장음표시 사용
BOOK FΙRST CHAΡ XXIX. XXX. 155 Nec interire igitur So mos editora. MOSer SayS Recte se habere nec pro etiam non ut dictum Sit pro ergo fiam non interire certus sum. illine and ischer adopi advig's conjecture ne interire quidem igitur. Nec patronum quaesivit ad judicium capitis Mither ought an advocate in he tria for his life On the impeachment of Socrates, the celebrate orator Lysias compoSed a Speech, which he offere him, to doli ver in his own des ence, ut thephilosopher resused to accepi it deeminiit unmani t avail himself os such id Se Cic. de Orat. I. iv Val. MaX. VΙ. v. Stobaeus, Serm. VII. Quintil. Inst. Orat. II. V. Liberam contumaciam inoble disiain. De hoc ipso. I. e. de immortalitate animorum. Quum paene. . . . teneret. SO editor generally. illiner, Kloig, and ischer, rom the SS. Regius and Gudianus L,
Ascendere. relli and MOSer, Scendere. XXX. Ita enim censebat These view of Socrate arestated in the Phaedo and the work of Plato. 72. Dedissent. relli and obbe, dedidissent. 9Seque .... SeDOCaSSent. Suppi qui froin the preceding qui
73. Ut cygni. F. A. Wolf supplius faciant. I preser tho
explanation OsMithrier, ho malle cygni the Subject of moriantur, an conSider qua providentes as an anacoluthon Orqua provident. Usu venit - accidit. Sese relli' able and copio us explanation of this phrase, in his note on F. A. Wolf's orle-SUngen, h. l. Qui quum . . . . intuerentur Anacoluthon. Regulari Weshould have quod iis ....i3 venit, qui .... intuentur, ut .... amitterent, or quod iis .... 3u venit, qui, quum .... intuerentur, adSpectum . . . . amiSerunt. Mithrier.
Reverens. In the ensem timens a rare use in Cicero. In rate. Orelli, rate.
a suture action a completed it acquire the mean in of the Simple future implying, however, the rapidit with, hicli theaction ill e completed. his OccurS, in the firSi place, When another future perseet, O any the ten Se supplyin iis place is contained in the leadin Sentenue S that the two action are contemporaneolis. V. 511.
Medius silius. . . me dius i. e. Διος sdius i. e. flius; cs. acrima pro lacrima, etc. juvet. vliner. O Zumpi, Lat. r. 46 l. n. For another explanation See Hand ' Tur-3ellinus quote supra, p. 139, I 40), and Andrews' Latin Lexieon S. V. - Vide quae disputavit M. Schm id inualinii Annali Philoll. et Paedagg. 1830 Ι. 3, p. 343. XXXI. 75. Nec quidquam aliud est mori discere. Ome editor read ecquidnam aliud est quam emori discere 'Tum denique vivemus. Euripides
TO κατθανεῖν δε ζῆν; in haec quidem vita mors est. s. in pro Scauro Merales illo ipso die, quo erat ei moriendum, permulta disputat,
hanc esSe mortem, quam o vitam putaremu3, quum corp0re animus tamquam carcere saeptus teneretur, vitam autem Scte eam, quum idem animus vinclis corporis liberatus in eum se locum, unde esset ortus, reti li8Set. Quam be roserrexto vita, notu mors. F. A. Olf. 76. Ha res Δεικτικούς e X preSSum pro re in hi terriS, hanc vitam. Graece a Aθaδε.
Ut verear . . . . potium Thates belleve that here is nothingelse so illle an et ii litorali notis evil), certainly,fs mura, or ather that there is nothin eis good, etc. Otice the Seos vereri in the sense of to belleve, si noSe, apprehend. Quid refert ' Scit utrum dii ipsi, an cum diis futuri u mu ; nam Utrumque praeclarum est I illiner. Adsunt enim. The partici enim here implie an ellipsis;
ΒΟΟΚ FIRST. CHAΡ XXXI. XXXII. 157 a Supra, Vi I Quis enim non in ejusmodi causan Mema Suppl At non omnes eadem sentiunt ad Sunt enim, ete. 77. Qui potest, Qui possit. Understand seri, as illi si posset, i. 23. Qui is here the interrogative adver, an id sorin f the ablative of the interrogative pron Oun. Quos equidem non despicio. Ironicatly a in Tusc. II. iii T quos EpicureoS non contemno equidem, quippe qu03 nunquam legerim. Contemnit. Orelli omit this ord, and Moser bracket scit; but it is soland in early every one os ille S S., and the light irregularit os con Struction it OccaSion preSent no SeriOUS dissiculty. Cornicibus. It was a common belles among the ancientS, that crows lived through in generation Os men. s. Ovid. Metam. VII. 274
ora caputque nov6m cornicis Saecula paSSae.
