Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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been sent by him among the hechemite ; and hieli, certainly, aswas evident even to the ancient interpreterS, an has been sincet eve 'Ody else, a nothin more than the spirit o stris and dissension. In the Same Way the spirit os fornication, dii: in Hosea 4 I 2, is meret lust compareo Sam. 11 6. 6:14. Judg. 3 10. 6 34. 11 29. 14 6. S. 61 11. Egeli. J I9.18 31. his representation more than an other is suilabi tothe faet, that Saul was benefited by music so the charm of muste, howeve great it emeaeo in an Other case, ould have been very incompetent to the ask of subdia in the untractabie spirit of a real

This mode of spea Ling di no originate, a Some haVe Sup- posed in the time of the captivity froin the doctrine hel by tho Meliestani, although it undoubtedi a that time ecam more common, and was Sed illi greater latitude, han at an previolas Period For, agreeabi to this mode of speech an to the bellofon hielicit is 1 unded, viz. the Subordinate agene O angeis, eta mentio made in Daniel 4 10, 14, 20, consul Michaelis'seditionis the Hebre Bible, o di star-watchers. The designs o the decrees of these lol WalcherS,' a the are termed, Whieli are made nown to Nebuchadneggar in his vision, an are State in the verses above mentioned are reserred by Daniel, in thetWenty-eighth verse of the fame hapter, to the immediate ageneyo God himself a ircumstanee hicli is altogether consormabie toWhat has been atroad stated in his and the precedin Section, Onthis subjeet. The diseas V Nebuchadne ar, mentione in his hapter, asstati insanit or adness. His ind was in such a state, his reRSOning pOWer Were S perverte an deranged that it appeare tohim a i heaear a voie from heaven declarinthis expulsion romth hingilom; andae imagined that he was reali transforme into abeast. Aecordinglyae aulinowledges, in the ourth hapter VerSeS31, 33, that he had again received the se of his reason; hieli is an evidene that he understoo the digeas from hic he recovered, ohave been insanis.


214 3 192. RESPECTIN DEMONIACS. 192. RESPECTIN DEMONIACS. The inquir respecting the DEMONIACS, Wh are o osten introduce in the e Testament, and likeWis in the writingso profane author os antiquity, is a Ver intricate an a very dissiculi ne There are ome persons, ho contend that thedemoniam ere est O the either admen, pileptieS, O pe fons subjecto melancholy and the mine thei appea in Ghal of thei opinion to physicians. They, accordingly, in their

Other persons both theologians an physicians have Strongobjections to this te of the subjeci. In thei estimation the expression in the e Testamen clearly imply that the dem Diaes ere possessed by an evi Spirit; and this state of things, the suppose, a permitte in the providence of God in orderis ive to the Saviour an opportunit to exhibit his miraculous

We have no dispositio at present to exhibit oursolves, a partigans in his controversy, and shali ni endeavor O ive an impartialstatement of the argumentsin both Sides, o acto leave the reade in condition to Orm his own opinion. 193 DEMONIAC WERE POSSESSED ITH A DEVIL. It willa ou object in the sirs place, to state the arguments in vor of the opinion, that the Demoniac were reali possessed with ademia. They are a solio su I. The expresse themsolves in a Way, hicli is no dono by pileptio, melancholy, o insane persons, as in Matthe 8 28. Lulio 8 27. Mur 5 7. The possesse the supernatural OWeros undering ali oris os cord and chains. The requeste os Jesus noto torment them. The an8wered illi propriet questioris hieli,ere proposed to the m. Demons departe fro themand entered into swine. Certaint it cannot e sali in reserence


is cinis the se by the demoniacs, is destitute of ali probability. The would have tuo a much etter hance of bein drive in many more directions than ne by persons O Such an undisciplinedan irrationa character; specially, a the were Wo thousan in


II. No sympi si digeas are mentioned in the case of tho dumbdemoniae, introduced in Mail. 9 32 an Luk0 11 14 nor in that fili dum andalind demoniae, spolieni in Mati. 12 22. The possesse persons, there re in both of these instances ere in a ound state of od an health, illi his exception me ly that the devii, se this certaint couldies have been donei epilepsy, melanchob, o madness obstructed heir organs of speech and vision. III. It is admitted that the circumstances attending the case of the lunatio, in Matthe 17 15 are sueti as ouldie expecte in thecasei a person afficted With the epilepsy; ut then it shouldi pa ticulari notieed that the effect in this instance, as et a in others, are attribute to the agene of the devii.

