장음표시 사용
Scriberis ario sortis et hosti uinvictor Maeotii carminis aliti.
quam rem cumque sero navibus aut quis miles te luce gesserit. nos Agrippa neque haec dicere, nec gravem Pelidae stomachum cederem Scit, nec cursus duplicis Per mare Ulixei, nec saevam Pelopis domum conamur tenues grandia dum pudor imbellisque lyrae Musa potens Uetat iolaudes egregii Caesaris et tuas culpa deterere ingeni.
3. 4. me. . . paries the accuSative me Put early quais a sor me. 'tabula sacer votiva paries: so the roti ping sce On P. I Romanwould rea thus: 'me the tablet in the temple sacer the o upon the
quis Martem tunica tectum adamantina digne scripserit aut pulvere Troico nigrum Merionem aut Ope Palladis is Tydiden superi Parem Θno Convivia, O Proelia Virginum sectis in iuvene unguibus acrium Cantam US UACui, Sive qui Urimur, non praeter Olitum leUOS. OVII. Laudabunt alii claram Rhodon aut Mytilenen aut Epheson bimarisve Corinthi moenia vel Baccho Thebas vel Apolline Delphos insignis aut Thessala Tempe
lyrae p) the lyrictis contras ted with the epi of l. et bove. The genitive brae depend parti on MuSa, partu on solens Compare maris de I. S. I 6 an See o P. 39. II. egregii s) peerless. The adjective is naturali emphasi sed to flat ter Caesar Cp. Ode 3. S. 4, and See nides 3 27 73, . 12. ingeni s): abilit is the pol ni I should falliso Dom lac of emor oro destre, ut os power an aptitude.
sunt litibus unum opus est intacta Pall. illis uri em scarmine Perlictu O celebrare et
undique decor tam fronti Pra Poner Olivam: i iuri inus in lunonis honorem
aptum dicet quis Argos ditisque Mycenas:
me nec tam Patiens Lacedaemon ionc tam Larisae Percussit Cain Pus , Pimae
luam domus Albuneae resonantis C praeceps Anio ac Tiburni lucus et uda mobilibus pomaria rivis.
3, 4. vel Baccho Thebas . . . t insignis: sor Laccho standi nil ut fide Thelas and insienis a , som/ω ut si de Deorios and insicuis, sce On P. 49. Horace destres O bring out the artificiat antithesis o Bacchus and Apollo. insignis may have tres Sec nide 4 9. 26. Thessala 'l there e re an Tempe ut the Thessali an vale a theoriginal in. mos tam ou S. s. intactae 'ὶ the ritual and titula epithet is naturali stresse l. Com-Pare Oaee l. 9. 3, 3. 4. 4, 3. S. I. 3 6 33, 3. 7. 8, 3. 29 64 Z , 4 4 49,
Palladis p urbem i. o. Pallas and her ity' se P. 38. There is also implied the contrastis Bacchus and Apollo.
6. celebrare et so the positionis e compare nides I. S. 3 7. undique decerptam ps): there cenas tot sonae chiastic echo spertetuo an the wOrd ma suggest monotonous and Prolixorcat ment. See the commentators, Wh comparet e I. 29. 3.
8. Iunonis s) contras Bacchus Apollo, and Pallas iu See alS O P. 42.9 aptum is is predicative i. e. will in os as astrum equis' si itis ' - will in os as ealthy, the wealth os Mycenae . Compare claram in . t bove. Moreove Horace is quot in the stoc epithet os Homer se Wichliam and wishes to dra our specia attention to the word
in os recta prat Se. Io me comes early in contrastri alii os l. i bove See ais P. i. tam be long to percussi and is emphatici separation the Stress Ouid. in prose. R expresse by no hal So much. Compare tam in the ex line. patiens i. e. the hardines hos Sparta ' See o P. 27. ii Larisae ps equa is nor Larissa. . ., as scit e re subjeci, parallel to Iracedaemon See P. 38. Larisae. . . Campus Opimae this rota ping may be Clas Sed unde P. 0 and oti q. v. an more raver simae a be seli illi campus se P. I. The adjective is again a translation εριβῶλaξ .ia, 3. Albuneae resonantis et praeceps Anio observe the chias muΝ. Furi hier. 'rae 's ' equat 'the salis os the Anio ' a Tibur Se on P. 27 an the note at Odes 3. 29. 6.i 3, 4. Tiburni r equals Tiburnus and his grove ' Se P. 38.
