Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


a ast accumulationis evidence, unknoKnbefore, quo prove the truth and the antiqui , as he himself speaks, of the properunitaria doctrine, in opposition to the trinitaria an aria hypotheses ' deriving. bis information Dom the fir sturces only,

st με The histor of early opinion con ming Iesus Christ, compiled stomoriginat writers proving that christian chur ch was at sestunitarim, in Bur vols. 786.'


i. That besoreae e the way, we ereali much in confuson, and hadiso distinet ideas concerning that great Corruptionis thesospei, and of genuine christiani , called Phiani ues mea the doctrine which mahes Jesus Christrio have been a great preexistent spirit, ex to the eterna God, and derivin his ein stom him; ho condescende to come into his ori of ours, an to animate a human Ody, shrunkDom his origina dignit an power, rstinio the state of an embrio, ex into that


becam rational, c. c. This doctrine, hichinas no Countena Cein the scriptures, ut in a very se passages, of plaint Wron interpretation, Dr. Ρriest,.le has prove noto have been nown in the christia church, ill about the time of Arius and has likewisecihewn that thedoctrine of the latonic fallier concerning

Justin artyr, or bout his time, and hasbeen istae formi, a qui te notherthing Christ, accordin to them, o be- inna superangelic spirit, animatinna humansody, ut the logos, the wisdom o reasono the divine eing, his attribute, hichthes philosopher made a person os, and which, accordin to them, ore the fame relation to the ather, that the platoni νους, which was thei secon principie, ore toth fir principie, usuali calle αγαθος O rathe were the fame illi them Thisthe hel to e intimatet unite to Iesus Christ, ho was stilla man, in thei system, with a bod and seu like the est osus. 63 I must

b In the sin sectionis the conclusionis The historro the early opinion conterning Jesus Chres, via iv. p. 273,


must wn that this ild, abstracted perversio of the me scripture-doctrine concerning Christ is to me les exception- le, an les repugnant to reason, Ianthe aria doctrine concerning him; hichisin heamo incongruous staggering improbabiliti es, fio beginning to end whetheryo suppos the reat preexistent spirit, which was mutis in a humanaoh of flemand lood for so ears, o have been the Maeand principalis createdaeings, and the subordinate creator of at things; or, oneo an inferior class, with inferior po ers a The di inctis of the opinis of the GH writer fom ibat of the common eo- ρώ Was neve besere observed by any one; and eing a thin wholly unknown to the fir Socinians the were exce inglyembarassed in the defence of their sentiments, an Oint of antiquity. ut eaere se thestemingua and chasmille up and that the doctrine of the postles concerning their divine

yo have a lea and distina aceolint of the iaceessive gradations of this platoni doctrine, ill it ende in males


divine asser ein altogether ne of the human race, as ais the doctrine os allthos that ero immediates taught by and suaceede them, a se speculative me excepted, ho ouldie is above Gai .as

3. The varie , o curiolis no lege of facts an opinions containe in his orwathe illustratiocis of the oriental philosophraand the doctrine o Platonis in particular


ho eve turne out much se e than could have been imagined, and non of them in the least asseetinihi main propositions and conclusions though he has been tot os them in an untiandsome Way. ut in haleve way it ma come, it illae acceptableto his to hear of ab error or versghis, b the of greater or malle consequence. With respeet to theran orthy insinuations ossem men, ali thalano inny thingi Dr. Priestio, belleve an are persuaded that hewould a seo beauit is obbing on thehighway, as of designesi mi uotin ormisinterpretin an passage in an antient writer to deceive othera, and servo the pur- post os a private pari or opinion. Forae has no interest in te , ut that o truth, nor an desires butuo have that in the best Way promoted and establimed.


TH E prope busines os a rationa creais

ture is to mari inquir after the benevolentio e that made his, and to findiui in What manneri may best recommend himselfio his sevo .


ample of seges of antient and modern times, o have ought the great creator in his vo-hime o nature, here ver insin herbland



venerabis malis, belong no eo Ioue grves ce

Creatures, o mata them subservient infusefulto inch other.

a Let me notinere pass ou ver in silenee, Without most ardent vows sor our prosperit' e singa in os New Ciaeta, Haiane, s studious stata, not Without the stillsequestered wath, though almost istin the hearing of thebus tam os ste thronged metropolis: here yo are initiatia into the higher formsi leariann by her disserent pro fetars, without flavis subjection to the dirutes of fallitiemen in mur sentimenta, and wor imos the great Creatori Maryo ever Marai di m actjour paris,it propriet' digni , an insulaesi in Dur coulit , in our severat ranis an stations and mansome continuali stom mongyo go foris, and become the happyrinstruments in a longsuccessionis ages, o car in Enowlege an aris, virtuo an true religionisve the globe l