Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


The able and just no mentioned, p. 36.hath abundanti vindieate the transtation heregivem an ham stem mitti ha exactnes the passage, incit' severa paris, applies to the character and sitffering of the future messiis.

Ieremiali xxiii. 6. Instea of eadrati in the name bis is the nam sy

onheathen an philosepher besere his conversion, grasted manys his eathen philosophie notion um the bible. He Maheen stem bove to have been the first inventor of the doctrine of Christ' preexistence.


is in his power in recove tho vhomae lauiis into or confirme in suc gros errore.


in agreement Willi Theodotion, and the interpretation o Iunius and Tremellius, c. From ur Wron transsatio of the prophetlamotas, an persons myWould inser, that the A1-might being here declares Christ' equalit tollimself. that he was his fell--God. Matthe xii. 3I.

the cal themoly Ghost, as here intende to

P. IIo.


Instea of


comet into the moriae He was in re moria, and the moria mas mades his, and the moria ne him not. e cameunto his omn, and his omnreceived his not. ut toa mav as received him, to them gavera pomerito,eeome the fons o God, men to them that bellaveon his namee hic, merebor no of buod nor of


It has been prove in the se e partos this Work that this rendering of the term logos, which, transsate Mord by Urim is just, and proper and potnted ut by the scripture iself

For allistitera, antiendi is modern agre in thei sentiments that St. Iota alludes o Solomon' descriptionis Wisdom, Prov. viii. althoughthe greater par of theminave ive a Wrong tum to an constructionis this logos, Vor o Wf-dom, an have made it a divine persen, nother God of hich, as has been cie . Solomon knem notiting. Neithe had St. Joh an idea offo monstrous a thing, a mother God, monstrousto aciem; tu intende only aster Solomon'amanner, o describe the ne, aeremia, iam lilyBeing, b his attribute os Wi om, the Miter todeclare, an ii a more strihin Way, that thegista of a divine Udom and pomer Were in a minextraordinar degre communicate in Christi so


-- man, andri, et among us in the periones the hol Jesus. this lares Was a Vei prope prefac anaintroductio in his histor o Christ, an a very satisfactor account hy the postle chos tot init in his singula manneri That the evangeli eouid not possibiy intend tohol seri Christ unde the name, logos, Morri Ut am, as a preexistentaeing, and secon God. has been heWn i. ' his neverri ining concerning Christ, noreve introducin Christi ining of himself, that die had me existe in a solvier stateras God: a. ut o the contrary, he describes Christinisorinly as aman, lihe thera, an particularly, iner our Lota' resurrectio an exaltation in heaven, his postlecioins illi est his sellowapostidi in declaring Jesus to have been ne os

the humanaace, and of their -n nation, illi extraordinar pomers, and credentials Dominimi tyGOd, as a prophei and repeatedly, as his hi est titie ascit ere, Iolin and the other apostles stiletheir divine master Godbservant. Actsii. q. a.

So that e have fuli demonstration, that theevangelist, St. Iota di no belleve his divinemine to e any osten than a human creatureo

and theresere neve could inten to speia os him