albus ut obscuro deterget nubila Caelo is Saepe Notu neque parturit imbris PerpetUOS, Si tu Sapien finire memento tristitiam vitaeque labores molli, lance, mero, Seu te fulgentia signis castra tenent seu densa tenebit sto Tiburis umbra tui. Teucer Salamina Patremque Cum fugeret, tamen uda Lyaeo tempora populea sertur in XiSSe Orona, sic tristis affatu amicos: quo nos Cumque seret melior fortuna Parente, et sibimus, o socii ComiteSque l
IS, 16 albus ut obsCur deterget . . . Caelo l . . . Notus for the roupingsee o P. 8. Roman love Such antitheses as albus obscu=d Compare nides I. 6. ) See o Page o the emphasi os albus.16. Saepe NS equat πολλaκις μεν ου ἀεὶ δε an prepares us for theemphati perpetres of l. 7. Notus comes late in Contrast to tu of l. 7.I7. perpetuos ras i emphatic by position it stand alone at the commencement of the line se oni es 4 9 26 . 18. tristitiam vitaeque labores: f, pulmo toria tristi iam then Haema be in coniunctio position illi the nouns. Other put a Stomaturistitiam whicli then has emphasis se Odes 4 9 26 an talae noII a the imperative o mollire in that case vim labores it equat life an iis totis' see
not arsit'; ut also se P. 27. For the Separatio by the vocative compareonide I S. 3. te for it position e P. I. 2O, I. denSa... 'iburis umbra tui for the groupin se P. 7.Τeucer Salamina patremque See nide I. 2. 7.
24. tristis ps is predicative an means hecatis sad' he wiShes to
melior fortuna parente the positionis parentes ouis id melior ano fortuna, is a bitte asterthought See o P. 3 i. e. fortune inder-than mysire.' Compare Ode I. IS. 28, an See P. 49.
nil desperan clii in Teucro duce et auspice Teucro: certus enim promisit Apollo
ambiguam tellure nova Salainina suturam. sortes Rioraque Passi οm tam a Pe viri nunc vino Hilite curas: cras ingens iterabimus aequor.'
te deos oro Sybarin cur Properes amando Perdere cur Pricum oderit campum. Patiens Pulveris atque Solis cur neque militaris sinter aequalis equitet Gallica nec lupatis
27. Teucro duce. . . Teucro these Ord sortia an emphati addendum; se P. 33 Ote the chiastic orde Teucro duce. . .austice Teucro. 28. certus Is equat an adver without oracula evasion' Se onin I. 20. ambiguam tellure nova Salamina the orde is normal adjective, complement-DIIure no a , nolin CP. Eo I. l. 26, . . 4, etc. a. 7 7 8, 2 8 6, etc., S, 7 33. ut the grouping may be regardei a thatos P. S. nova re probabi has tress se onides I. 2. 6. 3l mecum Saepe viri emphatic addenda .e. with me sten like heroes.' See o Ι'. 3. curas sor it positio Seeitae I. 3. 6. 32. cras s) i. e. ithout a Gy's delay. ingens s): e sor est iis monstrous and mysterious sire Prosessor Conwaylias hown the atris mystery whichis osten attaches to in ens in Vergit scp. Odes . . 0 See Alfio P. I. VIII. l. 2. per omni te deos oro the position os te in such petition sis common in Oth Latin an reeh. Compare Terenc Andri 34 per e Ie Eos oro, an se Liv 23 9. 2 fer V D...precor. So Ovidie M. O. 73. an Horace Ero . . , 7 3. Here howeve the presenceis omnis l. Separat and theres ore emphatic concinis the hyperbaton. Sybarin is brought forward ut oscit clause oras to mali clear, and that early the person concernet in the de The subjec is the oves of Lydia and Sybaris se onitae i. r. 7 . Perhaps to the ordo is o the analogyos Gree o.δά σε τί Compare to note nides . . O. 3. apricum 'sὶ the heat os the Campus See o P. 27, and also P. l.
4. Patiens. . Solis a concessive addendum se On P. 3 i. e. thoughaccustomedri endure. S. militaris concessive i. e. though a soldier.'
temperet Ora frenis pcur timet flavum Tiberim tangere cur olivum Sanguine viperino cautius vita neque iam livida gestat armis iobracchia, Saepe diSCO, Saepe tran finem iaculo nobilis expedito pquid latet, ut marinae
filium dicunt Thetidis sub lacrimosa Troiae
funera, ne virili Iscultus in caedem et Lycias proriperet catervaSΘIX. Vides ut alta stet nive candidum Soracte ne iam suStineant Onus silvae laborantes geluque flumina conStiterint acuto.
I 6 Lycias is the word in caedem et serias found like a hendi adysin caedem cios i. e. ami the murderous Lycians the catervas crebros. But se P. I.
IX. I, 2. alta 's): illi depili oscinow se P. 27, but compare also P. I. A heau fallis snow ould mahe Soracte tand ut lea and whi te canditum is predicative .
tar cI ncias atqtie benignius deprome tua tri in una Sabina. Thaliarche me in tota. I Hrmitte divis clera qui simul
stravere ventos aequore servido tode Prin 'liantis nec cu reSSi nec veteres agitantur orni.
quid sit futurum cras suge quaerere, et quem sors dierum cumque dabit lucroaPPO ne nec dulcis amore isSPerne Puer neque tu choreas, donec virenti canities abest
morosa nunc et cam Pu et areae
lenesque sub noctem susurricomposita repetantur hora, o
nun et latentis proditor intimo gratus puellae risus ab angulo pignusque dereptum lacertis aut digito male pertinRCi.
