Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


, e me here is no God I xl. s. lv. S, 6. In the midst of the frequent devotional dresses, scattered throughout these two volumes of Dr. Ηorne' upon the psalms, althoughiesides Jesus Christ there is noster God ostennamod; et Phoenot observia oneinstance of prayer ein os redis to that

This ver circumstance, vis the use of the singular pronom, eneve God speias, o is ad essed, o nomia, is Vel fani demonstration stat there is but one single person hois God, to the exclusioni Jesus Christ, and of alnostere. There is no taking refuge here in a retended revere e forGod, and saying, stat, ought notet pry itheto curious e scinio the divine nature For a theloint in quention is consesse not to Minowablea nature'clio autinae of di'ine revelation, e must stud me orta hichconve it in us and examine them a We do the wordso any other booksa and they, me thus see, pon the face of them, and praest, o the stricte scrutin' are mund tostach cte divine unit in the most absolute sense, stat tiarais one I mah, andbis nam me. Zech. iv. 9.


os in these commentaries. From ha sturcessee e Dr. Horae derived this vorstii and praetice, it is nodice

talol to e found in the bible, and them sore is most reprehensibie is that sacreabook is toto regarde astu standar ana directorΥ,

I OPE novit, e virtuous outh, and diligent inquirer after truth, that it is notio much sor mea presume, that the fore-


finxalso that ou have o menti e seme facts Whic stould have been made known torus. Forahat se farrare things frem Minyrightly constitutes it res et to echurin's articissand liturn, MFou Would mahe us bellave, that ome of the wisest in best members cit, have istita foriand ondeavo Ire in promote a resormationi many things of great consequenm, and. among these scrine of the learne me thalare noW po the episcopaliench. , must conclude therelare, that theway of authori , and of submitting to the decision os allible me like urselves, in What concern our hol religion whichyo propos torus, is no the wayi arrivio a the truth, in the judgmentis persens of higher an in the church than Iouinis and medear, that it has Men therealis that se is many am iis progress Mabeen retarded.


reasqn forcit.' Although, do not dissita antri and Molier in usseason, and admire mur talent in this respect, e domo thincit a propermanos making repl to hat is supportes

by reason an serious argument, and there

me are to in to three persons, o tori opersons, orint to nes Anyalso to procure at the satisfaction e an concemingine character of the God that made us, and


Universi s. 333 and the nature of his divine administration twhetheraeae, of himself, perfectly good,

and mercisul, and benevolent: and not standinii need of another person to mae him hin and largivincto his frau, repentingcreatures of mankindu hicli appeis to bemur opinion. M ou frequently accuse those thalare callia Socinians, of torturing the language of scri ture, and stretchiniit to quite another meaning than the sacred writer intended. ut esea this accusation will recollipon mutaeis. For it has been provexupon Iou, ει, thatrouhave notheen lassiciently attentive to acquaint yourself criticali With the sacria writius. a yo Would have done in orde to interpretanidem Horace, or a passage in Tacitiis. or Thucydides To this, cannotaut attributeaour having mistahen se many texis in the bible, an particulari your having been se much verseen in the sense hichyo have ut pon si Hur episti totae hebre s. It is this antis a prope and critical study of the sacred writings that we fear, has mad yo intiret to vertoo the true condition


dition and character of Jesus Christ, is a tomahemim the supreme God Whilst he seemsso plaintrand continuuinto declare himself,

an is declare throughout the scriptures. to have been one o our race, an a mightyprophe and messenge of the great God. M ut Sir, havmost os ali astonistes us,

.hom the sacred writers of the psalm -- Messed themselves. e cannot divine, hoWyo canae satisfie in his, he there is no any the lea token or signis it tolegathered, rom the book of psalms, o any other of ou sacre books. 1 omare e toreconcite his Nur prasn oni to Iesus



ΗΑvIN omitte the mentio of this utor of Dr. Priestley's in iis proper place. When recommending to ou his theologica

writings, Iahali ake the present opportunῖ of s incismethingo it the o curious and valvabis of them ali and Prisque nothin in adding that it could oni hoe cute in the manne is has Men done. M a superior genius, lihe his o no and alisone, so much patient, unremittis indust , could ad st man ingenisus devices and mechanical arrangement to abradgehicla ur in serting the vast materials h Bre him so acto finisti in a seW years, hae ould have required very an in the ordinar Way, without uel invention. ΗΕRETO ORE, many christians, horia- stat there Wasio Aundation in the scripturessor


thing more than a man wit an extraordiis,

tians, Converted by the postles themselves,

di no belleve either the divinity, o the preexistence of Jestis Christ From hichit is indubitabi to e inferred that thoapostles neve taugh lach a doctrine con- cerning Christ a it is out os every degmoand limitis probabili , that the whoiadbeen taught y them, mould have so -- mediatet deserte thei doctrine, rapon



es Deoities. 337 matter se important. An he me exiliis opinion ' have been a fir nearly universalamong gentile as et ascie ista christians, these se philosophizing men excepted. Η also potnte out by What eps thesemen mere dra n on to mahe Jesus Christthe supreme God; hich, in the pace of three centuries, the accomptistaed butoould not, at the while, bring the bul of

ley, latet promote to the ste of St. David's, much distinguime himself thoughbymo means to his credit it learned men,

and judges of the subject. For perhapsthere hardi eve was an instance, in hicha controverfiat writer Wasio intiret bassied, and confute in very thin advance byhim, both srom scripture, an early antiquiu, to invalidate Dr. Priesti 's positionsi