The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류




predicted by Diophanus tho Chaldaea 3V


68 LUCIUS TRIE FOR HIS LIFE. Boo III. cipat treeis, turning corner after corner, like thevictim os a lustra sacrifice led in a circuitous proceS- Sion to expiat some diro portent, tili I, 4rought atlast to tho Fortina and made to stand directi opposito the ud ment seat There the magistrates Were atready seated in thei places poti an elevate platsorm and the public crior a proclaimin Silenee, When, Wingto the perilous pressure among the spectator8, a Wellas on account of the publio interest excitod by tho triat, there aros a Sudde unanimous ery among the peOplet alourn the prooeedings to the theatre. The multitude accordingi remove&Without dela to the theatre, Whither the ran with such extraordinar celerit statbes ore e arrive es the entraneos ere loched up, QVery eat in the cavea as occupied, and est paris

Colum , iners hun upo the statues, severat illi

the orchestra, o oon a Parrived there the orier, hohad a voice like a buli, summoneym aecuser to tandsortii. At this proclamatio an eideri man immediatet made his appearance, an a quantit of ater,


neve so truthful an explieit, o persuade So Vast a multitude a are here assembled of his innocen .

But is thereae a sentiment of humanit that prevalla among you, an Lam alloWed a patient publieaestringsor a litile hilo I shal hau no dissiculi in homingilia it is notaueaus I standies ore o unde peril ofm lis that I dosorve to sors it myclisse; ut that a

fortuitous accident and a reasonabie seelingis indignation have been the means of myaein subjected innocenti to the reproach of the crime of Whicli Dam heroarraigned Last night as, at a later hou than usual IWa returning home rom suppe in a State approaching


in With me a a desene against Similar atrocities, in in extreme ear own account, and eing