Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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179 PUBLIC HONORS.It is the custo in Asia, to exhibit the mos distinguishe macts

hing they honor an salute hi in silence 2 Sam. 16 16 1,ings1 40 2 ings 9 13. Isa. 62 11. Zech. 9 9. Mati. 21 7 8. Themusicians aikrars in the procession 1 ing 18 46. 1 Chron. 15:27-29. The persons ho sustain ossices in the overtament, andare attache to the palaee, are the ex in the procession Thensollows the hing. Allis them are carrie On oble OurSerS. Ancienti hings, o Sueli occasions rode in chariois Gen. 41 43.



Sido the ne in question vi g. When a person has deserte the Christia an embraee the Mohammedan aith, and when a classor school of oys have inished the stud of the oran. The oys, who have thus complete the perusal of the writings of the Eastern Prophet, ure sented pon the choieest Steeds. Mustelans o be rethem, the samerus in the processioni hings and surrounde Withan Scorti Ahoutin fellOW-studenis the are conducte through thecity. The prevalence of these custom in the ast ill throw omelight iapo sueti passages a the solioWing, Gen. 41 23. Esth. 6 7-9.1 Sam. 10 5-10. 180. CONVERSATIO AND BATHING. CONVERSATION in hiel the ancient oriental indulge likeother men in orde to beguit the time, as held in the ate of thecity. Aecordingly there a an operi pace ea the ate of thecity, ascis the eas at the presentia in Mauritania, hich wasilindu With seat so the accommodatio of the eopte Gen. 19 1.

might offer themselves to thei notice or attende to the judicialtriais, hieli,ere commoni investigate a public places of this hinii, viz. at the gate of the ity, Gen. 19 1. 34 20. s. 26 4 5. 69 12.127 5. Ruth 4 11. Isa. 14 31.

Intercoiars by conversation, though nes Ver frequent, as OtSo rare among the ancient Oriental8 a among thei descendant of

modern Asia. Nor is his to e Onderet at sine the athera dran wine, hile the descendant are obliget to abstain fromit and we are et assured that the effect of this exhilaratingbeverage as O communicate no litile vivacit to the character of the ancient Asiati es at eas to that of the Hebrews see Isaia 30 29. Jer. 7 34. 30 19. Amos 6 4 5. The ancient Asiat-ies, mong homo include the HebreWs, were delightod illi singing, with ancing, and illi instruments Os music. PROMENAD-iΝG. O uini able an so gre able in Olde latitudes, was e risonae and unpleasant in the warm climates of the East, and thisis probabi orae reas , hy the inhabitant of thos climates preferressi holdini intercourse mitti inin unother, ,hile initting mear


the galeis the city, or beneath the had of the sig-tre and the vine, Sam. 22 6. Micali 4 4. It is O the Same reason also that es frequently hear in the Hebre Scriptures of person sitiing ownas in the solioWing passage, ilessed is theman, that standethio in the way of inners, nor sitieth in the eat of the com fui se Ps. 1 1.107 32 89 7 111 1. 64 2 50 20. 26 5. THE BATH as alWay Ver agreeable to the inhabitant of tho

surprising that it should have been O, sincerit is notini coolin and refreshing, but is absolutet nece8sar in Orde to Secure a decent degre o cieanlines in a climate, here there is o much expOSureto dust. The bath is frequently visited by Easterii lassies, and maybe rechone among thei principat recreations Thos Egyptians, who lived at the earlies perio of Whicli, haVe any account, erei tho habit of athing in the water of the Nile, Exod. 2 5. 7:13 25 Herodot. II. 37. It was ne of the civit law of the Hebrows that the bath should e sed The object of the la without doubi acto secure a proper degre of leanlines among them, Lev. 14 2. 15 1 8. 17 15 16 22 6. Num 19 6. e may, theres ore, conside it a probabie, that public ballis, goon after theenaeiment of this lam, ere erecte in Palestine, os a constructionsimila to that of those, hicli are so frequently See at the presentda in the East. The orientals When engage in conversation, re ver candidan mild, and do no seel themgelves a liberi directi to contradiet the person illi hom the are conver8ing although theyma at the fame time e conscious, that he is telling the false-