Mercuri, lacunde nepos Atlantis, qui seros cultus hominum recentum voce sormasti Catus et decorae more PalaCStrae, te Canam, magni Iovis et deorum nuntium Curvae Ue lyrae Parentem,
callidum quicquid placuit iocoso
condere furto. te, hoVes olim nisi reddidisses per dolum amotaS, Puerum minaci io VOCO dum terret, viduus pharetra
2I, 22. latentis ...angulo so the roupin See o P. 6. For the normalgrouparatus puellae risu See o ES I. 7. 29. 23. lacertis for it position e P. 47. X. . facunde s): See o P. 36; but so the groia facunde nepos Atlantis se on . 33. et feros cultus hominum foraroupin See o P. S. 3, 4. Catu Sc. v. Compare suer aliae Q. 9. 6. decorae f): graCe, in place of uncouthness, S the potnt. decorae t more palaestrae for the grΟupin See o P. Oa. s. magni. . . deorum: the genitive are preposite hecause Mercurnis nomere lache of nonentities, but enuo of reat Jove and the godS. 6. curvae f) the epithe refers to the belli ed shape of the realis imitation tortoi se-shell,hicli forme amounding-board Contrasted with the quarebox of the Cithara. In an CaSe curetu/His alway prepositive in Horace Seeto Odes 3. 28. II. lyrae s the order, perhaps, Suggest the antithesis of orator factin et I), and enuo nuntium l. 6 , o musici an strae); but it is poSsibi to compare the orde of Androme ae fater at Odes 3. 29. 7. See P. I ad . 7. iocoso ps i. e. in jeSt aliffer iocum Se P. I, An alS P. I. 9. te, boves im sor case relations rotape early .e. the old story olines of ou and the Xen, se onides I. 2. 7. There is no nee to place
a comma after uir aster amoras.
Ilio dives 'riamus relicto Ihessalos tu initis et iniqua Troiae is castra sesellit.
tu pias lactis animas CI Uni ssedibus virga tu lex Cm C Wrc aurea turba in SulWris deorum ratus et imis ro
ia Apollo comes las in antithesis to te os . . Compare iv l. s. Where a long Sentences gins illi Romulus and en is illi Remus. 13. Atridas duce te so the roupin se note on l. . The Order ives the sense aiid, o so the Atridae and oti lead in past them cruei patrii Priam ' ut the positionis susterbos is very wkward Seeloweve P. O. . Is we ad sus Hos duce te Acri fas, the wOrd could ardi mean nythingsave the Atridae proud Dyota leadership, and it a b that even illi the adjective last there Ouid he ambiguit so anyone ignorant O the facis. ia Ilio dives Priamus relicto the positionis Priamus bet cen IIDandrelicto, ascis re cro ere a deponent governing IH Lλων ό II. απιαλιπών , is common in Liv and Caesar Compare iv l. 7. i dextra Hercules data; l. 4. 6 tene fama. . .eam usum summissas a is tiθε σαν infantilus in omitem traEbuisse mammas io causa ipse tro se dic a iamnatur; and we C. N. Ol. V. p. t S. SO Uergit Ien. . o ventis re ei nu et ocatis and passim Ovid Ex PonD . . 73 Lutae puer fana Fast iv. 297 fune Uri contento braciata lassant. Horace has an e ample e. g. OLDS I. . t l. 2. S, i 3 Q, i. 33. 3, 2. i. 37, 2 2. 3, 3. 3. 3, 44, 3. a 6, 3 27 67 68, 3. 28. 6, C. S. 33. Ad Oaeo l. 6. 27 and I. 22. l. dives t i. e. illi ali his reasti res O bribe Ichilles. is Thessalos i. e. os the enem and that ne in the mos bit ter. 17, 8 pias laetis animas reponis i sedibus: O the roupin se onP. . The Orde is picturesque the pio us t happiness, their ouis to a fixe ldwelling the do not an de homeles and unlaid. Hence, PerhaPs, thereis Some stres On se ibus Seei es 4 9. 26.i8, 9. virgaque turbam: O the groupin See P. I, 2 gratus c. ἄν. The Hor lies by coniunctio, et Me en superis and imis. This de Ouid se em tot an early ex sieriment in translation is orae may jud ge by the frequenc os stra ined orde and the absenc os caesura incit l, si io, and IM; contra, Such de AS and l. 22.
Tu ne quaesieris Scire nefaS quem mihi, quem tibi finem di dederint Leuconoe, ne Babylonios temptari numerOS. ut meliu S, quicquid erit, pati, seu pluris hiemes Seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam quae nunc oppositiS debilitat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum. Sapi RS, Vina lique et spatio brevi Spem longam reseces dum loquimur, fugerit invida aetas Carpe diom, quam minimum Credula POStero. XII. Ouem Virum aut heroa lyra vel acri tibia sumis celebrare, Clio, quem deum cuius recinet iocosa nomen imago aut in umbrosis Heliconi ori saut super Pindo gelidove in Haemo Θunde UOCalem temere in Secutae Orphea sit Vae
XI. I, 2. quem mihi. . . t finem: vrihi chrought forwar in antithesis to tibi. finem comes early because ind is the poliat, and the ex is carpe diem,no respicesnem. Babylonios ps) see o P. I. 4. ultimam scias in Contrast to Dris. 5. oppositis s) .e. besore the opposition of the ocks)' compare Odo