XXXII. Num non is Fou are no vnwilling, then 'Non vis roni nolo This is the oad in os regiter an dΚuliner from the SS. Regius and Gudianus I. relli and MOSer, numne viS; Obbe, num vis. De immortalitate depellet. Notice the conci Senes os the
78. In his est enim. nother in Stance of enim implyinga ellipsiS. e ma SupplJ Say ΜOSer, Ome Senteno like this quare nihil mirum si in his labamus cinii eSi enim, etc. Istos vero. Scit dimittamus. Qui .... SuScipiant. Becau3 the underia e to prove. The subjunctive Os the rea Son. Idcirco S the est MSS. Orelli read id certe. lotet conjectures id vero, hiel TiScher adoptS. Tregder, Domthe conjecture os ad Vig, eadS ONSequenS, Non concedant. Dant. Me liould expect dent; ut so livetiness saliethe oratio obliqua paSSe ove into the recta. F. A. Wolf. Ut .... ne intereat. Ut nam e0 that Pro ut ne ex- Spectamus ut non Sed Verbum dandi notioni concedendi togrant adjunctam habet notionem permittendi lo allowj.
15S TUSCULAN DISPUTATIONS.79. Panaetio. See supra, viii. 42, Ole. Quod declaret. The orce of the subjunctive, indicatingilia it is the sentimentis Panaetius hicli is eXpreSSed maybe hown by the translation, hich, as e says the re
Eorum similitudo. Scit cum iis, qui procreent. XXXIII. 80. Semotas a mente et disclusas putat. Flato enim rationem ponit in capite iram in pectore, cupiditatem Subter praecordia. Hominum autem. Saepe autem idem sere denotat quod item, etiam, praeterea, ita tamen, ut aliquam OppOSitionem in-Volvat Pari modo et multo saepius apud Graeco δε inservit continuandae orationi. ' illiner. - Quod nos Germani cogitare Solemu in Verbis et eae altera parte praeterea,
vel item eae altera parte Latini Simpliciore ratione eXprimunt per autem. manti' Tui sellinus I p. 562. Aristoteles ait. Problem XXX. Quaest. I. s. Senec de Tranq. XV. Aristoteli nullum magnum ingenium sine mistura dementiae fuit Phavorin apud A. Gell. N. A XVIII.
Vii. Scitote .... intemperiem Stam, quae ελαγχολία dicitur, non parvi nec abjecti ingenii accidere, δελa ναι σχεδόν τι
Aristoteles quidem ait For erample Aristoti sus, etc. t. . . feram thates do nonia erit ill that Ham ather stupid. Ironical olivet translate the paSSage, eδιὰ qui me console de a mediocrite de mon ggnie. Quae similitudinem faciant. Oser says that this Subjunetive a be explained by considering quae a equivalent toejusmodi ut ora taking the whole sentenc as havin thia force, ea Sunt autem ita comparata, ut similitudinem faciant, or ea sunt autem hac natursi, ut faciant. Orelli readcfa-eiunt.
Viri cum Africano Panaetius as an intimate friendissScipio Africanus the ounger, and of LaeliuS. See Supra,
BOOK FIRST. CHΑΡ. XXXIII. XXXIV. 169 Africani fratris nepos. Q. Fabius MaximuS, On o Q. Fabius Maximus Allobrogicus, and grandSon O Q. Fab. MaX. Emilianus, the brotheris Scipio Emilianus Africanus Minor Se Valerius Maximus, III 5. 2. Facie vel patris Scit simillimus. Vita ablative.
goin and Succeed in g, to Cicero M.). Democritici relli and Mose read Democritii. Nihil tertium. othin besides bod and Soul.
Cyrenaico Hegesia. HegeSiaS, a Cyrenaic philoSopher, who livexat Alexandria perhaps abo ut B. C. 260. From theeffectis his glo0m deScription os human misery, he receiVed
Ptolemaeo. Ptolemaeus Philadelphus. 84. Callimachi. Α celebrate Alexandria grammarianand poet. Cleombrotum An Academi philosopher of Ambracia;
Solo valedicto Ambraciota Cleombrotus alto Se de muro undas misit in aequoreas.
