장음표시 사용
already speas a sure sim stat in is readyto acti antly the interna reconciliation is sui accompsistita Crinis and ungarians, Wallis and Slaves, Seris and Ruthenes, Caininlies andirotestandi oreas orbes communions,
unde thei common oppressor, have recognigedeata ther as restren the momentar arti-ificia discor has ove lilae in earnes sell-4ip. These in votas, Gurum an Literim eclipse ali oster considerations. u must k- stat Hungar has neveratis ted in realem hermis an exceptional
Wesare persuaded that is the heredi a 4mus
ero inae me constitutiones ruitinis, an is thegovemment Which rules the monarchy vere an, mate With a partiamentar spirit, ur inter is and theses, whieli areiso osten dividia, inmetimes even opposed, Wout be easti conciliated. Η ungar has alWay seli, even Ulien sh alonee ne constitutiona liber , that he had an interest in seeing the hole Austria empire possesse os in sanie Quantages ine ther
sere, vallius heraeis of her peculiaris uisu, unc singi mised her Mice in plea in avo of the liber the other provinces. The eopte os these provinces et unde Mood his Ormerly at thei pes mere eo sequenti centre in ungary in Was thelio os est the nations subiret to the Austrianyοke. Is in t se Gys thei trea in Was lassilespotio the cause la in the ac that ree Mngar inust necessarib, is ber example, mitigate the rimur of the goverament in t se provinces, even inere it vas sive to ae in an
traditions os ou ancestore, ere heroicallystriinlinis, libertat, it is alio me stat some se. Me edis os harin oppresse oster races, of haring respected the grata prinesse os natium ali only just,hen i mite Ourim interesis; in inori, of having, a conquerore, et historicatrio a V the o ornationalit' is accusation, at once lae an odi '
inventia an propagared by the Panclavisis and Austria, me missi no credit ither in Americao England wme se in Germany and Dabmere incline to bello it but in France there vere many Who thought it true. mio demonstrate the dsenem os uiis assertio in is Ways. Firat, is appealinito histor' and layin besere o the particularsacis Wbita, in the eo se os emturies, clearly explain the progress natural pacific, an continuat, a themungaria element, mit ut iis ever baving, by the way, promted or obstructed the development of the nationalities. 8
stat the ver spirit an nature os our constitutio Would rende an sueti oppression est gester imp sibis., brevit is an indispensabie haracteristicos a letter, I have si in the latis method, and Pirust yo Will find i quite conclusive. A the very earlies Lundation ortho Chri sanainmom of Hungarri yo me risin besere
En of Hungam, Wh not es Meam thea sue os the γοψ he led nox My gave a libera constitution to the eount ine ad conquereri but at the fame time, 014, proclaimedine great principio a nationalit' hic eversine that remore perio has been Mith us arule mos scrupulo ly sella d. n. parain is in Whieliae recapitulares the paterna eo selsinat he ave in his son rine Emeric he
Unius linguae, uniusque moris regnum inbecile et fragile es . . . Quis mcus regeret Latinos Graecis moribus, aut quis L tinus meos Latinis regeret moribus Nullus.
ould govem Latius ace diu to Gree eu toms, o What Latin ould ovem Greeriaecordinito Latin customi mo one. 'γSue is the langua used by the Bunde Mour liberu, ou religion Our state an iis meanius acto nationalities eannot be mliunde sinod est is probabie stat line a me state
man, he ni thought os the ac stat many disserent races vere Multa in his inmom; but at ali evenis, his langvage esses the saetto the dignit os a reat politica principie. And in ed the practim applicatis has pedi secti corresponde Wit in theor' seres amacquainte Wit no the ancient constitutionWhicli sive so muta liberi an latitude in diverse nationalities a Ges stemungarian, Whieli ven invites nationalities in develop
convince in os this Iaave no occasionis enter inis delatis it vili e sineten to define the peculia genius an distinctive ch racter of our constitution He Who knows thesee in teli What the cro Willae andae, knows a principi may rodit deduce ita neces
One os the seatures os in constitutis Wasumon, as Opposed in the principis os uniformitu. Wheneve Hungar incline toward ui lavter, and iis natura corollarn enuatietation ine gan is decline. Mur imisu Was purei polit,
tutions-the Crown Which represente the idea
os fovere nin and the Diet, Wbita representia the rights of the nation. Withis, hings,ereno fovereims tili the had Men romeri in Whic occasis the hada accepi the constitimtiones eo itimis e nected vita stat ceremony. It even appene stat. When, hinis king, est in fictis indutiis os fovercimi merealmus exeresse in ita nam os the ero . Then again the mission os the Die disseredhom stat of the legislatures os oster munines. I Was more limite in some respecta, and lem in thera. t m eri a compare Wissi hehinc' vas greater, inam his in certain v etfie cases it inared the executive and judicialpo er Withaim. ut missi regard in the prin
haring thei severa dieis, in hic the localassium os eae vero discussed It vas oesy in the genera die stat ali the province and the
different races et to ther, an it Mas thereoniri in that oin os uniora, re an pureb
reali perceptible. Anoster distinetivo seaturo, nescies important, os ur constitution a the res et os individua rights With us the de of the State di no exist in the antique o Freneli sense of the word. The State di not, With us, absor the individual on the contrary, it might be asserte that the right of the individual si dabove the right os the State. I iis citeman strihin iustanees of the jealous Withwhie the liberi os the person a Walchedove in ali in relations os socia an politi Ilise. It was thought betis in incur some dan-ger sor one' persona interest sta inae inomue circumscribe is lam. mus have notice stat Hungary, unde in Hapsbums, has almos Masin to exis as a natio a tho Europem uestri ut at home, as a citiam, a IIungaria Was a Deo as an Englishman. Unu I849, even Austria neve dare loci