... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

발행: 1910년

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He. hoWeVer, Sed quoniam-inimica, bove, cannot of itselfform a transition to the sueeeedin topic uiam Virtutis be consideres magnitudinis animi. ut Cicero neVer se virtus thus as antithetidito ju8titia, and this supposition mould destroythe meaning of that Sentenue. Besides, is the econ specialtopic ere to egi here Cicer eould not properi Say, 0 p. 129 line 29 Re8tat QUARTA pars It is to be noticed, also that the apparent conflict emeen utilio an prudenc has been discusse to a considerable extent long it that e een utilii and justiee, as ali the example in hic apparent utilit is preferre t Virin ShOW.36. Quam-malitia. Cf. p. 114 liue 2.38. Animi-praestantia. f. p. 12, line 24 p. 27 line ;p. 99, linea. 1 conformatione, etci, correcti explaine byrae inger 123

Conformatione et moderatione, motuum animi et acti9num,gruae ni continentia et temperantia He. Omine meaning of conformatione, Se p. 9, line 39, note continentiae, edtra int 9 9utet ar c9nduci, p. 87, line 10 note temperantiae habitural et command P. 12 line 26, note.

3. Utile videbatur, etc., ninnaeoluthon, asin p. 41, liue 20 et seqq. The thought of the fini part of the sentence saepealedaster the parenthesis in another som. g. primum, mo8 reliable. b. Sed See p. 41 line 23, note. 6. Tragoediae, se of Ophocles, One of WhOS play Wa entille 'Οξυσσευς μαινομεν , EuripideS, and among the RomanS, of Accius an Pacuvius, though, traged on this subjec is




plough, Palamedes, o tr him, laced the insant Telemachus besore the plough he Stoppe the plough, and was oblige tu underiali the sulfilment of the ledge he had made heu heWas one of the Suitor of Helen. Dici Biog. 21. Istius, canne asin dactyl Wit the elisi0 of the finalis. He. C. 266, 2 notera H. 608 I. note 3 A. 347, e G. 722. Percepset by syncoperior percepi88et. 22. Fide us bus jurandum. Fide a contrae formis thegenitive, hic Was stili ver frequent in poeta an prosewriter in Cicero' time. He Falleret, he would have evaded.

27. Rem factam, an authenti occurrente. Nostram, in the historno ou rision nation antitheticu externa. r.

28. consul iterum It wasio in his econii consul8hω, butin the solio Win year, B C. 255, hen he was proconSul that he a talien risone in a batile ear unes. Ex insidiis. That the Carthaginians Were victorious by mearis Oftin ambu Sh, Polybius I. 32 gives no intimation. The batile-ground , OO, Was atroad plain, ast ordin no opportunit for an ambuseade.

29. Xanthippo, the celebrate captain, ho ad recenti ventere the Service of Carthage, and who Was put in immediate command of the troops, hile the commander-in-chio SeemSstili is have been the Hamilcar ho ha been previousi RSSO-ciate With Hasdrubal and Bostar in the conducti the a iuAfrica, and earlier a successsu commander in Sicily II Was tot ho ever, the fither of mnnibal.


31. Missus est-senatum This missio to orae, hi elicis 123somelimes place in B. C. 251, Omeumes in B. C. 241, is e imperfecit attest MOm. Vol. II. Ut-rediret, i. e. ou condition that, etc. The claus depend uot o juratus, ut umissus est. r. 32. captivi uidam se thirteenis the Carthaginia nobilit inhen among the prisoner at the batile o Panormus in Si ei ly, in B. C. 254. 34. Res the facui his conduci. 36. Domui the reading of the MSS. It is the locative case, the 0re common formis hie is domi. f. p. 32, line 4 and Se p. 7, line 2 Athenis, Ole. 37. communem i. e. ne hic may happe t all. Tenere,

7. Non-Senatorem i. e. for he though and 8a id that he casNot, etc. M. 403, a. Atque illud etiam does no dependisponnegavit, ut is a formis transition it Whie cani supplied in thought commemorandum St. He. 10. Illos- esse uti depend upo an uirmative ver to e supplied Do the precedin negative Verb. m. 403, a, bS. 2.12. Notice the use of the perfeci in restiit an retinuit; and of the imperfeci in ignorabat, i. e. at the time heu he returning. C. 193 190, 1 H. 471, 6 A. 279 277 m. 223.16. Vigilando necabatur. Sine at the aueient authorities agre in statin that Regulus as tu to deura by the Cartha ginians there seem Do rea Son sor disbelle viniit But the popular tradition respectin his barbarou treatmeu receives Ocredende hom the ablest modern historia sis Rome Di et Bi0g. 18. At stulto, sc fecit Some tenge Os his veri, is osten



