장음표시 사용
mers and inters. Certainly the sorget, that the oriental of the earliest period, as mel as in modern Arabs, nota only had 4 0Wledge of the prope solar ea aut divide it both into monthsan into si period of two monilis ach. Clearly then, f the author of the rs par of Genesis ad meant to say that the antediluvians live so many monilis o other es periodsi time, insteados o many years, he ould have sat so in ternis commoni used to expres thos minor divisions Besides the attempto reducethe ear of the antediluvians to month especially, ill mahe them, in ome instanees, the fallier of hildren at sive sears is age. What Some of the ancients say, in regar to a ea much horterthan the solam ne is a Diodorus Siculus expressi MSure US, nothinx more than mere conjecture, Originaled, o account sorst great number of ears, hiel the gyptians and ther nations attribute to thei anceStry. 104. SURVEYmG, THE MECHANI ARΤS, AN GEOGRAPHY.I. Suru ing. Measures of tengili are mentioned Gen. 6 15 16.
knowledge of the methodis measuriniland is implied in the a colant give Gen. 47 20-27. Mention is made in th books of Job
accordin to the unanimous testimon of antiquity furveying rstha it origin and in consequence of the inundations of the Nile, Wa carrie to the reates height It was here, as e ma Mellconclude that he Hebrows aequire so much nowledge of the principies of that science, as to enabi them, it the id of the 10.
114 D105. MEDICINE. me urin line bovementioned, o partition and et o geographi- catly the whole and of Canaan. The eighis sed in eighingsoli bodies, Gen. 23 15, 16, provide the were simila to achother in sorm impi a knowledge of the rudiment of Stereomet . II. The Mechani Aris. No e res mention is made O the mechani aris; ut that a knowledge of them no ithStanding, existed, may be inseri ed fro the erection o Noali' ar and the ower of Babel also from ha is sal of the Egyptian hariois Gen. 41 43. 45 19 50 9. Exod 14 6, 7 and rom the instruments used by the
Egyptians in irrigatin thei lands, Deut 1l 10. It is implied in
the mentio of these, an Subsequently O many the instrumenta, that ther instruments stilliso expressi named but Whicli,ere fcourse necessar so the formation Of those hicli are amed, ere
III. Geograph. Geographica notices occur so frequently in the Bible that it is no necessar to a much on this Oint, e Gen. 10:1 30. 12 4 15 14 1-16. 28 2-9. 49 13, etc. PerhapS,JOWever, it deserve to e repented that in the time o Joshua, thewhole o Palestine a subjecte to a geographica division Josh. 18:9. It is evident then, rom thei geographical knowledge, as et asDO Other circumstances atready mentioned that there mus have
existed among the Hebrews the rudimenis, is nothing more, O mathematical science. 105 MEDICINE. At Babylon the sich, hen the were sirs attached illi a dis- ense, ere est in the streeis, o the ui pose of Iearning romthose ho might pas them, hat praetices, O What medicinesthe had soland of assistanee, hen amicted illi a simila disease. This a perhaps done also in ther colant ries. The gyptians carriod thoi siet into the temples of Serapis the Greelis carried tholas into hos of seu pius. In both of these temples, there Wore reserve writ teri recipes of the means by Whicli various euros ad beon esse ted. illi the id of these recorde reme- dies the ar of healin assumed in the progress of time the poet os a science. I assumed suci a form fit si in gypt andat a ueti more recent period in Greeste; ut it a no long e-sore hos of the forme were surpasse in excellenc by the phy-
the Pentateuch respecting the mark of leprosy. That ome of the medicat rescriptions hould ait of bringing the expecte re- sies, is nothin strange Since Plin himself mentions ome, hichare a from producing the effect he ascribes to them Physicians, d mm, SD are mentione sirs in Gen. 50 2. Exod. 21 19. Job 13 4. Some aequaintanee it chirurgical operations is implied in the rite os circumcision Gen. 17 11-14. There is ample evidende, that the Israelites ad Ome aequaintanee illi the interna struetur of the human syStem although it oes no appear, that dissections of the human od sor medica purposes eremade, illis late soli time o Ptolemy. That hySicians ome- times undeclook to exercise their hil in removin diseases of an interna nature, is evident rom the circumstance of David' playing pon the harp, to cur the malad of Saul, 1 Sam. 16 16. Thear of healis Wa committed among the HebreWs as et asamong the gyptians, to the prie8tS Who indeed ere obliged, by a laeto of the State, o si cogniZance of leprostes, Lev. 13:1 14 57. Deut 24 8 9. Reserene is made to physicians homere notiriesis, and O inStance of SichneSS di8ease, healing, etc. in
the followin passages 1 Sam. 16 16 1 ing 1 2 4. 15 23. Κings 8 29. 9 15. Isa 1 6. Jer 8 22. Egeh. 30 21. Prov. 3:18. 11 30. 12 18. 16 15. 29 1. The probabie reason os ingAsa' noliseehinihel from God but rom the physicians, a mentionedra Chron. 16 12, was that he had nolint that period reuourset tho simple medicines hieli nature offered, buto certain Supe stilious rite an incantations and this, no dolabi, a the round of the reflection hicli a cast pon him. The uim o balsam, ra, 'ng, a particulari celebrate as a medicine Jer. 8 22.46 11. 1 8. That inerat ballis ere deemed orth o no-tice a be inseri e froni Gen. 36 24. se Gesenius ori the orde r. Mout the time o Christ the Hebre physicians both
made advaneement in science, an increased in numbers, Mar 5:
sicians ere Meustomedo salute the sic by Ving, Ariae romyour Aease.' his salutation ad an effect in the mouth of Jesus, Mis 5 41 Aeeordin to the Jerusalem Talmud a sic man
Vailin mora opinions may be ound in the book of Job, in the 37th, 39th, and 73d Psalms also in the book of Proverbs and E clesiastes, ut hien in the apocrypha book of isdom, and the
writings of the son o Sirach. During the captivit y the JeWs acquire many ne notions particulari from the Mehestani, and appropriate them, as OceaSion Ossered, to their Wn purpOses.
