Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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grandson, Rehoboam and laStly unde the tyrannica rei si someo the subsequent ingM; Such a Supreme counci O sevent persons, is it ad been in existence, muS haVe made a conSpicuous figure in the history and et, fin no the eas trace oscit sotha it meret appears o have been a temporar eounei institute byMoses sor his persona service an security, and asae didio fili pili vacancies occasione incit by deallis, it mus have die out alto-gether in the wilderneSS. doub the Jews, aster thei retur fro the Babylonisii captivity, id institute a Sanhedrin a Jerusalem, of hicli frequent mention is made notini in the e Testament, but also in E isti Writings. ut his a meret an imitatio of the ancient Mosaic Synedrium, illi the nature of hos constitutio the laterraeu sWere o longe aequainted for the had indeed ecome ignorant of almost ali the customs of thei ancestors. JD245. OTHER TRIBUNAL IN THE TIME O CHRIST. Josephus, Antiq. IV. 8. 14. States, stat in very cit there was a tribunal of seve Judges With tW Levite a apparitors, and that it was a Mosaic institution That there Xiste sueti an institution in his time, there is no reason to doubi, butae probabi erred in referriniit origin t so early a period a the daysis Moses Thistribunal, hiuli decide cause of les moment, is denominated in the Ne Testament, κρίσις or the u ment, Mati. 5 22. Tho Talmiadisi mention a tribunal of tWenty-three udges, an another of three udges, ut osephus is Silent in respeet tothem. The colaris of twenty-three udges ere the fame illithe synagogiae tribunals mentione in oli 16 2; hicli morelytrie question o a religious nature, an Sentenced in no the punishment than dori stripes ave one,' 2 Cor. 11 24. The eour of three udges a meret a session Os resereeS, Whiel was allowe to the Jews by the Roman laws: so the al-mudist themselves in deseribin this Ouri, go On to Observe, thatone judge a cliose by the accuser another by the accuSed, and athird by the two parties coriointly Which Shows at Onc the natureos the tribunal.


untaWful to examine a cause, pas Sentence, an put it in executiono the fame day. The las particular a Ver Strenuousi insistedon It is orthyi remarh, that allis these practices, hieli ere Observe in ther triais, ere neglecte in the tumultuous tria os Jesus, Mati. 26 57. Jolin 18 13 18. O What the modern dews assert, vig. that sorty Vs ere alloWe to Jesus to mali his defendein is not mentioned by the more ancient,riters.

The tria o causes o the days of the nationa festivat is sor-bidden in many passages in the almud. Whateve might have been the round of this prohibition it ut an rate contravene thespirit of the remar in Deut 17 13 vig. An ad the eople hadhear, and fear, and domo more presumptuousty That is, hallaearand tremble at the sentence passed pon the guillyn sor hic theycouldio in genera findiso good an opportunity, asin the days osthos sestivals Nor a there ny eason to ea that the religious sestival of the nation, ould e profane in his V, in s muchas judicia tribunals in a theocracy, were os divine institution Itma be observed sui therin his mini, that the reason assigned, hytho Jows in Mati. 26 5 uvoidei the festiva day, a the ea os an

The places sor judicia trinis ere in very ancient times thegates os cities, hicli ore et adaptet to this purpose Theywere adaptet to this puri se in s uel a the were publie, and were sed not ni sor entei in uni departing, but se satra,


ῆ 248. FORM GF RIAL. 305 mei et i pa8S Wa the ime Gen. 23 10 et seq. Deut 21 19. 25:6, 7. Ruth 4 1 et seq. Ps. 127 5. Prov. 22 22 24 T. The placeo tria Was the fame aster the captivit a besore Zech. 8 16. The Greeiforum r0ρα, a alSO a place or uirs. The AREOPAGUS iself, αρειος παγος i. e. the hil of Mars, Wasso called, beeause justice a Suid O have been pronounce there formeri against Mars, Acts 17 19. The Greelis assemble in the forum lihewise, here the judicialtribunal had the place of thei sitiing in Orde to examine into theconduci and qualifications os public magistrates, an candidates soromeo. Inquiries an examinatioris of this indisere expresse byth Gree Wor δοκιμα ιν comp. 1 Cor. 11 28. The assembl of

the citigens, convene On extraordinar occasioris, a calle in

14 17. It was customar in Egypt so the udgerio have the code of laws placedies ore him, a praetice, hicli Stili prevati in the East, comp.

among the Nomadi tribes an in hos laWs os a permanent charaeter, hicha established he id not lay the round o any more sorma or complicate method O proeedure in uel eases. me as, nevertheless, anxious that justice hould e administeredi a right manner, and accordingly, frequently inculcate the dea, that God was a lines to judicia transactions. He interdicted, in the mos expres an decide manner, Ut or bribes ' , hichwere intende to corrupi in judges, Exod. 22 20, 21. 23 1 9.


