Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


THRASYBULUS CH. I. 215sonat is ut used l-4. hic is commonly used os anagreeabse accident Or event, contigit O accidit ' Milt.

3 l. Nescio quo modo: hat Other forins are seda Alcib. II, IJ, 8.J . Give the pers of proecurro.-3. What compound os curro are not ound with the reduplication Τ-4. What oes nobilitas mean here Τ-5. What do es naturale bonum here mean Τ-6. What is facere lucri or lucrifacere ' 4 I. Distinguisti belWeen tres and impugnantium. . What partis speec is hie I 5 1. What case or cases Oe proprius overit Pr. Intr. 212.4-2. Distinguis belWeen opprimere aud

Give an instanceis sed et stoin Cic.

3I I. Ante- circum- suc- trans- curro. Thoaeingknown celebrity. Natura dexterity, tact. Totum to good account. 4 1. Vires relates to the collective Orco an strensi os thourmy vis pugn to the spirit that animate individuals. 5I I. Oppres tenere denotes an abidingratate. 4. US civessor the noun. aer. Intr. i. 283.-Z.4 271. 5. Non solum edetiam. 6. opinio-quae non modo Romoe sed et apud eaetera nationes ercrebuit. Vere 1 1. Seo Pr. Intr. i. 227, j. Seo


more orde S usual orni than phyle, quod est castellum I Pr. Intr. 48 9. -2. Xplain Actinorum. 2 1. What is the fig. neque-non contemtu Called l-2. Distinguisti belween contemnere, devicere, Sperners. 3. What is oderiein' explanationis contemnere -4. DistinguiSh between primum and primo. Pr. Intr. 83, a. J-5. Os hat US Os autem have e here an X- ample Pr. Intr. ii 478.4-6. What is remari able in ad comparandum

s 3 l. What romarii ablo dissereno exist belWeen that lanx ille V 2. Explain timidus hero l 4 l. What is pro opinione '-2. Xplain jam tum illis temporibuS. 6 l. When is quisquam sed sor nybo Q Pr. Intr. 389. J T l. ive ther example Os quum quidem . .


Not mors than hiri person fled o hyle Thrasybulus sortiisse Munychia, hic licis a por of th Athenians. The tyrant ut ires despis e Thrasybulus and th sewnes of his adherenis The mollier os cowardesCA II. 1 2. An old nam for Atticorum, Dona Acte the oldest nam os Attica. 2I Q. Litotes Alc. 4, 1J. 6. 2. Contemne e withresereno i Whatisne might ears despicere o hatisne might respect; spernere t Whutine might accepi: Or, contemnere implies no fearing despicere, looking down 0m Spernere, rejecting. 3. That it means, despiSin great things, S dunger, deatlici ut it a b used os amat things, a nihil in bello oportere contemni, jus delow. 6. It bein used absolutely, i. o

3 I. That in is frequently used to denote a followin Sentence. 2. Extremel Cautious a Cic. oin timidi et omnia

Pugnare eradMersus aliquem clo stan Opposite to ne in the rank of theenem uni figlit, different frona pugnare contra aliquem. Geor es.


uti more alicujus y-6. ive a Similar Xpre S Sion.-T. Gover redderetur.

CH. IV. 1 1. Non denique haec sedes honori S-umquam nacua mortis periculo atque insidiis uit Cic. in Cat. 4 I, 2. 2. That instea os quae, quod ei m-non vis e resserat, habuit, therelative stanci in the case in hichalio pronoun sinoveme in the acinae or sentenee, an is omitted in tho principat sontence. V k 804.


218 QUESTION ONquod amor-non vi eaepresserat, habuit, c. -3. Whati peculia in amor non is expresserat '-4. What is this

fig. calle Ly-5. Give an instanc Os zeugma it eae-primere. 6. What i there peculia in magnaque fuit gloria I-T. When is the abi. illi esse sedi

2 l. Explain the ille in Pittacus ille. Pr. Intr.

38l, b).J-2. What a the Sige of a jugerum '-3. What is there peculia in munera darent I-4. Why Athe impers darent sed J-5. Give an example of this use of the impers indic.-6. Wh doe quod govern the Subj in quo invideant ' Pr. Intr. 476. J-T. Explain


3 Explain the igitur.

4I Givo the derivationis proetor.

3. That e resserat had extorted does not fuit the irsi nom. amor the meaningleing ,hicli force had not extorted but love elicite d. 4 Zeugma, that is junction ori fair: When, that is a verbris used with two connected words, though Oneis them reali require u verbos disserent meaning. 5. Senatus consulta, quae possunt videri

Sel necessitate eae pressi, vel Mer ecundia. Sueton.

