Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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are discoveredipo the sursace of the wall, it render the air of theroom corrupi, an is injurious both to the dres and th health of thoinhabitanis. The HebreWs probabi Supposed it to e contagious, and liene in their vie the necessit of thos Severe laWs, hich

lected illi rea care rom among the thers, S. 118 22 Isa. 28 16. Mati. 21 42. et 4 11. 2 Tim 2 19 1 et 2 6. Rev. 21 14.


supported by post are notanown in the ast the bed O mattresf-esaeing thrown pon theloor. It is common, hoWever in Villages, i me a credito da, orae a galler in ne end of the Oom, three o sola feet igit, here the ed are laeed. What is noWcallo the Disan, an in Scripture, rata: an metra, is an elevation running round three fides of the oom, three ee broadandisine in hes igit. In the otio of it is a tussed ushion throughout o the bach against the ali are laeediolsters, overedvith elegant eloth. Here the eople Sit ross-legged Or illi theirknees bent, On account of the mali elevation of the Divan Atthe comer commonly, at One alWayS, there are laued tW O three of the olster mentioned, made of the richest an sos test materials. This is accounte the mos honorabie position an is occupied by the master of the Ouse, except he hesteid it to a strange of distinction. The Hebrem appear o have ad another sor of eds, hieli

sai to have been adorne Wit ivo , an ornament of hic the Divans jus describe Weremo susceptibie These ed resembledine Persian setiees, Sosas O called, havin a ac an sides, si s et long three broad, and like the Divans bout in incheshigh. The were furnishe also illi bolsters. The Sosias, S

ling, slept at irat illi thei head supporte by a roch, and withthei cloah solde ii an placed unde them sor a pilloW, Gen. 28:11, 18, 22.


no secure, the beguno sortis themselves Cain et the Xample ho surrounde With a ditch, or a sor of hedge a se cottages Silualed perhapsin a hill, and raised a sor of scassoldin Within, inorde toruid hi in reachinitiis nemies illi stones Howeve thisma be undoubtedi something of this Lind was the originis sortised cities. In proces of time the edge a converte into a Wali, theditehaedam both wide an deeper, and the east old increa sed into atoWer. Great adustricement Was made in the artis sortificatio eveni the time o Moses Num. 13 25 33. But Stillirenter at a sub- Sequent age. I seems that the cities in Palestine in the time ofJOShua ere large sine 12,000 men ere lain in the cit of Ai, teli is suid to avo been a mali city. The Hebrews in the timeo David, ho ere exceedingi inere ed in poliat Of numberS, muSthave had large cities. Jerusalem in particular could o have been Oiliemis than extensive, sine sueti myriad of eople Ssembled there on estiva da y. For though many d et in tent anil manymet illi a hospitabiti reception in the eighborin villages, o V tmultitudes ere received into the ity. The extent f the cities of Galile in tho imo of Christ is madeano vn to usi Josephus, J. tir, L. III. I, 2 and a ilia period, ns e ma gather rom henumber solii Pascha lambs, lain at ne time. 3 000,000 eopte Were On to Memble ut erusalem a the east os the passover.


times ithoiat, here the different Lind of good Were expoSed toSRle, Ometime unde the pen hy, Sometimes in tenis, 2 Chron. 18:9. 32 6. Neh. 8 1, 3. Nings 7 18. Job 29 7. his a the caseat a Ver early period but Josephus tenelles A that later down in the time o Christ the were simila to those, hicli a the presentda are Ommon in the East, ein large streeis, covere With anaret, through hieli h light was admitted by the means of orifiees. These large Streeis, O Bazar a the are termed Whicli are fur-nished Withiates, and shut up during the night are occupie On both sides illi the store-houses of merulianis. In the large cities hereare many broad Streets of this kind, and commoni a separate ne soreaeli different species of merohandige in thes Street also are thesliopsi artifieers. The houses in oriental cities are raret contiguous O ach ther, an sor the mos par have large ardens attache to them Istherei ore Ninevel and Babylon ure sal to have Oeeupied an simost incredibie pace, e mustio suppos that it Was occupied throughout by contiguous houses. Indee it is the testimon of ancient historians that nearly a thir par of Babylon a talien up ith stellis and ardenS. Aqueducis are very ancient in Oriental cities Josephus, Antiq. B. LX. 14. I. se in mentiori made of aqueduet a JeruSRlem,


