장음표시 사용
In the lalter times, AMES ere electe from hos of the progenitor of a family liene in the e Testament, hardi any other than ancient ames occur, Mati. 1 12. Luke 1 61. 3 23 ot seq. The inhabitant of the ast ver frequently change theirnames, and ometimes do it sor very lirat reasons This accounts for the saet O so many persons having tW names in Scripturea consul Ruth 1 20, 21. 1 Sam 14 49 31 2. 1 Chron. 10 2. Judg. 6 32 7 1. 2 Sam. 23 8. ings an princes ver Oftenchange the ames of thoseolio et Ossices unde them, particulari When the sirs attracte thei notice and were Ae intothei employ, and when Subsequently the were elevate in Somenemstatio an crowned with additiona honors Gen. 41 45. 17 5.
32 28. 35 10. Nings 23 34, 35. 24 17. Dan. 1 6. Joli 1 42.
Mar 3 17. Hene Α ΑΜΕ a ne nanete occur tropicatly a Rtoken or proo o distinctio an honor in the ollowin amongother passages, Philip 2 9. Heb. 1 4. Rev. 2 17. Sometimesthe ames of the pnd were changed sor instanc stat of ABEL,bzri, a Word hic signisses Nath, or Somethin transitory, a abreath give to him aster his death in allusion to the horines of his life Gen. 2 8. Sometimes PROPER AMES are translate intoother languages, Osing their origina form While they preServethei signification. his appears o have been the case illi theproper ames, hicli Occur in the leven rst hapter of Genesis, and whichisere translate into Hebre frona a language
174 D165 CONCERNING THE FIRST BORN. ther might, is e chose, transse the right o primogeniture to a. younge child, but the practice occasione much contention Gen. 25:31, 32, and a la was nacte overrutiniit Deut 21 15-17. The rs born inherite peculia right an privileges: I. He received a doubie portion of the estate Jacob in the caseo Reuben, his sirst boria, estowed his additiones portion pon Joseph, by adoptin his Wo sons Gen. 48 5-8. Deut 21 17. his asdone as a reprimand an a punishment f his incestuous conduci, Gen. 35 22; ut Reuben, notWithstanding, as enrolle a the firstborti in the genealogical registers 1 Chron. 5 1. II. The rs bom a the pries of the whole family. The honoro exercising the priesthood was transferred by the command of God communicated through Moses, from the tribe of Reuben, o hom tbelonged by right o primogeniture, to that o Levi, Num 3 12 18. 8 18. In consequende of this faet, that God ad ahen the Levites Dominmong the childremo Israel instea of ait therars bom to servehim a priosis, therars bor of themther tribes ere tot redeemed, at a valvatio made by the pries no exceedin sive hehela, from servin God in that capacity Num. 18 15 16. comp. Luke 2 22 et
Hebrews, as everywhere distinguiShed rom the ther tribes. In consequence of the authority, hicli a thus attache to th firstboria, he was also made the Successor in theatragdom. There a an ex option to this in the AS O Solomon, WhO though a oungerbrother, a made his SucceSSori David at the special appotnimento God It is ver eas to Se in Vie of these saeis, ho the ord
highest dignity Isa. 14 30. s. 89 27. Rom. 8 29. Col. 1 15 18. Heb. 12 23. Rev. 1 5 11. Job 18 13.
cireumStaneeS, he Was nable to assor a sussicient suppi of milhsor iis nouriSliment. In later ages When matrons hadaecome more delicate, and thought
themsolves to infirm to fulfit the uties hicli naturali devolvodupon them, nurSe Were employe t tali thei place, and ererechone among the principat member of the family. The are, accordingly, in consequence of the respectable Station hic the sus-tained, frequently mentioned in sacred history, Gen. 35 8. Ming 11:2 Chron. 22 11. The sons remainextili the fifth ea in the care of the omen; the the came into the father' hands, and were aught nolint thearis and duties of life but were instructed in the Mosaic law, and in ali paris of their count ' religion Deut 6 20 25 7 19 11 19. Those, ho Wisheyt have them further instructed provide theydidio deem it proferable to emplo private leachers Sent them aWayt some priestis Levite, ho Sometimes lia a number of other chil-dren to instruct It appears fromes Sam 1 2 28 stat there asingehoollea the hol tabernacle, dedicate to the instructionis youth. There had been many the school of this ind whicli ad salieninto discredit, but were restored again by the prophe Samuel; after Whos time the member of the Seminaries in question, ho ere denominated by way o distinctio the fons of the propheis acquire nolitile notoriely. The aughter raret departe fro the apariment approprialedio the emales, except when the went out With an urn 'et to dra Water, hicli a the practice illi thoseolio elonge to those humbier stations in lise, here the ancient simplicit of mannerShad not os iis prevalence, Exod. 2 12. Gen. 24 16 29 10.