Oct. 57. 6. ρ hould expect magnae fuit glorio since thopurpos it serve is denoted. T. The abi. illi esse, illi orwithou in,' denotes the late in hicli a person is e. g. Dionysius non minore fuit in musicis gloria quam, C. Epam 2, 1 paris auctores in ingenti gloria esse. Liv. 2, 22. 2 I. It was a Roma mensure os sursaco os 240 Det by 120. 28,800 square seel. 3. Muneri darent is the sua construe-tion. 4. It is equivalent to iere proposincto give. 5. Cic. Cat. I, 5, 13 quod jam tua sponte faciebas facere volebas . Ι - What is and wil remat one's Wn aenco 3 It is tho resumptine igitum in ut ad rem redeam. ΘP. O- turn to Thrasybulus, seo the tale bout Pittacus, hicli, interruption os the nurrutiVe. 4J Pr -itor one ho goos bomis.


CH. I. 1 I. Explain accedere ad rempublicam. Them. 2, IJ, 2, 3. J-2. ParSe magni in magni esse. -3. Is majoris esse Sedi Pr. Intr. 264, e. J-4. Diso tinguis belween potentia and potestas. Dod potentia. J-5. HOWci potestas, S Sed os a public Ossice, distinguished rom magistratus I 2 l. Construe extremo Peloponnesio bello. Pr. Intr. 179. J-2. What is the orce os de in desiet ' Mili. 2, 2J, 5. J-3. Explain tum abfuit.-4. Ovem imperii in diligens imperii, and Xplain the meanin Ofdiligens. -5. Give an instanc os diligens,it gen from



Is Conon ad been present, the Athenians Ouid nothave suffere that terribi deseat Nobod doubis, ut

C Η Ι II 4. Potestas denotes an aetraordinar CommiSSion. 2 3. Tum quum dedicto sunt for he was no absent o that occasion, but Seein ali tost Do the negligenco aud insubordinationos his countrymen, fled with pight ships to Cyprus. 4. Diligensis the opp. O negligens properi means cloving, and then, Withreserene to a thing payin attention to it; ein caresul an punc- tua in iis persormance. It is properi a participle, ut is osten Sed adjectivel to signis a liabit it then ahes a genitive. r. Intr183. 5. Q. Pompeio castissimo tiro atque omnis Offici diligentissimo. Cic. cel. 30, 73.



Cis. II. l l . Explain and conStrue eumdemque generum Regis. Pr. Intr. 38T.J-2. What is propinquus hero l 2 l. ars societatem in coire Societatem. Pr. Intr. 244.J-2. What is the orcem quidem in re quidem vera I 3 I. Homina si ille non fuisset be construed - 2. ive an instanceis fuisset used in his emphatic Ways exist; and by implication, sor O SSiSt, C.-3. What reposition always solio thei caseit Paus.


PharnabaZuS. The Lacedaemonians havin des aledili Athenians sent Agesilaus to invade Asia Tissaphernes, havin revolted rom theaing, made an alliance with the Lacedaemonians Balbus a conSidered an experience commander chap. i. , ut a in realit arasti an caret e S generat'. Cu. III. flI Q. Meritis valebat ho is the abi. here sed l-2. Give an instance rom Cic.-3. Xplain

Negligens imperii opp. diligens imperii. Chap. L


CO NON, GH. IV. 22,

4 l. Mihi vero e explain the vero.-2. HOW OuidyO translate mihi vero into Gree Τ

pers Orm this eremony of the barbarians. The State, bywhicli nam commissioned is accustome to command

CΗ. IV. 1 1. What tonso is judicaverita Pr.

Intr. 18.4-2. O What is negavit equivalent l-3. Goveri daret.

mirari instea os quod, or ace. illi infin.-us, aster θαυμά ιν. 4. Mir a bar, si tu mihi quidquam asterres novi. Ter Phorm. 3, 2, 5 Non miror, si qui comedunt bona. M. Ep. 1, 15, 39. 5. Inducere is mostly used in uiud Sense. 3I a. Nulla mora est in or per me rhanem objection, Or certainly. 2. The person prostrated himselfiefore the hing. 3. Adorare Conon a regio auspectu et colloquio prohibitus est, quod eum more PerSarum adorare nollet. 6, 2, 13. 4. The Greeh it is sed of those hos term is quoted e g. Osthe Perstans, Datam. 8, 2 of the Greelis, Cim 3, 1. 5. Whenti translatos a foreigii expression into an unusua Latin One.


