장음표시 사용
5. Minime mali, etc. See p. 26, line 35 note. 1047. Quasi vero . . . defendat, Dr8oothrae .rmed. Quasi
ero is osten used as here, in an ironica sense When, in derision ruo correet an erroneous Supposition, e State hat is no thecase M. 444, a, bS 1 α 572.8. Vis, meu ling. 11. Feceris. Fut Pers indie Zt. Pers. Subjunct. r. Si id, e te For the omissionis et be re this clause, Se Z. 7 I. 13. Id fieri posse, i. e. semper i 0tumi futurum. Nequaquam Cicero avo A a belles in the providen ce aud ille careos tho god sor human assairs, and in the Diui scienceis Godinvariably, here he states his own iems. Se De ut Deor.
I. 2, 3 in L q. I. 7, 21; in I. 6, i. The pinendationos Manutius, Nequaquam the S. ea lingiuum quam is
the more probabie, since Cicero ad here o reason sor devia tingsrom his OWn opinion Besides the antitheSi sed quaerosi posset requires that a negative clauS like Nequaquam potest should precede. e. Nequaquam is also adopte by Br.ando. 15. Urguent they rema in obsum ut in thesederi trution theshol l to thei dental. t. Rustice, the opposite Os acute, si impid , uniearnedly-like loWns, no like Philosophera parum quidem erudite. t. 16. Hoc-valeat, hat ira the force of this e ressioni se id si posset. Arn. 19. Tamquam tormenta- adhibemus, i. e. e ut to them a1'ainsul est-question to extortis consession of thei rea senti
20. Quod expediat, se sibi ad divitia8, potentium, etc. i. e. everything that ring ad vantage, even scit oes no accordwith virtve. Cicero purposely avoid the expression utile sit.
chap. X. 24. Multae saepe a pleonasm. f. p. 31 Iine 17; p. 23, line 21 p. 57 line 38 Sue instances are frequent. 26. Relinquenda. f. p. 102, line 27, an note. 27. Improbum est For the ood, e p. 16, line 25, note. 29. Collatino. L. Tarquinius Collatinus, the grandSO Os Aruus brotheri Tarquinius Priscus, heiusband of Lucretiis, and on the dethro ementi Tarquinius Superbus elected - hL Junius Brutus to the ossicei consul. UVy II. 2, qtate
104 more accurately that Collatinus had himself resigue his ossice.
30. Regibus, the roya Iam sinos Tarquin. 33. cognationem, hindred, relativet. 3b Patriae consulere, in opposition to quod-utile id. 39. Pepulit m impulit. 105 1 solum, e. e. 2. Pietatem, brothero lore. q. Muri. Genitive epexegetica or appositive. It is logical lythe object, hil causam is the predicate causam opposuit, Se crimini. eo O8e to his accuser si . . allege in his de-Rnce the aecuse of the win. An allusion to the wed knownstor of Romulus illiniliis rother Remus o leapin overthe newIy-bullt wallis Rome in derision Hn. 6. Pace, ablative os manner M. 258, Obs. 5. Quirini, thenam under hieli Romulus a deisex so that he hole laus is expressive of the sceptica spirit Os the times. r. Dixerim. For the euge, Me p. 31 line 30 p. 71 Iine 2I, and
s. Quod-fiat, a relative, restrictive clause Seel. I O line 2I DOD. 10. chrysippus b. at Soli in Cilicia B. C. 280 d. B. C. 207, the successor of Cleanthes a the head of the Stoic School. Stadium. An imitationis a Gree idiom. In place of a Substantive in the accusative of hindre originis mean in With thevem, an attributeis sue a Substantive canae used Κuhner Alarge Gram. 278 2.11. Quam maxume. a. 108 M. 310, Obs. 3.15. Perturbantur officia, i. e. meu ideas of uinare per-pleaeed. r. the prope limit os dui an os What is unlawfulare transgresse by friendships. Garpe. s. De Amicit. h. XI. 24. Ponit, lay aside deponit Personam. Se p. 38 line 30, note. 26. virum uales n. Grandae litis for pleadi nudis eo 27. Tempus. Mordia mine leae Don peio judicurio R. i'. 55, the accuser in a crimina case was allomodo spm l vi h Ours, and the accuse three hours. et the judg could ex ton the timem postpone the case to a lateriay. In civila limitationis the time a filo introducedo a later peri .
28. Jurato, after havinguia enisa h. 29. Adhibere testem, calis to miness. Id est . . . mentem suam, hi conscience, hiel must influenee imo do right more than the seari punishment by the deity. f. M u cujusque is Si quisque deura te igitur cito 38e M uis. Scip. VIII. The human inui, h0Weve iecordiu to the doctrine of
i causeritu sesses eas, , lius a Uecta relationsilii to the Divine eing, horis the oul os the worid. he worti is hesum os ali rea existence, an ali rea existe ne is originalty containe in God, hocis utine universa ruat te and the creative force hichoashisus uia iter in to the particula materials es, hicli hin rure made Zeller. 32. Rogandi judicis, sc todeat favorably. Si eum teneremus, i sint ii eiMereia it sc this custom l in reali ty, Ot meret in Ord. r. Quae- possit. Se line , note Salva fide re ith. oui violat in his conscien et his delitu tu his . . r. Aspossit stand tu the fornini in the present Subjunctive, it mustrem ain O even lien dependenti accepimus. He.
36. Tales, ve thing or connections. demonStrative Orrelative pronoun, first ut indefinitet as a Sullaee or lueet, and the connected With a substantive by um, o a verbis 8-teem in g, O nam in talae the gende and number of that substantive. m. 313.37. communibus, i. e. hos o common lise, in distinction om those of the wise. Cf. De Amicit. XXI. In sapientibus. Among Wise men, it is impossibio thatinaeshould destre his friendio do halcis rong there re it is a maxim among Sueli, that oneraliould do haleve his frien destres f. De Amicit. XI. 1. Alteri, Se Damon, as a punishment for a plo against Dio-108nysius I. of Syracuse the wriiser cal the two friend Euphantos and Euhritus other again Moirus and Seluntius. