장음표시 사용
it a b hande by him to the Ling, 2 ings 4 13. In case noone is illin to receive it, the themgelves ah the opportunity, When the in is promen adin in publie, to present it to hi in
person I the inhabitant of a province is to accus the MVernor, an hundred of them, assembling at themarem, ulterloud exclamations, ea their clothes, and ealter diast in the air, illa messenge is sent rom the in to inquire the cause, Exodus 5:15 19. But to the Lings of the Hebrews, as has also been Stated there Wa more eas aece88, 2 Sam 14 2 3 15 2, 3. Those, ho ent bes ore the ing, even the principat ossicersi the overtament, appeare in his presence illi the accustomaryobeiSanc und eremony, and Stood like Servant besore thei maSter Hene to stand more me tang' is a phrase, hicli means the fame, as O be Oecupie in his Service an to persor Some
Dan. 1 18. The Same expreSSion are Sed in respecto thepriest an Levites, ho ere the minister o ossiuers of God todenote the religious services, hicli it a thei parto persorm,
Deut 10 8. 17 12. Jer. 15 1. 18 20. 28 5. s. 24 3. Luli 18:11, 13.
Those, ho Sustaine the station O servant an ossicer to thehing, ero entiret dependent On his ill, and On the ther hand, the exercised a simila arbitrar pOWer, sor instanc the Overnorsos provinces, ove those, ho ere immediat et subjecto them-8elves Henc it is that the propheis frequently complain of their oppression an Violenue. The roya offuers of very grade re denominate the servanta
Those, ho have the anagement of the collectioni the reve-nueS, O are entruSted indeed in an Way, are o customarii calledio an account. In eas the are calle tapon o render an account of thei proceedings, the Stio them Selves promptis the aris of deception ut the consequene O an attemptist misrepreSentin ordes auding, is almos certain destruetion, Luli 16 2. I should e Observed however, that the ense a Somewhat disserent in respectio Persia, in as uel a the magistrate in the provinces ere ViSited yearly by a legat si oui the ing, ho, ein supporte in his
Tho Hebrews, during the captivi , and aster that period continue among them that classi ossicers denominate head os familias, and perhaps likewis the princes of the tribes 'ho, unde the directior of the roya governors, tale thei respective tribes, an samilyassociations Egeh. 14 1. 20 1-8. Egra 1 5 4 3. 5 5. 6 8. Neh. 2 16 4 13 6 17, 18. ut it is mos probabie, that Jehoi chin, an asterwards, healtiel, and erubbabel et the irst anh
While the Jews were unde the Roman OVernment, the en-j0yod the privilegem referrin litigate question to referees, WhOSedecision in reserenue to them, the Roman retor as Oun to Seeput in execution, Cod L. L. Pit. . l. 8 de Iudaeis. As Christians, when the sirst ad thei appearance, ere regarded, RS a Sect Of
240. TETRARCHS. Aster the subjugatio of the eWs by the Roma , certain province of Judea, ere OVerne by that clas O Roman m gistrates, denominate Tetrarchs. The office of Tetrareti ad iis origin rom the auis. Having, at a certain time, made an incumsion into Asia inor they ueceede in ining rom the in os Bithynia that par of it, hieli is denominate fro their ownname, Galatia. The auis, ho made his invasion, consisted of thre tribes an eaeli tribe a divide into our paris o Tetrarchates, ach of hieli obeyed iis Wri Tetrareh. The Tetrarchmas of eourse subordinate to the hing. The appellation of Tetrarch, hieli a thus originali applied to the clites magistrat of the solarili par of a tribe, subjecto the authorit of the ing, Was afterWard extende in iis application, an applied to any governors Subjectoo Ome in Or emperor, ithout reserene to the et, hether the ruled, o not, precisely the solarili pari fistribe or eopte Hero Antipas, accordingly, and Philip althoughthe di not ut so uel as a fourth partis Judea, ere denominate Tetraretis, Mati. 14 1. Luk0 9 7. Acts 13 1. Althoughthis clas O rulers ere dependent pon Cesar, i. e. the Romanemperor they, neVeriheleSS, OVerne the peOple, ho ere Committe to thei immediate jurisdiction, as uel aecordin to theiroWn choice an discretion, asci the had o been thus dependent.
