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bowelsiushed ut These two Statementa, hiel exhibit the appear-nne os ein no altogether harmonious have occasione Various opinion among the learned. The mos eas an natura reconciliatio of them is this Peter,
in his diseourse, Acts 1 18, di no deem it necessar to ove afuit narration in every respect O an event, hich Was persecti Wellhno n. He, heres re meret mentions the circumstance, hich
and was ather an Obscuration than a tota extinctio of the sight. It was occasioned by a thin coat o tuniciem hard substance, hichspread itfel ove a portio of the ye, an interrupte the poWer Ofvision Henco the digeas is likeWis calle σκοτος, or artaess. I Was easti cured, and ometimes even heale of tself, without resortuo an medicat rescription Herice aut adds not seeing
Josephus, Antiq. XIX. 8 2, and Luhe, Acts 12 23, attributeste disease, illi hiel Hero died, to the immediate agenc os God aemus he so readit received the idolatrous acclamation820.
Luke, Wh Was a physician, says more definitet an accuratelnstat Herod was consumed illi Orms, hicli in easter countries
frequently pre upo the intestines. Josephus observes, that he diedon the fifth da aster the attach.
te ut a comparativel recent period there occur Such expressioris,
2 12 arem a poetica character, hicli conVey, hen trul interpre- ted n other idea, tha thatis natural death. Sometimes the HebreWs regarde deat as a friendi messen-ger, but the were more frequently incline to readaim, as a sormidable nemy. Impresse With a Sense of the terrors, hichmere the conSequence of his visitations thei imaginations impartedio hi a poetida existence in the character of a hianter, armedhim illi a dari or avelin, κέντρον, illi a ne 'um and wit amare, VI, 'N 'SIT, 'b: ''iu Thus quipped this fearsul invade commence his artifices against the childre of men,
and whenae ad ahen them captive, te them, 2 Sam. 26 6. s. 18 5, 6 116 3. 1 Cor. 15 55 56. The wil sane of some of the Poet went stili further, and represente Death, et a the in of the Lower orid, and fit- te u sor ima subterranean palaee, denominate SHΕΟ and HADΕs , Re 'Aιδρο, in hieli he exercise fovereignt ove alimen, includin kings and warriors, Who ad departe from his
g , and αἱ πυλαι του δου the gates of eat or ades Job 38 17. s. 9 13. 49 15. 107 18. Isa. 38 10 18. Matthe 16 18. Sueli are the attributes of this place iis siluation iis uter, an it S subjecis, that it might ver justi be denominate Deassi' royalpatace, comp. 2 Sam. 15 2. Mention is ad of the riser os ades, in Ps. 18 4 5. The more recent Hebrews, adhering to stricti to the lettero thei Scriptures, exercise their ingenuity, and ut in requisitio thei faith, in furnis the monare Deat wit a subordinate
agent or angel, Iari pora, viz. the prince of ad spirita, Ῥια- βολος, ther is calle Sammael, an also Ashmodat, an known in the e Testamen by the phrases, ὀ ἄρχων του κοσμου, lub x , ὀ o κοάτος του θανατου-ων, ὁ πε/oάζων, me prince of this oriri ho at the power of eath, Me tempter The HebreWS, accordingly, in enumeratin the attributes an ossides of theprime minister of the terrific in O Hades, represent imas in the habit of mahin his appearance in the presence of God, and demanding at he hand of the Divinit the extinction, in an giveninstance, O human lise, se Jude, chap. I. Havin Obtaine pedimission to that effect he does no sat of mahing a prompt exhibitio of himself to the sich: e then ives them drops of oison, whiel the drin and die. Comp. doli 14 30. Heb. 2 14. Hence originate the phrases, to aste os deare' and to drin the cupissdeath hicli are Dund also among the Syrians, Arabians, and Perstans, Mati. 16 28. Mar 9 1. Luke 9 27. John 8 52. Heb.
