Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


Diagno sis E. zygomilia can be confused with E. PSeui zygomilia Sp. n. . thedetailed comparison is gi ven under the description of the new species. Both species were collected in the sanae si te in Taiwan by A. E. Wileman.


Male genitalia Fig. l 9): Uncus hi d. with long, stender, acute arm S. Posterior part os gnat hos sorming a rather long. Scleroti Zed. potia ted mediat proces s. anterior part wide. divided into two symmetrical lobes, covered with strong bri siles and ieeth: labis scieroti Zed. bro ad. finger-sha ped. Valva rather broad, fligiti ly curved. apicatly tapering. with apex sine ly rounded. Ventrat marginwith flight incision below cucullus. Ventral sursace covered denset y with long hairs. costat plate os

Distribution: Taiwan: presum ab ly endemi C. Bionomics: The species is probab ly bi voltine. the adulis are on the wing Dona April to June and in September-October. The habitats of the specimens observed are subtropical fore sis at lowerelevations between 300-l500 IN A. S. l.).

Remai ks: The male and iis genitalia are illustrated here for the fit si time. According to the configuration of the male genitalia. the species belongs to thedocleCEG-group as suppo sed by SATI LER l 96 P). Ethmia pseud OZygOSDi in Sp. n.


Four of the paralypes are deposited in The Natural History Muscum sBMN H). London andi 6 paralypes in the National Museum os Natural Science, Taichting. The rest os the paralypes arepreserved in the Hungarian Natural History Muscum and in the private collection os CS. STABO KY.

tate with si x thorias, anterior part wide. covered with sine tecth; labis membranous. hroad. Costa os valva triangular. naked. Cucullus willi long. knob- like. Strongly hairy processus distat ly. sacculustriangular. hairy. Aedeagus with convex dorsat margin: iis dorsal. membra notis 'coat manica)large . hum ped: carina with Scleroti Zed, narrow ring. vesica with a scieroti Zed. Hat. plate. Fc male genitalia Fig. 22): Ovi positor scieroti Zed. papillae anales conica l. apicatly curved with long bri siles at base. Posterior apophyses as long as papillae anales, anterior apophySeS Shori, has atly widened. subtriangular. Antrum s hori. liniae l- like. with Stronger. quadrangular caudat plates on both sursaces. Ductus hursae rather short. tubular. Corpus bursae spherical. Signum narro . very long. with a sine. long mediat increaston. Distribution: Taiwan. China Canto n. Bionomics: Early stages and sood plant are unknown. The specimens os the type series weres ound in the lower Zones of Tai an het ween 300-l500 m a. s. l.). According to the collecting data the species may have two separate broods: the night perio is are April une and August-November. Etymology The specistic name refers to the Similari ty os the species With E. gomilia.

Ethmia pone Sellu Sp. n.


miaculi fera and E. Sum Sp. n. but E. VeneSella is much larger in si Ze than theother two related species. the forewing ground colour is unicolorous grey and the abdomen is conspicuous ly yellow. The abdomen of E. Si Sia is also yellow, with apair of black dot s on the last mur tergites. while E. maculi fera has a whit isti greyabdomen. The male genitalia of E. Penescitia differ frona tho se of E. maculi feria in almost every detail. the most conspicuous Datures are the considerably larger Si Zeand the much longer, Straight, more acute, procesS of the CuculluS.


S tender dorso - laterat arm s. Valva rather sit Ort, rounded quadrangular, distat part with heavi ly scie-roti Zed 'seta-brunches 'r costa long, narro . cucullus with very long acute. almost Straight apicalprocessus, base of sacculus Stightly hairy. Aedeagus narrowly tubular, convex, distat part with nar-row, long, scieroti Zed dorsal and ventro- laterat plates. Vesica with long row of sine. potnted denticuli. Female. Unknown. Bionomics: No observations about the early stages and the 1 ood plant are known. The specimens of the type series were collected in the San-Ping Forest Rescarch Station LTER sito) in themiddie of April. deep inside a mixed subtropical forest. Distribution Taiwan. Ethmia SUSn Sp. n.

Diagno sis: the comparison of the new species with iis relatives is gi ven in the di agnosis of the preceding species. The se male genitalia differ mostly Domitiose of E. maculi fera by their longer ovi positor, the fine ly Scobinate, long

Distribution: Taiwan. Bionomics: The life history and the habitats of the species are poorly known. the unique type specimen was collected at light in a mixed deciduous forest at rather low altitude. Etymology: Patronym for Zsursa 'Susa ). lovely daughter of the seconit author.





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