The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


354 DETERMINATION TO PRODUCE Eoo X. Services, an havin pald to the reedman, m instructor, a largo additiones Sum os money, ver undabove tho price at hichae bought me determinod toproduce me a one of the public perso ors of theamphitheatro, at the ensula Speetaele. Mean ite his resolutio of muster a thesoure to me of no triuing degre os ineasiness, and


Boox X LUCIUS A THE AMPHITHEATRE. 355tions and tho an eos, hicli composed the sirs portionof the entertainment, ore concluded There sor a


sound of a rumpet, ad camerio a termination. So oon a the danein Was Ver preparation Were immediatoly commonoed sor a dramatio specta te repre


in toWard the hepher youth in aecordaneo illi patholic modulations of the flute, expresse hersed by tranquilinasse ted ostiires, ascis to solicitis Paris stupalmis beauty, and promis him asin reWard dominionove the sentire Asiatio territory. ex came thewarliko Goddos Minorva, lihewis attende by tWo


' Henc perhaps the originis the bagpipe.


an artistieat ance. Moreover, presently Whilo theliearis of the spectator more charmed With tho sound of


360 DESCRIPTIO O THE SPECTACLE Boo X. the judgmonis of more modern times are not essheinous. Didio tho celebrate leader of the ro0hs,sor Xample, alio v Palamedes, renowned sor isdomand earning to sal a sacrifice to salse accusations and

nam is veneraled, and seet stoemo the mos con-dueiVerio consummate happiness, by the mos egregious philosopher of the present da 3 ut, reader, est, callin me to account sor his oviburs of indignation, thou mayest Xelaim, 'Tis a thingi ea rabie to car

So oon a Paris had dolivored his udgment, uno an Minerva retire vexed an angrydrom the Stage,shoWin by appropriate gestures indignatio at inela repulso. Venus o the contrar testis 3 in her o by


iube o the summi of the mountain, and risin to a considerable Uight, prinkle on iis descent tho backs of tho hilo ouis With an odoriserous hoWer, thattingin thoi coala illibelloW, improved thei beautyan diffuse iis fragrance ver the entire pace of the Cavea Thon, as is Wallowed ii in a chasin of thoearth, the whole mountain disappeared. An no the dramatio performances ein entirebconcluded preparations ore immediatet commeucedwithin tho amplaitheatro sor a spectacle of another description A i male crimina recenti condemne bytho sentence of the resecto b throw bosor Wildbeast to e devoured was bout to e brought toexecution But, ea lor, here it belloves me, osor I proceed sarther, olive thoe ome account of the circumstances that ted o his oman' condemnation, whicli circumstancos, o sar a the tor came o myknowledae are a solioWS: -
