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peror, hie is in us an Monstitutiones ille; and this revives of the old constitution a s luto by the mos enthusiastic applause. The Artabis p es Eger even ad the murage in mali a very significant allusion to thos to
unde sis the solemn oat it ino in observetae eonstitution. Onee more, oni a se Mys sium 23M N vember last , at the pening os the Transylvaniavi eum, at es varioli mos eo riderable me os the wo muniries eam in great numbere is ino the patriolum and publie spirit hic animates them. I cannotove bere an adequat account os the public moising on stat omasion. Hungarnan hersister mundi are, Par ea lance, in land of mere se is an eloquent inans, torini hiserenades, ali accompanis is nationes musio an trieolour a inal ont notice his
solemnit in a nationa an politica piant os
Yο must nom in theraret place that Withus an publio institutions Mahela existe esto the patriotism an munificence of uino uis. The govertiment has neve Bunde anything. is in eum is alio the wor a volunta contributions an it might have been inaugurate Dare agri ad uiso been compelledio amit the permissis of the minister at Vienna. The pening os the m eum Mineresere a victor os patriotism ver the sulleuill-will of the oveminenti Ormver ascit οὐ place in presene os the representative os the, countries, ereWhile united this manifestationsignified that the muniries, though politieatly separateri stili set themserues indissolubis uita together, both morali an intellectually. bentheriirs actis the Aunder of the museul Masanother triumph. The minisuri on ita consent, Whic Was mos reluctanti oven, test the miniundecidia a in What languam, uidie med in the assium es t i eum no doub rediiis pon
oe member os Saxon and Wallach origin. mlh in ara finitaem in the allat ali voted se the Hungarian langua , ven Prince Lic, te lain, lautenmtoenera an Governor os uasylvania he perhus forma stat is hevote so the German language, his vote Would have Mood sime. Be eonvince os in truths siri iret, stat the sentiment a nationality, independence, andisve M libem have neve Mased in exist in Hungam, though, Besa time, it Was uselescanddangemus to severitam expresum Smmdly,
In suppor of the forme assertion, I Willata e an historica an statistim saeti hedynasty of them λων, in iis supreme hauedos themungaria raee, Whic Was the head andam os in insurrectioi os I 848, binkincit possibi is demonstrate in ali Europe findi putam figures ut great minorit orciliis tostem ac ne race, an to miserit a prv
in the onmane os the oster rares inita in had succetae in exesting. ordere a generalcensus in I 850-5l, and emplare so the pudi se non but fore ners sent designedi homother provinces Eata individualisa in jecte to an interrogator of the mos vexatio Uin and ever man was enteria as a German, a lave, a Serb, a Wallah, or arae' ho, althoughae declare himsel amungarian didno spea stat langvage est, or hos numebetrayed another origin, Whereas, is an cri ingHungarian declare himselffa Slave or a Gemman, his Wor mitisen at o e Lari' asternine monita os this ne hind of nationat inquisition ille .ere oblige is achnowltam stat themungarians amo te in itine millio . Os eo se this census as at once annullia, anda ther Was ta n by the miluum si uis obistime the result a rather more favo able in
the ministry, as My ,300, 0 Hungarians ere Bund. HOW shall, explain his generaleagemesco the inhabitanis os ille eo uri immediates aster the desint of the Hungarians, is
registere os the state Assuressi' i eould notbe o inito sto ac of that nam Minteister honorificor aristoeratio Amerin it is true, sue Was the case: ut the ea cause Wil beseund in this circumstance, stat even among the hostile races, a great number os persona, elageonvinein stat the Austria system is both anti eo titutiones an illiberal determine to enter thei protest against it is declaring themselves
dent of the Universit os Pesin, lio, in thenum Hos si hundred, bes sinito allata disserent races h inhabit Hungary, signe a petitio A the introduction os themungariani guage as the medium os instruction, alleonia as a reason stat the could no underetandesther Latin or German. The carrita thepetition to Vienna, here the no oni mereno received by ither in emperor o stentinister, ut Nere immediates sent ac torisin and will, no Gub ae expelle thein, versi , ii inenaremo alaetar. v mus no sup se boWever, stat nati almoras, in an intellectua polat os Hem hasbeen cingether arrested his means Avigoreus inita anno remala stationary thel our continues, ut aris noster uiction. The Hungarians Mesus in eareer os political
activsty elosed against hem, turne thei attemtion to literam efforis They ses that is Myeould no strengthen Seir nationalit by expan-ώω o Wardiothey,ere Mund in marinis i perbus ave it, y interna consolidation, byouincit an intri te value in theirlanmage an siteratur the receptacle os ali stearis an sciences. In sic cir u literature cannot ast since 84 an ne masterplaces in Oetry, philosophy, ο polium, hic Mashardinis e expecte in ita oppressive atin sphere here it vegetates, it is a leas indisputabis that it has alata in extent and variet' and has a greatlydncreased proportion in es readere an authors. BetWeen I 854 and I 859ste number ordo nati os allati cinere in to55, hich. is more stan existe besor 1848; butile number os subscribere an readem has iner sed in a stasia ratio; and What is most important, the passion se readinchas extendedis ste rose even in the remotest villa s. In fine, M literatur is at present a tree
This is the prope place so proclaimincauuth whic the Panclavisis and certain Germanwriters corrupte by Austria hau endeavo edi deny, amely, stat hiis themungarians Were anxious in protecto is οὐ nationaliub ali legitimate means, heineve alite te tommera oristior an other nationatum urWhole histor bear testimon to the truth Mihi assertion. What ac distinet smin the. Hungaria has diruppeared rom ungaryduring the last ten eenturiis' one Whateveri Is there a single one Whic is notis numemus an entire a When eae of them re fetiled
the victorio inungarians οὐ in the munio
en absorberi or have thei numbere dimini edi Certaint not. x there are muniries inmungam .hos population has tange iis language, stat has bappene in themungariansalone a si histor os the munis places yon ali Gubi, an is bis peculia circumstance, stat man villages, districta, and amilies sumeri Hungarian are so a pre en only
emungarians have always stam sincere respere an true sympath sor in Germans. e Miret os stet have is Austria, o raster
admiration by the purit os stes morias, themiidnes of thei charactere, Seir ober and regula lives, thei progress in agriculture, andali in us ut aris, in hic the have set usexcellent examples Ad to this sir that the Germans sincerely love stela adopte comisy, that he have completet identis in me elves Wit ita deares interesta though stili remaining Germans acto languam, ste are Humgarians in heart. Thus, in I 848-49, the edimans, With very se exceptio , Were most ardent defendere M liberinandiationa independence. Assuredly, is there is an count ,here the Germa nam is venerared, it is Hunga . German seule iniungary, and havinistere complete his politica educati , rast themerit of the citiam onaliose of the man. Asa virtuous man, he notini mahes a good seos libert' incas a muri Nous euisen e vimus in braves defendiniit. e German element though numericalty ossit.' importanee, Will alWays exert a saluta induende in the mas of the ther populations