Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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acteris pirates thalain Antigonus as accused bes ore him o hav- in Sent them ut O purpOSe. A ne pori as uilii Herodist

112. EIGHT AN MEASURES. Commere could not e carrie o Without coin, nor ithout asystem o weight and mensures. eight an mensures ere regulatexat a very early period in Asia. Regulations in regarda them, a sar a concerne the HebreWs, ere madea Moses and mea-gures and eight to serve a modela both sor form an contenis, were deposite in the tubernacle. All the duties in regar to this subject devolved among the JeW as ellis among the Egyptians, upo the riesis. Aster the time of Solomon the modela sor eighis, etc. ere deposite in the temple consequently When in templewas destroyed the perished illi it. The Hebrews, hil in captivity used a might be expected the eight an measures of theirmasters. The prophet Egehiel is a proos f this, ho speak of ubiis and weighis, evidently the fame illi thos in se aster the eaptivity. The weight an measiares of the eWs heres ore re ob distinguished into thoge more and thos after the captivi . Wheneve the are mentione by the Aleaeandrine translators, o by Iosephus, the bolon to the alter period. The amount an extent of eight and measures besore the captivi cannot be accuratelydetermined. 113. ΕΑAURES OF LENGTH. Almos ad nations have talion thei measiares of tength from theparis of the humanaody, and what thei extent as among the Jews besere the captivit canae earntini by a reserene to thOS partS.


I. zSN a friger o digit. It tength was abolit the readi hos a finger. Aecordinito the tables appende to the third volumeo Home' Introduction to the Scriptures, hicli are tine chiessy

manaody. Egehiel chap. 40 5 mentions a Babylonian reed os a


This mensure occurs in the ne Testament, unde the ord

it as a me ure os mali dimensions


VII. Pri, a his, sed sor liquids. A third, ais, an urthparti a hin are mentioned. It is suppose to e the fixi partos a balli, hic agrees sussiciently et wit thos places, here it

VIII. S, a log the twelfth partis, hin. IX. in t a purah. The connectio in Isa 63 2 requires his mord toae rendered ine-vat; ut in Hag. 2:11, it appear tot the

X. εστ νς, the Roman sextarius, containing the orty-eight partes an amphora.

value o good Was estimated at a certain quantityi silver the puris of whiel Was ahen into account by the meretiant, Gen. 23 16. Butthere is no tracem Stampe silver, o coin previOus to the captivi . Nor indeed was it at that early period divide into pleces of a certainsige. It was commonly eighed ut in balances, I X: Ubn, though iis eight was ometimes ascertaine by means os an instrument Or eighing, an8Wering to the modern Steel-yards. Me chanis ere accordingi in the habit of earryin about Withthem selves balances and eight in a sor o potici or bug. The

weight were tones hene the are calle 'ines, ord Whicli commoni mean stones, Lev. 19 36. Deut 25 13 18. Prov. 11 1.16 II. Mic. 6 11. Personsolio ere dispose to e fraudulent, sometinae carried tW set Of eights,in heavier an a lighter et, an re N, Sing Ometimes the ne uni Sometime the ther, a bestsuit sed heir interest. id even o late soli time os David, a not sed as astandari os aliae, ut a considere meret as a very preelous arti te os commerce, and was Woighed like ther articles Theoldest eight that is mentioned is denominate in Hebrem mu'esp. The same ores is applied ais to a plece of silver or


is in . Fannius, a ontemporar With Augustus, Say that fixsuch seed made a scrupte, and three Scrupte a drachm. Henee,