296 D241. ROMAM PROCURATORS. The were inferior, hoWever, in potnt of rank, to the Ethnarchs, who, although the di no publici assume the nam os innwer addressed illi that ille by thei subjecis; a Was the age,sor instance, in respectri Archelaus, Mati. 2 22. Josephus, Antiq. XVII. 11 4. 241. ROMA PROCURATORS. Procurators, a magistrate ellono nomon the Romans, aredenominate in the e Testamen ηγεμόνες, ut it appears that the are calle by Josephus επιτρ0groti Judea, aster the terminationis the Ethnarchatem Archelaus, asinoverne by ulers of this description, and likeWis during the period, hicli immediatet succeede the eigni Hero Agrippa.
PROCURATORS ere Sometimes Roman kniola, and ometimesthe fruemen of the emperor. Felis as ne of the alter class,
Acts 23 24-26 24 3, 22-27. The procurator, is, may creditsome remacts of Suetonius in his lis of Claudius, hiel in truth, are confirme by Tacitus in his Histo V. 9. was sor
Herodian, IV. 8. 11. was a ree an Acts 24 27. 25 12 26 24,
25. I may be necessar to remarii here by Way of explanation, that procurators ere sent by the emperor, independenti of the Vote Or concurrenue of the senate into hos provinces, hieli ha been reserve so his Wn se, an might e considere dur- in his reign, as his persona proper . They ere commonlysituate in the extremities of the empire. The usines of the
minister justice, an to repres Seditions. Some of the procuratorsWere dependent On the eares proconsul or residenta sor instance, hos o Judea ere dependent On the proconsul ove nor, o president Os Syria The ei oyed, OweVer, great authori ly, and possesso the power os lis an death. The onlyprivilege in respect to the officer of Overtament, that Wasgranted by the procurator of Jude to that nation, a the appoin, ment rom amon them O persons, o maringe an collec thetaxes In ali ther things, the administered the government them-
14,9. The subordinate agent in collecting the TeVeniaeS, τελωναι, Who are denominate in the Vulgate, though omeWhat incorreetly, publicans, too thei positions at the gales of ities, and in the public Ways, and at the place so that purpose, calle the ,ece, os custom, examinei the good that assed, and received the montes that were to e patii, Mati. 9 9. Mar 2 14. Luk0 5 27, 29. These tax-gatherers, fise a credit Cicero, ere more incline to exae to much, than to belle tho promise the had
aeter Mati. 5 46, 47 9 10 11 11 19 18 17 21 31, 32.
yeari every aduli Jew, at the temple. It was introduce aster thecaptivity in consequenc O a ron understandin os certain expression in the Pentateuch, and was a disserent thiniboth Do the revenue, hichiseerue to the ings, tetraretis, and ethnaretis, and from the genera tax that Was assesse so the Roma Cesars It was required that this tax hould e pat in Jewisti coin, a circum- Stanee, to hieli an allusion is made in Mati. 22 17-19, and like-wis in Mar 12 14, 15. It was in consequene of this state Ofthings, a the Talnaudist assert, Me alim I. 1. 3. that moneychanger κολλυβισται, eate themselves in the temple, o the Dieenth of the monili Adar, and after so the purpos of eXchanging, so those ho might isti it Roman and reo coins, sor Jewishlials Aheheis. The prominent object of the temple money-changere Wa their Wn persona emolument, but the acquisitioni propero inthi Way a contrar to the spirit of the la in Deut 23 20, 21. ItWas sor his reason, that Jesus drove them rom the temple, Mati. 2l:
collecting this tax, Mati. 17 25, aecordin to the almudista, Me alim I. 1. 3. during the monili Adar, ho ad further, that in
of hieli, aro informed sowed into the temple, JosephuS, Antiq. XIV. 7. 2. Cicero pro Flacco 28.
