The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


the sonis a principat inhabitant of the city.V Nonsenset' replied I such matter are but meretrictes. 0 hom thou seest bes ore theo assi nervesos ron, and like Argus, yes in ali paris of his body, stat care no sor leop, and have theaeen sight of the


entire, his yes asse, iis ear Sound his lip untouched, his hin perseet, etc. etc. etc. Doae theres ore, orti Roman8 bear testimon to this matter.

oh formula os in Roman lam: Vos in hanc rem, boni Quirites, testimonium perhibetote.


bade in immediatet pay the good Dardian, a She

implement the could la hold os, attache me in abody ne strue me in the face illi his sist, nothor


and public morais to espous the cause of the relative os a murdered citigen, and Meah your Summary Vengeanee On o Wiehed Woman perpetratres of the desperate crime. Tis he and sh alone lio, in orde to obtainan inheritane an marr her paramour, ath extin-


Zacias, the gyptian. Already sor a large reWardhath h plodge to me his aith to recalli the reati, of the departe fro the regions of doath in thestiades elow, an reanimate his bod sor a se brios

Thus Ving, he brought sorsar bos ore the eoplo certain young man, Clad in linen garmonis, illi his head close haven and his seet bound with sandat madeo pata leaves Then sal the old man, after havingsor ome time hissed th hand and embraced theanees of themthor, Oh Ρriest Pimplore thee, by the tars of the firmament, by the od of the inferna regions,


by the elements of naturo, by the Silene of night by the sacre istand of tho Nil and the overctoWings of that riveri by the mysteries of Memphis, and by the

Sistrum os thesisland of Pharos, rende uni these VES, Oster se closed uni eternit' a bries momentis injoyment, and our into thema single flendor a of thelight of tho O. The decrees of sate e dispute O the right of the arth, den not, ut a momentaryspanis disse so the consolationis Vengeane me entreat an implore.

The prophet, avis thus propitiate the ods,touched the mouin, an in like manne the reas of the oorpse three times illi a certain herb, and turning oWard the glorious sun the risin in thesiast, stood Wrapi in silent prayer. During the persori ance of this solemn Seene, hileth mind of the spectators ere directed With intenso interest to the orthoomin miracle, haVin atready made m Way larough tho croWd Phad mounted on a large hii stone, and was standin clos to the bierintho the fide, steadit lookin ut the corpSe, hen,



os min&and audacity, and sella arguin and Wranglingwith her resuscitated husband in an impudent, sacrilegious tone. Meanwhilo the peoplo that istone to the Convergation etween them ecam violenti excited, oWing to thei espousing two disserent sides of opinion; sor ne part Were sor immediatolyiu in alive the iniquitous oman in the samo grave illi the eadbo , hil in othur, declaris that she was innocent, maintained that the corpso had told adie. The corpse iself, howevor, at this moment, he the clamourmas atriis height dedided the matter in dispute;


ine man, In guardian, hos nam by hance smy name, sive in realit though dea asteop, rose instinctivoly at the ound of the mutua appellative, and Walhinii a state of sensetessness, like an inanimate unconscious hadom, sussere instea of mysolf tho intendo mutilation. For though in door of the chamber a bolied the witches entere through anunknown Crinny, and rs depriving imis his nosse an ears the replace the truncate member is a Waxen imitation, of o natura an appearance that

human es are incapille os distinguishing it romino original Behold onde tho retuli himself-howhoaath received a rowar sor his vigilance at the