Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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wife I at the lose of this probationar period the ridegroomwere unWillinisor an causeo solemniet hi engagements by the marriage of theiride, he was bound o ive her a bili o divorce, the fame ascis he had been his isse. I the ridem the contra shouldae convicte of havin an illicit intercourse illi an person

choices of thos ornamenis, hicli are considerem appropriate in the omen. Her ea was encircled illi a crown a faet, hichis a sussicient reason of itself, hy 62, hicli primarii means a person that is crowned, hould posses the secondar significationos Mide. It was the ut of the iridegroomo se thatis east

Was made ready O the Occasion, an in caS he was a person f


numerous Offspring Wa implored pon the partie concerned Gen. 24 60. Ruth 4 11, 12; a ceremony, hicli, Simple an concise asit, , appear ancienti to haVe been the Only one that Was e forme a the consummatio of the marriage. At a later period, there mere probabi Some additional eremonios, soro rea in

155 CONCUBINES, ' ε' , , t . The ceremontes, mentione in the precedin section, oin place ni in case of the marriage of a Wis properi so called. CONCUBINES, Some of hom ad previousi acie in the umbio capacit os maid servanis, and thers ere emales ho ad possesse their Deedom, Were Ometime permanenti associate bymutua consent With individual of the ther sex; ut although this connection a in sae a marrὶage, and a legitimate ne it Was Ot, nevertheless, celebrate an confirme by the eremontes bove related. The concubine thus associale had a right to claim the privileges of a Um and it a no longe in the power of he hvs-banda dispos of heri public sale even f he had previously been

this a the case the were bound by the law of the state to treat the wit the fame tenderness, that the would a aughter o adaughter in laW, Exod. 21 9-12. His oman were made captive in War, he a alloWed a monili, as a perio in hieli he was atlibertyrio mourn the los of her parent an friends andieithersather nor son a permitte to tali heris a concubine, tili the expirationis that time Deut 20 10-14.


This a greatly destred A large number os ossispring a considereian instanee o the divine avor of the loest vid. Som; were generali more destre than aughtera, bec Se the transmi, red the name A the ather in genealogies. Steriliis a Iooked pon, no onthas a ground of great reproach, speciali to ives ut as a punishment Do God 1 Sam 1 6, 7. s. 127 3-5 128 4. Hos. 8:14. Prov. 12 6. Eccles. 6 3. Hardi les reproaeli as attachedo a lis of celibaey, and ο


158. CONCERNIN ADULTERY. 167ed hinsman, micti decline it in the presence of udges, in caseae would allow the woman the privilege of ahingi his lices, o spitiing in his face, and of addressin him illi the discreditabie salutation O unshod, an appellation, hicli in effeci ould e the fame with stigmatigin him, a the destruer of his ather' house, eui. 25 5 10. The disgraee, Whiel Would e the consequene of such

determine noto maro, ould areo encolanter it, Ruth 4 7 8. Mati. 22 23-28. 158. CONCERNIN ADULTERY. In hos countries here polygam prevatis the sentiment in respectrio the perpetration O ADULTERY is his. I a marrie mantias criminal intercoiarse illi a married Woman or it One promised in marriage, o With a Wido expectinxtoae married wit a brothori law, it is accounte adulte . faecis gulit of sueti intercourse With a Woman who is uiamarried i is considered fornication, di m. ADULTERY evenies ore the time o Moses, Gen. 38 24, as rechon-ed a crime O a very heinoia nature, and Wa accordingi punished. In Egypt the nos of the adulteress in Persia the nos and ars erecutiss Egeh. 23 25. In the pena code of Moses the punishment annexed to this crime a that O death, but the mode of eing putto eath is no particulari mentioned because ii asano rimm

Scripture, sor instanee geh. 16 38, 40. John 8 5, an a in aetM0s0s himsel testisses, is, compare Exod 31: 14 35 2, illi Num.15 35, 36. I the adultere88 ere a lave, the perSOn guit 'ere both dourged illi a Dather-wh, pz the number of the lowsno exceedinis orty. The adulterer in his instanee, in addition toste securging, as subjecte to the surther penalty of bringin atrespas offering ViZ a ram, O the oor of the tabernacle of the congregation tot offered in his bellat by the riest, Lev. 19 20


os a thing ' i. e. anythin displeaSin or improper a maybe earn by comparing the Same expressioris in Deut 23 14, 15; anythin s much a War illi propriety, and a Aource of O much dissatisfaction, a to e in the estimatio of the hvsband suffcient ground sor separation These expreSSionS, hoWeVer, ere harplycontested a to thei meaning in the later times of the Jewisti nation.

mitted by the schoo o Hille in ahing this round was that theyconsolande morat an civit law. It is true, as far a the Mosaic si tute or the civit a Was concerned the hvsband ad a right thusto do; ut it is quali clear, that the round of legat separationmus have been notis trivia aut a prominent an importantine, When it is considered, that he was bound to consul the rights of the Woman, and wa amenable to his conscience an his God Thoschool f hamma explained the phrase, AKEDNES OF A THINS, to mean actua adultery Thi interpretation O the phrase ives to the la a mora aspeet, and assigia a reason, a the ground es divorce of the ruest morat naturea ut the truth is that the phrase, in iiset considered, illiso bear his interpretation, and the laWbeyon question a designed to e meret a cisii, an no a moral