Nil tamen huic triste accidorat, solumque Platonis De natura animi legserat ille librum. V
Vel de praecipiti venias in Tartara SAXO, Ut qui Socraticum de nece legit opuS.
Possem idfacere a nolo. Milliner. Et domesticis . . . . privali. Tali domesticis illi solatiis, forensibus vitii ornamentis Cicero reser to the dea this hisdaughter Tullia, and to the Surpationis Caesar by hic hae
was revented rom talitu an active par in the go vertiment of the State. Qui .... O .... ab StraZiSSet. Qui i nominative, says
Tischer, by the ver frequent attraction os the relative to the parenthetica subordinate Sentenue 3 ante occidissemus). Se Z. 04. The Stricti regula construction ould e
XXXV. 85. Metellus. Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus. me is frequently quote by the ancient,riter a an extraordinar inStance of humari felicity. 0 ad ille allth highest Uces of the State Mith reputation and glory, and was carrie to the funera pile by our sons three of whom h ad obtainei tho consul Alii in his lis time, hile the ourthwas a candidate so the Osse at the time of his death.
Filiis, quinquaginta sitis). ablatives of quality. V. 47 I.
Honoratis, lavin held high ossices, honores. Septendecim usi urore ali8. ccordiri to the Homerictradition there ere ineleen children o Priam and Hecuba. Cf. Iliad. VI 244, XXIV. 495 sqq. relli, Moser, and ob-b rea nati. ur read in is ound in the best S S., and adopted by lotZ Tregder, and illiner. In aram. The altar 1 Iupiter Herceus, at whicli Priamtook refuge hen the Greeli ente red Troy. Hostilis manus Priam a Stain bylyrrhus o Neoptole-
Virgil, Aen. II. 22 Priami dum regna manebant, a con Veying the Same mea ning a theSe ordS. Barbarica, Oreigia,
a gur of hicli the old Roman poet were very Ond. Κilline cite infra, liv. 105 Vidi, videre, etc. 1 rom Acci-US, paratam peStem ut participet parem, and acrem aciem in-elinatam Dorii EnniuS, Eae opibus Summis opis egen3, auxilio aesili, - urbe orba Sum, fana amma de flagrata,
o pater, O patria, o Priami domus - and major mihi moles, majus miscendum malum, At these ecur inclines quotod by Cicero in tho Tusculantisputations. Se Munk' Metres of the Greeks and Romans, tr. by Beck and Felion, p. 23. 3In tho three line Haec .... turpari, ObSerVe the ὁμοιοτελευτον, risimilarit Os endings, hiuli, sint also in the linos supra XXViii. 69 See Munk' Metres p. 24.)Ista vi qua Priamia Vita privatus Si Priamo vi vitamesituri) obb and Κlot reta in the old read in g, Ista, vel, etc. Tamen Orelli and obbe, tum M 0Ser, after entloy s
Eventum omnino amisisset Ne ould have scape theeatastrophe alt0gether i. e. eaepugnatam Trojam non vidisset. 86. Pompeio. naeu Pompetu Magnus. Pompeio melius estfactum Pompeius convaluit, esis bossor init lim gemorden. Coronati . . . . fuerunt manis est thoi joy.
162 17SCULAN DISPUTATION S. ol also. rimirum osten introduces, a here, a portive Orironica remarii. The malle cit Puteoli imitated ver naturally, it large neighbor eapolis. Vulgo . . . . gratulabantur. The thir person plura is used ithout a desine Subjeci .... hen the adver vulgo is introduced, O XpreS What perSon in genera do. Cic. N. D. III. 17 Saturnum marime vulgo colunt ad occidentem. M. 411. a Obs . . uline thus accounts so the se of the imperfeci gratulabantur in connection illi coronati fuerunt:
Thoohing o principat importanc is indicate by the perfeci fuerunt, the Sec0ndar propoSitio by the impersect gratulabantur; as i it had been aid, coronati C. fuerunt, dum
involve them relli and Moser, deleti. XXXVI. Evenerunt relli and MOSer evenerint. Proinde quasi relli, ob be MOSer, perinde qua8i. 87. Num aut i Orelli, num, etsi Tregde and ischer, num aut . c. a. pinni3 ecqui id diaeerit' totZ, num a. c.
