Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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nament on a finger of the right and Isa. 22 24. Exod 35 22. Luke 15 22. ames 2 2.


Various Lind of patratin have been practised by ali nations in ali ages It is ou objeci, hoWeVer, at the regent time, ni tospea of that mode of ainting, hiel in the ibi is donominated

pn, an in the Arabi diam . The principat material sed in this mode of ainting the object of hicli is in communicate a darklint in the yebrows, is a sortis blaeli lead, hicli is ound o b used throughout at the sar a India. It is applied to the yebrows by a silver instrument, Soracto give them the appearance of bein very long Whicli is esteemed a great ornament, mings 9 30. Jer. 4 30. Egeh. 23 40. The patrit, hicli is prepare from theashes of the plant Athanet, and whicli is sed by oriental matrons in communicate a yello color to the arm and seet, an a tint of red-nes to the natis, though very ancient, is no mentione in the Bible; a mere allusion to it oecur in er 2 22, unde the word, Π . The re patrat in se among the Roma matrons, hieli as spreudupo the idol on estivati s is mentione in the book of isdom, 13 14 A custom, hieli prevallud in the East anciently, and whichis connected illi his subjeci, has been perpetuate in that regioneven to Ou day Vig. that whoeve visited a temple hould either devote himself to gome god, or brand the mage of the temple or thenam of the god on his right arm This customis far aes concerned the Hebrews was interdicted in Lev I9 28, but the word branding,' marking. any sealing. frequently oecur illi a tropica signification, Gal. 6 17. Eph. 1 13. Rev. 7 4, 8 14 1-5. 13 17, 18. Egeh. 9: 12. 135. DREAMAT FESTIVALA AN ON OCCASION O MOURNING. The festiva dress a very splendid it Was hite, an a ostenas the festiva returned was newly, hed an per fumex ith myrrh, c Sia, an aloes, Gen. 27 27. s. 45 8. Cant. 4 11. It was Wor o the festival of the family, of the state, and of religion, but hen the festiva was ver it aes luid fide. The splendidgarment of festivat were denominate in Hebre ri, ν Σ ,


Job 16 15. Jonali 3 5.

NOΤΕ. In the book of Leviticus 13 47-59, e re informedo the leprovisis garmenis in the solioWin term thesarment also, that the plague os leprossis λ, hether it e a ooden sarmentis altam garment, hether sede in the warpir oo ,heme in au in oranshing ad of s in,' etc. The mark or indications os the existene and natur of this lepros are also state with sonae partieularityin the verses referred O. What this plagiae, a it is termed was, itis disseult to state illi much certainty, sine the conjectures, hichtho learned have agardei in regarest it, area no means Satisfactory. Without doub the Hebrews ad observe certain destructive

effect wrought upon lothing, hether ad of Ool Or cotton Orleuther, andio understanding thei Origini thei nature, the choset cali them from certain resemblances a much apparent a reat, thecorrodin plague o leprosy, re Am g . Altogether the ostprobabie conjecture in regar to these effect is that the weremeret the depredations of certain litile insedis, hich could o beseen by the naked eye. The HebreWs Without doubi considerei the

rious and searsu evit This opinion a the round of the rigidlaws, hieli are laid down in respectu it in Leviticus 12 47 9.



136. O FOOD IN GENERA L. At rst, me lived pon the fruits of rees, po herbS, OOtS, and seeds, and whateve eis the could n in the vegetable Ling-dom, that might condiae to the suppor os lise, ali hicli as expresso in Hebre by the wor zri, in the broadest sense of the word, Gen. 1 29 2 16. AsterWard a method was invente tobruis grain, and to reduce ito a mass, o sermen it, an bahe it, and thus to mahe read, hicli is also expresse by d b, in themore limite sense of the word Stili later, nolint water, but milh, Oil, and honey, ere ingle With the meat, and rea was madeo a richer an more valvable Lind. Eve so early a the time of Abraham, the ar of preparingaread Was carrie to som degre of persection. Besore the deluge the est o animal Was converte into ood, as may be inferre from the division o animal intocleari and nelean Gen. 7 2 8 aster the deluge animal are expressi mentioned, a bella flui sor ood, Gen. 9 3-6. ut meat is notis palatable and nutritious in arm climates as in therS,an fruitS, OnSequently bread Olives, and lik, are the euStomary


