Hungary, from 1848 to 1860

발행: 1860년

분량: 269페이지


분류: 미분류


Mi ou emis lains, hic are,ori severat millimis. bat in Austrian ovemment inould vis to seli stem is no ver astonishing. ut stat any dy s vid ventur in in them passes 'omprehension. When Hungar shali oncemoreae fieri Wil in sanctio this usurpatium this sale os land instance to the Credit Mobrier os Paris , Whita di notaelonito the person, sol them Hungar is no ina position to protest against this illega ad ahere publiel protest in heri me. Aster at these sales an alienations there rein remalas Mihin more in sel in theon me stoess and that is alaeta in parcesseeled

strahe meo a Villas anm so M a concer Austria, is meressa sale . What a monstro event in histor an empire for ud et ushope. Woer, that the Hapstum Will no have time to et e the


I ad aha Phave convineta Du, sir, by What Phave raster glande a stan develope in myprecedi nitetters that themungarian nation has in violently assasse an injure in ali stat constitutes the existene es a collective esu; in iis material interesti, iis nationes indepens ence, ita aspiriulans in aes assi her civilinitio ita liberi os conscience, an even ita socialmanuere an suntly usum these ast eiustino indisserent in themsolves, but neverihelem the M M as it mere, ut secon natur or



sola susserino in that ast stage of Meahnem,

.hie is sumetimes tange inis irresistiMes mssi a Men in person labo inmunder nata dise es , ungar a leno Mons iniso amin her, an in eonipareae strenginvii the tange and the strumle in sera arproacting. PMd Du in myssint lettur, sorine last in ear in has been collecting herscauere senses. But the political horimes Wanear in get righteri mari,speeialty on theside a France, Whic has powersulty interseredior the Danubia principalities an Italy and in the direction o Russis, Whic stili tum asullan ook o Austria, as di Achilles, asterre iugis his tent, in the sessis Agameum . During this intervara tenseare, the Hungarians Hine had time enouo is inundata rea Delium

of the other races in the munim, Whω- theirside are ready to suppor them in the generalmovement ad the races are draWinces eringether Maring the oliv branch as an emblemo fiateralty thei arius are nou an inmed


TH interna reconciliation an indispensabie condition sorinungaryla suecem mas alaeadytolerabi adonee at the time os in CrimeanWar, but it Was complete When the war in Italymade vi ope in With in magis morti imseri Ionata Frentaria Nationat Indepens mices The Austrian rnasty, hie illi thenhad yes Without Meing, an eam Wit ut hea ing. gan is perceive the signs of the times, andis Ma the r uincor doming evenis It is certain stat is in Mace of Vissastanea had notbeen concluded one os , things Nould have happenin there Muld either have been a

genera insurrectio in Hungarri or in preventit, Franeis Ioseph oes have been soleta tore stabilis the old constitution. Unsortunatelyse us, eace ein concluderi e thought it Wouid sume in mari a se promises and grant

certain illusory concessi s. But doctae suppos that he ea thus en virage legitimate opes an restiue in satisfytheis Dore e indulge the delusio that hemillae abie, With a inde a paper, is tum aside


is an eam, ille very discussion occasionedis his promise gave themungarians a fine opportunityrio expressinistet opinion ona existinis temisit an iis abominations andatio os proclaiministes nationa an political


We nee notisce no selves Wit the eonstitution in frequently promise during the last te Dara, ut Whieli, neverihelem, stili remalas, harint sor us, in the ministeriai portlatio. At present, the wvermen is moro modest in iisatas. The fidit ininito e done it miri Wasto organire the commine in the statis. Forahat purpme, in the eight se manetes os id Hungary, it convoked iis ne os confidem in eo ultatis asse sim to a tela opinion. But What a surpris here eam urn in mini


The sam attempt Was made sita sis resultat Mysi Agram, in capital os malis,

where ellacsicciso recenti represente the

marissa of the o. of Vienna. The samething also h pene at Saeben Hermannstad0, the nevirer te capita a Transylvania, invite os an ine etaris of the oveminent, Whichio ten ea ha been labo inito mine the Saxon and Wallachian element predominato Mer the Hungarian. In ed, uisi e res mere


notis gester inevitve, mi in result vas

This viri os opposition Was manifested Gerr here, both in great hings and mali Ι .ill este an examile es this, lem importantina the evenis jus mentioned, ut not res significant. The govemmentata ordere stat in the oos e mininini mixta populatio ofSlaves, Germans, Hungarians, and Wallachians, sues a mea, assa, pedes, Misen, Mony, and many othera, in theatres inould e alte


Meompantes The laves, mala, and Wallis chians have no dram Moeti Weli, the German mi antes anno Me ita ho es opem Maus the have no public Whilat thehouses are et filleda Mitnes themungarian pers mances even ii person Who do notunderetand the language of the actore riuWould Marces belloe, that at Temesvάδε thee pital f theses dina the German playersare elimigh tarved, and tris the fame evena Uvidissi a large toWn Wissi a populationnearly est Serta. Ιι during the sint eam os oppression, Hungar Was territa into one lingae nationaleoloure is sit Mased to in her patriotiemno, an deprive heraeis os his Miltiante tumes, as is in mourning thus actin inimitation os Nature herseis, ho, tripping offher leaves and salaesi stoWers, Walis in theseosis and storms of Winter have passe aWay- a complete tange has taen place of late. EveryWhere inmungar and the provincesta lacte sim her, a Croatia, Transylvania, and


meetino an public easts, hic sive riserio

significant demonstratio .

, an instanee, me mansiste stat themum garians celebratinata 27st os eis r iam the nienam os the iri os the auctor, Francis mi α' oesy a Pest aut almos ever here, in ali large toWns animost villages Assentans ioine vit ut distinetis os raco or


religion As a Writer, Maincanis the res meros the nev IIungaria literature in religion a Protestant; as a citiae he Was, in 793, therealaus propagator os libera ideas, an hau ingbeen condemne to deat se stat crime, hepasse seven ear in the orirem os ustisin. His memor is lier ore nothiniles than the personificatis es Hunor' Who alio suffers

brevise he Wishes o remes nationes, and tolerant in religion.

Theu, again the et inve by the Prince-Ρrimate os Hungary the cardinal-Archbiinopos Esaismom, to celebrate sto suet year os his primthood, inere an occasio sor a man, festation similarao sto preceding. The numberos uests,ho camerarum an paris amunga

seus. The mos eminent me in the nationwere there litaresse in their riches nationale tumes. Although in Aretauri Alberi, Governo Genera o Hungary, preside at the