c. a. p. ' Quis id direrit 788. Consi malo illo .... sit That eing eslablished - con- cerning hich, is 80ul are mortat, e cannot doubi, - name-ly that here is suc an annihilation in de ath, that, etc. Κilline cali attention to them Sem quin illi the subjunctive where e liould regulari have the accusativo vitii the insinitivo ster consi mat illo the construction ein necommoda ted by a Lind of attraction, to the formis an interpoSed Secondar proposition dubitare non possumus . e noti ei thesam Lindis ait actio supra, vii 40 um igitur subitamus, an, tela pleraques quamquam hoc quidem minime persuadent enim mathematici, terram .... obtinere Or quin
Ne carere quidem MOSer, nec carere quidem.
XXXVII. 9. L. Brutus L. Iuniu BrutUS, WhO X- pollud the TarquinS. Pater Decit S. . . Dius .... nepos. The three Decii, hentheir troop begauri give Way devote them Solves and thearm of the enem to deStruction, accordin to the formula prescribe by the pontife maXimus, then rustie into thothielies of the figlit, and were Stain - themide in the great Latin ar the Son in the batile of Sentinum, hil sightingagainst the Samnites, Umbri, Etrusci, an Galli, and thegrandeson in the war again St Pyrrhia S, accordin t Some authorities therS, howeVer, Say that he Survived this ar. Scipiones. The brother P. Cornelius and Cn. Cornelius Calvus, ho ere Stain in batile by the Carthaginian S, B C. 212. Paullum et Geminum. L. Emilius Paullus, consul, and Cn. Servilius Geminus, a consular, seli in the disastrous batile
Marcellum M. Claudius MarcelluS, the conqueror of Syracuso. He was de aled by Hannibal nea Venusia B. c.
208, and sta in in the batile. Lita=ia. Α large sores ori the pennines, in Cisalpine Gaul. Some editor read Latini. Atibinum L. Postumius Albinus. ho was killud in batile by the Boii, B. C. 216. Lucania. Α district in lower Italy. illiner aster many
MSS. read Lucani. Gracchum Tib. Sempronius Gracchus, a distinguishedgenorat of the secondiunt He a Stain B. c. 12.90. Quamquam hoc .... 8aepe Scit dico.
Sed eo Feld do it for this reason. Nec pluris .... captam And that Marcus Furius Camillus no cares no more for his civit ar thun I, in his
164 TUSCULAN DISPUTATION S. lifetime whend was ut et orn), cared for the capture os Rome by the Gaul unde Brennus . Pluris facere. . S. 214. Cur igitur et Camillus doleret, .... et in doleam. hythen ould both Camillus have mourned, etc., and would Imourn In doleret and si putaret, have the imperfeci subjunctive both in the protasis and the apodosis, instead of theptuperseet. Ellendi de Enunciati Conditionali , p. 39 Says,
iraeSen re ponitur, quia praeeiSe dicitur pro cur doleret, si dolere p08set, quod nunc non poteSt, cum Sit mortuuS. Κsilino A explanationis the se os these impersectes, and of the preSent Subj doleam, - whiel MoSer refers to Ellendus, is thi An puta et Camillum . . . . doliturum fuiSSE, Si
millus doliturus fuisset, et ego dolerem. It is true, Say Zumpi, Speahing of this se of tho impersect instoad of the luperfeci, Lat. r. 525 that this arises romalivet an rhetorica mode of Speahing the past time eingrepreSented a preSent; ut it mustae observed that it is moro frequent in Latin and Speciali in Greeli, than in modern languages. See also M. 447, Obs. 2. Ad decem millia annorum Aster en thousan years. Se Haridys ursellinus I p. 88.
Urbem. . . . potituram. B. 64. n. 1. - his readin is
cis Ver osten, in riter of the olden age, con Strue withthe accusative of the place hiel any ne torm Or CaptUTOS. Undoubtedi this constructior occurred uel more frequently
than it is no met with in edition in many places in the writing o Cicero the ablative has been brought in by editors, against the authorit of the SS. Oh objection urgedagainSt Ur re ading on account of the repetition of the Syllabies um, em, am, illiner answers thus: CommentatorSupon the ancient,riter osten have more delicate ear than