Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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ς 374. THE ORIGIN OF SACRIFICES. 473 munications rom God in regar to them, sine no express divine command to this effect is recorded, and sine their originta perhapsbe explained by a reserene to a principi o gratitude, hieli,ould promptamen to Offerri God a portio of thos gisis, hiel the had


O the ther and it is ymo means clear, that the were noto divine origin, sine the accounts in the fragmentar docvmenis, hicli compos the eleve firSt hapter of Genesis, are very concise an it is possibie, that the divine communications fromwhiel the may have originaled are mitte in hos accounts, the more so Khen it is remembered that Od in Gen. 15 9, command sucrifice to e offered, and in ther places approve of this religious rite. I it hould e objected that in ome passages Sacrifice are represented a not ein approve o God, viz. in Isa 1 11-18. Jer. 6 20. Hos 6 6. Mai. 1 10 the ansmeris, hut the discolarse in hos passage is consterning SacrificeS, a mere rites, o emeaeious means of themselves, without ahingint consideratio the state of the ind. Furthei more, it has been

clearly shown by Ernesti indiciae arburi Divini in Religione

constituenda, that it a no unx orth o God, and notis Warwith the equit of his character, o introduce arbitrar religious

exerciSes O ceremontes of Such a nature, that human reuson iself

could not objecto them a improper, and whicli suited the infancy

In desene of the opinion, that sacrifices ere os divine original, me observe further, that the supposition is ardi a reaSonable ne, that ali externat worship should have been est to the mere ill of the earlies of Our race, ho ere uel childre in knowledge This re- mar is speciali triae, a sar a constern blood sacrisces, o theslayin os animal in sacrifice, hich was Something evidently aboveste invention of thos early periodS.It is not, heres ore, improbabie, although nothin is express0 saidi this effect that God augiit cur si si parent by the death f

itiem flauit an punishment. Perhaps the de occurre to themo itself, hen rst alled ponoo witnes the sudde an violentdeat os animalia


474 I 375. GF THE DIVISION GR EINDS OF SACRIFICES.Is hoWever these viewsae incorreet, is it ere theriaci that sacrifices erem meret human origin they, nevertheleSS,aad a meaning They, in his case, resulted Dom, and were the indications os agrat esui an reverentia state os the min&toward God, and were themeans os achnowledgin God in a solem manner, a the great and universa ruter, and a the oure and sustainer o liue, as eli as allother thinaS. 375. O TAR DIVISIO OR INDS OF SACRIFICES. The oni sacrifices, hieli are mentione previousi to the timeos Moses, are the whol burni-offering the thank-offering and thesacrifice, by hieli covenanis ere confirmed. No thera are mentioned an very litile is aid in reSpecto the eremontes, hie attende these. Nothiniis aid previousi to that period, o sacrifices for sin and trespasses, O libations O meai-offerings, and the like. MOSE Was the rst among the deseendant of the patriarchs, who redueed the subjec o sacrifices to Some SyStem. He Re Ommodated those, hieli had existed from the days of the sathera, to theeircumstances of the times, in hieli e lived, and increased thenumber of the eremontes, hieli ere attendant pon them. His object in thus doing, Was, o prevent the HebreW Dom ein ledastra by the superior pom of the Gentiles o sueti ecastoras, who had atready made sacrifices a systemati par of their orship;)to impres thei mind the more deeply by a repetition Os publie religious exeret Ses, illi ideas of a religious nature to excite in thepeopte a spirit O gratitude toward GOd. and a disposition to maintain his commands. I may be added tha the ne relation. Which

required an augmentation O the eremontes and an increas os thesplendor of thei religion. - tho acrisces that ore authori red by the Mosaic ritual, Aere M 'Ista in victims: Others e re noto the alter consisted os

The expiator inerings ere ei ther holocausis, sacrifices sorsin, di treSpasS-Offerings Thes holocausis I sacrifices di sin