tions both to parent and thei children, and thus involving the innocent and the uili in that misery, hieli a justi duo onlyto the alter, Exod. 23 7 Deut 24 16 comp. an. 6. 24. his Salutar arrangement seems t have been neglected by the Lings,2 Κings 9 26 although in ali ther cases, here it a deemedexpedient to inflici punishment the formi tria Was one through, even in respecto thos innocent persons, ho ad beeome thesubjects of the roya displeasiare, and were trie oni to e condemned 1 ings 21 7 16. The disregar of justice, hicli, in Such instances a manifeste by the Lings, exertex bad influenceo the miniis of the judges, and a W may learn Do the repeated complaints of the propheis, the were in osten uili of partialit in

thoi decisionS. The eremontes, hicli ere observed in conductin a judicialtriat, ere a sollows: I. The accuser and the accused both ad thei appearance besore the judg or judges, Deut 25 1; ho sat illi leg crossedupon theloor, hiet was furnishe so thei accommodation illi a carpet an cuShions A secretar Was present, at eas in more modern times, who rote doWn the Sentence, an indeed verythinii relation to the triat, or instance, the articles O Ureement, that might be entere into previous to the commenoement of the judicia procoedings, Isa. 10 1, 2. Jer. 32 1-14. The Jews assert, thnt there ere two secretaries, the ne ein seate to the right of the judge, ho rote the sentence of no guilty the the to thelest, ho rote the sentence of condemnation. Comp. Mati. 25:33-46. That an apparitor Orieadle a present, i apparent rom

lici astor tho captivity, heia the cause Was ne flarent consequerice appen rod illi ai disti Veled, and in a garment of mourning III. The witnesses ere Woria, an in capital Mes, the a


ralely, ut the person accused ad the liberi to e present, When thei testimon was ive in Num. 35 30. Deut IT 1 15. Mati. 26 59. Proos might e brought rom ther ources sor instanee, romWritte contracta, O from aper in eviden i anythin purchasedor sold O Whiel there ere commoni take two copies, the oneriobe sealed the ther tot lest open, a Was customar in the time ofJerome, Jer. 32 10 13. IV. The parties Sometimes, as may be inserre fro Prov. 18 18, made se of the tot in determining the oints of dissiculi belween them, ut o Without a mutua agreement Thesacre tot of Urim an Thummim as ancienti resorte to inorde to deieci the uitly Josti. 7 14-24. 1 Sam xiv. but thedetermination o a case of right or rong, in his V, a notcommanded by Moges. V. The sentence, Very goon after me completion of the examination, a Pronounced and the criminal, ithout an delay, even f the offence e re a capital one, as hastene aWay Othe place of punishment, osti. 7 22 et seq. 1 Sam. 22 18.

sne the crimina in an apariment of the hous of the udge. Compare Gen. 40 3, 4. The instrument of punishment mentione in Job 13 27 33 11, in Hebre ri the stocti, a probabi of Egyptia origim Among

the HebreWs anciently criminals ere put unde a guar O persons employe so that purpose, Lev. 24 12. Notinfrequently the were confine in empi ciSternS. The reat variet in the ames of prisons ould ea one to Supp0Se, that the were more frequently erected an more osten


I the great variet in the ames of prison is a proos that in the progressi time the were more an more multiplied i is like-Wis an indirect evidene that the were employed not onlyso the detentioni criminals bullas a mean o punishment and correction, Jer. 37 15-20. Persons ho ere committe to prison, ere subjecte to the surther evi of ein confine With chains, hieli occur unde the

Hebrem ord z pr , II, and 7 2 likeWis unde the wordae nciri mari os brass, Jer. 40 4 52 11. s. 105 18 107 10. The Jews, after the captivi , sollowed the example of thernations and shut up in prison those ho asse in the paymento thei debis. Thoy ad the liberi likeWiserio ut in requisitionthe id o tortures, βασαπιστάς, and to punish the debior it stripes, Mati. 5 26 18 28 34. At a more recent perio stili, the borrowed rom the Greelath custo os applying the torture βάσανοι, in orde to extortis confession fro the person accused, Wisd 2 19. The disserent hincto tortur are mentione in the reatis concerning the Maccabees, appende to the ork of Josephus. The Romans, in ome in Stances, astened thei criminals Sometimes by one somelimes by both hand to a soldier. Sueli remained in their own house, Acts 28 16 Seneca Epist. 5 et de Tranquill c. 20. It was no vnfrequently the Me, that theaeeper os priSons, henthose ho ere committe to thei charge ad scaped, ere Subjecte to the fame punishment Whichaad been intended so the pris- Oners, Acts 12 19. 16 27.