The a tetigin ecam aequainte With the philosoph of the Greelis, hic mahes iis appe ance abundanti in the book of Wisdom. Aster the captivi , he language, in hic the sacred
nee o an interpreter On the Sabbatie ear a time, hen thewhol la was read; and ais o the sabbath in the synagogues, whieli ad been recenti erected in Orde to mali the peOpleunderstari What a read These interpreters earn the Hebre language at the Schools. The teucher of these scit is, who, sor the wo generations precedin the time o Christ, ad maintaine soni aequaintance illi the Greeli bilosophy, ereno satisfied illi a simple interpretatio of the Hebre idioni, si stood, ut hape the interpretation o as in rende it cons Orm- le to thei philosophy. Thus a Se contentions, hicli ave casion or the various Secta o Pharisees, adducees, and Essenes. In the timo of ur aviour, division haesarisen among the Phari- sees themsolves. No es than ighteen nice questions is e maybelleve the Jewish Rabbitas, ere contestiud, at that period be- twseo the school os Hille an Shammai. One of hieli question was an inquiry What cause a susscient sor a bili os di
D106. PHILOSOPHY. 117with the earne me mentione in Josephus, vig. Sameas and Pollio, ho ourished hirty-sour ear bes ore Christ then Sh-mai or Sameas is undoubtedi the fame it the Simeon, hocis mentione Luke 2 25-35, an his o Gamaliel, o celebrated in the almud, is the me illi the Gamaliel mentioned Acts 5 34. 22:3. Anciently learne men ere denominate among the Hebrewsu':zri, as among the Greeh the were calle σοφοί, i. e. Aemen In the time o Christoli common appellative so me of that description a roαμματευς, in the Hebre in , a scribe. The were addressed by the honorar liue o Rabbi, In M, i. e. rea Or master. The Jews, in imitatio of the Greelis, ad thei Seven WiSe men, Who ere calle Rabboni, Q. Gamalielmas ne of the number. The calle themselves the childre ofwisdom an eXpreSSion, hicli corresponds very nearly to the Greeh
quencae; f Whic there are abundant examples in the almud.
118 D106. ACADEMICAL DEGRΕΕ. NOΤΕ. sortis academical degre was conferre o the pupiis in the Jewisti seminaries, hieli, after the destructio of Jerusalem, were stablisite a Babylon an Tiberias. The circumStances, ab
tending the conserring of this degree are described by Maimonides, Jad chagalia, Lib. I. 4, as sollows: I. The candidate so the degre Was examined both in respectrio his mora character an his literar acquisitions. II. Having undergone this examination illi approbation the disciple then ascended an elevated seat, Mati. 23 2. III. A riting-t let was presente in him, to signis that hes uld write down his acquisitions since the mirat escapedro his memory, and withoutaeing writte down be lost. IV. Aae Was presented to signis that he might no ope toothera the treasures of knowledge, Luhe 11 52. V. Hand were lai upon him; a custo derived frem Num 27:18. H. A certain poWer, or authorib, a conserrediponaim, prob- ου tot exercised over his OWn discipies.
II. inalty he was saluted in the schoo o Tiberias, illi thetisse of Rabbi, diri; in the schoo o Babylon, it that o Master,
107. ANTIQUIΤ Ο COMMERCE. MERCΠΑ ΙΖΕ, in iis various branches, a carrie on in the East, at the earlies period of hich e have any account an it Was no long e re in trassic etWeen nations both by se and land was ver considerable Accordins frequent mention is made o public mads, ordin places, ridges, and east o bu dens also of hip so the transportation o property, of eighis, measures, an coin both in the oldest paris of the Biblo, an in the mos ancient profane histories, Gen. 10 4-5. 12 5. 23 16.37 25, 26 42 1-5. Judg. 5 17. Exod. 20 23. 25 4. Deut 3 14.19 3. Osh. 13 2. 12 5 13 13 1 Sam 27 8-10 2 Sam 3 3. 13 37. 15 8.