124 omitte in hori proposition containing an opinion On a per-Son' aetions. . 771.19. Qui-dissuaserit, a relative causal clause. 20. Etiamne, e. tu ite fecit. r. 22. cuiquam regularly used as a SubStantive, et also a an adjective, in the Sensem ullus, With the appellations Ofiersons. M. 90, 3, Obs. Z. 676.chap. XXVIII. I9. Nusquam, i. e. nulla in re. r. 31. Utilitatis nomen. s. 13. 60 line 14, an note Splendidum. f. p. 98, linei and note. 32. Necessarium, a nece ary principi os metu' li se, ne of the fundamenta naturae. n. Quid est in jure jurando. What igni ance has an ath,-O What importanc is it Cf. p. 125 line 22 et seq. Dixerit. For the tenSe, Se P. 3l, line 30 note. 34 Hoc, Se nunquam-nocere, the last clauS O the sentence commune, α common doctrine. r. 35. Eorum qui-dicunt, c. the EpicureRDS. 36. Exhibere, a88 ign8, impo8e8. Eorum ui volunt, e the Stoics, Peripatetius, an AcademicS. 37. Numquam nec, etc. The Stoics, hoWever, held that the Deit punished the wiched by the natural consequeuces of their

125 1. Nulla igitur, etc. The inseretice of the opponent, WhOSesentiment extend Dom line 32 o the precedin page to line on thisine. Religious scrupi ha no si h eight. r. Theobligation hic religion adde to the ut rea notiso tron amotive Garve. Quae-perverteret, that it could overthrow etc., i. e. O that it should ceas tot utility. He. 2. An Se timuit, O be supplied Do timemus, Ρ. 24 liue 33. He. An ideo jus jurandum servaret ne, etc. r. Onthe se of An See p. 23, line 10, note . 3. Minima de malis, Sc eligenda unt, a Proverbialis ing q. Ista, Sc. Ohichbou mentisti. b. Illud See p. 45, liue 34, Ot L The quotation S romitte Atreu8, cf. P. 118 line li note . and the verses are trOchate. 6. Fr6gistin fidem ' a question asked by Thyeste S. 7. h reply of Atreus, the sentiment of hic is that oue



t notaequire to his his ledgerio a reacherous euemy. r. 125 Dedi se. Iidem. 8. Luculente, it , right . Gr. elegant . S. 11. Ut hoc ipsum, eto. a change Domiheiratio obliqua tolli Oratio recta. 13. Quod-esset actum, i. e. Such a promisera ha beeu ex torte by the violencem an enemy. 14. Ratum esse, to e subi ed. 16. Videretur. O the ense, cf. p. 35 line 22. Ote. Haec fere, te. Thraeire the principes argument6, etc.

Chap. XXIX. 18. The rs argument against Regulus. quoted in orde to epinio it. f. p. 124, line 33 et eqq. Juppiter, the subject of the subordinate clause attracte into the principat clause See p. 49 line 1 note .

20. Ratio, argument. 22. Qui metus, i. e. Whatine has to ea a the eo equenee o violatiniit Vis the nutu re, force i. e. here incit Obliσatiou li . S. 23. Religiosa L e prae8ente ac te8te deo facta. t. 2b. Non eorum . . . pertinet, i. e. The questio is not


12 29. Igitur i. e. Sine there is uoti a close connectionis th 0ath Wifhsdes, a this verse indicates He. Fidem. The Or-shi of thisinoddes Was trace bach to Numa, Wh was salilio have butit a temple to heri the Capitoline. thera e re erected there in succession in later times. 30. Jovis, the genitive ecause Vicinam is Sed a a Oun. M. 247, b, Obs. 1; Z. 411. 31. Catonis, the CenSor. 32. At enim, et: in Secon argument quoted sor reply. Cf. p. 124, line 38. 34. Non modo non Theraecon non is omitted in Wom, . . and is brachete by Br. o. au Gr. I i not ho ever, necessarily omitte in Such a connectio a this. e. See P. II 3, linera note, and cf. p. 124, line 19. 35. Maxima-philosophi, Sc. the Stoi . 126 2. Testem, i. e. Regulus, b his actions bore unci to inqtruth of their doctrines. r. 6. Principem, ne of the chio meu Bl. 6. Nam form the transition to the thir argument. s. 125 line 3.7. Ut turpiter, Sc faciat. l. f. p. 125 line 2. An est ullum, etc. The couneetion O thought is A to fiat they srm, eto , Ι 8αfit 3 αἰδe, for canahere bet greater eNil, etc.