376. THE PLACU OF SACRIFICES. 475were to e offere not ni sor individuals, ut so the hole e ple. The expiator Sacrifice Securo no expiation in a moral, but meret in a civi potnt of View, and were aecepted of God notin his character of morat, ut politica ruler. Sacrifices of this hindwero lain to the orth of the allar, and were regariled a mos holmmori diva The person, ho rought the sacrifice, i ii ere an expiator one had o hare in t imself, ev. 6 18 22 7 1. 10:17. 14 13. The than - eris sacrifice a flain to the outh of the altar,

NOTE. The hvision o sacrifices, hicli a made by the oldscholastic theologians, viz. into hos of adoration, Supplication, thanks, an expiation is no soland in the law of Moses.

376. A PLACE OF SACRIFICES. Sacrifices, accordin to the law of Moses, could noti offered, excepti thesi tests and a no ther place than on the altaris thetabernacle or the temple Furthermore the were o tot offeredio idols, nor illi an superstitious rites. Se Lev. 17 1-7. Deut. 12 15 16. Without these precautiona measureS, the true religionMould hardi have been Secure. I a different arrangement ad been adopted is the riesis adbeen cattere about O various altars, Without ein subjecte tolli salutar restraint, hiuli Would result rom a mutuat observationo eaeli other, the would no doub some of them have illingi consented to the worshipis idols, and thers, in thei separate Siluation, Wouldio have been in a condition to resis the wishes of the multitude had hos Wishe been rong. The necessit os sacrificin at ne altar, that of the taberna


476 ς 377 BLO ODY SACRIFICES.quently to the time os Moses, speciali in the V os me hings, altars ere multiplied, ut the sol unde suspicions, althoughsome of them ere perhaps aere to the worshi O the true M. It is nevertheless, true, that propheis, hos Character Were boveat suspicion, sacrificed in Some instances in ther places, than the


I. The person, ho offere the Victim, presente it e re God, i. e. led itius oro the altar in the COURΤ, with iis hea turnedtoward the oor of the Sanctuar Dad n 'pra, ' :zl, b drimm , k, παρασrῆσαι et μ εο Lev. 1 3-9. 3 1. 4 14 comp. Rom. 12 1. II. The offere place his and pon the ea of tho victim; ceremony, hicli a practiSed by their uter in bellat of thopeopte generalty When the alter ad committe an sin, hieli requiret an expiation by Sacrifice. his eremony hOwever, it is prope t remari , n omitte in respeet to the turile-doves, and theyouia pigeons, una 27 I8, 23. Lev. 4 15. 16 21 comp. 2 Chron. 29 23. The victimi imposition of and in his V, a substitiae in the place of the person, ho rought it to the altar, and suffered, sueti a the symboli meaning of thei rite, that punishment, hicli sat person atready deServe or Ouid deserve, in caseos transgression That such a the meaning of this rite viet subst tu ron, is manifest, not orat in the case of him, ho placed his handupon the victim an consessed hi Sin, o trespass, Verrit notinlyin respectato theaigh priest, ho transferre the siris of the eopleto the cape-goati a like imposition of hands; ut the eremonyevidenti possesse the sanie significancy, hon the Israelites placedihel hand upo the Levites by way o consecratin them to their sacredisssice. The apostles retaine the customo layingi hand in the consecrationis minister to the service of the chureli, signisying thereby the separationis uel person fro the massis the eople, and their substitution in theiriwn place. III. The victims, hicli ere sacrifice so the eopte generalty were Stain by the riest an Levites; those hieli ere sacrifice sor individuals were stat in ancient times by the e Soris, Wh brought them, ut in more recent periods by the Levites, Lev. 1 5. 2 Chron. 29 24, 34. Egeh. 46 24. The were Stai in the fame place, here the stood, heii hand were laid


