장음표시 사용
fringe his persona liberty. The eopte ave ver With us allowed theminives o M a sorbed by that monstrous an sterile de of the State, .hie .anis toto ali in in They have secabove the State the righinis nations a raees, and above these the persona right os the individual. thir peculiar haracteristic stature os oureonstitution consiste in the univerealit' orother generalitan os iis lega dispositions Thatis a mora persection a politica quali ,hlehresses our constitution a ve ali hos os thesme epoch. hiis other conquering nations made in codes, one se themselves the Othosor the conquereri themungarians spontaneouclygave a genera charaeter to their lam. In themidiae ages, every here elae, persona legisl tio prevalled , that is, the la ,ere different
sor disserent races; ut themungarians adoptinhom the eginning territoria legislation statis in say, at the inhabitan or the fame hinydom vere subject to the fame la s, Without myregar in nationalit' -ο telis us that in
cases intermarriages bet Neen the classes so sep rate Were stricti sorbidde though both Mere
equassy Christians 'it sueti nations it may, theresere besses that the lams, instein os bringos a generat nature, ere in realit only private laWs. In Hungar' in contra . at theinhabitants er amenable the victor a Vellas the anquished an is a divere poeta. privileges os nobilit separatia them into castes, One thiniis certain stat diGre eis orion orrace had nothinito do With stat elassification. But the mos important characteristic os o constitution, as regatas thedrae nationes develarment of eata race, is ur municipes αι nomy. is institution poeulia tomunga , si Medi noto ro it rom an other munim, is mos persect in iis arrangemendi, considered
requirin testae par in Maircos State 3 Ceditates noti ess, then, in great munir di membres idiel cis, marin say, into a numberos smat counines, Whic may be calle est rcounties O deparimenta, and there ali talent an activit' o ver unpretendim, filias an opportunit of incusesul One tot say, inde , that the State, ita subdivides, messeo Mus to Muse, to every estiam, inering liberinos action, so that ali may contribute in the publie,elsare Wit ut absentinistemselves
In siet, there is a vas ditare e Miseen theol constitutions, styla historical, and the ne ones, whie mio rasterie called --α oonstitution is reatly valla te oni in s su ascit confers actuat, not illusor right on the citiae and the nation Our inve us tangibi right of Whic everseitiam mvid an ouo in Mail himsel Theis effect mere et even in aheno privilegia classes Our eonstitutionat s vas liae the sun Whose armi is est stom
asis; bile the modem nes rether memblethe oon, Whies oves but a Rebl light, and warvis no h. It is truci Leno de grata principies, hic are es no avia in the pisse, Whereas our constitutum, his Durinois en stitution, is som-hat antiquared. here is litus symmetr in iis various parta, and ac portiones the edisse beare uis stam of the mehWhen it Was added. As a Mole, I admit it is no very fine bucit is usesul, practimi, nationes, saticliniali the requirement ossis men tastori, hile ther constitutions aetate eoplevit grata ut sterile principies, oum has ovenus substantialis his manable ser actualise. Is ste fovereiminos uin erom and the en in rugislation os the Die Brin the basis os thounion hic maris Hungar a great state, ineste municipes autonom oves it, o the other hand the haracter os a persect Iedemtion. d Who an disy stat this sederation is the
Arm est ad te is a state inhabite is disserent nations It ould bo very dimul in dedita .hether it vas vise seres 1 o natural
instinet Whie te themungarians in adopt this maritellatis organietation. At ali evenis, ins saetis indisputabie stat it Was the ne est initiato the circumstances of the Ount , because it
naturali the communes an counties eres med amono vi They are ali os primitive an historica origin You kno the gerer phim conformation amungary, consequentlyy- et a re that thoughahere are mali nationat actions surroiinde by great masses elangincto ther races, et it ostisquently appens that ac race is concem uate in tho fame par os in eo intrD Theyare, ur familias os the samo origi Whichsium uis commune, and ovem stemserues in ullliber . A number os ne Mourins communes, ali os the fame race, sor a munim hic amminister iis inire missi suta extensive poWers that it ma almostae regataed as a state mistin
in sinis. Pleas in observe stat in ali munirassemblies the electora,ere present in peram,
noti deputy consequentisine individual, no
tunity os defendinihi interest an his righis, expressinibis pinium an principies, in alio maincknown his iuuionia aspiration and tendendies Ther ore, is die majorufa coinmunes elange to a certain nationality, and is the majoriis istario transae ille businem os the assembi in iis om language, and sive prindominance to thei nationa spirit, pray vhoeould revent ita No ne certainin Again, suppos the majorit of the counties ad isia r deputies, demande a sis silanera Diesto replaco the legislative and administrative langvage by the Wallis, the Slave, o the Germanlanguam, mas there any leges means os opposingit Psa there certates Was noti In fine, Iean assure ou missi a stas eo eis e stat Arprotectinio develapius an nationality. W-eve insignificant in polat os numbers, no com
as ou municipat autonomy aliae in communes, toWns and munum, Consequently is nestherrae ino advantage of it tho cause anno be
pitulate a sollavs The origis amungary, it is true, Was conquest, but in the inurae os emi es sint primesse hac en replaee is ste union. Histin ali ossier instanees the conquering nation and the eonquered both suniuere long unde a devobism, With us, till 1849, conquerors and conqueredabared regester equa eivi an politica rictis. Ad the inhabitant Were hilare es the samemunto, ali obeyed the fame laus. The rictis of the individual vere nes, Withis sacrificia toste idea, to the omnipotence of the State oncte contra , -- le eonstitutis taleis almed a Maranteeinisterire action and righinor individuati. Is stere have been inmunga epotas,hen politica rights,er no conunonis ad Se en omen a suta right neve d.
pende in considerations os orion, and no minuas exclude sto themis the round of his longin to this o stat nationalitv On thecontrarDiu municipat auisnomnis the orgamietation mos in harmons in the principi os nationalim tris ste preesse Arm best ad tedio allo a ita re developmenti his munucipat autonomy admit the gro cos men andraco as stes me, and preservingahelairim, live types unctanged form them into political
dies, communes, o in iis, oring them theliberis noroni a seisgoverament, but os livius a nationes life and then ollaeis stem intomuntis' nothing, absolutet nothing, Me pr. vent thei nationa lis in stat' her sphere
ture even os in constitution, is no calculatedis the oppression os non-Ηungaria nationes,ties LM What is more, Boisila very essencetur constitutio even rendere oppressio absolutebimpossibie.
LENSA LIIungaria race cliud stela Mood as,est,hen ii Was necessar in desen the munio against the invasions of the Tartars, Iongias, and uris,as,hen the despolim os the German elementhina be resisted. ou Will admi stat sue amission a dissiculi sui os periis, and allia se great sacrifices. ut is it Wondem stat glor attende it, and that great morat influencean considerable politica aut rit Wero iis reWarda scit surprising that tho nam H-garian. ita vacat tis applied in a aerishoes have subsequently beeomo honorabis and genera in suo a degro that in Creat in