D168 O THE ESTAMEN OR ILL 177be proved that he had beaten or cursed his ather o mollier orthat he was a Spendthrist, o Saucy, O contumuelous, and Ouidnot be resormed, Exod. 21 15, 17 Lev. 20 9. Deut 21 18 21. The authorit of the parenis, and the Service and love due to them, are recogniZed in the mos prominent an fundamenta of the morallares of the Jewis poli , Viet me en comman enis, Exod. 20:12. The son, ho ad acquire property, a commande to exhibit his gratitude to his parenis, nolint by ord an in seeling, butb gisis, Mati. 15 5 6. Mar 7 11-13. The power of the satherove his ost spring in the ancient times a not ni very great sorthe time eing, and while e s ourne wit them in the and of the living he was allowe also to cast his ye into the future, and his prophetic curse Or lessin possessedis litile essicacy, Gen. 49:
168. O THE TESTAMEN OR ILL. I. As it respecte sons. The properi or estate of the ather fel aster his deceas into the possession of his sons; ho dividedit among themselves equally, illi thi exception that themides sonreceived two portions. The ather expresse his ast isties orwid in the presene of Witnesses, and probabi in the presene ofth heirs, mings 20 1. At a recent period the wil Was made ut in riting. II. As se respecte the fons os concubines. The portion, that Was ven to the fons os concubines depende altogether po the eel-ings of the fallier. Abraham gave presenis to hat amount is nesknown both to Ishmael an to the fons hom he had bymeturali, and sent them away be re his death. It does not appear, that theylia an other portio in the estate. But Jacob ad the fons, whom se hada his concubines heira, as et a the thers Gen. 21 8 21. 25 1-6. 49 1 27. Moses lai no restrictions ponthe choice of ather in his respeet; and we hould inser, that the Son os concubines, o the most pari received an qua Ahare Withthemther sons seo the faet, that Jephthah, the son o a concubine, complained that he was exclude without an portio fro his sa-ther' house Judg 11 1-7.
IV. As it respecte servants. The servant O me iuves in usamit could not claim any hare in the Stateras a right,aut these Son, ho madem id, might i he hose mine them his heirs, comp. Gen. 15 3. Indeed in orne instances, hos Who ad heira recogniZed a such by the law, di no deem it unbecomin to esto the whole or a portionis thei estates on salthsul and deservin servanta, Prov. 17 2. V. As it respected idolos. The widow of the de eased like hisdaughters had n legat right to a hare in the estate. The sons, however Orither relations ere boundo assor her an adequale maintenance, uralescit ha been other is arranged in the wid. hegometimes returnediae again to her ather' house, particularisi thesupport, hieli the heir gave her, a no Suchos ad been promised, or a no Suffcient, Gen. 38 11 compare also the stor of Ruth. The propheis ver frequently, and undoubtedi not without cause, exclaim against the neglect and injustice hown to idows, Isa.
1 17 10 2. Jer. 7 6 22 3. Egeh. 22 7. comp. Exod. 22 22-24. Deut 10 18. 24 17.
