The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


tion Hurryin and procrastinatin by turus, at ne momen rasti, at another tremulous, ometimes dissident, somelimes irasciuie, there asine perVad in Sentunent


and examine it Accor ingly the otii genti pressedupon e thoib, inflictin a in puncturo rom thotremulous movement of the oint, a minute atom ofblood like a deW-drop, started to the sursace of theskin and the simple Psyche, ounded by an arro ofth God of Lovo beeam more namoured than Ver. Overoome by the ense of her good sortune, an insatus ted more an more very moment, he leant in excessis tendernes oVer the ros dei , trembling and

Oh rasti, audacious lampi love' vile minister, that


pendage scit mereri his stight, ill satim compelled horrio selinquisti her hold, and sh sol in despui to


Whicli Psyche, o oon 8 sh becam cogniZant of the circumstance, immediatet sent a message to her sisterto annome her arrival Accordis yrahe was speedilyintroduced into her sister' presenoe and after the had mutuatly embraced each other, and the so sis salutation ere ver her sister ashed her hat Was in cause


When in forme les the cit of her domicile Psyche departed also, and continuin her Wandering eourSe, arrived in a se days at nother city, here in themanne the other sister Was residing With tho hing, horhusband in his dominions Tho ther sister, in likemanno Min the first, haring interrogated Psyche, and Psycho havinitudine also into the nare by the fame inveiglin reply, he solioWing the ther' example, and emulous of beeoming the spous of Cupid and supplantisther ounge sister, hurried immediatoly to thoroch as the ther ad done and there et a similar