Jesus, ho id not so muta explain, a sillis the deficiencies of the Mosaic institutes, agreed illi the school of hamma ac ras his that the ground of divoree licui be ne os a morat nature, but he oes no appear o have agreed illi them in thei Opinion in respeet to the Mosai statute. 11 the contra a dente theequity the mora correcines of that statute, an in justification of


170 D161 HILDBIRΤΠ.Moses maintained that he suffore it to e Sanctioned by his authority, Ont in consequence of the hardia es of the eople' hearis, Mati. 5 31, 32 19 1-9. Marti 10 2-12. Luke 16 18. Mires, who ere considere the propert of their usband di no en-jo by the Mosaic statutes a reciproca right, and were not at liberi to dissolve the matrimonia alliance by ivingis bili o divore to that effeci. In the luter periods, however of the Jewishstate, the Jewisti matrons the more poWersu of them a least, appen to have imbibe the spirit of the ladies of Rome, and to have exercised in their own elial the fame potver, that Was grante by the Mosaic a to their usbands, Josephus, Antiq. XV. 7, 10. Mari 6 17 29. 10 12. In eas the wis sel herset injure and aggrieved, e ma infer, sto the fac of the concubine' possessing that right, holad previotasty been a maid-servant, that the is algo


re varded illi presenis, Job 3 3. Jer. 20 15. . aliis is the case atthe presentia in Persia.

Aster the expiratio of this period, he went into the tabernacle ortemple and offere a Iam of a ear id orcis She was poOr two turile oves, and wO Ouia pigeons, sor a Sacrifice of purification, Lev. 12 1-8. Luke 2 22. 162 CIRCUMCISION. The son o the eighth da after iis birin, a circumcised. By the fuistiment of this rite, it a consecratexto the service of the tria God Gen. 17 10. comp. Rom. 4 11. his, no dolabi, a the principat en o circumcision, but there o no appea to have been Wantingither subsidiar Objecis, comp. Jolin 7 23. I. CIRCUMCISION as a reventive of the digeas called the ΑΝ- THRAX or carbuncte. The digeas originates romine impurities, Whicli collec unde the prepuce, an is sata in iis effecis, Herodot. II. 45. Josephus against Apion, II. 13. Philoin Circumcision. II CIRCUMCISION may have ad the beneficia tendene os in- creasing the population, sor hen the prepuce, in such a climate Sthat o Palestine is long it is an obstaeterio fruitsulness. The pain8, resulting rom circumcision is, may belleve the Ohammedans, ure severest O the third day, Gen. 34 25. 163. NΤ1QU1Τ O CIRCUMCISION. The command give in Gen. 17 10-14, o practis circumcision is expresse in such terms, a to leave it quite evident, that the rite in question as known provisus to the time o Abraham. We earn rom Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, an from the prophe Jeremiali, 9 25, 26, stat in gypt at the riest an nota se of the lalty were circumcised No ne certaint Wil underinherio Say that the Egyptians borrowed the rite rom the HebreWsu an is his ere no the case, it Seem to e a very plain


and natural conclusion that Abraham himself firs learn it in Egypt,

Gen. 12 10 15. I it be objecte to this statement that EN CIRCUMCISIO is denominated in Jostiua 5 9, Me reproach of Egypt, expressions, hichimpi that the gyptians ei e no circumciSed, the answer is, thos expression might be ery naturali an Ver Properi used, provide&oni a par of the Egyptians, a abOV Staled, ere circumincised inasmuel a the Hebrews esteeme circumcisio an honoro sueti a igh an indispensabie nature, that it could notae ith-held, rom a single individual, ithout discredit an disgrace Gen. 34 15. Josti. 5 9. Jer. 9 24, 25. It ought to e remarhed hoWever, that notwithstanding the igh estimation in hiel the Hebrews held his rite, the numbers of them, Wh in the age of the Maccabees, Oo a par in the gymnasti exercises of the Greeks and of course appeared alie On Sueli Occasions considered circumcisiona diseredit to them and by an operation describe in Celsus, Lib. VII. c. 25, an designate by the Gree Ver ἐπισπα0μια, the contrive to restore the prepue t iis origina sorm 1 Mae 1 15 1 Cor. 7: 18. 164. ΟΝ ΠΕ ΑΜIN O CHILDREN. NAM Wasalven to the male chil a the time o iis circumcision, but it is probabie, that revious to the introductio of that rite, the nam Was i ven immediatel aster iis birili. Among the Oriental the appellationsalven us ames ure alWays significant. In the old Testament, e find that he hild was ame in many instances rom the circumstances of iis birili, O si om Ome peculiarities in the histor of the famil to hielici bolonged Gen. 16:11. 19 37. 25 25, 26. Exod. 2 10. 18 3, 4. Frequently the ame