장음표시 사용
wide a compas Would ye have pleaded soryour ceu sica commission to b extended, had ye e πω hos light concerning the equalis his of men, and the incompetencyo human authorit iis the things of religion, im hic the worldaath been hie since our time, by the labours of
clear ideas on an ecclesiastica subject com
. rear I7ysto his lamente deast, and amaappy in payingiuis tribute es honour an gratesul esteem to his memory.
bimops, to e sent acros the Atlantic toreceive a powe and authorit of appotntingor ordaining teacher of the gospei, hi cliother is the could 'no have exercised with benefit or effect and this to b Conveye to them, throuo the Iaying onis the hand of christia minister in England, o a particular nam an description sup- posed to derive thei peculiar privilege and
porier, In a regular, uninterruptest descentand succession Do the postles. Anxit is a matteri Wonde to any, that severa large province of that eis
Worid, after having contende so intrepidiyfor thei civi independency, should subjectinemselves to the havin chain put ponthei mind and consciences, the heavies ofallisthers, and indin them po their posteri , b consentin particulari to the great afferationio made in thei seurth artici os religion in orde to en gag the en-glisti bissiops to consecrate the persons sent
by very many of iis own members, o standinareat need os a reformation in both theseruspectS. As to apostoli succession or an virtue
respexi baptis and the ord' supper, the lalter of hicli has been o astoniminglyperverted froin the simplicit os iis originalinstitution there is mo round rom the scripture, o froin early antiquity, D to appropriat the ministrationis these ordinances. to the teacher of the gospei, save what aroseseo propriet an decorum, and o that account ver rightly tote attended to: ut that other vise, laymen, hos that were notteachers of religion in lit officiate by them-selves in these ordinances illi qua voia effect . I doub no theresere ut that the member of the first episcopa churchi Boston
orae this subjed discussed urit great learning and accuracy in Bolimeri dissertationes juris ecclesiastici, particulari de coitionibus christianorum ad capiendum cibum de jure lateorum sacerdotali, et de jure dandi baptismum.'
provexbyali qua judges, as havin exerted a proper christia spirit, and exerciadoni thos poWcrs hicli is apostolic practice an authorit belong to ever christian
son most deservedi chosen by them, to bethei minister and especiali after the and thei minister had shewn ali prope deser-
ence an condescension to received orderat, custom, in application to the ne americanaismops for r. reeman to avereceived ordination rom them, ut hichwas ot to e obtained without sueti submissons an declarations a the ospe of Christ condemns. An though, in theu formis ordination they have expressed that the naalliso objexto r. Freeman' hav- ingruis an piscopa ordination, it is to belioped that at the member of the congregation it se far verCome forme pre ' judices, a tocilae obemselves superior osuch weakness, in imagining that the handos a bimop an conve any thin to their
minister of hichie is notatready possessed.
November I 8, 787, aster evening rver, the Church-wardens came into the re ing des an havin placedMr Freema beta een them, me senior arden acquainaedine congregation it the designis the meet g. Adhortpinyer introduce the service, and then the sol Wing voleos ordination was read voted and signia, Boston 18m Nov. 787.
Voted that we, the wardens Vest , Proprietors, and Congregation of the Chapet, o Fir Episcopal Churchin Boston, do by virtve of the thir virile of the De- Harationi Right 'oreb solemni En Ordain, Constitute an Appiant, the Rev. Jamas Freeman o said Boston, Cierk, tome ur Rector, Minister, riest, Pastor, Teachin Elder, an Publi Trachesia preach the ordo God, and to dispense letans and instructions in Piet' Religiqn an Moralit' and to ministor the oly Sacra nenis to the Congregation, and se to do, perimm fiddischarge ali in other uties an offices, hic os rightbeton to any other tactor Annistor, Pastor, TrachingΕlder, Public Teacher, oririus inorders. Aiacit is hereb intended and understood that the Austorii and Right hereb given to the Rev. James Freeman, o betur Rector, Minister Priest, pastor, Teachin Elder, and ublic cacher, are to remes in ullsorce si longins e stat continue osmach the word a
was suggested Pam told by Governor B-doin, a member of the congregationis the
Moralit consormabieri our opinion an sent ents of Hiemes Scriptures, an no longer, and that our judg-ment of his no conforminxto ore religious sentiments and opimons mali be asteria ed by the voin os three urins of the wardens and Vestry, and of three-sourcts of the
and a majorit of the propriet sand congregatio of the cha l, orflast episcopal church in Boston. Aster the vote os ordination the ollowing was passed: Anxit is further vote stat is at an time hereaster, ordinatio by the impositionis hand stoma bimo incommon and usual sorm an procus d kr r. Freeman, wit ut sacrificing our Wn religio intiment to thoiso ciners, e in adopi stat method in confirmationis the present mode es ordination. r. F. then signified his acceptance of the election an ordination, and that he beta
the worist, is hom the plan was Communi caled, e re it Was put in practice, expres-
sed thei intire approbationis it Theyconfidere itis a revival of the sentiments whic prevalle in the churchesis that count , at iis firxsettiemetit. In the NewEngland lator os church discipline publislied by a synod in the ear 168 , itis aid ' ordination, e account nothing else, hut the solemi, puttingi a man into his place and ossice in the church, here-
unt he had right e re by election; bein like the installingis a magistrate
of the office doth consist the ma much more occasio an nee so requiring) impos hand in ordination, hichris test, and ut the accomplissiment of the
Every lover Diearning, 1ety, and truth, wiliciis at the nam os Loiae, the honoura ou country, and of our universit in particular, e fons of Lm howeve uri ustly expelled Dominis place among you, in try-ing times by arbitrar pO er. In Dur studious, mad Walks, andi ves,ost visited and made sacred by him, he meditatexandilanned his first immortal ork; in Whicli, illi thought profound he explored an delinealed the principies, and elements of human no lege, an howbest to conduct the miud in the starch and
Nor didie more excell in thus investigat-ing, and teaching the use of our natural re soning po ers, than in destrying, and potnting out me proper application of them, to the
lles, an commentaries an notes ponthem, re a nobi monument.
In religious opinion e a stricti unitariam; olding the supreme, omnipotent Father tote God alone, an no the personaesides him. What he thought at large, concerning the imposition os creeds, and articles offaith, b human authority, is ste in his