IV. e re insormed that the damsel o Philippi, Acts 16 16, practised divina tion, hicli evidently could not have been done Damadi derange person. e must conclude, heres ore, stat she was unde the influencem an evit spirit. V. The demoniae themselves say that the are possessed Witha devit. The Jew of the e Testament, ho appene to e concerne ori account of thei relationship to the person, o in any other Way, in a case of demoniaca possession, Sseri the Samething. The postles likeWis an evangelist allege, that persons possessed illi demons, ere brought to Jesus, and that the demons departe at his command Mait 4 24. 7 22. 9 33. 12 28. Mar 1 32, 39. 9 25. Luk0 4 41 8 2, 30, 38 9 49. 11 14. Jesus himself asseris that he casis ut deviis, Luk0 11 19. Mati. 12:27, 28.

13 32. Demoniaes, heres ore, ere not person afflicted with di8e es, in the way that has been SuppoSed.


Mar 1 24 6 7. Mati. 8 29. Luhe 4 34. VIII. Jesus speah to the demons and sh them their ame: and we find that the answer im. He also threaten them, command them to be silent, o depari, an notato return, Mar 1 25 5:8 9 25. Mati. 8 29 3 l. Luhe 4 35 8 30 2. IX. When the event discipies returne fro thei labora, One prominent cause of theircio Was that the deviis, he the

names are ritim in heaven.'

X. When the Saviour Was accused by the Pharisees o castingout deviis by the aid o Beelzebub he replied that the hingdom, thecity, o the family, in hieli,ere dissensions and discords, ould ositsel peristi and that consequently i there ere suci discord in the Lingdoniis Satan aso induce ne devii to Xert his power in the expulsion o another, it could o long exist. O these things,ho immediatet adit I by Beelzebub ast ut de viti by hom Gyour sons cast them ut ' Thermore thenshalide your u es Buti Ioas out deviti by the spirit os Gog by divine poweriri miracte,)


XII. The woma in Luhe 13 11, ho a bowed do 'it thespirit os infirmity, is sal by the Saviola in the ixteentii verse, toliave been boundi Satan. The postle Peter in like manner, asserta in Acts 10 38 that all, ho had been oppressed it the devi καταδυναστευομένους υπὸ του διαβολον, ere healed by Iesus of Nazareth, the anotated of God. XIII. The wonde ut miraeles of Jesus il appear of ut comparativel litile importatice an litile orth, i ii hould e admit- ted that he id not actuali east ut deviis, ut meret healeddiseases. The Church athers, accordingly, embraced Withou any dissentin Volce, the Opinion, that the persons, of homo have been Speahing, ere reatly possessed illi demons, and the Chiarchitself, in aecordance illi his opinion, institute an orde os pers S, calle eae cista. 194. GENERAL IE O TH OPPOSITE ARGUMENT. Those ho maintain that demoniac mere epileptic, melancholy, inSane or ad erSons, commene thei arguments, withreferring ac to a very early period They endeavor o proVeb inductio fro various instances, hic the conceive to e tolli potnt, and by a multitude os quotations rom Greeh, Roman and Jewish writers that the demons, o hom dilaeases are attribute asste agents are no theia διαβολος of the e Testament, me milviri in an emphati an peculiar sense; but that the are thespirit os dea men, Who ad die by a violent eath, particularly

or odily, ut ho ere generali supposed by the eopte to epossesse an agitate by these spiras, the fame a i the hadbeen haunteda furies compare the large German editio of this Work, P. I. Vol. II. 227 229. p. 11 454. They ake theground theressere, that Jesus, the postles, and the writers of the Ne Testament, is the wishe to e understood by those, sorvhom heir ritings ere intended, ere unde the nece8Sit Ofattaehing the Same meaning to the ord demons, hich was attachedio ita thei contemporarie S.


