Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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erites s for e re like unto hite sepulchres, hic indeed a eartia ut ui ou ward but are ithin fusi V dead men's bones, and of adunckanness, Mati. 23 27 ut it ili appear illi greator life t wo suppose, that the Sepulchre about Jerusalem ere just the white-Washed asresti, hicli I should suppos is extremel probabie, a thepresent Easter sepulchre are fresti done pon the approach of their

uel is the account of Niebutir, in the rs volum o his Traveis. Speahing there os Zebid, a cit of Arabia, hieli adbeen the residence of a Mohammedan prince, and the mos commercia cit os ali the count of that par of Arabia, but hichlia tost uel of iis ancient splendor in these respecis, he adds, that hoWever Zebid aes et, at a distance, the mos beautilat appearance of Hl the cities of the etiama ordo colant , hicli isowin to thei clergy, ho me ound means insensibi to appropriate a very large par of the reVenues of the cit an aloining

Vol. III p. 92. Obs XXVIII J

Ramadan is a Lind of Ohammedan Lent, sollowed by a sestives a Lent, in the Englisti Chureli, is soliomedi Easter.


the somelimes burie with thei departe monarch the appropinate ensigras Of thei authority, and ometimes deposited in the tom ostheir istiles Warrior the armor, hicli the had Wom hil living, Egeh. 32 27. Herod, lienae ad pene an examine the tom o David, und withi it the ensigris of roya authority. Josephus Antiq. XVI. 1. II. states that Joh Hyrcanus ound aureasure in the sepulchre os David. I this ere the saet, theoreasure in questioncould have been no ther, tha that, hich was deposite there is Antiochus EpiphaneS.

ine time o Abraham down to the time o Christ, Gen. 19 26 35:20. 2 ings 3 16 17. 1 Maec. 13 25 30. Mati. 23 29. The

ancient Arabians erected aleario stones ver theiod of the de , Job 1 32. Among the Hebrews, uel a hea was an indicationthat the person a stoned, and was of course a mar Os ignominy. Josti. 7 26 8 27, 29 2 Sam. 18 17. In progress of time, ne tone only, instea of a heu, Wasselecte and aise u as a monument. It was a might beeXPected a large oneri and at a subSequent perio stili, it a customary to e it, an ornament it illi inscriptions Sepulchralsiones of this hin are very ancient, an are common to this da in

the East. The gyptians, like the Arabians, ere in the habitis throwin togetheraeapsis stones in honor of the ead Aster thepractice had Once commenced the graduali increme theaeapri a very great sine tit a longili the exerte their ingenuit and their


3 210. BURNING GF ΤΗΕ CORPSE. 245 Iish or columns of a large Sige, ere likewis erected, and 8Ome of them are standingit the presentia in Syria. The inhabitant of the Eas of the present age are in the habit os erectin Over the buria places of thos Mohammedans, ho have been distinguishe so the sanctit O thei lise, mali ouses, supported On our columns, an displayin an arche roos. These difices are repatred an ornamente by the reat, ho destre o obtain the popula favor, in much the Same Way that thos of the propheta were in the timem Christ, Mati. 23 29. The monument, erecte in honor of the Maccabees a Modin, is describe in the rs Book of Maccabees 13 27. It was alsed os Square tones, and a very igh. In the front of it ere evenpyramids, and Ound about man columns upo the ops of whichwere place large tones, extending romone to the ther. The delineationi som paris of this monumen is stili Seen pon ancient ins A sar a me a judge rom the representationis it ivenupo these coins, One ould conclude that it resembled in ome degreest monuments of thos Mohammedans, ho ad gained a celebritysor thei pie . 210. BURNIN O THE CORPSΕ. The mciem HebreWs considere burning the od a matter os Ver great reproach, an raret di it, excepi hen the wished, togethe wit the greatest punishment to inflictuli greates ignominy,

Gen. 38 24. Theiod of Saul, hieli ad been suspende by the Philistines o the walis o Bethshan, a burn by the inhabitants of Jabes Gilead from necessity, notato inflici, butuo preserve it from further disgrace, 1 Sam 31 12.

The sentiment in respectu the burning of bodies seem at a laterperio to have been changed. An hundred an sori years after Saul hing Asa a burn with many aromati Substanees, notis an indieationis disgrace, ut as an honor This eremon in the caseo Asa is notis henis in is it were a m thing, and i ha proba-d been introduced, at east ome litile time reviolasty Aster thetime o Asa the revolutioni sentiment in regard O burning as Ocomplete, that While burning was considere the mos distinguished honor, notri belurn was regarded a most signat disgrace 2 Chron.

