Jahn's Biblical archaeology

발행: 1849년

분량: 598페이지

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GOD, ho illi the designi promoting the good of his subjecis, condescende to exhibit his visibi presene in the tabernacle, hereverit travelled, and whereve it dweli.

Is in referene to the assertion, that God a me uter of the Jewisti state, it hould e inquire What a the par sustiane byMoses, the answerris that Od a the ruter, the eopte ere his subjecis, and Moses a the mediator Or internuncio belWeen them. But the ille most appropriaterio Moses, an mos descriptive of the part e sustained is that of Legislator of the Israelites and theis Delivere froni the gyptians It is olear, o ever, stat a manma originate laWs an may be the meritorious leaderi an emigrator expedition, Withoutaeing in the proper ense of the word, theruter os a people Aecordirigi Moses ad n successor in those employmenis, in hicli eoas himself speciali occupied so the Israelites ere o longe oppresSed illi Egyptia bondage, and, thos laws were viready introduce Whicli ere immediatelynecessar se the well-being of the eople. It was on his round, vig. that the employmenis in hicli eoas speciali engaged, Were O a peculia nature, an havin been adcomptished hil heWas living, ceased he he was ead that the counci A sevent eiders, ho ore assigne him to assis hi in the discli geo his oppressive uties, no longe had an existence aster his de

I the fame question Ahould e ut in respecto Jο8hua, that Wa SuppoSed in regardo Moses, the answer ould e that hewaS O properi the successor o Moses, and that soria Domae- in the uter of the state, he was designated by the uter to SuStain the subordinate ossice of militata Leader of the Israelites in remis


But although the Hebre state a so constituted that beside God the invisibi hing, an his visibi servant, the hira Hest, there as O ther generat uter of the commonwealth, et it is wel known that there ere uter of a igh anh, appotnte atuarious times, calle un8ci, a Word Whicli not ni signisses a ju e in the sua sense of the term but any governor, O administratoris public assairs, comp. 1 Sam 8 20. Isa. 11 4. 1 ings 3 9. The powe lodged in these ulers, ho are commoni called is es, in the Scriptures seem to have been in Ome reSpeet paramo tto that of the genera comitia of the nation, and we find that ther declared war, ted armies, concluded eace, and that this a notthe whole, is indoed it a the mos important par of thei du-ties. O many of the u es for instanee Jair Ibetan Elon, Abdon, Eli, an Samuel rule the nation in eace. The might appropriately nough e calle the supreme Xecutive exerciSin allthe rights of fovereignty, illi the Xception Os nautinilaws, undimpoSin taxes. The were honored, ut the bore no externat adges of distinction the were distinguished, but the ei oy-e no specia privileges themselves, an communicate non tothei posterity. The subserve the public good ithout emolument, that the State might e prosperous, that religio might be

It ought to e observed hori ever, that not ali of the ju es ruted the whole nation. Some of them reside overint a se Separate


the in the vicegerent. The term O the OVernment, a respecte God, ere the fame us e re, and the fame uties and

principies ere inculcate on the Israelites, as ad been originalty, Sam 8 7 10 17-23 12 14, 15, 20-22, 24, 25. In consequence of the suet, that Saul id not choose at ali times o obeythe command of God the ingdom as ahen rom him an givento nother, 1 Sam. 13 5-14. 15 1 31. David, through theagene O Samuel, as Selecte byraehova sor ing, ho thus gave a proos that he Still retained, and was dispose to exeruiseth right os appotnting the uter unde him 1 Sam. 16 1 3. David, 4rs made in ove Judali, ut as e received his ap- potniment rom God, and aete unde his authori , he thereleve tribes submitte to im 2 Sam 5 1-3. comp. 1 Chron. 28 4-6. David expressi achnowledge God, a the OVereign, and as havingi right to appoin the immediate uter Of the eople, Chron. 28 7 10 he religiousi obeyed His statutes the peOplo adhere firmi to God, and his relun a prosperous. The paramount authorit o God, a the in of the nation, an his right to appoint ne, ho hould aut in the capacit of his vicegerent, are expressi recognige in the book of Κings and Chronicies, but dissension an tumulis, notWithstanding, arose pon the eatho Solomon. The principies, recognige in ings an Chronicies,are repeate in the Psalm and the Propheis. An ali these books inculcate aithooWard God, and obediende, and the eeping of his

commandmenis, and threaten, unies his command are epi, arid

illi an obediende exercised the inflictio of thos punishmentS, and that captivity, hieli are mentione by Moses, Deut 28 49,63-65. 29 17 27. ut the fame propheis, ho predicted themiseries of the Captivity, promise also a return, a renter On-stanc in religion tranquillit an prosperity, a nee more independent theocra , the propugatio of the nowledge of the tria God,


Gen. 18 18 22 18. 26 4 28 14.

Bosore Aster Christ Deluge.

Birthis Abraham. Callingi Abraham, being 75 years of age. Birthis Isaac.

Mari ingem Isane. Biriliis Esau and Jacob.

Doath of Abraham, boing 175 years of age. Deat his Isaac belliges 80 yearsis age. Joseph bein 30 years old, made a uter in Egypti Beginning of the Egyptian famine. Jacob, aged 130 years emigrates into Egypt. Jacob dies a the age of 147. Joseph dies ut the age of 110.

Uight os Moses into Arabia. Exodias of the HebreWDD0m Egypti

2332 292 22573672232392219 243221724522157 467205257220515732044580 20425822025599 197 16531684 932164497216041012


This able gines a chronologica vie of historica eventa rom the parture rom gypt to the revolt of the en Tritim a periodeaetendiv from thesea 156xto 1015 before Christ.

Moses dies at the age of 120 e S.


Gideon udged Israel 40 years. Abimelech, hing of hechem.

1263 340Jephthah, Judg 11 26.


Eli succeed asin Judge of Israel.

1156 447

11361096467507Samuel susining the ossice of Judge. Saul chosen hing.


uter B. C. inevolt Judati Israel of 10 T.

17 Abdam, xyeurS. 1795520

20954 222

Nadab, 2beare.







2826 1491415825150 1 5Jeroboam II 41 years. Ioriag the prophet.

Amos, the prophet.

797178 1441785190 25

Hosea, the Prophet.


Interregnum o 12 yeara.

77420137 1077320238

761 21450Pohahiali, bears. 759 216

16740 2353197392364

Interregnum Mor oeus.

242 10673 1244 1287302

2726 249 247 222536

overthrow of Israel.



This testissees the via successioris during the lalter part of the periori mentioned in the third table in Assyria, Media, and Babylon.

B. c.

Arbaces 29yra.

8201502811164 15797 178


785190 12784191 13774201

23773202224772203325761 2141436759 216 1638753222

44747 228650

743 23210544740 235

577739236 12588734241

Salmanassa 14 years.

6313733242 264


73024556727282478695726 249 1071Jugaeus sora. Merodach t Baladan.

722253 1376


The followiniis a iew of the roya successions in the ivdom of δε- ω ter the overthrow of the Lingdom os Israel, an alio of those in the neighboris nations of Assyria, Media, and Babylon.

B. C.

Judah. Assyria. Media. Babylon.


Merodach B

Sennacherib Py.

7727 18 25792D Oees 53j. 4714 261 14

Sennach in Jud.

47713262 15

58709 266 1949

Arhianus 5 yra.


702273 261116Bolibus TyrS. 699 276Manasseh55 14 19 Apronadius yy.


692 283 7

Nahum. Ioel.

4 yra. 688 287 112530

Interregnum Sy680 295193338Ιs Oinexto As-678 297 21 Sardochaeus 20y404 syria. 665 3113414

16658 31741 Chyniladan 22y. 722644 331

142136643 332 215

37642 333Josiali 31 y. 1623863 6 3396

Saracus 13 Vrs.

744630345121st Reformunder Iosiah Zephaniah.

61350629346 13

71451625355 18 13 18



611364610 365606 369

4605603599599595594590588569 562560556556539

ginnis of the Bubylonis Captivity, Daniel


323337141519 38 Astyages 34 ΠS. 4

1091416 ax es II.32y111618367

91313 30


536529522521515485478464444432424423 412408

15 Templo sorbidde to e


Ezra, Esther. 104 Nehemia comes to Jerus.11 Neh. retum to Persia.

113 124

404 132358 178337 199

335 20 Alexander a Jerusalem. 33U20 Conquer DariuS. 324214 Alexander dieS.

Porsiae Monare .

Artaxerxes Longismus 40j.3 m.


Xerxes Π Tmo Sogdianus Tmo. Darius Nothus reims 19ors.


Artaxerxes Mnemon 46 years. Darius Ochus 21 yeare. Arses tW yearS. Darius Codomanus Lyeara. Overthrow of Persian Monarchy.