장음표시 사용
of the eopte are eve Where called eader of the Des Jer. 25 34, 35. 50 8. Isa. 14 9 Zech. 10 3. The Arabians have certainterms by hiel the ea cal the heep eitheroo rin or to emithed. The heepano the voice of the hepherd, and go at hisbidding, Joh 10 3, 14. Sometimos a lam is alien into the tent, and tende andarought u like a dog Sueli an ne is calle in Heb. eior cinet, an in Arabici a Word hicli means an inmate, Sam. 12 3. Jer. 11 19.
Joli 10 11 16. The object of this is that the oo may be rendere fine by the weating and evaporation, hieli necessarii resulthom the foek'saeing thus erowde together These are the heγ- sold mentioned in the followingis et a in ther places Num. 32:16 24 36 2 Sam 7 8. Zeph. 2 6. There is no ther ind thanthis, sed in the East. Sheep-Shearing were grea festivais, 1 Sam.
blae color, Ometimes party-colored. The live unde the ope ghy, with the exception only that the id ure somelimes ahen into the tent, o Lee them rom uehing the dam. The compensatetheiriwners With thei milli, more rectous than an other, ProV. 27:
in Paulus Collection o Traveis VII. 10 110 says that he SaWfock of these goat descendinifrom the mountains in the vicinityos Adeo an Ptolemais, hieli exemplisio the description in Cant. 4 1, 2 6 5.
NoΤΕ.-It is no necessar to enumerate the disserent species of Wild goata It is orthyi remarii, that geese, henS, and Wine erenotanown among the domestic animal of the Nomades. At a some-What recent period hens in soni places ere aised by the Hebrews;
s et Themare Sesul clites in agriculture; ut the are no exclude fro the possession of the Nomades, Gen. 24 25. Job 1 3. Herdsmen ere held in loWer estimation than theaeepers of Ochs, but the possesse the riches pastures in Bashan Sharon, and Achior Henc the xen an bulis of Bashan, hicli ere notoni mel sed butastron an seroelous are used a the symbol Offerocious nemies, Ps. 22 12 68 31. Isa. 34 7. Deut 33 17. Prov. 14 4. Heifers ere symboli o matrons Amos 4 1. Hosea 4 15 16 10 11. Jer. 46 20. The horns of Xen an bulis, algoo goats are Sed tropicallyrio expres pomer, Ps. 75 10 89 17 24. 92 10. Amos 6 13. Jer. 48 25 Lam 2 3. Egeh. 29 21. Dan. 7:7 8 24. 8 3-5. Luli 1 69. I the horns are represente asmade o brassi iron the indieate very great, and a it,ere, insuperable poWer 1 ings 22 11. 1 Chron. 18 10. te. 4 13 16. Henc the ancient Oin represent hings illi horns, and one of thetilles hiel the Arabians attach to the reat, Speciali to the War- like sonis Philip is horned. Oxen no Oni submitte to the ohe, and were employed in draWin caris an ploughs; ut the Nomades frequently made se of them to transpor good on thei backs, a the di on ameis. The milh of the eoWs was ound a nutritive rinii, Gen. 18 8. Os his the eopte ad cheese m ' a , 'tas, ranci 2 Sam. 17 29. What is alte z, r3 1 Sam. 17 18, ere Alides o coagulated milli, hieli ha been traine through a leuther Strainer, an after ita ad rown hard cut into pie es, as it a soland necesSar to Sethem. Ancienti bulter a not ueli sed, ut instea oscit, iles olivos, hich was applied nolint to vegetabies, but also to therkind of fruit. In the ibi ther is no mention ad O butteri X et , hicli in the Vulgate an other translation is rendere but-ter, as sed a a rink, Judg. 5 25, and theres ore, mus have been ii in ome hape orither Hone and milli,ere accounted great duinties, but a great plent of them Was an indication that a Wide destructio of the eople had receded. On adeount of hichdiminution of the inhabitanis, large and teli pasture Were Very-Where tole ound so that abundane o missi a the natura con-
Asses, di s Me Asses rvo, S, P R. The alter are considere the mos valvabie On account f the colis, 'τ, η' 'let, an in the enumeration os animais, the are mentione Separalely. The Nomades posses great numbers of these animais, and in the
East, i righil tresne up the are not ni patient an diligent,
but active, beautis ut in appearance, an ignobi in O respecti They are esteeme ver highly, and thei nam is sed tropicali in the Scriptures, sor active and industrious men Gen. 49 14. Their color is red, inclining to a brown to hicli the nam 'umis an allusion Some re party-colored Judg. 5 10. rix, unleS perchance Such are ainted so the oriental to this da are in the habit of ainting thei horses and xen. The are employed inploughing, in drawing caris, and in turning milis to hichinati. 18 6, is an allusion Moses, Deut 22 10 passe a law, that the as andox hould o be sed together in ploughing. Commoni the asses bear their burden, hether men or paehages, O thei bucks a modeo service to hieli the are peculiari fitted. Anciently princes an great men rode On asses, Gen. 22 3, 5.