138. O MILLS.Cor Was eaten a firs Without an preparatio oscit at ali thecustom of thias eatiniit ad not gone into tota desuetude in thetime o Christ, Mati. 12 1. Leu 2 12. Deut 23 25. Aster the

an grain ere in his a bi Ohen There ere leves attache tolli mili, hicli separato the our froni theraran; the bran was ut into tho mill agnin and round ver The leves ere made freetis; thos made of horSe-hair ere a later invention notaearlier

than the time o Pliny.


Cooking baza, as done by the matron of the family unless, hen intenti the adorning of her person, he thought prope to commitit to the maid. Vegetabies, lentiis specialty Whicli are greatly esteemed even to this da umong the orientals, ere the principal od Gen. 25 30 34; ahes HS mixed withaoney, ere frequently used, Egeh. 16 13. Fles Was no serve up excepi hen astranger a preSent, an O the Occasion o a east, Gen. 18 7. Deut 15 20. Luke 15 23. The Oriental at the present da are ver sparin in the Se o festi; to long an abstinenc from it,however, produce a reat appetite Orcit, an generates a disease

this account, that the were o muchised in sacrifices. In the ostandient ages the animal to e Stain Was aheni themaster of thesamil himself, although he ere a prince, and was lain. The eooking also a donei hi Wise, though She were a princess, Gen. 18 2 6. Judg. 6 19. The processis coohing seem to have been

the lain animal, oKin to the difficult o preservin it in a armclimate uncorrupted, a commoni cooke at nee This is thecusto at the presentiay although the artis dryin and preservingit by the sun sanown among the Nomades. The esti hen eooked, a divide into mali pieceS, an a fauce a prepare sor


152 D142. ROASTING. 142. O ROASΤING, ribae, Inre. Mastin Was the earlies method of preparing the es os animalsa it seem is have been discovere a fir8 by chance, as al- ready Observed, and ecam in time a favorite method of cooking. The Nomades of the present day, sollowin a very ancient custom, divide the est to e maste into mali pieces sal it, an ficit pon a ooden pit. The turn ne par of it to the sire, and when his is roasted turn the ther. OWis are ro ted Whole o a pit, hieli revolve in Wo or more crotche Stichs,plaee o the round n eaeli side of the re. When hee and lambs re to e roasted hole, the thrustis har stic throughfrom the ait to the head of the animal, another transverset throughthe ore seet, an mas it in the ove described in sectiones 40. M. II. Whicli mode of roastin is expresse in Arabic by the verb L , meaning to crucify. In the countries of the ast locusta are frequently roaste so the se of the commonaeopte Their Wings and De are tinen O and thei intestines extracted theyare salted siXed pon a har piece of ood, place ove thetare, an a tengili eaten They are like vise prepared by boiling them. In summe the aretarie and round and rea is ad of them.

Sometimes the are alte an preserve in botiles, and as Occasionrequires are ut in piece and eaten, Lev. 11 22. Mati. 3 4. Some species of locust are Steeme noXioUS, and are theres Ore rechonedamong the unclean animais, Lev. II 22. The Heb. ordo: Σ,

frendere in the Englisti version qualis, Lis no to e regardedas a nam sor an species of locusta sor 'biis to this da in the East the nam os a migrator bir of the quail ind. The comeove the water of the ocean, an being ear descend in great num

pare Withra Chron. 13 5. In Exod 30 35 a in o sal called pure sal is distinguished rom common ait Among the orientias