The gyptians embaline tarn the ody. The had three method of performing this operation, and in determining hic,
6s hos method shouldie sollοWed in any given case the prominent inquir Was in respectu the an and wealth of the deceased person. The sim method was adopted in the embalming of Jacob and Joseph; it a very costly, and required, in desinyment of the expense, morethan wo thousand soring, Gen. 50 2, 26. Herodotus II 86 8. states that the ries sone, ho at thesam time ad ome nowledge of the medica ari, designate tost operator a place bolo the ribs, o the est id of the deceased person, o the ineislon. The Operator, he observes, had noscone made the incision thanae sed illi the greatest precipitation, sor he was immediat et attached illi tones by the bystanders, asone ho had violate the dead. The res of the riest who, lihethein thalaad designate the place so the incision, ere in Ome degre acquainted illi medicine, extracte the intestines, washedine bod externalty ith water, an internalty ith the wine of the palmoree, and the anotrite it With a composition o myrta, cassia, sal os nitre, etc. The brain Was ahen ut by a crooked piece of iron through the nose, and the cranium a fide With
The whole od was the wrappe round Wit linen, hile eae member of the od was a the fame time Ound separalely, With pieces of the fame materiais. The proces of embalmin occu- pie thiri or sori days, Gen. 50 2, 26. The two ther modes os embalming, hicli occupie butis hori time, it is not speciallynecessar stat e liould underlahe, at the regent time, to describe.
In respecto this practice or ari, ascit existe among the HebreWs, e have authorit sor sayin a sar a this that it Wasthei custom, in the more recent period of thei history, to rapth bod around with many soldsi linen an to place the ead in naphin Jolino I 44 The genera term that is used in the
205. O FUNERALS. The eremontes at the buria of the dead were different in different
countries; ut in Ver eount cit a considere a mos ignominious procedure, to deprive the corpse of interment, and to leaverit exposedis the depredations of wildaeast an birds. Heroes, accordingly, Such a the disgrae attache to non- intermqnt. Were in the habit of threatening as a mar of their indignation and contempt, his dishonor to thei adversaries in batile. The propheis in like manner, hen putiing in requisitio the powers of thei imagination in orde to ive an impressive picture Of any soarsul an approachin devastations by War, represent Such a State of things asin east, hiel God would mali from human Orpses, sortite bird of heaven and so the beast of the orest, 1 Sam. 17 4 46 31 8 13. 2 Sam 4 12 21 9, 10. 1 ing 14 11-14. Jer. 7:33 8 2. 16 4. 34 20. Egeh. 29 5. 32 4 39 IT-20. s. 63 10. 79 2, 3. Isa. 14 I9. The patriaretis burtei thei dea in a sewdnys aster death Gen. 23 2-4 25 9. 35 29. Thei posterit in Egyp sem to have deseri e burial It is probabi that Moses, in
The mourners, ho sollowed the ier, mure sortii the anguigh of thei hearis in lamentable aiis and what rendere theceremon stili more assecling, there ere eulogist an musicians in attendanee, Who deepene the sympatheti seelings of the occasion, by a reliearsa of the viriues of the departed, and by the accompaniment of melanchol founds, Gen. 50 7-11. 2 Sam 3:31, 32. Amos 5 16. Mait 9 23 11 17. Men, Wh were distinguishe so thei rank, and who at the fame time exhibite aetaim to the love an to the favor of the eople so thei Virtues. and their good deeds, were honore With an attendance of Vast multitudes, o Witnes the solemnities of thei interment, Gen. 50:7 14. 1 Sam. 25 1. 2 Chron. 32 33. 1 ing 14 13. To bury, and to a due honor to the remains of the ead, a considered, in the later period of the emisti state no oni an ac due todestene and the common seelings of humanity but a religious uty, Tob. 1 12 19 2 4 8. 4 17 18 12 12, 13. Eccles. 7 31. Acts
