Jahn's Biblical archaeology

발행: 1849년

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I. QuadrupedS, Whieli domo ruminate, o have clove stet. II. Serpents an creepin insects also certain insect Whichsomelimes Pan Some times advanc upo their feet. III. Certain species of blads, many of the names of whic are ob


IV. Fishes Without scales also thos Without sing. V. All ood, at liquid standinii a vesset, an ali et seed intowhicli the dea bod o any unelean insect ad assen. ater incliterns, elis, and ountainS, could Ot e contamina ted in his avLeV. 11 1 38. arn. All ood an liquids, hieli stood in the tent o chamber of adyin or dea man, remaining meanWhil in an uncovere vesset Num. 19 15. VII. verything hieli a consecrate by any one to idol org0ds, Exod 34 15. It was his prohibition hicli in the primitivo chureli occasione certain dissensions, hicli Paul frequently rematas upon, speciali in 1 Cor. 8 10. VIII. The id bile in the milh of iis mother, Exod. 23 19 34 26 Deut 14 21. The reason of this a is omewhat obscure Whether here a some superstition noli subjeci, O Whether 1t a meant a a lesson o humanit to animais, or hether i isto e undersi dos a tacit commendation o od in presereno to


I. Blood, Leu 3 9, 10, 17 7 26, 27 17 10 14. 19 26. Deut. 12 16, 23, 25 15 23. II. An animal whic die of itself, o was torno pie es by ildbeasis, in a muta a the lood remesned in the bob, Exod. 22 31. Deut 14 21. III. The sat couering the intestines, the large iobe of the liver, thehidneys and the sat pon them Exod. 29 13, 22. Leu 3 4 10, 15. 4 9. 9 10 19 also the fatuat o a certain clas of sheep, in Heb. tvibre, Exod 19 22. Leu 3 9 7 3 8 26 9 19 allis,hieli,ere

as the time o Moses. The oriental frequently used wine to uehan extent aso occasion ebrie , rom hic circumstanc many tropes are draWn Isa 5 11-22 28 1-11. 49 26. Jer 8 14 9:14. 16 48. Deut 32 42. Ps. 78 65, etc. Wine, although in E Ner climates it is very rich, as a times mixed illi spices, especiali myrrh, and this mixture a somelimes denominate Domin Hebre Word, hieli signifies taed. ut the wor in question, viz. - so the mos pari, means a in diluted illi ater, which was iven to the bilyer instead O good wine, and was consequently used tropicali se any in o adulteration, Isa 1 22.2 Cor. 2 17. Wine in the ast was frequently diluted after it Wasbought, as e ma inser si in the aci, that two Arabic verbs stili remat whicli indicato the dilution of this leverage Theword are ES . und There is in sori os in called


II. The bowl Hebre et 23. I resembled a lily, Exod. 25 33;


Luke 7 36, 38. 16 22, 23. John 2 8, 13, 23. The naiddie mat orcushion, and the contre position On any give mal a the ost


separate portio Seems t have been assigne to eaeli uest, and hewas considere a much honored, ho received tW Or Ore Or-tions 1 Sam 1 4 5. 9 22-24. At a more recent period, at theguesta sitiin or reclining at the table te ro a common disti. Drin was handed to eaeli ne of the laesis, in the cups and bowlsiaready described, and at a very ancient perio in a Separate cumtoeachine. A cup, heres ore, is frequently used tropicali sor a man's

tot o destiny, Ps. 11 6 75 8. Isa 51 22. Jer. 25 15 27. 35 5. 49 12. Egeh. 23 31-34. Mati. 26 39. The gyptians, like themodern Orientals drank aster Supper The Servant8, Standin by, observed the nod of thei master an obeyed it henc the phrases, . to standaesorem to assi es ore the muster,' are the Same a toServe him. These phrases are used tropicali algo in respectu God,

When men re prospered, the are disposed to indulge their joysul feelings in the company of Ovial companions. HenceseaSi are mentione at an early period Gen. 21 8. 29 22 31:27, 54. 40 20. In respecto tho secori tithes, whicli originaledfrom the o of Jacob, Gen. 28 22 und hicli ere et pari, notoni a a sacrifice, butis east Moses a very particular in his laWS Deut 12 4 18 14 22 29. 16 10 11. 26 10 11. Healso nacted that at the festiva of the secon sor of firs fruits,. denominate by Michaelis the sedon fit si fruits, servant and widOWS, Orphans an Levites, hould e made re partakers, mut- 16:11-14. 12:1 18. Iesus alludes to this festival Which was de-


9 8. The gratified their asto by the exhibitioni large quantities of provisioris of the fame Lind Gen. 18 6 27 9. Job 36 16 andalso by a diversit in the iniis Amos 6 4 5. Esth. 1 5-8. Neh. 5 18. Flesti and wine ere the principat artietes hene adeas is

16, 20. m. 34 4. Rev. 19 17 18.


symboli hospitality, Gen. 18 4. Jolin 13 5. 1 Tim. 5 10.




150 PRECAUTIONS GAINS FORNICATION. BOTH polygam an fornication ere condemne by that pri- meva institution, hicli, in orde to Secure the propagation os the species, oine in marriage ne an and ne oman Gen. 1:27, 28. The old an pious patriaretis religiousi observe this institution Buties ore the time o Moses, morais ad ecome very much corrupted an no Only the prostitution o semales, ut os

par of the divine orshi as indeed a be inserre fro the Words, IIII, a prostitute boy, and in M, the seminine oscit, hiehyroperi und originali mea a person religiOusty et apar an consecrate to the sagitious vice in question To prevent these evilato hieli ho Gree an Roma philosopher resuSed in progresso timeo oppos an decide resistance, Moses made the ollowing

sed likewise,