Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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This table gines the succession of the Sisin an Egyptian Pings inconnection it the Histor of the ieios rom the ear 32xto 27 fore Christ.

II 30210 21 At this time subjecta,Egyptians. 300 1223 Simon the Just, High Priest.29220 3ISimon the Just dies. 284 28 Ptolem Philadel. Iesus, the es of Sirach. 280 Antiochus I. Sidetus. 4260

Demetrius Soter.

I 85159 322Jonathan resed 14 years.

Demetr Nicator.


Simon 8 yeara.

2010 123 Antiochus VLI.Grypus 22I 2II 6 Ptol. LathyUS. 20105 12 Aristobulus I. 1 year. 104 13 Alexander Jannaeus 27 yeara. 92 PhiliP. 241283



63 Alexander Myears 69 14 11 Aristobulus II 4 e S. 66


Cleopatra. Hyrcanus II again prince.

Hyrcanus II. Stain.


This labia sive a te of the Hebreis utres, independenti os otiarnarions and in chronological order, from the time of Christ fili hedestructio os Ierusalem.

Archelaus ethnarchiin yearS. 12 Judea a Roman Province, Judas of Galilee. 21 Pontius Pilate, procurator 12 yeara. 34 Jesus Christris crucified.

35 Philip the tetrarchii . 38 Herod Agrippa, hing of the tetrarchate os Philippi. 42 Herod Antipas recassed, and his tetrarchate adde to that os Herod Agrippa. 44 Herod Agrippa dieS.

45 adus, procurator. 46 Tiberius, procurator. 47 Cumanus, proeurator. 53 Felix, procurator. 60 Festus, procurator. 63 Albinus p eurator. 65 Florus, procurator. 66 Beonning of the warietween the JeWs and Romam. 71 Tho destructioni JeruSalem.



cessionaein sordibi disputed 1 Sam. 10 24 2 Sam 2 4 5 1 3.1 Chron. 11 1, 2 2 ing 11 12-20. 2 Chron. 23 1-21. Thatthe eremon o regat anOintin Shouldae repeated in ever instance of succession to the throne, a notat be expected from the fac stat the unction hiel therars one ho hel the sceptre, in an particula line of princes, had received, a supposed to suffice so the Succeeding incumbent in the fame descent. In the Lingdona o Israel, those ho ere indueted into the royalossice, appea to have been inaugurate With some additiones cere- montes 2 ings 9 13. The private anointings, hicli e learn toliave been e orme by the propheis, 2 ings 9 3, comp. 1 Sam. 10 1. 16 1-13, were ni prophetic symbol or intimations that

of the public legislative assembly, the communicatedio legat right

to the eroWn; O more than the prophecies of dissension an civil

The cere montes mentione in the Bible, hic were customata atthe inauguration os Pings, wereis fossores.


public place, lattei lycinio the temple, and was there anointed by

tor of the Lingdom of Israel, ns separate ro that fraudat, isto be accounte sor rom the faet, that the rulers of that ingdom ha no the opportunit Of obtaining possession of the fori os il

pose 1,ing 1 32-34 2 ing 11 12-20. 2 Chron. 23 1 21. We se in his eremon the round of the epithet res oranointeri Whieli is appliedo hings an a reason also, When it is talion into consideration that hings ere Virtuali the ieegerents of Jehovali, and were appotnted by hi aut hori ty, why the were denominate the notiate of i. e. by the Lord, rore mel , 1 Sam. 24 6, 10. 26 9, 11, 16, 23. 2 Sam. 23 1. s. 2 2 89 38. Habah. 3 13, te. Whether the in Was likeWis girde With a Wordat the time of his succession to the throne is a potnt hieli cannotae determine at an rate a som have imagined from the orty-fifth

that a sceptre a presente to the monarchis his inauguration, and that a diadem a placedipo his head. III. The Covenant, 'ma, hiel desne and xed the principies, accordin to hicli the goVerninent a to e conducted, rizisan desu, and like Wis the Lari s o Moses, ere presente tollim, andae accordingi took anmath, that he would rule aecordingto the principies os that Covenant, and of the Mosaic Law, 1 Sam. 10:25. 2 Sam 5:3. 1 Chron. 11:3. 2,ing 11 12. 2 Chron. 23:11, omp. D ut IT l8. The principat me of the hingdoni, princes. 'id Hrs, etc. promised obedience On thei pari, an as a pledge and aproos of thei dei sermination to do hat he had promised they


taken 1 ing 1 1, 11, 19, 24, 34, 39 40 2 ing 11 12, 19.