The judicia establishment a reorganige aster in captivit and wo classes of judgeS, the inferior an superior, ere appotnted, Egra 7 25. The more dissiculi cases, nevertheleSS, an appealS,mere eithe brough before the uter of the state calle ri z, orie-sor the igh-priosi untii, in the age of the Maccabees, a Supreme, judidia tribunal was instituted whieli is irst mentioned unde Hyrcanus II. Josephus, Antiq. XIV. 9. 3. This tribunal is noto bo consolande With the eventy-tWOcounSellor Who ere appotnte to assis Moses in the civi adminiStration O the overnment, ut ho neve fulfille the ossice
II. ELDERS, πρεσβυτεροι. That i to say the princes of the tribos, and the head of sumit assostiations. III. THR SCRIBES, O learne men. When e say that scribes and liter Were member of the an-hedrin, e re noto b underStoo as Ving that ali the scribes o learne me of the nation, O that ad the olders held a stat in thal
The altitudist assert, that this tribunal ad secretaries an apparitors, and the ver natur Of the eas sorbills us t doub the trutho the a sertion. The place of thei sitiing, however, is a questionon hieli here is more disserenue os opinion The almiadisi state,
that it a in the temple but Josephus, in his histor of the JewishWar, V. . . I. . . mentions βουλὴν the councia, βουλευτί ρι the place of osse nutam an also the Archives asaein notria si omisi templemia rimunt Zion. ut in the tria of Jesus, it applar thuywero assen led, and thai ver hastily, in the palace of the highFriest, Muti 26 3, 57. Jolin 18 24.
Appeias and ther eight matters ere brought e re thistribunal Among ther question o importance, subjecto iis decision the almudisis Sanhedrina. 5. X. 89. include the inqui , Whether a personae a salse prophe or noti Comp. Luke 13:33. It power ad been limited in the time o Christ by thointe erence of the Romans It was stili, however, in the habit offendin iis legates O messeriger to the Synagogiae in oreigncountries, Acts 9 2, an retaine the right of passing the sentence of condemnation, O What is the Same hin in amount, os decreein puniShment in cases, here there a proos o criminali a but the power of executing the sentene When paSSed astahen awaydrom it, and lodged With the Roman procurator, JOh 18:31. Sanhedrin p. 24 col. 2. There as ne exception it S true, during the procuratorshi o Pilate, an only one Who permitted the anhedri themselves in the case of Christ, O se the sentence of Whicli the had been the authors, ut in execution dolin 18 31. 19 6. The toning of Stephe was no done by the authorit of the anhedrin but in a tot Acts vii. James, the brothero Jolin, Acts 12 2, Was lain, in consequene os a Sentence Othat effect from in Herod Agrippa Theaigh pries Ananias didindee condemn ames, the brother of Jesus, i. e. relation Orcousin, to e stoned, and ther like vise, ut it a done, henthe procurator as absent, and was digapprove by the JeWs them-Selves. Consul the large German edition of this ork, P. II. Vol.
243 sectio a sollows his tribunal, viz. therae isti anhedrin, is no to e confounde Uit the even*-two counSellorS, howere appotate to assis Moses, etc. The sollowin extrae from MichaeliS, hos opinion o such a subjeci very Scholar id seela interest in knowing, ill give probabi a correct de of the institution to hicli an allusion is made in that section. 'Moses est lislied in the wildernes another institution hichambeen commoni hel to e of a judicia nature an unde the
nam os anhedri or Syne trium, uel spolien o both by Jews an Christians, although it probabi Was O O long continuanee. We have the aedount of iis establishment in Num. i. an is erea the passage impartially, and without rejudice, e hali proba- bl enteriai an opinionis the Synedrium different Dom that gene ali received whiel exesis it into a supreme college of justice that
a rebellio that rose mong the Israelites distresse Moses exeeedingly. In orde to alleviat the weight of the burde that oppresse him, he hos fro the welve tribes collectively, a coun-cilis sevent person to assis him. These hoWever, could ardlyhave been judges sor of them, theseopte Hready had belWeen fixtyan sevent thousand. Besides, O What se Ouid event neWjudges, o a Supreme courti appeat, have been in cruShin a rebellion. I seems uel more likely that this selection a intendedsor a supreme Senate O tine a hare With Moses in the overn-ment an a it consiste o persons os respectability either inpolat os famil or meriis, it ould serve materiali to suppor his poWer an insuetae among the eopte in generat. Da mixture O aristocrae , it ould moderate the monarchica appearance hichthe constitutio mus have assume Dominose givinihi laws by command of God, and it,ould unite a number of powersu families together, rom theiraein ali associaled With Moses in the overn-
It is ommoni supposed that his Synedrium continue pedimanentu ut his I doubi For in the whole period rom thedeath o Moses to the Babylonisii captivity, e n no the least mentionis it in the Bible; and this silence, methinlis, is decisive; sor in the time of the judges, ut particulari on hos occasions When, accordinito the expression of the book of Judges, there, netther in no Ddge in Israel; and again during thos great politica revolutions, hen David by degree beeam hin ove allthe tribes, and when the tenoribes aster ard revoltu from his