218 g 195. ρYMPTOM IN DEMONIAC S. Havin talien this position the endeavor o confirm thei sent, ments by Saying further, I. That the symptoms, exhibited by demoniaes, a state in tho Ne Testament, are the fame illi those, hicli are exhibito bymen in epilepsy, hypochondria, insanit an madneSS. II. That the sacre writings ive intimation in Various places, stat the use the word demon and demons Solet because the were in common circulation ut that period an are, accordingly, o beconSidered, a meret accommodatin themselves to the language incommonisse, an no a professedi teachin or denying the agen attributexto evi spiritS. III. That the reri operationis departe spirit upo living men is inconsistent With the doctrine of Christ and his apostlesu and of course the could not mean by the phraSe an passages in queStion, Such

These three potnis, the endeavor o illustrate an confirmi v rious arguments of Whieli, inali proceed O give an enumeration.

The opposer of the doctrine of the real agene of evi spirit in thecas o demoniae proeeed to State, in the sirs place that, in the time os Christ, demoniae in other countries ere frequently restored by a resortuo medica proscriptions It is nolint ali rationes o suppose, that demoniae thus restored ere actuali possesse With the spirit of the deari in a much as uel spirit eould o have been expelle is mere medica art. The were, heres ore, meret disease or iaperson in the ordinar sense of the ords. The symptom in thesemen Were the fame illi hos of the person mentione in the NewTestament viet the ordinar Symplom Of epilepsy, insanity, and hypochondria The demoninus, consequently of the e Testament,as, have in ulmos ground sor inserring wer no ther han Sichmen sine the symptotiis the actuali exhibite are Such, as theywould have exhibited in case the had bden amicted illi the dis-eaSes, above mentioned, and Olli in more. An these dise es, letiti remembered, are ut tributed o spirit o demons o called, erelyon account of the prevallin opinion an belles of theseople.


I. The two adurenes, Mati. 8 28 et seq. of whomini the more conspicuous and celebrate One, viz. the ne, ii aster his recovery

It is triae, these me addres Jesus a the SON O GOD, i. e. the Messiah, and as him notu torment them; ut this circumstanc canbe accounted sorin the supposition that he had eard a the un- doubtedi had, in thos ludi intervais, hieli are grante to any insane persons that Jesus, hos fame, Mait 4 24, had atready extende a sar a Syria, as regarded a the Messiali. The evidently betra thei insanit by saying the were deviis without number, and by beseechin Jesus noto drive them into the ea, buto permit them to enter into the wine, hicli erelaedin near. Certaini non but the professe advocates of realdemoniaca possession Ouid suppose, that an actua demon ordevit ould seleel uel uri habitation, a that It is admitted that Jesus, Mar 5 8, command the notean spirit o depart. Butdoes this prove anythini The spirit a called unclean, beeauseit a suppose to e the spirit of ne ead, and was uncleari ofcourSe. It was commande to depari meret that the attention of the eopte present might be excited, and that the might have ample opportunii tomotice the miraele, rought in savor of theunsortunate maniae. It was no the demons, ut, as in Acts 19:16, the admem themselves, ho impetuousi attached the herd


220 g 195. SYMPTOIIS IN DEMONIAC S. o gwine, an drove them doWn the stee into alie Gennesareth. Mar an Luke, in consormit With the common mode of peech, represent the demons, as Oin Do madmen, and enterin into the wino; sor it a the customo attribute to the agene of the supposed demons, hate ver a done by the demoniae themselves;

comp. Matthe 9 32. Luhe 11 14 13 11 se also the large German edition of this orti, P. I. Vol. II. D231. p. 464. That thesWine, belli adeat fui animal, and running With great speed, a theynaturali wouldaesore purguers of Such a peculia character, hould have lunged in considerable number into the ah an perished is by o means strange Or incredibie. e sa in considerable numbers,aecause the expression Whicli are sed leave us a liberi tosuppose, that some of the her eseaped. The meantia is that theexpression are notato berio literati interpreted, ad vivum resecandum. Nor is it moreover mythin ver extraordinary that thesemen aid a sorti homage and reverene to the Redeemer, O Whose miraeles and greatnes the hadaeard sine there are not antinginstances of madmen, Wh both sear and exhibit a degre of respect