Chron. 23 11 comp. Mati. 21 1-11. Jolin. 12 3. There are allusion in many pa88age of Scripture to the public entraneo intocities, whichaoo placerat the timem coronation, and to the r oleingsan acclamations O that occasion, Ps. 47 2-9. 83 1, 2. 97 1. 99 1. V. Analis me hin is eate tapon the throne, an a the Oncludin ceremon at his acceSSion, receives the congratulations, whieli are then customarit presented 1 ing 1 35, 48. comp. 2

It is almos uianecessar to remata, that, at the accessioni hing Saul in the monarchy, he there a Delther diadem throne nor Sceptre, many of these eremonie were Ot observed. The ostos them lso ere omitte in the eas Os conquest, he tho On-

queror himself, without consulting the eopte O thei principalien, designate the in sor the nation, hom he had subdued mei elygaveaim another name, in token of his ne dignity, exacted thematho fidelity, and signatized the eventi a Dasi 2Iings 23 34. 24: 17. Chron. 36 4.

224. ROYA ROBE, DIADEM, AN CRO . The robe, hicli as orna hings, a might be expecte Dominei elevate ranti, a costly and gorgeous and the retinue hichattende them, a both large in Oint of number, and splendid in respecto appe ance, Egeh. 28 13-20. 1 ings v. The materiais, of hiel their robe a made, as ne, hite, linen or cotton the USual color a purple ποοφυρα καὶ βυσσος, τ TM in Luli 16: 18. Rev. 18 12, 16. The Lings of Media an Persia appear o have used silli Esth. 6 8. 10 11 8 15. Among the appropriate ornament of the ing' person, heremus non so ricli an Valuabie anciently, and there is non 8 eos,ly an splendi a the present da in Asia, a the roya diadem; whie is irradiate Willi earis an gems. his arti te of their dress also the chai so the nec and the braeelet so the arms, Were orna them constantly In Persia a diadem as Orn not


iis construction, b his relations and thers, o hom specia favors had been conceded, Esth. 8 15. As sur a respeet the or of the diadem, in Hebre denominate 'ri, e have onlyrio observe, that it Was a fillet two inchesbroad bound round the head foras totas the Orehead and temples, and iod bellind. It ad iis origin rom the silet o ribband whieli in the most ancient times, was te round the hair so the purpos of confining it, and whicli as sed subsequently to Secure the ead-dress pon the head. The color of the diadem feem to have varie in different coun-

tries That of the diadem of the Persian ings aecordin to Cuditius VI. 11. was purple ingle with hite, Ps. 89 39. 2 Sam. 1:10. Ning 11 12 2 Chron. 23 11.

Crowns, ' mi re taet, ere lihewis in se 2 Sam. 12 30. Zech. 6 11 14. s. 21 3. These ord are also sed in omeinstances, O denote a diadem, and likewis an ornamentat ead-dres for the adies. I may be, moreOver, that the are sed is signis a sortis mitre, hieli ascend very igh an is made Ametal; of hich e have ive an engrave representation in the large German Edition of this ota, Partes Vol. II. ab. IX. No. 4 and 8. It is possibie, that the orms of thos crowns, hichwere orna king at the earlies period resembled that os themitre in the engravita reserre io, but it is a potnt, hicli is ymo means


Chron. 9 17. Thi throne a placet on a oorin elevate Siaest Ops O ORCh of hieli steps, and on ither fide, a the figure os alion, mahing twelve of them in the whole. It was customar so the igh priest, previous to the time of the


In Ome passages, a throne is assigne to God not ni a thohing of the Hebrews,aut also a the uter of the universe JO 23:3. Exod 17 16. Isa 6 1. 1 Mngs 22 19 It is represente a achario of thiander dram by cherubim, Egeh. 1 3 et Seq. 2 ing 19 15. 1 Chron. 13 6. s. 18 11. Heno the cherubim, place ove therar of the covenant, represente the thronem God, a therar iiset was his coistool, Ps. 99 5. 132 7 1 Chron. 28 2. These images are magnitie an rendere more intense, hen it issaidis God that heaven is his throne and earthais 1 olstool,' Isa. 66 1. Mati. 5 34. 226. ΗΕ SCEPTRE. The sceptrem hin Saul Was a spear, mori 1 Sam. 18 10 22 6. This agrees illi ha Justin, Lib. 43. c. 3. relates, viz. that in ancient times hings bore a Spear, instea dis a sceptre. But generalty as appears rom in Ilia iise , the sceptra mes comp. geh. 19 11, was a ooden rod O stin, hieli a notmuch hori, in potnt of tength, of the ordinary eight of the

sceptre is used tropicali sor the ora dignit an authori , and


it, exhibite the fame mark of exorbitant luxu , as may be it-nesse at this da unde like circumstances in Asia. Vast numberso persons, ho acted in Ome capacity or ther, a the servantsor officer of the Ling, ere rechone among those, ho reWthei sustenance rom the palace and liene it ver naturali happened that immense quantitie of provision were consumed 1,ings4 22, 23.