24 6, 12. III. The debi, hicli rematne tit the eventii, o sabbatie year, durin Whicli the soli a to se est ithout cultivation,

to mali paymenis, could O be exacte durin sal period. Henc the sabbati year a denominate in aues O deferring, Deut 15 1-11. ut at ollier times, in case the debl Was not aid, the land o the hous of the obtor might e sold. The proper thus sol appears o have continue in the and of the piarchaseroni illi the ear of Jubileo, hen it returne again to the original


310 D251. M USURY. Novae ab udae. This as a phras applied by the Roman t a genera cancelling o debis. The assertion of Josephus, Antiq. III. 12. 1. that

there as an extinction O debl on ver returning Jubileeamong the Hebrews, correspondin to the state of things among the Romans at the recurrenue O the Novae Tabulae, is necessarilyapplicabie ni to the age in hieli ho imself lived It is true, hoWever, but it Was an extraordinar case that Nehemiali, 5:1-12 in orde to relieve the wanis and to improve the conditionis the poor, permitted Novae Tabulae. 251. O USURY.Moses nacted a la to the effeci, Exod. 22 25 Lev. 25 35



252. HE SMALLEST PUNI8ΗΜΕΝΤ. 311 252. THE MALLEST PUNISHMENT. Mession rom the eople, of hich e hali spea more particulari by an by, a the puni8hment that a consequent On adeliberate transgression O the eremonia laW. I transgressions of the eremonia law, or indeed, O certain natural a S, Sanctione by a civi penalty, Vere committed, ithout deliberate premeditation through error, precipitaney, O ignorance, the offendercould void the punishment of eaecision is e chose, by voluntarii offering a sacrifice Num. 15 27-31. In his a tran8gres- sors ere invite to return, o render satisfaction to the personi ured, and to ursu in future a leg erroneous course. ut it ought to e remarhed that in Offering a sacrifice, the offendermeret avoide the penalty of the civi lare the mere0 akingstis te could not of itfel reconcile imo God, and do way the evila ha committe in the si iis omniscience Hebrew8 9:13 14. Expiator saeris00 of this in could e offere oni sor transgression o a particular character Vig. those, hieli are calle in Hebre T XΣ , Νῆ , Stam siris, and those, hicli are denomi

It is orthyo b observed that a sin- eriniis expresse in Hebre by the fame ordS, Viet. TXU , hicli mean the in iiself, and it is the fame in the ther caSe Vig. Σ , te a revaSS, IS atrespa83- ering. Both the in and respas offering are expressi defined, Lev. iv. v. but the exac distinctio belWeen the transgressioris to hichthe have referenee, i ver obscure. Fro an examination, hoWever of the statemenis in the hapter jus referremto, it ould seem, that ins aecordin to the technica applicatio of the term in theceremonia law, are violations f prohibitor Statutes, i. e. oingsomething, hiel the a command noto do. Trespasses, o theother and are violations os imperative Statutes i. e. neglecting Odo hos things hieli are commandet Consul the large German

The guili person incurre the expense of the victim. He Onsesse to his confusion and hamo the in or trespassive the eado the animal, and is he had uiri usti taken another' property, and


10. In cus the person, to hom restitution a tot made, as not

made to the high priest, a me minister of Jehovah. The fac that restitution, hicli, unde the old dispensations, a Sofrequently mentioned, and O strenuousi insiste on is no inculcated in the e Testament, is Win to the circumstance, that twas considere a diat so generali known and Sorireel admitted asto requirem further mention Eph. 4 28. 253. FINE AN INDEMNIFICATIONS, C: In om instances the amount os a fine, oris an indemnification, that was to e made, as determined by the person, ho ha been injured. In ther instances, it Was Xed by the estimation os thejudge, and in others, a define by the la v. For instanee,

be madea a person, WhO ad injure another, as a commutationsor hos corpora puniShments to hicli, in consequence of the laWos retallation, jus talionis, he had exposed himself, was es t to edetermine by the mere leaSure of the person, ho ad Menii ured, Exod. 21 30. 2. The amount to e aid in orde to secure a commutationo the punishment that Was nacte by laW against the wner o abuti, hieli, although the wne had been previousi admonished os thoiuli' character sor pushing, had Lille a re person, a lest 0be determined by the avtinger of lood. his is the ni instance, in bicli a commutation of the punishment as alloWable, here dealli a the penuli of the crime, Exod. 21 28-3I. 3. I two men in Pontending illi eaeli ther, injure a Wωman illi Child, O that he eam to a premature irili, a sine act