HebreWs, and indee continues to e the praetice to the preSentda in the East, to bur out of the eity excepi in the age of hingsan very distinguished en, hos Miles are commoni permitted
240 I 207. AEPULCHRES. t repose illiincit, comp. 1 Sam 28:3 2 ings 21: 18. 2 Chron. 16:14. 24 16. The sepulchres of the Hebre hings ere pon Ount Zion 2 Chron. 21 20. 24 25. 28 27 2 ing 14 20. With the exdeption to be made in respectrio the siluatio of the tombs of thei Lings, the HebreWs generali eXhibite a preserenoesor burying their dea in gardens and beneath had trees, Gen. 23:
But as uel siluations Viet grove an gardens, belonged O courset individuals the inserene is, What indeed e learn rom thergources, that SEPULCHRE Were the propertyi a Single person, oro a number of families unite together, Gen. 23 4-20 50 13. Judg. 16 31. 2 Sam 2 32. There ere Ome uria places, hoWever, hic Were either Ommon, Iings 23 6. Jer. 26 23, o Hlotte to a certain classis leople, Mati. 27 7. To beauried in the sepulchre sine' sathers, as a distinguished honor; to e exclude si om it, as a signa a disgrace. In consequende of this seeling the odies of nemies, ho ad falle in war, ere delivere umto their friend to e buried though in somo instatices hen petitioned for the were dented Gen. 49 29 50 13,
25. Judg. 16 31. 2 Sam. 19 37, 38 2 ings 9 28. Jer. 26 23. This honor a dente to those, ho ted hilo insected illi theleprosy, 2 Chron. 26 23 Thos hings also, ho ad incurre tholiatre of the eople, ere not permitte to e buried in the royaltombs, 2 Chron. 2l 20. 24 25. 28 27. Henee e re commonlyinformed in respectato hings of an opposite character, that the Were buried illi funera honors in the tombs of thei ancestors 1 ings11 43. 14 3I. 15 8, etc. To e burie like an ass, i. e. ithout mourning and lamentation, a conSidere a Ver great disgrace, Jer. 22 1 19 35 30. 207. SEPULCHRES.
plaee. These large subterranea places O interment ere, in some instances the Orco nature, in Some, ere meret artificia excavations of the arth, an in theira, Nere ut ut from rocks, Gen. 23 2
et seq. Josti. 10 27. Da. 22 16. ming 13 21. Jolin 11 38. 19:41. Mati. 27 52 60. Numemus sepulchres of this hin stili romain in Syria, in Palestine, an in Egypt. The mos beautisul, calle theroya sepulchres, are siluate in the orth par of Jerusalem, and were probabi the of either Helen, queen o Assyria, or of the Herods Josephus, JeWishmar, . . . p. 843. The entraneo into these sepulchres asa a descent ove a number of teps Many of them conSiste of tWO three, an even sevenapariments. There ere niches in the alis, here the dea laodies mere deposited. The interio chamber of sepulchres, hos theria thes remove fro the rat entrance, ere deeper than the Othera, and were approachedi a irat o descendin steps 2 Chron. 32 33. s. 88 6. Isa. 14 15. The entrance a cl0Sed, itheri stone doors, o by a sat stone
ine sepulchres of the Lings aut sor hat reason the go by that nam is hard o resolve sor it is certain non of the ings eitheros Israel o Judali ere burie here, the ob Scriptures assign-
in other places sor thei sepulchres; unles it a b thought e haps that Hegekiah was here interred, and that these ere the sepulchres of the fons os David, mentione 2 Chron. 32 33. Whoeverwas urie here, his is certain that the place isel discovers οgreat an expense both o labor an treasiare, that e may eli suinpos it to have been the work of hings. Yo approach o it at theeast Side through an entrane cui ou of the natural roeli, hicli admits o into an ope colari O about seri paces quare, ut dominio the me Mith whicli it is encompassed instead of walis. O thesouth side of the our is a portico nine paces long an seu broad, hewn likewis out of the natural roch. his has a Lindis architraverunning alonitis front, adorne With sculpture, o fruits o Bowers, stili discernible, buti time uel desaced. At tho end of the portio on the les hand yo descen to the passage into the Sepulchres. The door is no so obstructed illi tones and rubbisti that it is athing of some dissiculi to creemthrough it But within, o arrive