Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


Maximianus, Deaeonis the Churo Aug. de Gest. Emerit. Donat. 9. c. of Carthage of the factionis Donatus, Lib. ad Boni f. p. 185. sal. 56. 17. too offence at Primianus iisho of The est,ere restore to communion Carthage, Who had .Xcommunieate on thei submission The Maximian-him, an induce certain of the Dona istes ere after ard Condemne by atis I;ishops to cali Primianus to ne Counoil of threes hundred and tencount, and whenae ould not acknow- Bishops at the Councit of Vagaia, A.D. ledg thei authori ty, ae 'as, rus 394. p. 108. 255. 6. and 4 l. al. Caecilianus had been condemne in his 52. 6. St. Augustin frequently urges absence Primianus 'as restored by the APparatio of the Maximiani sis Domother of the Donatis Bishops to com the Donatist a condemnator on theirmunion, and Maximianus togethe with own principies of thei mwm schismi elue Bishops ho ad assiste at his against the Catholi Church. ordinatioti a Bishop, was condemned.


tho Creatori ut a creature, a theorians, and Eunomians, and Macedoniatis, o So entii Cly CNymis existence, as to deny

that God is Trinity, but asser ilia Heris God the Fathermnly, and that He is ometimus callud the ora, and sometimo the Holy host as ille Sabellians, homini me calliatripassians, hoc ausu they old that the ather susterod; and ora muchas thoy den that He has an SOD, without doub theydon Hismoly Spirit also. The Photinians again ho saythat tho ather only is God, and the Son a mere man, den altogether that there is ny ihir Person os la Holy


vali do e promise an preach to men to tum to God, and receive eace an remission Os Sins, liother in Baptismis intho Church. For it is notisaid, est shali notae orgi ven him excepi in baptism V ut it hali nos e for9iren, netther in

7. Some thinii that the only in against themoly Ghost, iv. Who havin been vashed in the laveris regeneration in the Chureli, an hau in received the Hol Spirit, a though un-than sui sor so great a gis of tho Saviour, have piunged them


or some certain blasphem of the Spirit butini indefinitely, blasphem y of the Spirit shal nos e foroivens either icit suid,


20. . .


Such a particular Way that he an ne veri pardoned.


'' deserred a lino , Dearly beloved that in iliat invisibi and incorruptibi Trinity Whichiuris aith and the Chureli Catholic