10. Turpificati occursint in this place. It is forme like

initiscatus after the analog of ampliscatu8. He. 11. Nervosius . . . disserunt, c. the Stolos. s. p. 98, lines 1-9. Cicero Often Ses nervosus of strens in expression andiu thought. He. Romissius, line 13, se the Peripateti . f. p. 102, line 36 et eqq. Both adverbs re properly used of the conditio of the sinew of the Ody and of the bo strun aud

14. Nam introduces the Durili argument. Cf. p. 125 line 7.16. Tractaretur Atreus, i. e. the character Atreus et ue -- Med exhibited. 17. Serviendum fuit. i. e. The P0et must expres Suchisenti-ments as accorde Wit the character of Atreus sibi su-msnt, theyuhyli adoptis their opinion Gr.


21. Mens conciperet, i. e. homo mente conciperet.

22. Quod aliter se se habet. i. e. In regar to hic he didnot suppos at the time of ahing the at that it uot o shept. Ηn. his a the doctrine of the Stoies, ho recogniZed something similarito mentalis ervation. ΗΘ.23. Fecerit sc is qui juravit. Ut Asbor rea mple. 26. Ex perduellium-definitus. As Cicero osten says eae numero me lar in numero, o here the expression cita dei nitu ut it e numero, etc. Perduellium, the antique term for hostia. f. p. 19, line 30 note He ho like the Stoies, derives the lut of justice fro the necessities of men O SOeiely, cannot recognig that duintoWard the Obber, Who as farras is in his pomer destroy the ond of society. He. 28. Non falsum jurare, etc. i. e. Not very one holoe nothee hialath is a periurer Cicero here runs upo the Seylla os mentul Gervatimi. r. f. p. 21 line 4, an note Acad. II.

29. X-sententia, on your conscience Se LeX. . Sententia,

I B, 2. The hole claus correspondes in meaning Wit ita ut mens-oportere, line 21. 30. Mors nostro, i. e. in the formula Os our laW.32. A translationis v. 611 of the Hippolytus:

The metreris Iambio Trimeter Wit thes Word Hippolytus justisses himself for disci sing the proposuis of his Step-motheraster he had sWorito hee silene respecting them He. 34. Perturbare se violare. Iusto-hoste, i. e. eo qui bellum gereret legitime denuntiatum et indietum. s. f. p. 19, line 11 et eqq. 35. Adversus quem, ith referen e t whom.

1. Jus fetiale See p. 19, line 10, note. 127 Chap. XXX. A. T. Vsturius Calvinus an Sp. Postumius


l 27 Albinus ere colleagues in the consulfhi in B. C. 334, audisseeond time in B. C. 321. s. audium, a toWn in Sumnium nea the borderis Campania. In iis vicinit Was the celebrated passostlled Furcuiue Care, noe, where in the second Samnite Warithe Roman arm Was enirret, by the Samnites unde Caius Pontius. 8. Injussu-fecerant That the Romans themselves on lyaster a disastrous batile, determinedipo the disgracesul reatyis in iiseis probatile, an is confirmed by the testimon os Appianan Zonaras, although it is expressi dente by iv IX. i.

He See Mom. Ι. 471. s. Q. Maelius an his colleague, Ti. Numicius, maintain edthat the treat with the Samnites oughtuo be confirmed. Theyhad been present at the batile, and With other officer Were surrendere to the Samnites. 10. Tribuni plebis. To account so the presene in the campos these tribunes, ho ere sorbidde by lawrio pendis night without the walis of Rome, it has been conjectured not Without probability that the were tribunes elect WhO, RS the repreSentatives of theseople, hene eorum auctoritate, carried in thearm a ratificatio of the trea ty. He. See, hoW0ver, Ni vhindiseussion of thi potnt, Vol. III., p. 220. 11. Dediti sunt. The Samnites, hoWever, ould Ot receivelliem, arti beeaus the were to magnanim usu do O, and Darii hecause the would thereb have admittet tho Romanplea that the agreemen bound oni thos WhO Wore t it, and notuli Roman State. Om.