Joli 12 12-16. Horses ere destine almos exclusivel sorwar an ali classes, in time of eace, made se os asses sorthe purpOSes o conveyanee, the reatos et a thos in obscure lisse. The were uide by a rein place in the mouth, in Hebre 'irin zzri, translate to adiae the as, Gen. 22 3. Num 22 21. Judg 19 10 2 Sam. 16 1. 17 23. The adille Wa meret a plece Os loth, throw ove the back of the animes,
Chron. 12 40. s. 329 2 sam. 18 9, 10. 13 25 1,ing 1 33.
Probabi the were known much earlier even in the time o Moses. The wordae , Gen. 36 24, is notu be translated mules a is commoni done but Marin aths.' Mules appea to have been brought to the HebreWs pomither nations an in the recent period of their history, e find that the more aluable ne came rom Togarin or Armenia Egeh. 27 14. The manemre, or great mules of ersia, celebrated sor thei s finess, the mother of hic Were mares,are mentioned Esth. 8 10. NoΤ II. There are reat numbers of Wil asses in the East. TWo specie are orthyi observation the ne assedisigetat theother Κulan. The lalter are supposed is have prun Do domestic asses, lio, a OceaSion had presented acquire thei freedom.
That the Hebre Word in means the figetes, and the oes , , the uia Species, anteither e reconcited illi the se of the Arabie, nor it Job 39 5. The must e considere meret asseparate name so the Same species These animal are o a fine figure an rapi in motion the frequent deseri places an se farseo the abodes of men. The semales her&together, and areaeaded by a male. When the lalter is lain the orme are cattere and Wander bout separalely, HOs 8 9. They see o the mountainsand in sal valleys, Job. 39 8. Their organs of smelling, hieli are
Ver acute enabi them to scent Water at a great distanee Henee travellers, Wh are destitutem mater, are accustomeda soliomthem,
or Arabia camel, has ut one uncti noli bach is more rapidi iis movement, an endures the heat euer, than the large camel. It is denominate in Heb. 'iri meta, and et Is 60 6 66 20. Jer 2 23. Cameis require but litile ood, and endure thirs fro fixteen to seri days. They are particulari fitted sor hos vas deseris, Whieliare destitute of ater are epi in great number by the Nomades, and the Arab is esteeme of a secondar rank, ho i no the OS- sessor of them, Gen. 24 10, 64. 31: 17. 1 Chron. 5:l9-gi. Jer. 49:29. comp. 1 Sam. 30:17. 1 ing 10:2. s. 30 6. Egeh. 25 4. The are used for the transportationis every descriptionis paehages, and burdens of very fori, Gen. 37 25. Judg. 6 5. 1 Chron. 12 40. Chron. 14 15. Nings 8 9. D. 30 6. Men rode pon them very osten, 1 Sam 30 17. When the are Ioaded, and et ut pona Durney the solio orae aster another, Seve together. The secondis fastene to the rsta a Golle string the oui th to the hird, and somn. The servant ead the rstine, and is informed by thetinklingi a bell, attache to the nee of the astine, hether theyali continue thei march. The Seven camel thia connected Ogether,
are calle σερο α es, hieli is adl rendered by the Vulgate,
with in has the privilege of ooking ut Whil li is himself con- coaled. The are sed chies by the omen, aret by the men, Gen. 31 17. I the ride Wisheso descend the camel does nothneel resin other occasioris, but the ride talios hold of the servant's stas and by tho uid Os it alighis, Gen. 24 64. The cameis, on hielithe teli ars carrita, ure adorned Qth splondid haliis an crescents,
manus eiure into coarge eloth, and constitute the lothing of thopoorer elas of eople, Mati. 3 4. In the Arabic language, thereare many allusion madeo cameis, and trope drawn rom his Solare posSes a much digni , a thos draWn Domixen do in the Hebrew. Proverbs, solande in the qualities of the camel, occur in
