The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


Whilo the circumstances of the bove tale ere in progre8S, I sor pari, as also subjecto Various undulations of the aves of sate. The oldier lio,

though nobody sold me had contrived totu me, and thoughae pald nothin sor me ad made me his pro-


bors of the fame liousehold the occupie the fame apariment, and live a lis in common illi oneanother, and the were induce to u me sor a beastos burde to carry the various pot8, hetties, and ther utensiis the had nee of hen thoi master est his home on a ourne through the provinces For mypari, I ad neve sine I as a jachas experiencedsuch a degre of benevolence ro Fortune solide livo with hos two brothors, o the actually

a partinent, I used to fili in beli mos gloriousb.


at ad evenis that thou has spoken in min&freely, ora priv grudge might have arisen etWee Us, and both, sorsooth, instigated to a tost pitch os fraternalcontention like Eteocles an Polynices, might have falle victims. V The bichurings etW00 the brothors havmibeen carrie on in the bove strata sor ometime longer, hile acli solemni doctared to the therstat he had purioinsed nothingint ali no been guilty f


348 LUCIUS ΑΤ ΤΗΕ SUPPER-TABLE Boox X. vie the wonderfui spectacle. While thus erigaged, and observin to ne nother the gluttonous appetite os an animal of so luggisti disposition thoi lauiter Wa S loud, o generat, an lasted sor so long a time, that tho ord of the stabiistiment, Wh happened tolepa 88in by at the moment, as attracte to the spo ineonSequenee. Inquiring What ple an occurrenue had

ordorod th door of the aparimen to e pened, and comin into the oom, Stoo close, and observe me ver attentively. Mean while, the merriment of thopeopte bout me inspire me illi additiones consitanee, o that imagining that ne id a luas of Fortuno' countenanee liud egian to mile o me,


the wino as his master ad him, in guest remainodi a state os intense curiosit to lines tho resultis the experiment though I Was not Harmod in the east degree; ut notWithstanding the esse Was a Verylarge ne the moment the u Was rought to me, I


Stances This person, in ursuane of the earnes instructions givo him to alae great care of me, realed



soro thought that the persormance, ein Viewed intho light of an erit omen, I might e regarded as a

Tho nam os thesior of th householyto hom Ibolonged a Thyasus, and his nativo placo Corinth, in principat cit in Achaia. Havin ulreud arrivedat the various grades os civi honours and fultaled ho


352 PREPARATION FOR Boo X. Severa appotnimonis successiVel Ste by tep, he atlast, at in time in question, ad been nominatod oneos the quinquennia magistrates,-a dignit to hicli, as et by roasonis his sumit distinctionis his socialposition, o a diib entilled. Aecordingly on ueha signa occasionis aggrandi sement, ein destrous ofdoin something orthy the importance of the nemossico, and extendis his liberalit to tho ulmost pitch, he engage to indulge in public ith a gladiatorial spectacle of three days duration. 0 ad heres recome o Thessal on public round entirely, sor theeXpre88 purp08 of pureliaSing the mos nobi specimens of Wild boasis, and the most celebrated gladiators; andio harin completod his colleolion, and arrangedio his satisfactio ad the proliminaries of this entertain-ment, hemas about to retrae his teps bach to Corinth