Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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1. The leaves of DeeS. 2. The bar of rees, Dom hic in the processis time a sortif

The hin os animati They ere ut cori prepare so the purp e tantii Some improve method of preparation ere inventedat Pergamus, during the eig o Eumenes, about 200 years bes ore Christ. Hene the stans os animais, prepared sor riting, Me called in Latin pergamena, in Ensisti parchment to this day, from the ci Pergamus. They are Ometimes denominate in Greeh, μεμανα, Tim. 4 13.

1. abies of Lad rimari, Job 19 24.2. abies of brass, δελτο χαλκαῖ. O ali in materiais, bras Wasconsidere among the mos durabie, and was employe ser hos im


scriptioris, hicli ero designe to ast the longest, 1 Maec. 8 22.14 20-27.

Sometimes the letters erigraved ero illedis illi lime, Exod. 4:12 31 18 32 19 34 1 et seq. Deut 27 1-9. comp. Josti. 8 32 et seq. Job 19 24. 4. Tiles. The inscriptions ere made ponoli tiles arat, andus terward the were balied in the sire. The are et tot soland in the ruin os Babylon; ther of later origi are Oae solan in many

countrios in the East.

5. The and of the arth, in hiel the hildron in India to this da learn the nrt os riting, and in hicli Archimedes himself delinealed his mathematical igures, comp. John 8 1-8. I in gehiel

3 1 and in Revelation 10 9, we are informe thali lis ere eaten, We must remembor that the description are gurative, and that theyWere eaten in vision and consequently are nolint liberi to drin the conclusion froni these passages that an SubStanee RS Sed a maiori uis sor Urit in tapoia, hieli as ut the fame time sed sor ood. The representations ullude to are symbolic introduce to denote communicationi revelation rom Od. INSTRUMENTA SED IN RITING. The instrument, commoni used se this purpose, a the Style, Heb. lay. 1. When it a necessar to rite pon hard malo rivis. Arantiles scitone and brass, the style M ad O iron, and


common, Omp. Jer. 36 18, and wa prepare in Various Ways,

whieli are related by Pliny, XVI. 6. XXX. 25. The mos simple,

an consequently the OS ancient method O preparation, as a mixture of water illi coalsarohen to ieces, O With soot, illi an additionis gum. The ancients used other tinctures also particularly,

is e ma credit Cicero de Nat Deor. II. 20. an Persius III. 11, the in extracted from the utile isti, bdra, although thei assertionis in opposition to Pliny. The HebreWs entis sar acto rite their sacred book in gold, as e manlearn rom Josephus, Antiq. XII. 2,

11 compared With Pliny, XXXIII. 40.


go bae into antiquity. An episti is firs mentione 2 Sam. 11 14

et seq. AsterWard there is more frequent mention os them, undsomelimes an episti is meant, hen iterati a messenge is spo-ken os as in gra 4 15-17. In the Eas letters are commonlysent ungealed. In case, hoWeVer, the are en to persons O distinetion, the are place in a Valuable purge, hieli is ted elosedove With cla o WaX, and then Stampe With a signet se Isa. 29:11. Neh. 6 5. Jo 38 14. The mos ancient episties egi andend without illier salutation o fare eli, ut unde the Persian monarchy the Salutation a very prolix. It salven in an abridged sor in Egra 4 7 10 5 7. The postles in thei episties used the Salutation customar among the Greelis, ut the omitte the sunt farewellis the lose, Vig. χαιρειν, an adopte a benedictio more conformabie to the spirit of the Christia religion Paul, hen hedietat ed his letters, rote the benediction a the lose illi his ownhand 2 Thess. 3 17. He a more accustome to dietate his letters than to rite them himself.

and motion to tho inalis hene poetita, music Iad ancing ere contemporan 'Ou in Origin As sariae a the time o Moses, po-


tions, ad reache a rea degre os persection, Exod. XV Deut. xxxii. Num 21 24 et Seq. comp. also the book of Job. I afte Ward fourished illi reat honor among the Hebrews sor almost 1000 years. The designis it a no meret to Xcite pleRSure, but also to preserve historical narrations and that in Such a Way, that the might e sun o specia occasions; ut it a more a ticulari the objee of this ari, o declare in the mos affecting ma ne the praises of the Deity, and to excite the eople o good an inpresseWorth Works se the book of Psalms, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes comp. also Gen. 3 24 4 23 9 25-29. 91 CAARACTER OF ΗΕ HEBRE POETRY.Hebre poet , lihe the genuine poet i ait ther nations is characterige by ardent Delings, splendi thoughis, a great arietyo beautilat images, strengi of eXpression condenSation, and eleganee. But it is distinguished in a number of particular from the poet is occidental nations. I. The metaphors, comparisons, etc. are more old an unusual; potnt, hic is capable o receiving muta ligh from a collation a

II. The ornaments by hiel a subject is enrielied in Hebre poetry, are derive from the state of things, a the exist in the East, especiali Palestine; l. fro the natural objects of that region from Lebanon and ita

2. Dom the occupationi husbandmen and Shephetas; 3. from in histor of the nation 4. Dom the mariners exhibite in common isse even rom iis Vices, Mirunkenness, ornication, and adulte ; o. from oriental mythology, hieli, in a rea degree, thoughno in ali respecis eorrespond with the Gree an Roman. θλd sor instance, mention ad of the chamber of the sun Ps. 19:5, , ut then there is his differende the oriental do no con- ve his o a chariot line the Greelis an Romans, ut mahe


Egeh. 1 2 28. s. 18 10 99 1. e in mention ad os agoiden age, Isa. 2 4. II 6-9. 24 23 30 24-28 60 19, 20 65: 25. 66 1 5 of the inferna region also, heo or ades, Virta , αδγὶς, into hiel descend not ni soldiers, arithe heroes an emperors, even ali ho die, ut also by a figure of speech,

conquere nations an States, and Ven trees, the Symbols of States. The warrior repose in his id abode n ouehes, illi thei a

Hag. 2 6, 21. Isa. 24 21-23 34 4 65 17. Amos 8 9, 10. Mati. 24 29.

