPTERA. THYATIRIDAE, FROM VIETNAM AND FROM NEPAL 34 darker grey and red-brown scales. Basai dasti absent or reduced to a s hori, oblique, dark brown Streak cros stines rather indistinct excepi fine lines of ante- and post mediat lines hordering median area.

Bionomics and distribution. The specimens of the new species are known only frona different primary forest paris of a rather smali area of the Mis Fan-si-pan near or above 2000 in altitude. E. Disociata is seem ingly a species typical of the hi glier forest belt of this motintain system, a member of the late autumnal ast CCt. Etymology The specific nume refers to the bilobate socii of the male clas ping apparate of the

Diagno sis: No similar hi SeStis species is known. resembles stightly the members of the dubia WARREN. t 888) species-groti p. The male genitalia differs rom ali other species of the genus by their thic k. robust. dors atly hum ped. apicat ly

Obtuse uncus, Strong, thic k socii with rather strong, po inted dorso - laterat extension 'apex V) and by the narrow saccular iobe armed with very long po in ted Spines. In addition. the fultura superior is litige, wide-ba sed . scieroti Zed, covered with long


spiculi; ille valva is elongated narrow, iis apex extending over the tip of socius and the sacculus is rounded, sciet Oti Zed with long acute apicat spines. In the semale genitalia the ventral plate of the last segment is not scieroti Zed. while the dorsalptate is dentate- scobinate, the mediat incision is very narrow dee p. The 8th sternite is narro half-ring - like. the tubular part os corpus bursae is very long twis ted. with smali swollen portion near the ductus bursae and the signum is long narrowly deltoidal.

Female genitalia si ig. 2 l): Ovi positor shortly conical, ventral plate os last segment notsclerotiZed. dorsal plate duntate- scobinate. mediat incision very narrow. dcc p. 8th sternite narrow scieroti Zed. half-ring- like. Ostium bursae membra notis cup-s hapcd ductus bursae s hori, with sine latural scieroti Zation. Appendix burs ac sinali subconical, tubular distat part of corpus bursae verylong. twisicit. with smali swOllen caudat poletion iacar ductus bursae. Proximal part os corpus bursae large . disco id al-ovoid. signum long . narrow. deltoidat with broador caudat hal f. Bionomics and distribution. The new species is another characteristic member of the late autumnal aspect. the collectuit two scinales fres lily cmerged at ille sit si ducade os December while the