16 14 21 19. Amos 6 10. Jer. 34 5. 21


separate apariment. The Wise, or aughter, Or thermearest rei

tionis the deceased occupies the centre, and ac one old in herhand a naphin. A the present V, there are present On Such an OceaSion, Sthere ere anciently eulvisis, ho chant in mournsul strainsilio viriues of the dead. When the ne, ii sat in the centre, gaveth sigri illi hermaphin the persons ho recalled, so much to their credit, the memor of the departed remaine silent. The res of the emales arOSe, and Wrappin together their naphins, an, lihema persons. ut the eares relation remaine in her position, teni initior uir, and woundin her sace, arm8, and reas Wit hernatis, comp. Gen. 50 3. Num 20 29. Deut 34 8. 1 Sam 31 13.

times, Amos 5 16. Jer. 9 20 48 36. Mait 9 23. Luke 7 32.


in them, Job 1 20. 2 12 Lev. 10 6 13 45. 21 10 2 Sam 1 24 14 2. 13 19 15 30 19 4. Jer. 6 26. The strua together thei hands, o tosse them toWard the hy, mole the stigii and breas and stamped with the oot 2 Sam. 13 19. Jer. 31 19. Egeh. 6 11. 21 12. Esth. 4 1, 3. The wounde thei faces illi their natis, although his as expressi prohibite in Leviticus 19 28, an Deuteronom 14 1, 2. Thensasted abstaine fro Wine, and avoide min in in festivais, 2 Sam 1 11 12 3 25 12 16. Jer. 25 34. Elegies ere composed on the death of those ho held adistinguished an in socie , 2 Sam 3 33. Aster in buriat, the

natex: ' dies the rea os bitte ess, and somelimes 'ura n thecu os consolation 2 Sam 3 35. Jer. 16 4, 7. Hos 9 4. Egeh. 4:16, 17. In the time o Christ, is e ma credit Josephus, the Oumera themSelves gave the entertainment subsequent to the buriat.


dvs Gen. 50 4 1 Sam. 25 1. 1 Mac. 13 26. NoΤΕ. horarie exhibited by the Greelis at the departur of their Hend Do lisse, hic is mentionedi Paul in 1 Thess. 4 13,

agreed in many particular With that of the orientals Wit this exception however, stat it a stili more Xcessive It was So erymarhed an extreme, a toae made the subjectis ridiculea Luciande Luctu For among the ther extravaganees, hic the exhibiteri the bestosed reproaches even pon the dea themselves be- causo the di no remes in illa utiere accusations an curses against the gods, and gave many other exhibitions of theirarie of akindred character. 212. OTHER CAUSES OF MOURNING. Indications of mourning were nolint exhibite o the deat os mends, but also in casei many public calamities, Such a lamines, the incursions of nemies, deseat in ar, etc. On uel occaSions

the stelings of the propheis ingled with the deep sensations os the opte, and the gave ulterance to them by the composition os ele- es, Egeh. 26 1-18 27 1 36 30 2 et seq. 32 2-32. Amos 5:

times, o me, and Mither timeri thera.


213 PATRIARCHA GOVERNMENT. TH posterit o Jacob, hil remaining in gypt maintained, notWithstanding the augmentatio of thei numbers, stat patria chal formo goverament, hic is o prevalent among the N mades. very ather of a famil exercise a sather' authorityover hos of his own ouselliad. very tribe obeyed iis Wn prince r j n, Who as originalty the rst-bor of the o unde of the tribe, ut in progress of time, appearso have been elected. A the eopte increased in numbers, various ead of families unite together, an selected ome individua Dominet om ob, Wh Was omeWhat distinguished sor thei Dader. Perhaps thechoice a Sometimes made meret by tacit consent; and witi, out ivin him the ille of rule in form the were illing, hile convince of his viriues, o rende submission to his ill Sucha union os families a denominate in Hebre di 2 and Ire z, and also irino: Num 3 24, 30, 35. In ther instances, although the number varied bein somelimes more an SOmetimestes than a thousand it a denominate z,S, bre, a thousand

the governe With a paternat authorit the tribes an united families, and while the les the minor concern to the ead ofindividua families, inime to superinten and promotae the est


252 D214. ΤΠE FUNDAMENTAL LAWinterest of the communit generalty Originali it sellato the princes of the tribes themselves to kee genealogica table subsequently the empl0ye scribes Speciali sor his purpose, Wh in the progress of time, acquire so great authori , that underili nam os u au translate in the Ensis version, o res, Jthe were permitte to exercise a hare in the government of the nation, Exod. 5 14, 15, 19. It was by magistrates of this description that the HebreWs were governed While the remained in Egypt, and the Egyptia hing madem objectio incit, Exod 3 16 5 1, 14, 15 19. 214. TAE FUNDAMENΤΑL Α Ο ΤΗΣ ΜΟSAI INSTITUTIONS. The posterit o Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, ere et partan destine to the reat objec o preservin and transmittingste rue religion Gen. 18 1 20 comp. Gen. 17 9 14 12 3. 22 18. 28 14. Havin increased in numbers, it appeare Very evident, that the could no live amon nations ive to idolato, Without running the agar of ecomin insected it the fame evit. The were, heres ore, in the providence of God assignedio a particular country the extent of hicli a so mali, that the were obliged is the Would live independenti of the n sons, o ive u in a reat me ure the lis of hepherds, and devote themselves O agriculture. Further ver many of the Hebrews, during thei resideiace in gypt, ad salien into idolatrous habiis These ere to e brought bach again to the nowlodge of the rue God, and ali ere to e excite to engage in thos undertakings, hieli hould e ound necessar so the uinpor of the true religion Al the Mosaic institutions im a theaceomptishment of these objectS. The fundamenta principie,

God through the instrumentalit os Moses, offered himself a Lingioth HebreWs, and was accepte by the nited voice of thei communi ty. ecordingly the and of Canaan, hicli a destine is be occupied by them, a declare to e the and of Johovali, os whichie a to e the ing, and the Hebrews meret the hereditar occupants. In consideratio of thei achnowledgmen os