108. COMMERCE F ΤΗΕ ΡΗΕNICIANS, ARABIANS AND EGYPTIANS. The Pheniolans ancienti hel the rs rank, as a commercialnation. The were in the habit, ither stemselves in person orby thei agenis, o piarchasing good of Various ind throughout ali the East. The then carrie them in hips o the Mediterranean, a far a the hores of Asrica an Europe brought bae inretur merchandige an silver, an dispose of thes again in themore aster eountries. The rs metropolis of the Phenicians
ter of Isaiah. The inhabitant of Aratii Feliae carrie on a commerce With India They carrie some of the articles, hicli the brought Domladia through the stratis of Babelmande into Abyssinia an Egypt; some the transportexto Babylon through the Persian Gul and the Euphrates and som by the way of the Red ea to the pori os Eglongeber They thus ecam ricli, though it is possibie, helawealth may have been to much magnified by the ancients. The
eminence of the Egyptians, as a commerciat nation commenee Withthe eig of echo an his successor Sammeticus Thei commerce, neVeriheleSs, a no great, ill Alexander ad destroyed
Tyre an bulli Alexandria. 109. MERCANTILE ROUTES. The Phenicians ometimes received the good os India is Wayof the Persia Gulf, here the had colonies in the fland of Dedan Arad, and Tyre. Sometimes the received them rom the Arabians, ho ither rought thema land through Arabia or pthe Re Seu to Eglongeber. In the alter case, havin tandedihem at the pori mentioned the transporte them through thecountry by the way O Gagario Phenicia The Phenicians increased the amount of thei soreig good by the additio of those hichthe themselves fabricated, and were thus nable to suppi aliparis of the Mediterranean. The gyptians Ormeri received their good fro tho Phenicians, Arabians, Africans, an Abyssi-niansu in ali of hiel, countries, there are stili ille remain os large trudin to s. ut in a subsequent age, the imported good from India in their own esseis, and eventuali carriet On an Xportis e illi various poris o the Mediterranean Oriental commerce, however, Wns chlesy carriet ori y land Aceordingi vesset are
passages, here in discolars turias pon the Phenicians, or ponine naves assulas M Nolomon and ehoshaphat. The two principali ciuio se 'uli lini inlo Egypt were the ne long the hores Ostho Mediterranean rom aga io Pelusium, and the ther Dom agno the wayis molant Sinai and the laniti branch of the Rod Sen.
times from eaps of stones, ometimes by the character of the soli, and when other helps salie him, by the tars Num. 10 29-32. Jer. 31 21. Isa. 21 14. When ali hings are in readiness, the indi-VidualS, Who compos the caravan, assemble ut a distanc from thecity. The commander of the caravan, hocis a different person Domine conductori leader, and is chosen rom the wealthiesti it members, appotnis the da of thei departure A similar arrangementWas adopted among the Jews heneve the travelle in large numbers to the cit of Jerusalem. The caravans inrt Ver early Some-
122 D111. COMMERCE F ΤΗΕ HEBREWS.sre ansmere this purpos for the Israelites, he wandering in the wilderness. Sometimes the caravans lodge in cities; ut when the do not the pitch thei tent SO S O sor an encamp-ment, and during the night Lee Walch alternatet so the salie of Security. In the cities there re public inns calle Manes and caravansaries, in hicli the aravans are Odge Without expense. The are large, quare uildings, in the centre of hieli is an Rre OP pen Ouri Caravansaries are denominated in the Greeho the e Testamen πανδοχεῖον, κατάλυσις, and κατάλυμα,
111. COMMERC O THE HEBREWS. Moses nacte no latus in favor os commerce, although thereis no question, that he a the siluation o Palestine to e very favorabie sor it The reason of this iis that in HebreWs hoWere designedi se aparto preserve the rue religion, could notmingle illi soreigit idolatrous nations Without injury. e there-
terest o commerce t a future age By the estabiistiment, hoWever of the three great festivoJ8, he ave occasion or Ome me cantile intercoiarse. At these festival ait the adult males of the nation ere early assemble at ne place. The consequenee
the coas of Africa, and also had commercia intercoiarse even illi Spain 1 ings 9 26 2 Chron. 9 21. his trasse, although a solarceos emolument, appears o have been neglecte aster tho deuth of S0lomon. The attempt made by ehoshaphat o restore it, a frustrat sed by his hips bolia dashed pon the ocks an destroyed 1Κings 22 48 49 2 Chron. 20 36. Joppa, thougii notin ery OnVenientisne, a properi the portis Jerusalem and some of the large