I 33. 34. 24 16, 22. Num 9 14. 15 14. Deut 10 18. 23 8 24:17 27 19. In the earlier period Os the Hebre State, person Who ere


Solomon numbere ad the stranger that were in the land of δε- rael, after the numbering herewit David his ather had numbered them and thenwere found an hundre and sty thousan and three thousand an sis hundres and he et threes ore an ten thousand of them to e bearer of burdens' etc. se 1 Chron. 22 2 2 Chron. 2 1, 16, 17. The eXactionis Such laborious services fro soreigners, was probabi limite to those ho ad been ta ken prisoners in ar; and who, aecordin to the right of War a the were understoo a that period, could e justi employed in an ossices, howeve to an hoWeve laborious, hicli the conqueror thought propero impose. In the time o Christ the degenerate Jews di no find it convenient to rende to the Stranger Doma soreig country thos deed of hindnes an humanity, whichwere not ni thei due, ut hieli ere demande in thei be-hal by the law of Moses. The were in the habit os under- standin by the wordis , eighbor thei friend merely, and accord-lagi restriete the exercise of thei benevolene by the Same narro limit that ounded in his age, their interpretation contra a both were to the spiriti thos passages, which have been adduced Ove Lev. 19 18. 182. TAE GOR AN BEGGARS. MOSes, as may be earne by consulting the reserenues in thepreceding Section, Made abundant provision sor the oor, ut it does no appea that he say anythinii respectu beggara sesin the rs express mention o mendicant in the Psalms See is 109 10. In the paris of the Hebre Scriptures, hicli ere Writte subsequently the mentio of them is quite frequent. In the time o Christ, mendicant were 1 und sittin in the Streeis, at the oors of the teli, at the gales of the temple, and likeWiSe,

have reason to belleve, at the entrance of the Synagogues,


tioned the do no appea to the pityi to the alm8-givin spirit, buto the justice of thei benefactors, Job 22 7 31 16. Prov. 3 27, 28 21 2 l. s. 24 5. Eccles. 4 1. 14 13 14. Mat 6 1. Gran 17 28 30 37. 70 24. Buxtors exic Chald Talmud. Rabb. p. 1821.

tion hicli existe bet eo the Hebrews and the Gentile nations, and in rende the forme cies liable to seductio in idolato, he


D183. LEVITICA L DEFILEMENTA. 199 polate and regulate the eremontes by hicli unelean persons mighta purifie an restore bach again to the privileges of the tabernacle an to the intercourse of friend8. I a person, ho Wasdefited or nolean, ouche another, he rendere the ther person asunelean as himself, and both were exclude from the tabernacle and temple Lev. 13 3. Thos persons, horaecordin to the Levitical lam ere nolean,

D that remo the neve assume them, excepi in age of the dealbos parent8, children, brothers, o unmarrie sister residin in their Ather' houge. For the fame eason, viz. the circumstance of their communieating neleanness, the habiliments of mourning ere alto-gether interdicte to the his priast, Lev. 5 2. 11 8-11, 24 1.21 1-5, 10 11. Num 19 11 15.



PROSPER ALPINUs, in his Boo de Medicina Aegyptiam, Lib. I.

c. 13. p. 13, mention the dise es hicli are prevalent in gyp and in other countries in the fame climate. The are ophthalmies, leprostes, inflammations of the brain, pain in thecioinis, the hemia, the tone in the rein an bladder, the phthisic hectic pestilentiat, and tertian severs, weaknes of the stomach, obstructions in the livenand the spleen O these diseases ophthalmies, pestilentia severa, an inflammations of the brain are epidemies the othera are o di

serent chameter.