2 1. What is imperare aliquid alicui I . What

ure naves longo I

4 I. What is deprimere '-2. What is the corre- Spondin intrans verba


What the word is it sed, here it Seem Superflu- Ous Τ-2. ive an X ample rom te. O potius-malle. -3. ive a simila instanc in re ek.-4. What is conStituere in constituere auctoritatem y-5. What is thecorre Spondin intransitive to constituere '

2 I. illi praestare, und with comparatives V. 747. 2. Illud peto, ut-hominis ipsius ornamenta ad iumento cauSoe potius, quar impedimento esse malitis e pro Balbo, T. 3. μαλλον with tρεῖσθαι. in To establis his influenco i. e. fici sasirin that it could hardi bo ov0rthrown i. Constare. 3 It is the verbum proprium os a magistrate, Commander, &c. Sendinclari Summoning an inferior to appear besoro his, muccount os Somo publieausiness.



CH. I. 1 1. Whnis genere in the abi. ithout a preposition Τ Them. I, 24, 6. J-2. ive instances s

implicare in the sens eis dein connectes With.-3. X-plain utraque tyrannide Dionysiorum.-4. What does superior means and give instance of thi us age. -5. In hat ense do e Nep. Se implicitus a the past


2 l. Distinguishielmeen propinquitaS, neceSSitudo, nitas, consanguinitas.-2. Bes re hat consonant is ab sound l-3. Why, probably, is it used here Ingenium docile, come, aptum ad artes optimas: Xplain come here a epithet O ingenium.-5. What in os beaut is generali expresseda dignitas ' Them. 6, IJ 6.J-6. In non minimum is more Ordes Sald than is

CR. I. 1 2 omnibus, qui nostris familiaritatissus impli-

eantur, Cic. Balb. 27, in ita diu laeti, ut multarum celatum oratoribus imp lic arietur Id. Brut 47, 174. So imp lic/to a consuetudine et benevolentia implicatus amicitiis, fa- mitraritate, c. 3. The abstracta tyrannis is sed so thoconcrete tyrannus. 4. The eidem S superior Africanus, C. 2I Q. Dod necessarius. 2. Milt. 1, 5 Iaumann SuJSthat Cicero osten fecit besor c, d, j, . . o avoid unother a terminatiou. 4. Ingenium includes both disposition undabilitias come relates to tho disposition animus; the thor epithesis to abilities mens. hen ingenium is oppose to animus, i


reatly meant '-7. What nam is iven in gramma to

some editor re ad instead os commendatur '-9. Howdoes Dalino explain and justis commendatur f3 1. What inood do etSi, quamquam, quamvi re- Spectively usualty goVern Pti Intr. U. on 6 p. 221.J-2. What is necessitudo I-3. What is the classical Word sor enen, O stili mitti comparative. Whatis iis usual position Τ-4. What Ord Was sed by laterwriter Τ-5. What is the meanin os salvum studebat -6. Is Studere illi the accusativo usual l 4 l. Legationes quin essent illustrioresu hy Sessent in the subj Pr. Intr. i. 476.4-2. When is hoperSOn by hom an action is done translated noti a rab, buti per '-3. What is tho Orco os quidem ' Pr. Intr. i. 550. J-4. What is the sua mea in Os obire legationem '-5. Is sideliter administrando is no meresya gloSS, that is, an explanation hic has crepi into the text) ho must diligenterio explainod with obire

takes the narrower meanin os abilities. Asioweve tho Romans di not malae so har a distinction, as e do, between abilities and disposition the ne ord ingenium hieli Xpresses both collective lyaere receives epitheis hicli e liould reseruo disserent mentalendowments. . Commendat se hominem se amabilemfacit, gratum acceptumque reddit. 9. II say that tris talien recipro- catly recommendes itfeis; an compares nulla re una magis Oratorem commendari quam verborum splendore Cic. Brut.

but it is no common illi an other accusative, and Di probablethat esse houlda here inserted'. 4 2. Whon tho actio is donea his instrumentalitu. 4. I hough it reali denotes only the underia in os tho embassy, it is usuali extendedi acto includo the whole manne os conductingit. 5. rem thinhii denotes Euchis illin active manner, os accepting the post os ambassador us Would show the person to ba

Bremi has the esse. Jauman encloses it in a parenthesis.