장음표시 사용
And yo ssiould the more earnem labbur aster the highes attainment in science, and the most ardent benevolance sorithers, cause mutno motrio What great and eminent degre of usefulnesi ou may be callia, in these great times, in hic mu live in this omning of a ne an Fiden age se truthand liberty, and reedom rom ver oppression, and serier po the human mi .
ΜA I hope, haesit a no in vat attempte in a forme addrest, o silence thealam iven o M a se Worth person unde narrow unliapo prejudices, of tangermae apprehendes Domin perusal of the works of 'tone man, rom hom a philosopher, metaphysician, moralist, an divine, there is much to e learned, o esse here to beseund ruinose lis is pent in investigatingand communicatin important truth to the rid; an in guarding an defendinii aD
ter ards, especiali in hat relates to the honour an sole ormimo the one oni true God an creatori es things, a taught y the oly Jesus), against those ho are sorke ingrumthelinoom os darknes se ever; and whoris achiared by the pure vie s to serve manhind in their est interem, an tostes end devotes his time, and thos powers with hich heaven hath distinguime him. There Wouldaeis en o referring ou to, an potatin out the excellenc of his Dumemus tracts himerio unmentiones. His His Lectur in Orator abound with curious origines matter an remarks, drawn rom thebest philosophy, and mar the inventive poWersos thes author. His Lectures minisor , area preliminar book to those studies, hic was wanted iniur languam, and is no equalita sis
asia more popular Work. Written
t an impulistis musta notingitie progressi religibus. opimons, accompanitawit reflections an observations o me and things, Peculiares a comprehensive in like his,
Yo mill erio great satisfactio an benefit in perusing his varius ritings in controverston theologica subjecis, ali in desence of rational and just sentiments of mora duty, andos the true character of God and of Jesus Christ, as inusti in the sacred Writings his Treatis o Education his Discou es Domine pulpit, hicli me in min&most enlidi enia, and that he has himself imbibe thetrue spirit aud temper of the gospes, hic hestrium to instili into others his Apperi, andat his esse places, c. &c. In a Word, that persen ill have madem smail advances in science an in virtve, ho has rein and wprove Dr. Priinle s Writings.
imate on in them, though here confinedio ne Only, viz. the person id character of
he was, in the id of the iit contro . versies that have been sor ages agitate con- ceminthim i the discussion involving in ito cour the question concerning the me
I, A mentertiined a desim alis of pro sangis yo some examples of the wron methodso explaining the sacria oracles, induce tolli observing the turn whicli an authorre . in a very public siluation, ad just then gruento many texis, relatin is God, and to Jesus Christ, and to thes lycipirit; and imagining that it might be of setrice to his and to his readere, to me the many mistatas into
the notioni a Trinis of three, scient, Ev- Ag, intelligent persons, Me foveret caussandis res fasi uino, a toriam this trinitarim doctrine to have been current besemine scriptures ere ritien, an to e sonecessar in explain them, that he scruples noto spea very magisteriali os, and evento censum tho sacre writings, is his ownchimerical notions remo tot admittes.
It says,r. Η-kins, p. 39, hi doC- uine. i. e. o Christ' divinity was the doctrine of the church, reviouu to the publicationis the holy rilings, the are sumienti fuli an explicit for the satis faction, o confirmationis christians os in ages is othemist, here is more Manenouo to perplex an mi uide them, an to ead Mem isto error of themo magnitude, This avowal of r. -kins that thedoctrine of Christ' divinit Was not sussicienti declare in the sacred writings, maesit evident that those ho receive ni Whatthos inrising teach, cannot argue With him,
In another place seon ater, he spe sis illi, litu respecti St. Paul, as he here
doctis the sacred writings, is the apostle does no allude to his imaginar trinio, of three intelligent, living persons It is in his re- marconia clare et speech, or apostolicat
Charge, as ou author calis it to the lders
scripture Therapostle, it mustae consessed, pe ks also of the holy spirit, as a porson, -- aestu, an appotntin person to particular
offices among them But the uniform tenoro St. Luta' languam in this book and of the linguam of the ibi throughout shews, that by the ho spiris iniuch instances, is nottote understood, a living, intelligent agent, but the extraordinar po- os God a that time e wed on christians, and by a Mycommon figure of speech, persenifies, O nos as a persen And thus the ho diris .i nesse in meo cis3 thar St. aut a to su LSer impriQnment, c. that is, it was signifiQ
whom aut addressed, superintendant of thechum, o congregationis christians at Ephesus; ecause the were appotiate to that ossice, by the postles, o by men that were unde a divine impulse, o the directionis
the hol spiritis God. You illiso judge of the propriet and
decorum os,r Ha hins' triniment of the apostierapon his occasion I we suppose, say ho p. III. his apostolica charge to have en desiveredio persens pre-infructedin the myster of the gospes, Urmabi to ur
tem concerning him, e notarue It will corroborate his has atready been Uvancta, Lysae, in his annotations p. 313. O re-
mar farther, that i Jesus Christ be any
to aim a me hiise attainments os virium and sortitude in suffering in the cause of truth, he declares is a divine authority Rev. iii a L. To his that vereometh, EI grant to sit wit me in m throne, me a I also ver came, aniam et domn ira m ather On his throne. Here, by the way, o se theground of Christ' exaltation, hastve is ob undeinood is it namely that it Washis consumiate virtve an obedience to the supreme ather; hic maas, without all ubi his creature-like condition and this language he ines concerning himself in thestate of his highest exaltation in heaven. As to the divine honou and wormippaid to the lessed Jesus, hic Μr Hawkin ignoranti rechon se much upon, it isno more than has been, rom early times, andis stili give in his mollier ary, to nam noother. An is, in both cases, it e equestyundue and condemnabie, ecatae imCommande in scripture, an contrar to the first of the coniniandments of God givento Μoses,
and republimed and recognized by Jesus Christhimself it canae no credit to esther of them, whils it is a disgrace to their orstuppers ortheir