장음표시 사용
16 21, 22. ut the carry the comparison stili further. Thosedays of adversity, Whicli ere Succeede by adversit stili, thosescenes of sorrow Whicli ere solioWed ni by additiones sorrow,were likene to omen, Who labore unde that diseas of the system, hic cause them to Xhibit the appearance an endureste ain os a statem pregnancy, hen that apparent state O preν nanc resulte either in nothing, O in the parturition o a monster, Da. 26 18. s. 7 14.
THE LEPROS prevatis in gypt in the solither par os I per Asia, and in fac may be considere a digeas endemi in armclimates generalty Accordingly, it is notis ali surprising i many of the Hebrews, hen the les Egypt were insected Mithrit; ut theassertioni Manetho that the were ad thus insected, and were in consequence of the insectio driventuti force, in hichae is precipitatet an caretessi sollowed by Strabo by Tacitus by Justi Trogus, and by ther more recent, is a mere ream, ithout an ade- quate foundation. The digease, it is true, as a Ver Severe and a Ver repulSiVe ne and was regarded by the ancients as a marhed
exhibitionis the justice and the wrathis God It was denominated by the Hebrem the stro e or ound rarn, Dd, i. e. by Supplying the ellipsis, the stro e or ound of the Lord Num. 12 1-10 2Κings 5 1 et seq. 15 5. 2 Chron. 26 16 et seq. Herodot. I. 138. But certainly the hings of gypt Who, accordin to the unanimous
testimon of the ancients could correcti estimate the value o a numerous population aete a strange and unaccountable part i ita a
faci thali account of a disease, hieli might be calledine of the attributes of the country and climate, the expelled Do the very heartos thematio more than two million Ofieople.
204 g 189. PROGRES OF LEPROSY. 189. BEGINNINGA AN PROGRES OF LEPROSY. The lepros exhibit itfel o the exterior ursace of theskin but it infecis, at the fame time, the marro and the Ones; so much so that the furthes joint in the system graduali losethei powers, and the member sal together in Such a manner, asto ive the od a mutilate and readsul appearance. Fromthese circumstances, there an e no doubi that the disesse originates, an spread iis ravages internalty bes ore it mallescit appearance On the exterea paris of the Ody. Indee me have reason to belleve, that it is conceale in the interna paris os the System a number of years, sor inglance, in insanis commoni tillthe arrive ut the age of puberty, and in adulis, a many a threeor our ears, ill ut ast it ives the searsul indications o thes in f havin atready gaine a deep-roote an permanent exis,
It progress subsequentlyrio ita appearance On the externa sur-
face of the od is sar romaein rapid in a number of years it a rives at ii middie, and in a number after toriis inal state. A personwho is leprous fro his nativit ma live fift years one, hocinas te lis is insected illi it ma live twent years, but the Willae such years of dreadsul mise , as raret sal to the tot of man in any
ence of the ea leprosy, Lov. 13 2, 39 14 56. Froin thes it is
206 D189. NOTE I. LEPROS CALLE BOHAK. onl by transmission rom the parent to the children, and not onlyb sexua cohabitation, but also by much intercourse illi the leprous person in an way Whatever. Whene Moses acte the par of awis legislator in mining thos laWs, hich have come Own O us, concerning the inspectio an separation O leproia persons Theobject of these laws ill appea peculiarly orthy, hen it is considered, that the were designe not antoni torax the charge of beinga leper po an innocent person, and thus t impose ponaim those restraint an inconveniences, hiel the truth of such a charge naturali implies; ut o Meertain in the fairest an most satisfacto manner, and Oraeparate those, and thos Only, ho ere trul and reali leprous. A this a the prominent Object of his laws that
tiat decisioni a question of this hind, he has no mentione those signs o leprosy, hieli admitte o no doubt,aut thos onj, hichmightae the subjec o contention; and est it to the riesis, hoalso sulfille tho me of physicians, o distinguisti etween thereali leprous, and those ho ad ni the appe ance of eing Such. In the opinion O Henster, expresse in his Ges hichte demabenulandis hen Aussa res p. 273, Moses, in the laWs to hicli eliave alluded discovers a reat noWledge of the dise e. very species o lepros is no equali malignant the mos virulent species defies the kill an power o physicians That whicli scies so, flahen a it commeneement ea be ealed But in the lalter casealso, i the diseas has been o long continuance, there is no
Wo findiention in the rules laid down by Moses sor the pur- pose of ascertaining the triae token O leprOSy, Os a culaneous disorder, hicli is denominate by hi bola pra, and of hielithere is a stigii mention in the bove section. It a thought bytho translator that it might be interestin to the reade to avesonae surther account of this disorder, an he has necordingi introduce here the answer of Niebutir, ound a page 135 of his Dos riplion O Arabia, O the inquir Os Michaelis on this subjeci. The woriis of Moses, hich may be ound in Leviticus 13 38, 39,
in f the rates se that the color of these spois is fata and pale it is
208 g 189 ΟΤΕ ΙΙ THU LEPROST OF GUADALOIIPE. Europe indee almos extinet, made iis appearance bout theysia 17 30 o the estern Continent, an sprea iis ravagesamong the fuga istand of the est Indies, particulari Guad Ioupe. The inhabitant of this fland alarme an terrisse at theintroductio of so perniciolas a disorde among them, petitione the Courtis France to sen to the istan person qualisie to institute an inspectio of those ho labore under suspieions of ein insected in orde that those ho ere in faet leper might be removed