In the earlier period of the Hebre monarchy the table of the Lings was et vitii numerous articles of old, speciali onoceasio of easts of hiel there a no deficieney, 1 Mng 10 21. To impar an ectat an a Dyrio eaSis that were prepared by the Ling there ere present Ot ni musicians, but also adies, hose bugines it was to an although his alter clas of personagesdo no appea to e Spoken os amon the Singin men, and thesinging omen,' that re mentione in AEam. 19 35. The splendor of preparation, hieli has been allude io, and the classes of personS, Who ere invite in orde to increas the hilarit of tho occasion, e muS SuppOSe, ound a place, more or es accordingio circumstances, in ali the roya sestivais, of whicli, have an account in the Bible Gen. 40 20. Dan. 5 1. Mati. 22 1 et seq.Mar 6 21. In Persia the queen herself Seem to have mademne of the par intsuch times, and ut Babylon the ladies of distinctiona ut the were in the habitis retiring as Oon a the me gave indications that theybegan to eo the effect of the wine, Dan. 5 2. Esth. 1 9 5 4, 8.

7 I. Curtius V. 5. Herod. I. 199. Diat mong the Hebre Ws, there as a clas of roya sestival of peculiar in d; Such as ere Otonown in ther nations. AsGod theirain; ho were in the habit, at theraeason of the greatntilion ut stivali os preparing n east, illier ut the tabernacle orin I se rusulom, O the inani miserin sacrifices, and in his a theyparti ei palod in a wason Os Oy, Os hiel God himself, ho was theruter of the nation, might e considerei us the immediat author.


ς 228. SECLUSIO OF INGS, MOURNEYS, ΕΤC. 281 Thealood of the sacrifices, hicli,ere thias approprialed, as hedat tho Dot of the altar, and Some paris of themiurni pon it. 228. ECLUSIO OF INGS, JΟURNΕYS, ETC. In the ast those, ho Susiain the ossice of Ling8, ver rarelymahe thei appearance in public, an to obtain accesso them in an way, is a matteris great dissiculty Among the Perstans, a person a sorbiddeno mali his appearanee, in the presene of monarch, Without eing Xpressi invited, unde the penalty fpunishment illi eath, Esth. 4 11. Herod. III. 48. In more remote times, henaingsaad more toto personali in the mana gement of thei affairs, it a be et coneluded that the sive inles seclusion und that it is quite certain that here a a very ree accesso the monarchs of the Jews, 2 Sam. 18 4. 19 7 2 Mngs 22 10. Jer. 38 7. It was esteeme a good an propitious omen i any one a Sofortunate, as oraehol the face of the hing, Prov. 29 26. Isa. 33 17. The tropida expressions there re, uo se Go 'iusti underStoodio signis the fame acto experiene his favor. Whon the Lings of Asia persor long journeyS, the Rre Ur- rounde With a reat an splendi retinue me the journey

Buxtors Chaldaic, almudic, an Rabbini Lexicon. col. 1192, 24.


Mng 12 27, 28 22 2. Egra 7 6, 7. Acts 8 5, 15 15. 2. 18 22.24 1 et . Among the edifices, po Whieli,ere expende much ingenuityand wealth, in orde to rende them uitabi splendid the valpata e deserves partieula mention The palae of the Lings occurs, in the most ancient times, res ellis at the present day, unde thenam os tri Gate,' 2 Sam. 15 2. Dan. 2 49. Esth. 2 19, 21. 3 2, 3. comp. Mati. 16 18. 230. ΕΝΕRΛΤΙΟΝ ΑΙ ΤΟ ΚINGS, AN TITLES HIC WERE

It was contrar to the la o Moses sor a man to spea id os a MAGISTRATE, even iam Clandestine manner Although his la Wasno ens orced by a penalty it a religiousi observed an hings,especially, ere the Objectis of the reates veneration 1 Sam. 4:4-l5 26 6-20. Those, ho rom a neglectato rende that venerali nn. Whichisa due O his Character, ad give offence to the Ling, ore lable to e punished illi deat h. Still there ere notWant in regi ides, especiali in the Lingdomis Israel, in hicli morati Were more corrupted than in that of Judah.