During the captivit of the Jews an aster thei retum Do it, the made use of the weight and the coin of the nations. Ege-kiel, accordingly, chap. 45 12 mentions oreig manehs os different eight viet os fleen, o tWenty, and of twenty-sve heheis. The coin, hiel the JeWs sed ut his period, a the Persian, Grecian, an Roman It was ot ill the time of the Maccabem primces that he had a mint of thei Own, an coined gold an silversor themselves. The mos ancient coin f hicho have any

knowledge, is the Persia inold coin, called the daris. δαρεικος,

The impression on this coin exhibit On ne id O it the repre-Sentation os a Ling on the reverse an archer, holdin in his est han a bo an in his right and an arroW, an having pon his head an acuminate tiara. Suidas the scholiast f Aristophanes, εκκλχὶς V. 98, and Harpocration represent ille dari as equalin eight o twent drachms. Accordin t Dr. Bernarii, thedaric eighe two gratias more than the Englisti guinea; ut asit a very sine an containe litile alloy it a b rechontidWorth bout twenty-sive hillings Englisti money. -Rees Cyclop.

Art. Darie. Coin, ver much in circulation among the Greelis, a the Stater, στατ ρ Mati. 7 26, qua in eight to tho hehe of the Hebrews It was inerwis calle tetra irachmon, τετραδραχμον,


out a seventi par more, a neVeriheleS eonSidered, in common mercantile Xchange, a equato the Roma denarius, i. e. evenpende two sarthings English. The coin exhibite o one fide the Roman Dddes of Victo , and On the reverse a hario draWn byseu horses. At a recent perio the reverse exhibite the ead os Cesar, Mati. 22 19. The Jewish prince, Simon 1 Mac. 15 16, strue o a curren unde the denomination o fheheis, hieli eighed a stater ach, or accordin to F. Mersenne' estimate, Wo hundred an fix eight gratiis. The aliae of this hehel in Englis money astwo hillings, three pene and three sarthings. When it was coinedin Did iis value as 1 16s. d. O those heheis hicli remala, those ni are OnSidere genuine, hicli ave inscriptions ponthem in the Samarita character. Some that have Such inscriptions may have been strue in at comparativel a recent period in imitation os hos that ere reali ancient. The inscriptions on

The Romanis, ἀσσάριον, eighed in pennymeight and three grains it value a three sarthings andine tentii. It was a brasscoin, and ancienti exhibite Onine fide a figure of Janus, but lat-terly the head of Cesar. The representationi the reverse Was thester of a his, Mati. 10 29. Luke 12 6. A quarte par os an aswas alle quadrans, oδραντης. The Gree coin cassed λεπτον asof very mali value,aeing the solarili parti a quadrans, Mati. 5 26. Mar 12 42. The weight denominate λιτρα varie in disserent countries. Maii Lind of merchandige ere sold aceordin to the lura of the particular country, rom hicli the were brought Iis amount, theres ore, cannotae stated Joh 12 3. 19 39. NOTE. t ought to e remarhed that silver an ges anciently ere more carce than at present, an consequently of greater

Value. It value in the ourth centur be fore Christ a to iis value in ingland in the ear 1780, as ei do ine. stat


130 D117. MEIGHTS, MEASURES, ETC. seu hundre an sori grain os silver ould purchas as uehat the last mentione period as seu thougand ou hundred ouldat the firSt. NOΤΕ.- The translator has thought it est in a number of thelast sections to substitute the Englis modes of rechoning eighis and me ures, etc. instead of the German and Parisian, hicli are so frequently referred Dr. Jalin. his, hichae a bound o do in justice to the Englisti reader, ill account so the peculiar aspeci, whicli the translation ear in the sections mentioned in compariSOnwit the original. The ollowinguabies, hicli are o in the original, are aliendrom the hird volume o Home' Introduction to the Scriptures App. O. II. e re there insormed that the areextracte clites fro Dr Arbuthnot's a les os ancient Coins, Weighis, and Me ures. J


2. Scripture me ures of tength reducesto English measure.


4. Scripture measures of capacity for liquiis, reducetio English

solidus aureus, o sextula, RS Orth, si ulus aureus, o gold shehel Was orth talent of old Was orth 5475 In the preceding table silve is valuexatis and gold at M. periunce.



132 D118. MATERIALS F CLOTHS. T. Roma money, mentione in the Testament, reduce to the