period of the diserae, the are hideousi dissigured, and objectio the
It has been remarhed that this horribi disorde has be-sides, Some Ver lamentabie properties; as, in the sirst placo thatit is hereditary and liene some families are more affected illii than thera secondiy that it is infectious, ein propagate bycoitiora, and eveni long continue intereourse: and thirdly that itis incurabie, O at east O means O cur have hitherio been dis- covered Mercuria medicines, an diaphoretius, an ali the usual preseription an plans o regimen or venerea complainis have been tried fro an de that the insection might be venereat; ut in vain sor instea os relieving the oni h tene the destructiones the patients. The medicines serviceable in the lues venerea ad n other effect than to bring the dise e to ita aeme induein ali iis mos formidabie symptoms, and mahing thos thus realed die ome
The pestilence, in iis effecis, is quali terribie illi the leprosy, and i much more rapi in iis progress sor it terminates the existence of those, ho are insected it it almos immediately, and at the furthest, illiin three Or ou dayS. The Gentiles mere in the habiti referringiae the pestilene to the agene and interserenue of that eing, hateve it might e, hether ido orspirit, hom the regatae a the divinity. The Hebrews also everyWhere attribute it to the agene either of God imself, or of that legate or anget, hom the denominate 'Iou. e
210 L190 THE PESTILENCE. it is clear, the do no mean o say, he is the immediate cause in s fearsul a calamity froin the saet, that in ther places, theyrepresentio a the author o mora evit, here the certainlydo no mean O say, hecis the immediat authori suci evit. In asomowhat recent period of thei history, it cannot e dented that instoad of mahin God the author of evit, the attribute it to a malignant spirit of high origin, viz. Sutari; ut Still the were aware of the originis this eing that he was the creatur of God and aete beneath his superintendende. The dissiculi then in regard tothei representation ariSes rom his Ource. Od in a certain sense, is the author o ut thing8. his is true. ut the ancient Hebrews domo appea to have distinguished illi sussicient aecurae that liberi or permission, hicli is ive u in the ourse of divine providerice tota or noto do, o do good or evit, fro the direct and immediate agene o God imself, Deut 4 19. Josti. 11:20. 2 Sam. 16 10 24 1. comp. 1 Chron. 21 1. 2 ing 17 14. Ps. 78 49-51. In consequetice of this disposition to identis theagene o God illi the actions of his creatures, an to cons unditi original illi secon an subsidiar causes, e find by consulting the Scriptures that the Sometime repreSent men, and Some- times animal or inanimate existences a metis: the messeuger Orthe angeli os God and this is no orit in poetry but likewis in prose, Ps. 34 T. 104 4. Heb. 2 2. Aeta 7 53 12 23. Gal. 3 19.
comp. Josephus, Antiq. XV. 5. 3. This mode of speech was o common, that the adducees O a more recent age, ho, although the received the Scriptures illi veneration dente the existence Os an SpiritS, interpreted ali the passages, Where mention is ad O ungeis, of Other existences, hicli ere emplOyed by Od as instrumenta,
likewiso, as has been hown by Reland de Samaritanis, T-9 gaveth sume pervertet interpretation to the word, hicli is renderedunoel This modo os Speukin 1 uni iis a uis among the
accustomod in denominatem sic man, ne tempted Lazarta, o triedos oris his angel, Assemani Bibl. orient T. I. p. 15. Omp. 2 Cor. 12 7. It is in this a that the PESTILENCE, the econd-
in a Way, hicli is no common amon us, Aeem tot sufficientlyclear rom 2 Sam. 24 12, 15, here a pestilenee illi it ordinaryan natura attribute is the prominent subjectis discourse Thisvie of the subjectinives a reason, hy the Septuagint render themor rari or pestilence, in Ps. 91 6, by δαιμονι0ν μεσηUPιν0ν, i. e. the demon of noon-das and wh Jonathan render the ame
W0 lay it down then, as a genera principie, stat hereverWe are Oid, an anget Sualter abroad a pestilenee, the pestilence meret is meant by suta expressions Appi it sor instance to the destructio of Sennacherib' army, Iing 19 35. comp. 2 ings18 23. 19 6-8. In his destruction, an hundred an eighty-five thousan men perished. e re tot it a done by an anget,
but e knoW, his as a common modo of speech and that ad natura evenis an effect were frequently describe a the mes- senger or angelsis God. I W see then sor a natural cause, sors wide a destruction, eis immediatet upo the PESTILENCE,
whieli is mos violent in ita irs attach, and might et have destroysed the hundred an eighty-sive thousan Assyrians, i thespolis of gypt insected illi it contagious properties, ad beenseattere through the eamp. The dea, that Sennacherib' armyperished by means os the PESTILENCΕ, communicate in the wayabove allude io, o some ther, agrees belle than an other hypothesis, With the faet, that the furvivors in that arm Were Otaware ill the retur of the orning light of the immense number,
I any one isties o b informe surther concerning the natureo the pestilenee, and the symptom exhibite by an insected e Son, et hi consul the original German editior of this ork, T. II. P. I. 223. p. 389-397. It wil meret be remarhed here, in reserenue to thos topics, that no ine ever recoverer Dom
taine in Ps. 104 4 compare Wit Ps. 148 8, it is stili a question, o Whicli man persons ill seel themselves a liberi in dissent DOm our author, hether he ought noto have limite his ieWof the USUS LOQUENDI unde consideration to the poetical paris of the Scriptures ΘNothin is more obvious than stat poetr has iis appropriate