Hungary, from 1848 to 1860

발행: 1860년

분량: 269페이지


분류: 미분류



Canno Priusia se stat he position in the


Germanio Consederation, Wit regard in Austria, is absolutet identieri Wit that Whichiis ovi cupita an stili occupes in Italy Ward thesme ροποῖ The expulsion o Austria Domine Germani Consederation Ouid even e abenefit, Austria heraeis minis rem in Germansandarat' heri uot oni os con

influe in is a Protestant spirit as havinia politica organigation the mos decentralietexandine eest municipat auisnomy; ut di theyprotest in I 84 against the intervention f ssis 3 id hesprevent it though non-inte vention is a sinouriis principis of theissa Mylan is, no doubi very poWersul her nemies know4 aut his metas gain litus is itiFrance, harios Mihin the last sta eam mstore independendo, in Danubian ne,

palities an Lombardy mio perbus inspire


me more bor; ut Muid inest scit mmeother interest that impelcher, o in principieos natioivisim Whic in inscribed in her flaga In an case, I have no seen the Wor libertν thereon, and themungarians are es oesyanxio a be a nation, but a re nation Godgrant stat Napoleon ΙΙΙ. ma comprehen histrue missiona His uncis relie o fovere ns, his personat nemies, and et accordinψy. fNapoleon III restes um in Mose, andra send thei nationalities aud liberties, he illinei eis Meome ita fovereis master and arbiter of Europe, mi is the divine right, ut is theuniversat mill o nations. I caninasii conceive statvungar imis Mith

inde Pectus it Muld se nota grue Wayto illusions in stat quarter, Whic mio nevertereallata. In his Congress dynasti interesis an no nations Wil be represented Ala, it Miliotae in ancient asse ly os the Amphi ero , in Whic the mors of different states and nations could heel diseus an fetu the


institution is stili mantincto Europe and ureris. A congress alWay eonvori on themorro os a mar has no oster mission stan toemo the revi os eace. It competene is restricte to a certain order os question in di

putes, Whie have perlius Men Meldedaeis hod. Irothere figure incit by the fide of theuietor and the antasiad the oni represent

The ause of the universa unearines that


uoubles the old Woria doctiso si in the nicta, biit in the primi in produce in in the ver divergent tendendies hie unbaniberis Miseen the wvereio an nations os


The fovereis , Wit ver se exceptions, vant io ovem by means os studia, superam, materi narescabie institutions Whereas thenatio aesoniis an adumeta civiligation Thesovere. 4eem to this the have in deal missi nations in insancri Wherea mankind, at least in Europe, have reatae the age os mais d. Monarchs have the pretension to M alone capsileos uilium and thinhing, Whereas the wple also

hundred Mars an an societ have been com


Theram of Austria, sussiles to areaties, unmtadsul os the generosit Lino edtowatas him aster stre consecutive Wars es'eiali aster stat es 805, has attae armies. I have repulse this urius aggressi . The God in oves victor' an punishes imgratitude an penur has been avo ille tomy arma. I have enteria ille evitat os Austria,


riis is M asi Europa requires of