장음표시 사용
Austria thus Nindi advoces in her traditional Wor os denationaligation, brutali checkiu very patriose aspiration and in that respeet
Ne may say, in hori, stat the obieet os Austa is in extirpate the spirit os patriotism in in Mart os every Hungarian. An impossibis ais, is ever there Wasine sonae it aulae or a virtve, the earin Mes no hold a Moseu Iove thei munusan liberi Wit more de stan themungarians. It is preesset this
ensistenta patriolis Whie constitutes thesi domitabie stringi a themungarians, a thecomplete absene os an sue seclinii ita Otho, ovi escis the cause of Austria's mea
nes as a state Even among the Italians andine Gallieians, ita cause os discontent is notiso muta an ardent patriotism, stat is, the love os asree munt , as a longinisor nationes independine in the sermo, an an intens have ossore n domination in the lalter. It is unnece sar to spea a Bohemia, Moraria, ste Tyria, and the oster provinces it is in long si e the have been anything, stat they have almost
Argesten it. But IIungarn rom A.D. 893, as il laralya great, steri independent, and eliminaniata state There Was a time hin no munir in Europe surpassed i in extent an poWer When three seas forme ita extrem simila; When, umaideri it boret,against the st m,hich, comingsrom the ast threatene to verines the West. What then ante more natura stan stat theso disserem rades, livinian strumling
lovea For no stelinios Dalo suo ted their harmony. e no iiid ali these races suin ast ho mero in the olden time; non os siem has en absorbed by the iners, and those hobelieved that in 1848 the dea os nationali had Heve Hannihilate the spirit os patristismamon Vus, O se hoW completet the Weremistam. A momenta cieat sy, excite ispersilious inuigues again oves place is love a
must neve overim the politica character
te distinguis cibis munir sum the oster province of Austria; hie is that in this empire Hungarsalone hac histor oscit O , an is imbue Wit a paulatio spirit, and that this historica patriotism, sui os vimur andiadent mill notae it periis. Buta ore concludius his letter, I must, asan impartia advocate, stato in sinis bicli
Mem to testi0 iniri mur os the Austrian Over menti In Ving that Austria has altogether abolished the ungaria constitution I ammrongos 'here is on artis in mos res, gio inobserves, amely that Whic sanctionsilio Asidituro os ita estates os person convictinos hio reason. Although ur code hac en replaced by that os Austria, in hic no suta sorseitur a present musis ita dynasty --
inins his right exceptionalty in Hungary It is
true, stat this single artiele produce a ututa, R000 steriing in 1849. have alio sat stat the nationa coloura, son , and costumos mere stricti prohibitia. Thicis no absolutebarue ister o the eo trary Austria has selecte themungaria eo tume as ste uniformis in Areim omisis inesei cis Huno . Is no stat indius ridicula and mockernis injusticea
BEmo I spea of What Hungar is inclinedio do a present, alio me in ove ou Wit ut to linio ita particular interest os clames, raee' an religio , a rota state os hat Austria has been Min inmungarsis the last
The tria is hic Austria has subjected Mngar is nothini mota devie of the rupinum poliis Wit regar in ungar iselearly expresse in a document deposite in
io realiae his inhuma polint in 1673 under Leopol L, an in I789 unde Joseph n, butin both casesinsuccesssulis Underim id Line attempt vas mon ove D Arinungarymas bigger than the monster Whic Wante tosWallo her. The ethris the made e ted - change of consequene in the nationat isse; but the experiment of Joseph n led in important evenis in aster Dan. Joseph II., stat philosophi an resormius fovereim, Was in principies a liberal, ut a. despes in his means. His plan Wacto create, by arbitrar ordinanem, an no by pacificandprogressive assimilation, an homogeneo semam state, and this projectabe present emperor has revives; it this difference, hoKever, that the me mante to aequire absolute γπer Mina vie to the more speed realietatis of his liberal ideas, whereas the lalter Wistes in maheeentraluation the means os arrestiniali progres'
mores, intellectual, and political Joseph II. di eri as a means os amomptishinc mod
Pir se Francis oseph mploys vi means se an evit end that is the great mora dis enoe Miseen stela obiecta. The disserenoe emeen the in epoclis istem rem habita Joseph II. Aund his subjectaramabis, in tranquil possession os stela libertimand thei nationalit, u ortunatet he assaited si, and his early deat and the reme lion os his unconstitutiona decrem besere hedieri a genera insurrectio Mes have ceditalab em d. It is fio this perita, 780 in 1790, stat the nationes an politica revivales Hungar dates. Is it vas stemungarianrace hic eo ageo ly iso the lea in themovement, in strumliniser the eonstitution os in mundi in generat, se iis is languagein particular it Was assuressi a meritorious in an in s Oing the ungarians e tales di no more stan their ut in their
unusand their race Tho Mumans, Naves, and Crinis ave no sim of thei nationalvitalit ut a later periori 1835 ω 848, althouo the e stitution os thei munusvis ded
iliem, is mel a themungarians equa oppo
dendies and the charaeter of tho in peritas has alis ther ese in the penetration os Austrianstat men. suoseph ΙΙ. alle in his boldunderinvincat a moment When the popul tion sinungar live politicassi raster hannationa , fures Francis oseph must dino that not ni the ungaria race has made great progress in literature, science, andaris, ut stat the other races aro actuared by a strong stella os nationality. Besides, dom nes eo that it is in spirit os illo presentepoch Is it no the dominant principi in the inda os nations a spirit hic mill soon previa in ita universa polle os states It Was eas emus to effect the susionis nations en My .ero .ellisio inanimato buc ensit os lue the maris massacred, noe ab
The ente Uis Was ali ho more simul as in Hungar the nationa question is a the
fame time a politica question the in are inseparabb uniteL The goverament, ,ella are of that and the eos felicit also itis preciselyrior this ream stat i adhered withali ita might to the nationes movenient Whichmve extraordinar sero to the constitutionaland libera movement in diametricatly opposint illo retrograde principies of Austria poticy. Thicis theum re o why the prompt develarment of theminis an et ment a s di
pleasinito the goverament. I Was in arrestinis libera progress Whic it considere in tangemus, that in dynasty ad remure in every possibi means os aro in the nationalsentiment among the other races and it ignorinthe Panslavis intrimes among the laves thoughthe impulsis mas ove by Russim propagam dis ,hic might come tangemus even to thedynastio interesis. Whilat tho Mumans the Saves, the mala, deceived in thei expectations rona Austria,
tas os naturali ing the German languas in Hungary. The ni resilit in has attainedicto have rendere the German idium equallyhatela in allisi races, an in se them allunitia in one common seclinios itala tangera tange oesya be averte is rene init iralliance. Whichever race may b in the struggle, in oster Will e sum unanimo isto solio.
here remat, stat the en constans pur sue is Austria is the formation es an tam
ad leve os flaver' ut to attain this unus mit it Was indispensabie in Germaniae and mari catholies os ali stetisse in si munuy:to centraliae it ali provincia constitutions and custom must be abolished; Mur, is insure equalusit Was indispensabieci dismember thelarge states, dividingahem into province muto e hel in subjection. his a preciselythe eam amunga . Me eontamin a popul son os Ib,000,000 ut of the 36,000, 0 sine empire, an had a territor os si ira quare a