478 I 378. EREMONIES AT THD OFFERING OF SACRIFICES.upo them, viz. the holocaust, and the sacrifices sor in and respas' to the North, and the Others, to the outh of the altar. IV. The bl0od of the victim a received by the pries in a vesselso that purpose, calle pry a, and was eat tere ut the oot an onthe fides of the altar The lood of sin-offering was likewise place upon the hortis of the altar, uia i the were flered sor thewhol peoptem so the high priest, it was prinkled toward the vellos the holy of holi es, and o the da os propitiation, ori the id of theari, and likewis o the oor es ore their . The loo was also placed pon the horias of the altar of incense a ceremony, hichwas termed by the more ancient e e ration, but by thoseos later times, gift, Lev. 4 7. 8 15 16. Zech. 9 15. Num.18 17. V. Anciently the person, Wh brought the victim, he helia flaincit, proceede surther, o say, and to ut it in ieces, but, in later times, his a done, as has been ali ead intimated by the riest an Levites. In the time O Josephus, there ereo bies of marbie, an columns in the temple, expressi adapte toal the purposes of Alayin and sacrificing. I should e remarked here, that the sacrifices sor in and the holocaust so the eo-ple and the igh priest, illi the exception of thos paris destine to e burrit pon the altar, ere burni HOL Ε, i. e. ithout bein cut up or the hin bella taken ost , out of the cis in the place here it a permitted, and was the practice to eap ashestogether. VI. Some victims ere offere to God, ometimes e re and metime aster ein Stain, illi certain ceremontes Os a singularnature, hicli eremontes a times ere ObServe algo a the presentation of the sacre loaves and wasers, and ther consecratedgist s. ne of the eremontes, o hich e allude, Was denomi

28 Lev. 7 30 32, 34. 8 27 9 21. 10 15 14 12 23 20. Num.


Comp. Lev. 9 2 l. It is mos probabie, that πυ means elevation, and that rin ora, O the contra , mean layinidown Or lucingi the arth. But soliat was elevate mus have been et doWn again these oriis may have been reciprocatly used, O that reason, in a Senses broaxas to express eaeli of them, at timeS, the Same ceremony. The eremon Of heavin or aving, hateve might have been ita precis nature, eems t have signified that the isti saerifice as

At these paris of the sacrifie were prepare With pure sali, Exod. 30 25. Leu 2 13. comp. Mar 9 49. VIII. The res of the esti, heia the sacrifice as a thank-osse iv, a gi ven bach O the offerer, ho was expecte to altera east of it With his exception however, that the right shoulder, Whleh

made so the eople, as a collective ody nor so the high priest thesses belonge to the riests, wh at it in the cour of the tabernacleo temple Num. 18 10 11 18 Lev. 10 14.


Were holi consumed. The were expiatory, ere more ancient than an others, and were so that reason, held in specia honor. It was in considerationis these circumstances that MOSe gave precept in regarda this hindi sacrifices frst, Lev. 1 3. Philo DEVICT. p. 838.

Holocausis might be offered by means of the Hebre priestawhen rought y the eathen or hos Who ad originate fromanother nation, Sueli person bella unable to Oster in or trespassosse rings, sine this sorti sacrifice had particula reserenue to omeneglecti violationis the Mosaic Law, by hos authorio the didnot acknowledge themelves bourid. It was remarhed a the eginning of the section, that holocausta Were expiato , and we accordingi sinit, that the were Offered, gometimes, o the hole eople, O inStance, the orning and the eveniri sacrifices and somelimes by an individuul ora iniset alone, sither fro the impulse of his seelings, o in fulsilmenti a vow, Ps. 51 19 66 13 14. The were require tot offere unde certain combinations os circumstances potia ted ut in the Mosaic laWs, viZ. by a Nagarite, ho had been nexpectedi rendered unclean or holia complete the duys of his separation, Num 6 11-16 by those Who ad been healed os leprosy and by omen aster child-birth, Lev. 12 6 8. The victim immolate at a holoenus v ere bulloelis of three



In Lev. 5 17, here the contrar is asserted, i. e. here tres-pBSSe are represente a error os commission instead os omission,

nate withou knowin it lia omitte purification, but ad aste Ward become aequainted illi the aut the person, Wh had rashlysworia o do a thing, and ad no done it at these delinquenis