II. The dum man mentione in Mail. 9 32 an intuli 11 14, and the man who was both dum and lin in Mati. 12 22, erelikeWis insane or at least melanchol personS. t is prope to re- mar here, in explanation o ou thus couplin together these Wo classes of menta dise es that insanity, and melanchol o hypochon-dria, a the experiene os physicians Suffcienti proves, are early allied to an osten accompany eaeli other That the rs mentionedos these person was amicted illi ne of these maladies, hiel instat age ere attribute to the agetic o demons, appear Dom thesaci that Luke, ehap. II 14, calis the devit a dum one, hile heparallel passage in Mum 9 32, represent the an himself A

III. The ouili, ho in Mati. 17 15 is calle a lunatiesrom hi phildhood and who in Luke 9 38-40 was seire and


hesis in the habit os applying to this diserae in his book is that os

IV. The maid os Philippi, wh in Acts 16 16, is sal to have

possesse the spirit os Python, i. e. the spirit o Apollo, πνευμα πυθωνος, a inSane. The round of the assertiori, that was made in respecto her, a the saei that he herished, as ould not be nnatura in the eas of insanity, a r persuasion, thatshe was possesse With ome spirit rom the ead that a commissione by Apollo A the gis o prophec among the eathen, is, may credit the assertionis Cicero in his reatis o Divination, Ernesti' edit. I. . p. 61, Was alWays attribute to the

agene of Apollo insane persons, ho prose8sed in prophes under his auspices, ere in a Siluation to mae much money Whichwa the eas in the present instance. It is no by an means to esupposed that the predictions of the damsel or an Other predictions os a like character, ere true prophesies, o Such ere beyondste poWer of Apollo, Who a regarde as nothing in estimation o Paul, to ulter Orci communicate. any the demoni-acs, horare mentioned, but the Symplom Or ather operations fvhos digeas are not particulari oven, are to e rechone among thos Who ere insane; Or Xample, Mar Magdalene, romvhom, Luke 8 2, Jesus ast ut even deviis, i. e. restore herseo a adnes of so violent a nature, stat it a suppose to e

caused by the united agene of this large number of the spirit of the dead. I the aviour commande the demoniac noto mahehim nown the reason as that thei declaratio of the subjectvould do more uri than good Mais 1 24. Luke 4 34. Mati. 8:

V. Whether the expulsion o actua demons homo perSOD, or in healin os epilepties, admen, an hypochondriacs e thegreater an mos strihin miracle, in the present argument, it is es ut litti consequene to decide To those, hoWever, Wh de-


222 D196 PINION GF CHRIST, THE APOSTLES, ETC. maladies appeor a more impressive exhibition os miraculous power than the ejectio os demons, hie Wa lihewis done asthe advocates of the Doosite opinion ill themselves admit by

The postles an evangelisis it is contended, hether the are introduce a speaking or hether the appea a the authors of a narration, emplo those Xpressioris, hiel in thei time ero in

OXpressions the answer is this. Simila expression mere sed in respectu madnes Or insanityin that age, even in cases here there could e no doub in Specto the natura cause of it, i. e. a man migh lose his reason in Some Way O by Ome accident, hich Was perfecti Weli underStood, and Stili, as uel as in an other case the os of his reasO Wasattributo to the agene of a demon. That a the common modeos Speuking. Furthermore demons ere spOhen O in referene todigeases in the fame a stat Bacchus among the Greelis as Sed tropi eatly sor ine, an Ceres sor corn. I cannot be inserred, theros ore, that Jesus, the post les, an evangelist Supposed thatthOS PersonS, Who ere represente a possessed, ere in realis possOssed, illi demons O the spirit of the ead I cannot be inferred, e contend the moremspecially beeaus the osten sive intiamations os a contrar opinion, a Wil appeur rom the foll0wing