Hungary, from 1848 to 1860

발행: 1860년

분량: 269페이지


분류: 미분류


os Hunga , ut soles o si condition os restinisatisne Wit the mores innumce Whichis in natura concomitant os superior intelligene an civiligation That influene mustia, on the one and limite in the degre os superiorit os one race, and mel and w-taneo ly accepte by the othera. ut Austria es no in underetand the alter. In herimperious humo , ine Mould have die Germanelement absorb tyranniae, an crus the ostere. Is it then ast istin that in meet With. stub m resistances mula ille abali strangeis the natura sympathies of the ther races s uidie etange into pro ita batred os the Germans Is no the desenee mones Wnvationalit atauin nay, an instinet, a naturali a Mose a the defence of his οὐ personincte partis an individuata The histor Minungar Will si iis amplepros os the assertion statis eos may be nationalised by tald reatinent, but Will res lutes repet ali violent mea . Maria Therem, durinther long re dint of rora nauem,


donationaliring themungaria arist rach Itis impossibi is in What Hungar Would have beeome is in relan o Maria heres hialaste muta longeri ut he her Mn. J seph II bentis rapidi completing the wοas eleveri begum, ad remune to demtic meam so the purpose, he suddent aro edine spiritis nationality, and thus ted in urrerivalis a nation. Unde his mother, urnationalit Was in realit disappea in at arvi rate, et mi a complain Was Mard onthe subjeci. ut unde Joseph II. When the tanger,as si lem, a stelinios have tomias

Germans came almos universat Isiue is no the case at the present moment,

it in Minus the eos are suffcientifensiovene in distinguis Miseen the foveramentaland populia German elements. Should the tyrannica oppression os the forme stili eo


tinue the goveminent alane is to lanie is the sympathies of the ther races isWard the Germans dati πο--AS . Sometimes the oesymeans os sileb is a genera attae in theenem Wit ali onea forem. But it api,ears to me stat the state os things

inem the goveminent and the Protestant isthe mos critical. The re conssiet in probabifaris in stat quarteri With the Protest, anis the question relates in re reachin alid

res laus libertri Whic are indissolubi united wit polium an nationa liberi y. The atr


to the happy consequenem themselves Whichwil certaint result om in victor os uinis Protestant brethran. Tho ovemment liuel Mem is have sellina ita mos pressing anger Was arising oninis fide; sor, misissistandiu ita pro se madeaster in Italian war, it has not et remedita an inevanem ut hos os in Protestants. This explain the publication of the decree sis September ast mean ille Imperialpatent, Whio Was in servo as a res A the Protestant in stet ecclesiastica antra. Imminenti libera provision caused universalsu rise Foreim Ournali. speciali stos os Germany extolle them to the ales, declaringstat the German Protestant themselves di notposses a constitution O persect an liberal,

Whie could oesyrae compare in stat of theii π Presbyterians of Scollata. The systemis, indeta, admirabie, based on universa sus stage, uestiri in beaut eous harmon the ostpersect orde Wit the ulmos individua liberty. But utere is one illius that eos in generat


the trinisos Vienna in i606, stat os tanta in 1645 again by that os Saathmii Nemeti in Ipli, and by many genera laWs os the State. Thus ali stat is liberal and good in this d minent elono pures an simplyrio Hunga ; at is bin and Jesulum and there is plenuos stat cos Austrian Orion.

The Protestant consequently resused to a

e t the patent, in the mundabat it containoda radiea defeeti id in emperor est eineis right a suta By no means sed gracis lyrio grant them a constitution, .hie implied that he retaine the poWer toroine or modis it at his pleas e To provebis planar aut riv, e introduce certainesianges he arbitrarii modissed ita es hi tineat subdivistinis bes oes have the Minops,


LETTER Visa arctaeacons a Mellis other influentia dignitaries, pes by the State a principi diam tricali opposta in that os Protestantis ,hieli

insisti pon tho mos complete separatio b meen Chure an State. The Chureli insistaon bearincat her Wn expenses, but sh also

insist οὐ in persecti independenti The Protestant also aske Whatiuarante the had that this eo titution in granted, id bo stiti, sulis observe by the oveminent What, et be the limita os ille right os mya supervision, Amerinae o linge an accepte by them-selves but then it Was emaclausi controited by the civi iam by the politi Leonstitution os the muniry, and by the re institutions Whielino lange existi Minediatesiaster the publieation os the said patent, in assemblimis districis an diocesmoe Where mei, at Remis ripa, Debraeam, P ony, Atalca, min, an esseWhere, andine solemn debates in the presence of hundrecios persons ste Me M in illo mos eat

gorica terms, remonstranem to the emper ,


Melaring that theseouid not acceptabe imperial

me se iis mode os stablishment ad nobasis-neither reta, in muta a the Protestants. in i condem his no been consulted n format an it is an axiom os urisprudenee: Roma des esse rei), sinee icis granseras a royal our, and alis ther ignores the ancient righinos the Protestanis right securo in them notoul by tam but alio by treatlas; Becauserit te scio annui the autonom os interna legislation an administration; iuster, stat it infringes sto liberi os universat sumageii tho Chureb; Beeauserit usurps a right Whiel Mes noti long to the State, is intersering Wit the internalomanuatum Mahoc vita: causerit oves a tangemus extension to the supervision os the overn ment, restricta thepubliensos the debates of the assemblies, andata at aequi incundu influene is sivingsalariis to the dignitaries opsta murin; eausea nev an arbitrar subdivision it


material interesta;

os in elector an statutes dependent on the protous consent os the goverament, it Mould deprive in Protestant Chure os that ou reignt Whichris the ver essene an principieo iis isse a fovereimu recogniae is la asMel a trinum, and hic the Protestant Chureli ad possesse se more stan three



ment, has MaW a picture so horribierimm iis missi stat it appem to e exaggeratia it is equali true that in character of these odio avis dissere essentiali froni the attempla os thepresent mominent se then the mons os Protestantis ere persecuted ather than the principies of Protestantum then there mas noattempt is intersere in the govemment of theo in .hereas at present the goveramentelaims a right in inscribe the internat s m and constitution os the Protestant Churcii. It is olearas the sun a Montan oveor, stat a thecit lis Chure is alane competent se ali stat Merii her organiration, in the rotestant


do nox offendite dignit of the fovere M nor semet in selserespect Whic comes every Meman. The ungarians ere alvus accustome in a What the thought so that remo the neve conspired; at thei historyproves his siet; ut is stela remonstra es ere unheederi thenopenlyri arim. ver, these representations mers writteni moderate, iam, an dignita langua , he discussions hic precede themisere e Mormn V - ει μυ--- pro meria,' hi torical orti lite must remin the dynasty of the epoch, n, sayin Pro rege instea os Pro patria, themungarians saved the empire unde Maria heresa Aster these sivingsthere mere paulati tanquet attende is lauro live hundred persons, no exclusivel Pr

testandi, ut in Catholis an Greeis, both primis an laymen, Who ali Martii joine in applauding the patriose an enthusiasti toavis

This is o the eopte appropriate and praetis in imperia device Veribus unitis,