Hungary, from 1848 to 1860

발행: 1860년

분량: 269페이지


분류: 미분류


Allata Napoleon sat relative tomungaryin this proclamation Was stricti true. ungary, Woer, remalae mute an made no sim itis true that the Peaee of P ορο Presburg Wassignin no lania marci. But sine that time the ori has madegiganti statis, ut ungar has atavineta sit it For her, unde the dominationis the Impinum' the long peace Was as unproductiveas the warumve divisimus ste last sty


future time, no matter When another Napoleoninoes adeses them in simila languam, My-uid notaesitate in riserio a man. What a grand prospere pens herest a great Frenta statesma Who east his agi glance Mari

hold way in ali in muther par os Europeritim to Constantinoplo the ni Meah is thebroad pace assed ungary. France has Hready in principie, mancipate Italy, andine, to the d facto liberais of the Danubia Principalium. That is Wh France Hono no has mora aut Hly an inguine in thosesino muniries Bucto passim Italy the Danubia Principalities, ali Hungam mustbe traversees est, is in fame miti l service, e rendere is that munio, an umight bo effectia vit malle sacrifices sorΗungar mit ho 1 500, 0 inhabitandi,


raster requires mora than malariat support- the moria poKer os France Would then resemblean ectri Wire, hich, Marting rom Paris, Ovidiam Wit ut a single interruptis aer stiatri ungary the Danubia Principalities to Constantinopis, stat is to the East, Where thelato os the vorld Will have in be decidia. In si , learn rom histor stat France, in the long coum os ages, has alWaysaad agreat mission os universa interest in sitsi Men When, as a nation, H κω not Ired, as mWit is in ease, Providen , placin her in astronibata, as Maias present me, made Meos heris an instrument in change the face of min. France has Men equassy great in thewor os destruction and os creation. ne hila



historie ideas, hicli mari epoclis an are come inevitabis necessities, an me venture topas a definitive tamen o the grata polieros Napoleon II., acting in the nam os France, fore he has Gomplisbe his Ma myno the present epota e so France ne ofinose in Whie a nation remalas is a time ascit Were unde a persona eclipse in orde to filiste reat pari assigned her in the genera histo os humanityy


At ali evenis i me anno penetrate hata mysterious future eonectis, et soanklyackn-le e stat Hiberto the Empero os the Frene has fissed ver page os his NKNONNprogrammo via siet an evenis os suta moment stat, is he eontinues in the fame murae, patient thinhers may lao Amata in Melas sto iam os Europe mures changessi




ad Lono, Youa brilliant political career bulonoto history it is a book ope to ali ille, M. I there eano that ou thin thera tristi empire a politica necessity, and that is it didno Hready exist it Mut be necessarnio ereate iti ou have to much independence os indata opinion to decidem me to thin os ab temptincto supportali opposite thesis besere

I might, it is true, as me in Austria os former Mys, Whita England could aduantas o ly use in her Europea polisy, stili exista Hacine performe the mission expected of hery Has sh done anythinito promoto the cause of


in 184', an indein stili sies What then

the use of Austria, is in is no in a conditione ientlyrio suppor Englis interest every- here, but more specialty in the Easty Andinis in is totali incapable os Ming.

ristem nations it is certates Austria. heristae mos deteste by the Mold Wallachians,ine Seres, themontenesius, an ali in other Christia races in Turhey cause Austria, Massile M own interetis has in turn exestedinem to revolt, and alloWed thei oppressor in erus them to the eara The momenta ino

Menoe inena eare is have in his in I 849, during the Marci Hungary, has since chan dinis a seu intenser hiared stan evenatat eheris dis themungariana themselves, o the lauer have oesy been umquished Whereas the Slaves have been perfidio lyrae ived. his atred


independent, or a par of the mi an empire. look around in vain orandis suturo sor stria.

In the must, stat is in Italy her Mys arealready numbered. R is erini that in milliose ombard an Venetia, consequently allia influende in the Italian peninsula. hecis no in a position to resis even France alone, stili lem is ro ad Piedmon and the mascos Italians, Will rue asine man. Me illa ei this strumle nessim sine territor' and

In uis norin, in Germany Austria ean havem ope es aggrandigementi The Germanic Consederation,ill iste remala ascit is, and wm both princes an Mose Will resis everra temptis absorption by ali possibi means orcis the projeet os national union inould be realiaeviit,illine to the invantage of Prussis, Whie is


purei creman poWer, the mos important osau, and possessing the sympathies of the majoriuos the nation. To realiae the grand idea osse man utri Primia vanis nostincta the boldgenius and the firm Will osanoster Frederia II. Let jussis e fidiusu to liberal Germany, in iis destre sor unity, and Germany Williro, tale toritas her, an ove her stat strengin his inis innates' in has not et attaineri solet throuo heHown saul Ad in his, thesignificant phenomenon messi, mitii sed in I 848, When allabe German provinces os Austriaeve sent stela deputiis to GankArt. and uius manifeste stela destre a vitiuncto aureat

German state. hic Would have ted in the mm- plate dismembermen os in Austria. I say vi, se elements are notisantincto serina ne empire Andabis nisi ire Mouldbe more morsu stan the other ver Was, buton condition stat, Minicomposed of heterrem ous clemenis, no attemptrihould e made to introdum Frene centralization stat the dive sities os language, orion, an me inould e