Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


Pearce' note an a Vei just amendmento our ensisti transsation. What now must

necessar amendment of our tranflation.

this person, as he appears to have beenalready a belloen Ming mentionedier. 32. as. One of the Dinis. i. e. christiant, stat


os all9-The apostle acquaint this romanmilitar ossicer, an his frienci, ereis of them of the race of the gentiles thathe was noW convinced that God the common parent of mankiud, id not confine his favis to j-s, to ne nati monly; but that in Ver nation the pious and

b Jesus Christ, Whom, though a P se of


oppressed of the devia formo mas mira

other meni extraordinar divine poWeri, whicli enataediim to do many miracul Scures, an to heal some of the mos inveterate diseases, vulgari ascribe to an evit

Mathen converta re here tau t that God is the compassiionate ather of the whole ma raceu that Jest Was a man of the jewissi nation, in a most extraordinar man-

ne giste an qualita by him o servehis benevolent purPosses, and that thes lyghost,


that Ver samelower, hic Peter immediasti aster mentions torame . been im-Partes, Ver. 43. 44 in ah inserior degree, to this roman mer, an his attendanis, ho mere allisious persons, ani beeame

convince of the trulli os the go et, ponthis occasion.

to the gentiles. The audience a com


Israel; irris Iesus hae been an other inana human creature, invested mith hio pomer fiomahat God Pavi md Barnabas cannot be suppost is have been se negligentand sorgetful a nodito have tori thesi j xand heathensi sic extraordinar a the are quite silentis these sub jects it ma certaint be concluded that not only the themselves, ut the res of the possies, ita, b divine admonitionhad depute them in his service, ne. nothing of them. Atys xiv ne the pris of pior, actost satis


vii. 23. Aia Paul, as his nonne mas, men in


di. to lis again and that Iesus, hom hae

here acquaint his Athenian audience, in the mos expres te s that the ounderbs our religion mas one of the humanam that ha been appottite to an important office an depariment unde God cliestvereign creator of es thims whomadgive the fullest attestation to the character an mission of this his divine mesi strager, is misimhim medit to fetaerius unjust condemnation and death. From the declarationis St. Ρaul in die histhens ac stra and here to the Ath


a Col. i. 6. Si ex Epistola ad Ephesios interpretarIdebeamus quae hic habentur, ut praestantissimi interpretes con sentiunt, intelligenda haec sim de nova creatione sive constitutione mundi per adventum Christi, et praedicationem evangelii Eph. i. Io, si Io--ris sit. 9. iv a .--porro hie


uia the Word, laureate, is sed in disserent senses by the sacred, itera; and that thesreation intendedi St. Paul, in this epis. cle to the Colossians, is thesea changean re Wal of thims, in the mora state

of the oriri brought ab'ut by the gospes of Christ. 3 viii. a. bis fellam persuadet men to mors contrar to the lais It is most probabis. an has been the sentiment of judici sctristians that this is es a genera m lictous accusation thrown ut against Paulb his countrymen, as fae Was 't 'be classe amore them, of thei religion, ho 4 e peculia privileges stom theroman emperora hut that he mas a manthat introduce amis religion, and there-sore


rmo iniversius. I9 Acts fore mas notrio de tolerate ac longingto them. his homeveris Id no have deserved nolicet me on this occasion, flame person hadio lates supposta and maintainta, thai aut Mas ac sed here osteaching the adorsitionis Christ, a God Men a suppost hae the platae butinere is no proo that aut ver motior that his countrymen accused him of mything of the sorti is doctrine vas unis mi the reverse that Iesus M a per- sonos his omisation, highly favoured ind. distinguished by Almight God the sole

creator of at things, and es obieet of the devout orcii of his creatures. viii. 28. Forrae mistio mutauia thebems, andrea publiesu, seisivi the fcriptures, ibat Ieses a Me Chris. o leam here, that this eloquent an leamed man, Apollos, aster that the ma os God, i. e. the doctrine of the spei, ad eo expoinde to hi more remeat , id not tem his counumen that Iesus asinam hi God, or an thing inove in conditionis a man; but that he was a person honoured by him in an extraordinar manner, as his great Prophet ad messenger via. the Christ.