14. c. Hostilius Mancinus, c. fecit. In hi consulfhil' l: s'. 137, he had command of the war against Numantia, and inerseverat deseais having been entiret surrounded by the enem V negotiate a peuce through his quaestor, Ti. Gracchus. lietreat bein repudiate by the Romans, he a surrendered ii the Numantians, lio, hoWever, refusexto receive hi m. 17. Ferebant, propo8ed, c. to the eople. It provide that the ratification os the reat should e rem sed, and tha Hie


respousibili Ἀhould restin those Who hud conclude it Mom l 27 III., p. 27. a. Furius hilus, sex. Atilius Semranus, consul gin B. C. 136. ah sorme was a friendis Scipio an Laelius

an a gesticus student of Gree literature. 18. Q. Pompeius, commander in Spatii in his consulfhip B. C. 141, a destate severa times, and havin besiege Numantia in vain during the inter Aoughto negotiate eaee. The Numantians surrendere to im a diseretion, unde the Seeret promis that ni the prisoner an hostages in theirhand should e iven Ρ, an a payment of thiri talenis made, an palma par of the money ut o comin to mali ethei last payment, he he was relievexo his command hedente that an treat ha been concluded The matter Wasreferre to the Senate, ho declare theoreat invalid, and that the war houldie continued-thusiecomin a paro to thelanaver of Pompeius. Mom. ΙΙΙ. p. 26.

Accepta-est f. line 17, qua accepta, etc. 20. io, In thia ca8e. 22. Ab indicates the personificatio of the dea in honestatis auctoritate. At non, etc. f. p. 125 Iine 14. his additionat argument is answere in the nexi sentenee. 23. Quasi-adhiberi. his sentiment of the Stolos that thewise a cannot e forced follows rom heir doctrine of the Deedom an seipsumcienc O the is man. He. 24. Cur igitur, se sine he eould notae Oreed He. 25. Proficiscebatur, c Regulus On the ense See . 124, line 12, note. 27. Non-stetit, hei id notisontento self ith, id not dependis On, etc. r. Suscepit causam, i. e. advocate the retentionis the captives sud his omia returit Carthage, leaVingto the Senate to dedid What was best for the interest of the Republie.

30. Ita, i. e. Inthi ha been done. 32. Sentire illa, i. e. to hol the opinion he had expressed to



J27 7. Hoc exemplo, se O Regulu8.38. Praestantius, se oliquod 38 eaeemplum. chap. XXXI. I9. x-Reguli, i. e. Num multo sint se, Dinda. t. 128 2 censuit f. p. 20 line 28, and note. 7. Sacratae, e leges. Se Lex. . . II. 1. speciali mereth lam respecting the right of appea to the eople and thρ tribunitia poWer, Omalled. r. 9. Animadversiones is the genera term While notiones denotes, properly only the mi idest formis censoria reproos e. See p. 36, line 1 note. 11. L. Manlio Capitolino Imperioso, dictator B. C. 363.12. Diem dixit, ave forma notice of an in eachment, aleehnica expression Ramsay, Antiqq. Quod is-addidisset, se in orde to conduet the war against the Hernicans aecordinito Livy VII. 3 et 8eqq. 14. Quod ussisset. The son a said in have boen dullissmin in his outh, and was rought u b his ather in theeloses retirement in the count . The alter a aecused os .ein cruei and tyrannica in his reaiment os hi m. Diet. Biog. 16. Quod se negotium-patri See M. 449. 17. Negotium exhiberi, a common phraserior ac 8ari. He. 18. Prima luce, the readingis mos of the MSS. 21. Arbitris, initii esses, the primitive meaning. 24. Missum facturum, oui et hi are the aecusation froni. Se Lex. 8. Mitto, II. G. 28. Atque hic, et: brachete by Br. and . solioWingar-nesti, ho consideres it a glossiecauserit is no relevant to thetopi here realed os e. admit this aut but considera it genuine and that Cicero introduce it only beeaus h Wishedio fho the greatnes of the ancient times in another respeet. 29. Ad Anienem se in B. C. 361 aecordinito Livy, henhe was a militar tribune in the war against the auis. 30. Torque From the dea bod of the barbaria he ook the chain hic had adorne him, an place it around his OW neela; his comrades, in thei rude songs, gave hi the Surnam Os Torquatus, hic he continuexto bear and hauded domito his descendanis. 31. Tertio consulatu, B C. 340. When P. Decius Mus Was his