III. The poem in the Hebre langu age may have been me Sured by means os a certain umber of syllabies Or Ords,aut e have reason to bellove that the rhythm consiste essentiali and chies in the paralieliam. The parallelism, hieli is ometimes

Synonymous and Sometimes antithetical, and ometimes hows Nsel meret in the construction, independent of the ense, consiSisin many cases of nly tW members, se PS. 114 1-8; in therinstances there are three members See HOS. 6 1, 2 in therinstances again there are Our members, therars ansWering to thethird, and the secon to the ourth, se Deut 32 42. Sometimesthe parallelisin display itfel in sive verses o members, the wOfirs and the two last ein parallel, and the iddie ne nequat, Isa. 31 4, o the rst ein parallel to the hird, and the secondio the ourth, and the fifth being nequat, se Γs I9 8-10. Insonae instanees the ootry ma be callet irregular, i. e. incapableo bein reduce to the more common form o parallelism PS. 113 5, 6. Midali 1 4. These traiis in the Hebre poetry, henwel understood, amori ver considerable id in the interpretationani eritiei of the Bible, as sor instanee in uel passage MPs. 77: 18. l . 39 20. Isa. 7: 11 49 6 16. ne a find in the parallelim in various places, a similarit in the cadences, hichgives in them a more than ordinar musica effeci, an seem to


be the result os ari, se Judg 14 18. Prov. 7 13 15. 29 17. Isa. 26 20, 21. 40 24. 49 8 51 1 2-5, 8 53 6, 7. Zech. 11 1. 92. N MUSIC.

Music is coeuat,illi poet . Musica instruments ere the invention o Jubal Gen. 4 21 and us early a Gen. 31 27, e re introduce to a hole choir AsterWard music and Oet

of thalaind wid dependiser much on his own personat habit and


t be lown ni by the priests, wh by the ounding f them, prOclaime the estiva days, assemble the eader of the eople, an gave the signa sor batile, an sor the retreat, Num 1 1-10. David in orde to give the est effect to the music of the tabernacle, divide the ou thousan Levites into tWenty-s urelaSSeS, Who Sun pSalms, and accompante them illi muste. Each of these classes a superintended by a leader, nur*, placedove it; and the performe the uties, hieli devolved ponthem, acli clas a mee at a time in succession 1 Chron. 16 5. 23 4 5. 25 1 31. comp. 2 Chron. 5 12, 13. The classes collectively, as a unite body, ere superintende by three direetors. This arrangement Was subsequently continue by Solomon fier


the erectio of the temple and was transmitte tit the time of the overthrow of Jerusalem. It was indue sumetimes interrupted dum in the eig of the idolatrous Lings, but was restored by their Successors, 2 Chron. 5: 2-14. 29 27 35 15. It was even continuedas ter the captivity, Egra 3 10. Neh. 12 45-47 1 Mae 4 54. 13:51. It should e remarhed however, that Mither music Orpoeir attaine to the Same excellene aster the captivio, as besere stat period. 94. STRINGE INSTRUMENTS. I. THE HARP, This a the mos ancient of this classis instrumenta, Gen. 4 21. It was Sometimes calle fleminith m:'ud, or ight stringed Ps. 6 1. 2 1. 1 Chron. 15 2I although as ema gather fro the eoin or medat of the Maccabea age, there were ome harps, hicli ere furnishe Wit Only three strings. The harp, heres ore, as O tW kinds, ne ni o whieli is distinguished by a separate name, vig. that called heminith, unies perchanee separate ames hould e ound sor both in the Greeh, the three-stringe har bein calle κιθαρα, the ther κινυρα, se these Wo ord appea to e sed illi ome distinctio ofinis hin in Imae 4 54. Josephus in his Jewisti Antiquities VII.

10 3 asSigris te String to the harp, an eviden e that in his timeth number of them ad been increased The string of this instrument, it is lari sul O suppose, ere originalty Wept by the harid, ut in Josephus' time, it a played illi a mali bo or et whieli et is denominate in Hebre by the ord Sin, M,

harp seems t have been calle by the Babylonians indi: andrataret Dan. 3 5 7 I0 15. II. THE ABLUM o PSALTERY, z: ναμ. ναυλα It is irat mentione in the psalm o David. In salin 33 2, and 144 9,it is callo a teri stringe instrument; ut in Ps. 92 3, it is distinguished rom it. Josephus, Antiq. VII. 10. . assignf

Willi ho fingers the et os playiniit is expresse in Hebre by the word et It resembled in forma right angled trianglei the


Sueli is iis sermo the presentia in the East, ut it has oni sive string in iis modern hape 2 Sam. 6 5. Ning 10 12. There Was another instrument of this hin used in Babylonia it was triangula in sorm in ree it is calle σαμβυκ17, in Hebre Xzz andinet o it ad originalty oni solar, ut SubSequently tWent Strings, Dan. 3 5 7, 10 15.

Tho chord of stringe instruments are denominate et 'ara Ps. 150 4. At res the were the sua sori os string twisted fromsax or ome like SubStanee, ut Subsequently ere manufactured

HOmer, as a recent invention.


in his est, and motu thoin together, as an accompaniment to Otho instruments. his cymbal, and the mode os using it ma beosten oen in modern armies an militar trainings. The second