Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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28 9. 10. Fro the genera design of the Sabbam, and Do Genesis 2:3. hsere God is repregente a b Ssing the SeVent day. i. e. p nouneing tota fui an propitio us it is evident that the a Was

other nations penesthei festiva days. It a peeuliar hoWever. O the Hebre us to ather on his dayaround thei propheis anxio receive instruetions from them. Nings4 23. Religiolis parent mere in the habitis instrueting their hil-dren in his da in particular in the doctrine of God ns ille creatorand40vernor of at things an in the wonderi ut providen de botho mere an punishment Whieli he had shown and those. homere notria distant, visite the Tabernacle o Temple.


of the approach of the Sabbatient ear, during hieli it could notbe exacted, ut nothin further than his an e dueed rom that

PaSSage. Oroere Servant manumitte On his ear, ut on


propitiation or atonement by the ound of rumpet, n 72, π,avi, Lev. 25 8-13. 27 24. Num 36 4. Isa 61 1, 2. Beside theregulations, hieli obtaine on the Sabbaticaear, there ere thera, Whicli concerne the ear O Jubile exclusively. I. Al the servant of Hebre origin on the ear of Jubilee, o, inined thei freedom, Lev. 25 39-46. comp. Jer. 34 7 et seq. II. Alioli seld throughout the colanti , and the ouses in thecities and village of the Levites an priesis, hieli ha been sold onthe precedin yearS, ere returne On the ear o dubiise to thesellers, illi the exception of those, hieli ad been consecrate is God, and had notaeen redeemedies ore the returnis Sald year, Lev. 25 10 13 17 2 28 27 16-21. III. Debtors, o the ostiari, pledge or morigaged thei land toste creditor, and est it to his se, ill the time of payment, o that twas in effect sold to the creditor, an inas, ae ordingly, restore to the deblor ora the ear of Jubilee. In the words, the debis sor hichland was plodged, ere cancelles the Same, a those fierSonS, holia remuere thei freedom, after havin been soli into StaVery on account of notaeing able o pay Hene it usu nil happen ei in thelate period of Je visi history, as e learn rom Josephus that, at theretur of Jubilee, there a a genera cancellingi debis, Antiquities,

III. I 2, 3.


in os flour an disti, and a libation of in for the burn osse ring,


o illo Titi day of the welfth monili in Babylon, hii Jeremiali, who was in Palestine, calis the Same day the 25th, Nings 25 27.

Jer. 52 31. The modern eius, in reserenue to hat is stated in 1 Sam 20 27, observe the retur of the New-moon o two days in


Tho master of the family, after the Pascha suppe is prepared, brealis the read having rst lesse it, an divides it to ait, ho


The Gree Chureli, o the contrary, contend that the Iast supper of the aviour a no the Pasehu supper, and that in instituting the Eucharist, he made se of leavene bread Some individual in the Latii Chureli regre in his opinion, excepting that theysuppos unieavene Mea to have been used noli evening of the 13th da of the monili ABIB, and that consequently the aviour, in instituting the Eucharistin that evening made se of read of thathind. 355. CONCERNIN THE PENTECOST. AN NUMERΑΤION os orty-nine day fro the 16th of ABIB ortho 2 da of the Passover, introduce uso the PentecoSt, πεντηκοστθ, i. e. the FIFΤΙΕTH. It is also calle the eas of meela, ri mnet: In fro the circumstance that i sollowed a succession os seven weelis, Exod 34 22 Lev. 23 15 16. Num 28 26. Deut 16:10. Acts 2 1. It was a sestiva of thank so the harvest, an is aecordin y, callex rae: In the eas of the harNest. An it a for the samereaSon that two Oaves madem ne meat, and the tentii par os an epham grain ere offered, a the si si fruits Lev. 23 17. Num 28:26. Hene the Pentecost is ometimes callei the da of the fratfruits π hzzi , Num. 28 26. There ere like vise, noli returnos his estivat man holocausis, besides an offerinisor sin, Lev. 23:18 20. Num 28 27-31. In the days of the postles, as e re expressi in i med by Josephus himself, many Jews rom Ore ign countries came to Jerusalem on this joysul occasion, de isti War, II. 3, 1. comp. Acts 2 5


bore a lite follage. The Caraites suppose, it Was of such branches that the were in the habit os constructing thei booths, Lev. 23 40, With hieli, however i appears that the mingle the branches of olives, myriles, Wild-olives, etc. Neh. 8 15. 2 Maec. 10 7. Josephus,

Antiquities XIV. 13, 5.

o distinetion Irin the east. It was no unknown to Plutarch, Sympos L. IV. c. 5. More public sacrifices ere directe to e offeredin his festivat, thani themthers, as ill e seen by consultin Num. 29 12 39. comp. Deut 16 14, 15 Lev. 23 38-40. Num 29 39. To these eremontes, the more receni Jews have adde a numberos otherS.

I. The underlahe to assert undin their opinion in hiscas o Isaiah 12 3, the existende of the solio in praetice. The priesis ent ver moriain during the eight days of the east, and re three Loo of Water in a olde vesse si om the ountaini Siloe. They the carrie the water illi great and joysul solemnit throuo the water-gate to the temple an potare it ut to the ouili est of the altar, the Levites, in the mean-While, playing on inStruments of music, an singing the Psalm 113-118. Some of the almudist assert, that this eremon Wa a Symbolos rain, thers of joy other of the effusion of themoly Spirit.


day, and the eremontes no to e mentioned, hieli dissered sim thos ora ther occasioris, ere performe by him alone.

When he had Washed imself in ater, ut on his hi te linen hos an coat, an adjuste his ii die, e conducte to the altar, with the sacerdota mitro on his ead, a bulloc destine to eslain or the si iis of himself an his family also two goat so thesin Of the eopte the ne os hicli a selected by tot to besacrifice in Gog PS τε the the was permitte t mali an un-