Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


iead christians superstitioust educates, totain that it is a divine person, that is herespoken of the word ιυρια ad been transsaredistin, Mi spirithas it is immediatet ater, and alWays ought to e themo ordinar understandin Would havesten, that it is no a divine person, another God here intended, ut the divine poWe or spirit o God, hich was imparte tothe posties. The postle eter' Worda impar only this that the attemptin todeceive person inspirex ith the hol spirit, a notiaret an attempto deceive them, ut God himself, ho ad giventhem suci extraordinar pomers. The famous Athanasius himselfisee Dr. Clar 's Scripture Doctrine os the Trinity, p. 44. gives here the followin interpretation.


nis person in the HOL TRINIT here, nu bring the same long illi them som theiriwn invention for the apostle Peter assuredi kne nothin about lach

a Person, ne among three


lage any the person a Gods, o more person than ne the wormi a different God Dom the apostles Ρeter also speaking in the nam es theniali describes Jesus to their uter a a man. , in alI respects one of thelam n nation, hohad been unrighteoust putri an infamo

with extraordinar favour, in m Jcinthim his instrument in bringin men to virtve and eternal lise.

Yo observe here again an entire confutatio of the heathen polytheistic doctrine, fir brought in by Justin artyr,

an retailed by a great partis christianwriters and commentator since, as .ili beshewn here ter Whicli made Christi a diri vine erson, ho spolie to Moses, and

thera. ut the apostles mahe them a different as admoured human creature canhe rom iis infinite cre/tor. v. a. Ancisse in the templa, ηd in me houfe, Me ceased noto leae an iopreare esus Christ, or a Bissiop earceput it, thalaesus is the Chris . Their doctrine concerning Iesus as that he was the


offence, had stilia Iesus, Ver. 37, rese in to Deut xviii. IS. 8. a prophetistiunt Moses, ne of THEI brethren, is Versa that,st man and at the moment they

i Ain sui lapide tienne, Deependant i inuoquest Iesus en es termes, eigneu Iesus, receve mon sprie, i Ensant translates ver 59.


God equat o him: si hellae his PQ plication to Jesus, at this time, as novo in to the impression of the visio heha been avoured ith, a se minutes besere, in hichae had see Jesus presentio im, an a suci destre his proteC-tion, Without conceivin him to e any

other than a human creature extraovdi

narii favoured by the Almighty. This

being one, after Eme interva more orlest, his indieiniles agitated an more reconected, o let his murderer se Withmhat disposition toWard them e enuout of the worid, he neeled do n, it

yine orgivenes of thema therein heWing the


lar Praye to God, at the moment of his death, Luhe xxiii. 34. Facter, orgive them, for Iho no no .hat the do. ould further observe, that the sacre historian, St. Luke, ould have ut Stephen' two invocations the first, o Iesus, the second.

of God more distinct and apari, fine hadentertaine an suspicion, that christians could eve have fallen in to the deplorabie error of mahingiuis divine aster, the sonos man, Iesus of Nazareth, the most highand eterna God. Acts viii. An Gho Rasi declare his generationy33. Some supposie, that rom his passage in Isaiah liii Philip tavght the eunuch, that Christ was the eternat sonis God BishopLowthaoweve render the passage, ad the manner of his life who mouid declares

ver justi rejecting the sua renderitig

and supposed sense of the words, hicli itha been customaryrio produce a a Proosos Christ' preexistence, rom the times of Iustin artyr to uri n. ut the right



that he is the in that ent by the nameos Jesus, i. e. ho a seW years besere mas horn, and had his inode ominis eareh. ut the christia mori ham re almos Domthera Cassiamed of him in that character. It is to be hoped that man Me mmmmm-

lu Isai liii. . Et generationem ejus quis enarrabit. Jmisquis attento animo ea quae hic precedunt et sequuntur, respexerit, videbit haec verba intelligenda esse de summa ampietate generationis istius, in qua vixit Christus, et quo

rum conatibus in crucem actus est. Hoc tamen non ἡ-

stante, Patres fere omnes ab initio sententiam Hieronymi Mnplexi sunt: cujus haec sunt verba Dupliciter hoc Ἀ- telligitur, aut enim de divinitate eius accipiendum est, quod impossibile fit divinae nativitatis nosse mysteria aut de partu virginis, quod dissiculter possit exponi. i. e. Whomer attentivel considers the connectio of the passage. .ill see that these inotas are potan conceming the great im- pietros rhat generinionis me in .hich Christ lived, and by whomae a crucissed . Nevertheles Hmost ait the fiat re from theaeginning have embraced Ierem' interpretation, says The orta re tinen in a twosold sense for the are toleranderBγω, either as speahing of his divi- nity that it is impossibi to comprehen the mysteries os his divine generationa oris his miraculous conception of a virgin that it ca very dissicultly be explained. Whitby, stridi a Patrum, P. O ,


- Universites. I inxto disse just sentiments of hini, hich

Acts ix. Andare he hau auctorius ob chies 34. I. prioti, to biniali that callis thyiame. Is ηοι Mis he whita de via them, His calledon his name in eo lem ' It is evident, that the followers ofChrist, are thostilia Mehere polienis ut it mill bellain to everyone, that St. Luke could no inten indefine themas a in os men, ho meredistinguished by the circumstanc os prayingro Christ, hic the oes come in urenglis transtrion; ec se, eister in his

nor in his his secon treatist, Me Acts, domine everi e denominate Chast, God, o the object of Wayer, o any thim ap- machinnis it: ut omine contrary both in this and in his semer mois, he describes the Lor Iesus M a humanteire a crea ture, an mos devout orstippe of God

himself, and expressi directing his soliowers

'ronsi transtate in his place Andit


name, i. e. Christians.

I this hoci stem to e an ars though it is no an unusus constructioniftheria age, there is nother, mentioned

fetu See a Dissertationi prayindito Christ. p. 96. 7. x Dr Hammon interpret a Cor. i. a. not, hos that in very Ilace ali uston ibe nam of Jesu Chri ou Lord, hut at that in very lae are eam by the -- of Jesus Chri ou Lord; understandiniit ac descriptionis Christiansa and says that the iam phrase, Acts ix. i . ixto beranterprete in the fame manner. It is a like periphrasis, ordescriptionis christians, hic is sed in the scillo ingliaees, Rom. v. o. Pstrived to preata the gospei, - bere Chris quarao named i. e. here there eremo christians et Tim m19. et emer one Fat namet the nam V Chris depare rom iniquity, i. e. very christian. ames ii. 7. o nost lea blaspheme that moribu name, hic, ear caiady


universites. IO9 Acts by a I leamed ingenio Iersen, as seg- geste M a seiend against Whicli there canlye no objections and whic amounts othe fame, by adopting another mell-known sense of the fame phrase, an a sense in whic it is sed severa times by a St. Luke in his book. n this is, haesit si id signis thos that appea to th name,

i. e. achn lege thine aut ri , est them-selves christians; hom it a the sacredhistorian's designo destribe in suta a generat Way. I may be ope then, that this passage of scripture Will neveri produce again, as encourugin prayer in Christ.