gtrength. It is applied in the Same a to Xen algo. The Nomades o recent ages place uel more value On these animais, han
Was alWays celebrate so them 1 ing 10 28. s. 31 1. 36 9. Egeh. 17 15. Jostiua neolantere chariot an horsemen in thenorth of Palestine, hap. 11 4-9. He rendered the horses Seless, Whieli he ook by cutting the hamstrings sine the would have been but o litti profit in the motanta in o Palestine, comp. Judg. 4:15 5 22, 28. Not long after, the Philistines conducte chariolsinio batile, Judg 1 19 1 Sam. 13 5. Ancienti horses ere sed exclusivel so the purpOSes O War, Prov. 21 31. Hene the are opposedo asses, hic mere Sed in times of eaee, Zech. 9 9. The HebreWs 1 si attende toste aising of horses in the eig of Solomon. The hundred, Whie were reserved 2 Sam 8 4. 1 Chron. 18 4, were destinedsor the se of David imself, hos example was imitate by Absalom, 2 Sam. 15 1. The Psalmis frequently alludes tolli mode of Overning orses an to equestrian armies PS. 32:9. 66 12 33 17 76 6 147 10. Solomon carrie on a reat trade in gyptia horses They ere brought rom gypt and Domm p radi perhaps ua siluate in Africa, 1 ing 10 28. I
chased horses in Togarmali or Armenia The HebreWs, after thetime os Solomon, ere neve destitute os chariot an cavat . The riderised Deither Stirrup O saddie, but at ponis iece of loth, throw ove the back of the horse. The omen raret rode hodies, but lieneve the had occasion to the rode in the fame manner With the men. Horses ere not hod illi iron es ore the ninthcentui y liene soli hoos mere esteeme O great consequenee, Amos 6 12. Is 5 28. The ridie, anu, and the caveSSon 'let' , ere sed both sor horses and mules, Ps. 32 9.
thei socks. Frequent a these animal are in oriental cities, the ure universali abhorred, illi the exception of the hunt- in dora. Hence to e calle a do is a cuti in reproach,
the time o Christ ere deustome to cal the Gentiles tas. The Saviola in orde to abat the Severit of the appellation used the diminutive κυν otia Mati. 15 22-28. Impudent an contentious me are Ometimes callet dvs Mati. 7 6. Phil. 3 2. Gal. 5 15. In the ast dog8, With the exception O thos employed in hunting, have no in ters, Wander re in the Streeis, and live pon the ossais, hicli are cast into the ut ters. Beingosten at the oin os starvation the devota corpses an in the
Uria reSponSive cry, and thusaetra to themaster of the hous their predator visitation.
by the hepherd themselves Henoe aros hiantin or the chase, whie is praelised the more readit fro the circumstance, that themeatis,ild animal is considere a great delicaoy. The eurilest inhabitant of the worid ere compelle to hunt in orde to secure theniselves Dom in attack of Wild easis, and a great hianter, os, Was accounte a benefactori mankind. Sueli a benefactor soni in- accuratet suppOS Nimrod o have been notuakin into consideratio est the circumstanees, Gen. 10 9.
different state of things existe in the time of Oses, hoenacte tW laws noli subject of hianting the object of hichwa to preserve the wil animal o Palestine, Exod. 23 11 Lev. 25 6, 7 Deut 22 6, 7 Huntin in ancient times require both
sameony lint pirate practiSe a Similar Vocation on the ocean.
Their his ut tundering a predicte of shmae an his posteri ty, and the have ver remari abi sulfille the prediction, Gen. 16 12. Still the do no surpas many ther of the Nomadictribes; h lio id b hi nil ills of sand and wait sororavellers, and hon tunde them to the hin, Onip. Jer. 3: l. The do not