EVer region and very age of the worid, has been in the habitos attributin certain diseases o certa in causes, and of Signing names O thos disse es, derived DOm the supposed origi Or cauSe, Whether it ere a real or orat an imaginar one. The amesthus ive have been in many instances retaine both by the Vulgar an by men o medica science aster disserent causes ad been develope an assigne to the dise es in question In respect is this subjech e now that there are certain ord of ery Π- cient Standing, hicli are sed to expres diserae of some indir


oster it illother ore, e a prominent inquir with us to earn What the diseases are that ere designe tot expressed by those words. An in Orde to elea the Way sor his inquiry the remata a be ad here, the truth of hich very one ili beWillin in confess, that the ancients ere accustomedo attribute the origin o diseases, particulari of those hos natura cause the di not understand to the immediate interferene of the Dei . Henc the were denominate by the ancient Greeli μάστιγες or the courges of God, a Word hicli is employed in tho NewTestamen by the physician Luke imself, h. 7 21 and also in Mar 5 29, 31.

The digeas of the Philistines, hieli is mentione in 1 Sam. 5 6, 12 6 18, is denominate in the Hebre disinx This ordoccurs likewis in Deut 28 27 and it is orth o remar that itis eve Where explaine in the eri or margina readings by

the Aramean ordis seu an expression, hicli in the Syria di lect, here it occurs unde the form ia , means the fundament, and likeWis the effort hie is made in an evacuatio of the system. The authors, heres ore, of the readin in the eri appear o have assente to the opinion O Josephus, X- presse in Antiq. VI. 1. 1; an to have undersico by this ordth dysenteta The correspondin Arabic ordS, in x Uin,

mea a Welling on the anterior part of the VERENDA in emales, answering omeWhat in iis nature to the hernia in men a digease, consequently very different rom the emorrhoids, hieli Ome person understandrio e meant by the ord 'na'. Among ther objections it ma also e observe that the mice, hicli are mentione not ni in the Hebre text, 1 Sam. 6 5, 12. 16 18 butalso in the Alexandrine and Vulgate versions, 1 Sam 5 6 6 5, 11, 18 are an laeetion to understanding the emorrhoid by the

wor unde consideration since, i that were in ac the diserae,

ing to averi the ange of the God of Israel. Lichtenglein, a riter in Elelihorn's Bibliotheli, an VI. p. 407-466, has ive a solution, hielicis De from the dissiculties


belon to the Spide class, and et are S large, and 8 Simila in thei forma mice, as to admit of their ein denominate by the

Same Ord These venomous animal destro an live ponScorpions. The also ite men, Wheneve the can have an

Opportunity, particulari in the fundamen and the verenda. Theirbite causes gwellings, sata in thei consequences, hicli are callud in Hebre aphalim, b zz se Pliny, Hist. Nat. Lib. XXIX. . The probabie supposition then is that ΟLPUGAS ere at this time multiplied among the Philistines by the specia providenceo God, and that, ein very venomouS, the Were the mean Ofdest ying many individuals. 186. TAE DISEAS OF IN JEHORAM. Κin Jehoram, ho was lothe with the doubie insam ofbein at Once an idolater and the murderer of his rethren, Wasdiseased internali so tW years as ad been predicted by the prophet Ethali and his bowel are sal to have fallentuti reasonos his sichness, 2 Chron. 21 12-15, 18, 19. his disease beyondat dolabi, a the dysentery and though iis continuance so long time a very uncommon, it is by no means a thin unitear os The intestines, in time, ecome ulcerate by the operatio of this digease Not ni blood is discliarged rom them, ut a sortissmucotis excrement lihewis i thrown Off, an Sometimes mallpieces of the festi iself so that apparently the intestines are omitte o sali ut, hieli is susscient to account O the expressions that re sed in the statementis in Jehoram' disease Mead, Medic Sacr. c. IV. 187. ALAE CONCEPTION Eνπνσματωσις .False conception or regnaney in ree ενπνευματωσις, in Latin mola ventosa does no appea in have been O nfrequentamong the Hebre women a among thos o Europe. I itha been o it probabi Would o have made iis appearance Onthe pages o Hebre writer in the hape os a gure of speech.