Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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retur a armen to the perSon tundered, in orde that the may condea their taediaess. The alSo permit the Ount men orsriend of the captives, o redeem them. At the Nomades are polite an hospit te. The receive stranger into thei tenis, and without an expectationi a return, exhibit to them very Te of kindness. But the are different men is the meet stranger in the Wilderness. There are noW, and there always have been Nomades, ho have dis provexo the proceedings, of hicli, have spolien Such were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the Israelites Ome O Whom,aOWeVer,


mentioned, hic excelle in his particular est themther os antiquity ma be adde that of the Hebrems, who earned the value os the ari Whil rema ining in Egypt and ver after that time ereri mous sor thei industr in the cultivatio of the arth. 55. LAWs O MO SE IN REGARD TO AGRI CULTURE. I. Moses, solioWing the example of the gyptians, made agriculture the basis of the state. He aecordirigly, apportioned to Verycitigeri a certain quantityi land and gaveaim the right os illiniit himself and of transmittin it to his heirs. The person, ho had thus come into possession, could O alienate the properisso any longe perio than the ear of the comin jubilee a regulation, Whic prevented the rich from cominiinto possession o large tracts of land and then leasing them ut in mali parcet to the Oor a praetice hicli ancienti prevalled, and does to this day, in the East. II. It was another lamos Moses that he venderi a plece of md, or his nearest relative liud a right to redeem the lan sold, heneverthe cliose, by Ving the amount of profit up to the yeari jubilee, Ruth 4 4. Jer. 32 7. III. nother a enacte by Moses on his Subjeci, as that the HebreWs, as a the case among the Egyptiansas ter the timem Joseph, Gen. 37 18 et seq. houldia a tax of tWotentiis of thei incomerant God, hos servant the wereri considerthemSelves, and Whom the were o obe a thei hing, Lev. 27 30. Deut 12 17-19 14 22-29. comp. Gen. 28 22. IV. The customo marking the oundaries of and by tones, although it pre- valle a long time es ore, Job 24 2, a confirme an perpetuated,

in the time o Moses by an expres laW an a curse a P nounce against him, ho ithout authorit removed them. These regulations havin been made in respect to the tenure,

incumbrances, etc. of lande proper . Ostiua divide the wholeeountry, hici he had occupied 'st, among the respective tribes, and then, amon individual Hebrews, running it ut illi the uido a mensuring-line, Osti. 17 5 14. Omp. Amos 7 17. Mic. 2 5.


The occupatio of the hvsbandman was et in honor, not onlyse the profit Whieli it rought,aut froin the circumstanee, that tWas supporte an protected by the fundamenta law of the stato. All,lio eremo se apari sor religious duties, Such a the praesta and the Levites, hether inhabitant of the country, or of toWns and cities, ere considered by the laws, and were in fac agriculturisis. The rich and the oble, it is true, in the cultivatio of the soli didnot alWays pia themselves on a levet illi thei servants,aut none Were so ricli Or so Oble, as to disda in to ut their an to the


The Hebrem ord m, hicli is translate variousl by the


19, 27. Num 7 3, 6, 7 1 Sam 9 7 8, 10 11 14. Amos 2 13.

45 19, 21. 2 Mngs 6 9. 2 Sam. 15 L et 8 28. Ad the ancient

known to have been used by ladies of distinction; though his ci cumStanc is notamentione in the Bible. 60. ANIMAL USED IN AGRICULTURE. Theaeast o burden that endured the totis of agriculture, erebulis an coWs, he-asses an She-asses Job 1 14 1 Sam. 6 7. Isa. 30 24 32 20. ut it was sorbidde to oke an as With an OX, Deut 22 10. Thos animais, hiel in the Scriptures are calledoxen, ere bulis, O the HebreWS Were prohibited rom castrating, although the a Was ometimes violated Mat. 1 14. Bulis in the warme climates, especiali i the are not greatly pampered, arenotis ongovernable but that the may bea nesse to the plough. Is indoed an beeome obstinate by ricli pasturage, thei nostriis ereper rated an a ring made O iron Or Wiste cord Was thrust through, to hiel Was sestene a rope; hieli impede his respiration to suehis degree, that the mos turbulent ne tot emit be

B this in also cameis, elephanis, and ionS, ahe alive, ererenderediana able. When bulis ecame old thei festi as un-sultabi sor aliment sor hicli remo the were est o die a nat ra deat h. For the old age of these animais, hieli had been their companion in labor, as realed by the HebreWs With indiaess. Whene it is suid that in the goiden age, the laughter os an ox illbo equalty crimina Mili in clauoter os a man, Isa 66 3. Pliny, N. II. vii 45 56. Helice to among the Hebre stulis possessed thei appropriate dignity, o that tropes ere draWn rom them, byn means destitutem eleganee, Num. 22 4 Deut 23 17.


an levelled mae, 0 39 10. Isa. 28 24, 25. Hos 10 11. The

we n denominate in the me Testament tarios, in Arabicis in Syriae M , in the almud ram, and in Hebrem n

Deut 29 18 19. s. 69 21. Jer 8 14. 23 15. Hos 10 4. Thetares, then, suta,ere thei injurious qualities, are ery properi Saidi have been Omi an enemy, while the laborers ero indulgingsleemat oon, Mati. 13 25-40. Consuli, in referene to the lammentioned in this section, Lev. 19:19, and Deut 22 9.


maturi . his calamit is denominate 'i' iidere, Deut 28:22. Amos 4 9. Hag. 2 17. 1 ings 8 37 2 Chron. 6 28. Butwhether the opinion of the orientals that these effect are occasioned by Winds, is founde in truth, cannot ascit Seems, e deter

The crops, in the outher paris o Palestine an in the latas, comerio maturit about themiddie of April; ut in the northern and the mountainous Sections the do not ecome ripe, tili three eelis


bound in undies Gen. 37 7. Lev. 23 10 15. Job 24 10. Ruth 2 7, 15, 16. Amos 2 13. Mic. 4 12. Jer. 9 21, 22. At lennii the

26 12, an hundre sold Herodotus, Strabo, and lin mentionedine increas of rops at the rate os ne hundred and fifty two hundred, and even three hundred sold. his reat increas is Wingto the circumstance of the hernelsaeing ut into the sol at a distance rom eaeli other, O as to Send ut severa stallis, Gen. 41 5, 47, ome of hieli, accordin to liny, N. H. xviii. 21. 55. have seo three to seu hundred ars and in Africa at the present time, the bear a least te andrasteen. 63. THRESHIN FLO OR ari. The blandies ere transporte into the threshing 00 eithe byhand o by beast os burden or in agons Amos 2 13, and piled in heap Exod. 22 6. Judg 15 5. A bundie est in the seid eventhough discovered, a noto be tu hei up, ut est so the oor, Deut 24 19. The threshing oo was in the seid, in ome elevate par of it it a destitute of alis and overing an in-deed a nothin more than a circular pace iniri or fori paces in diameter, here the round ad been levelle an beate doWn,


These machines, po Whiel the river sat, ere astene to theoxen, and were rive round po the blandies, hieli,ere brohenopen and were deposite in the circle of the area si or ight seet in eight. In his manne the grain a beaten ut of theear, and the stra itself rohen in ieces, hicli in his state ascalle an . nother man sollowed the machine illi a ooden instrument, nil place the grai in order Threshin frequently stantis figurativel sor a rent sinu gliter an is the machine issaid tot neW, hen it is usuali the harpest, it denotes a laughter proportionabi greater. The Victorious eopte are Ome- time represente as a liuge machine, that thresties and crumbles everi mountain and ills like straW. ut the conquere are al-