The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


taled, and sorinwith called togother a large assemblage of his frionds, in ordor o consul them relativo to the limit os his boundary. Among those ho illinglyattended the summons, ready to assis in his dimouityan doson his right to tho utinos of thei poWer,

mero the fons of ur host, the three brother above mentioned.

When the cottagor appearod in his ricli ne Obour'spresonee, With ali his auxiliaries, tho cruei man was byno meatis davnted nor confused a tho sight os o manypeoploe and When the cottager egan militi to expostulato, an do ali ho ould o pacisy his sistorous disposition, o sar rom promisin to abstat in futuros ominet os rapine, he Was even nable to confino his tongue t civit langvago. He Wor by the lis of his mos dear relatives, and by his si liso that noughtho cared sor in mediators, and ould mali his servant dra the cottago by the ars rom his holise, and thrus him ut of the ountry. A the bove threat, the ind of at tho hoarer mero filiod illi indignation, and Without a moment' hesitation, ne four host' three fons olyhim pia ly that tho liborat pomer of the a Was Strong, and ould protectino oo si om in insolene of a ealthy tyrantlik him. No oonor ad the ouin pronouneud thelalter ordes, than in truculent spirit of tho thorbecam roused to a pitch of insanit an ascis struch


Annulatos. ' his ord appears in the Francsori edition, 1621. Tho Paris Delphin edition 1648, substitutes ahim- natos, ' Whic quit alter the ense.


Sueli ere the sanguinar event Wisich, relatinito thorans ortunate amit of themaster of the house, erenotini annotinoed by the messenger, but by the portentous phenomen aboVe related. o oon a thes tui intelligetice a communicated to the unsortunate old man, heleister littered a single ord nor hed atear, but, verWhelmed by the concurretice of so great

missortune ali together, he silenti tos the esse ho


inju , he had shis ted his hol o tho vino stic inorde to leave his lauti With a largeano at therapper