170. WAYS IN HICH MEN ECAME LAVEs. 179Wo have said that the HebreWs ere permitted o hold oreigners in flavery, ut to this talement there are Ome exceptions, hichare to e mentioned. The Canaunites could o be sit in si very For them, unde the then exiStin circumstances, laver Wasregarde to great a privilege, O rathe it ould have subjected the Jews o oo reatis agard. Such a the ad faith of tho Canaanites, the reatnes of thei numbers, and thei deep-rooted idolatry that, ad the been introduce unde an circumstances Whateve into the Israelitisti community the would certaint have endangered thei existenue, as a people o God. The Gibeonites, theΚephirites, the Beerothites, and the inhabitant of M athesearim, havin surreptiliousty obtaine a reat with tho Israelites, eremad exceptions also, and Were employed in the service of the tabernacle, Josti. 9 1-27. 170. ΑY IN HICH MEN ECA ME LAVES. Men lost their reedom in ancient times in s many Way8, stati is dissiculi perhaps impossibie, to asser of any one of them, that it Was the origi or sint occasionis flave . e hali here re content urgelves illi meret mentioning the Various Ways, in hiel the piunge into oonsortunate an debasin a condition. I. Captivit in ar. Some suppos this to have been the origino flavery Deut 20 14. 21 10 11. Gen. xiv. II. Debis These, as et a captivit in ar beeam an occasiono flavery When the were so large that the deblo Was nable topa them 2 ings 4 1. Isa 50 1. Mati. 18 25. III. Thest. laver Was the consequence of thest, hen thethies Was nota lerio repay the amount of the proper , hichae hadtahen, Exod. 22 2. Neh. 5 4 5. IV. Man-stealing. y thicis tot understood that aut of violence, by hieli an individua in time of peae is uiri usti sold into laVery,
Orci retaine as a lave in the possession of the author of the crimehimself Moses nacte law of very great severit against his crime, ut the were restricte in thei operation to those, Wh had by violenue ahen and made a flave, o Sol sorine, a De HebreW,
180 D171. CONDITIO OF SI AVES AMON THE HEBREWS.are mentione in the Scriptures unde the ollowin Hebrem
mon method o obtaining them, Num. 31 4, 1 18, 35. Henee flaves are denominate zzz Ip the properi or the purchaseos silver i. e. hos piarchased illi silver. The ricem a lave was different a disserent times, Varyin Wit the age, seX health, shili, etc. of the individua sold. e ma inser fro Exod. 21:32, that the medium price Os a lave a thirt sheheis an by an examination o Lev. 27 1-8, forma probabie opinion asto the dissereno of the valvationis a lave in the different periods
pared, excepi lien, RS RS Ometime the case, a semate Servant,
It was the busines of ome of the servant to instruct the childreno their Wners, hil some alte upon thei mistresS, and Othersupo thei master. The conditioni these Was in Some respecta esshard tha that of the thers, although it is natural to suppose, thatthos masters, ho ad an sense of the uties, hic eVer manoWe t another, hateve his condition exhibite to ali of their Slaves et o kladnes an humanity, Job 1 13. Moses in Orde to rende the conditionis those ho haddost their liberty, as re fro miser and a favorabie a possibie, made thesello ing regulations: I. That servant or laves hould e realed illi humani . The law, hieli is ive in Lev. 25 38-53, Speah Ver e pressi in relation to the reaiment of Servant that were o Hebre origin, an in truth of thos only but a the laves that ereo soreign origin When once circumcised, ere rechone among the HebreWs, it a b considere as applying, in Some degreeat east, O all. II. That the master, ho te a servant of Whateve origi With a rod o by means of blows, houldae punished according to the ili an pie ure of the judge. In case the servant di no dietillis da o tW after eing mitten, themaster ent unpuniShed, because the designis murriring the servant could no in that casebe presumed, and the os of the servant iiset Was deeme a su ficient punishment, Exod. l 20, 21. III. He surther enaeted i the master i ured the servant in eyeor tooth, that is, accordin to the spirit of the lam in an member
VI. That the servanis, in aceOrdance Wit an ancient a orcustomo Whiel there is an allusion in Job 24 10, 11, ere entille to and should receive an adequale subsistenceri moliose, to hom the were subjeci, Deut 25 4. Omp. 1 Tim. 5 18 1 Cor.
VII. The master a bound o provide so the marriage of maid- servanis, uniessae ook them to himself a concubines, o gave themto his son, Exod. 21 8. VIII. A servant of Hebre originoa no oblige t serve longe than Six eam, aster hieli time eoas to e dismissed With present of considerable amount, and With the wise, homhe had married previoris to avinclos his freedom, Exod. 21 2 4 Lev. 25 1-17. In case he had ecome a lave, hile uiamar-riod, and ad marriod illi the consent of his master during the period of his lavery the wis could o go ut illi im toth et Gyment of reedom, ill he had rei complete her eveny0ars of servitude, Exod. 21 4. Lev. 25 39-41. Deut 15 12 17. of this privilege, o sueti it a b considered, the Hebre malim servanis ere, at si St, O SOme ea son, holi depriveti, Exod. 2l: et seq.; ut at a later period, heia the face of things ad pr babi undergone Some changes, the Hebre legislato thought stto grant it to them Deut 15 12-17. The person, ho ad Once been a sinuo bul ad sterWard obtaino his reedom, Wasdenominat ei in Hebre v. zri. I in servant, O much ttaehedo his ni ter bis i se and the hildron o whom he had be-
come illo altior in his servi ludo res sed to coepi the Deedom,
teli ad been Mered hi in the master in the presenue Os Dd ad liberi lo receive hi m. an in sigia os perpetua servi-