implies that here us nother ne more linown probabi the ne, whos distinguished ruin are seen to this a from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. The ne irst mentioned, ome of the ruin Of hieli stili remain conveyed the water fro the rive Gihon into Jerus lem These, as et asini themther aqueducis of Asia, ere erectedabove the sui face of the earth and were carrie through valleys, Verarches an columns From hi circumstanc it appears that the ancient di notano v that water enelosed in his manne Wil of itselfgain the elevation from hicli it salis Aqueducis ere Ot uni requent, but cistern Were Ound Ve Where. NOTE.-Theaeopte of the ast metaphoricali aseribe the chamneter of semales to cities. The represent them a the mother of the inhabitanis the spere of them, as ives of the hings When theyrevolt against their overeigra themare adultemus, etc. 2 Sam 20:



ine carrie a som0What large sach, impar, Nings 4 42. 1 Sam. 17 40 43. s. 23 4. Mid. 7 14. Mati. 10 10. Luke 9 3 10 4. NOTE. I in the ibi hings are called 8hepherri, e are notato conclude that the ille is degradin to them on the contrar it is sublime and honorabie. O the Same eason, that ii as applied toearthi monaretis, it Was applied O God, lio a tho in of tho HebreWs, and a the hepher is to his socii, o was He the uideand protector to his hildren Israel, se Ps. 23 1-4. Isa 40 11 63:11. Jer. 10 21. 23:1. 31: 10 50 6. 51 23. Mie 5 5. Nahum 3: 18. Egeh. 34 2 28 37 24. Heli. 11 15. In tho id estament this

tropica expression Vig. a hepherd, constanti indicates hings, ut in the New Testament the ea hers of the Jews, those, ho presided in the SynagogiaeS, ere denominate 8hepherds. The notions of the Jews in this instanc seem to have coineide With thos of the Stoies, who ould have it, that Wis me alone, hos qualisie to e teuch-ers, ere true Lings. The appellation f hepherds, hoWever used by the former, is the more modest of the two though the fame in significaney. The iis of the or to denote religiou tenellers a received and transmitte in the Christian hureli, an to this da wespea of the pastor or hepherd os a religious Oetet y Eph. 4 11. Mati. 9 36. Joli 10 12 14 Heb. 13 20. 1 et 2 25 5 4. 43. ASTURES. The pastures of the Nomades ere the deseris Or Wilde nesses, hieli have Hready been mentioned, 'M, 'Atri, m Job 5 10. Mar 1 45. These vas tracts of and could notae monopolige by an individual, ut ere operi tolli the Shepherd althe, utiles some ne ad by gome means acquire in them a peculia right. Sueli an unappropria ted pasture a the parto Canaan, here Abraham dwell, and where Isaac and Jacob Sue-ceede him. The Israelites rom Egypt appes also to haVe Onethere illi thei sodks, tili they ere debarred by the increaSed number of the Canaanites The pastures, hieli ere the properi es


Separate nations eam in the progress of time occasionali into Ontention This a the eas in regard o Canaan, hiel the HebreWsWere eventuali unde the neeessit of reoecupyingi armS. Aster the occupationis Palestine, ther lay open to the Hebrews notinlythe vas desert fraudati, but many the deseris o uneultivaledplaees of this Lind. his nec unt sor hat e ma gather rom Scripture, that the HebreWs ere among the riches of the Nomades,

o people, ho hept soch in the wilderness, 2 Sam. 17 27 et seq.19 32. 1 Sam xxv. 1 Chron. 27 29-31. comp. ISa. 65 10. Jer. 50 19.

son and aughters of their Wners, vel by the aughters of the Emir or hiesse, hora this da persorna sor stranger thos friendi ossices, hieli re mentioned Gen. 24 17-20. comp. Gen. 29:9. Exod. 2 16. The servant are subjecto the steWard Who is himself, dependent though he has the ille of pr the senior of the ouse H numbere the heu at evening perhaps ais in the moming. Gen. 24 2. Jer. 33 13. Is animal or heir oungare lost, me te ard is oblige to mali compensation. Somelimitatioris, Owever, are assigned Gen. 31 38. Exodus 22: 2. comp. Amos 3 12. The iret servant sometimus received a portion Os lio Oian Of the soch, a thei reWard Gen. XX. The

o unde the word, mrnu, inhabitet tent in the winter but ostendwel in tabernacles in the summer The master ora the contra dwolt in tent. tho 'hole aear, except 'heim Occasionalty they


an cisteriis at certain distances, hiel the have the artis con- ceatin in uel a manner, hut nother, Wh traVel the Same Way, Willio discove them nor Steal aWay the water8. In thi Way perhapsthe may be suid o tae possession O certain districis an to renderthem theiriwn property, as a donea Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in respectat Palestine Henc the contention respecting elis ereo great moment, Gen. 21 25. 26 13-22. Different receptacles of

Water are mentioned.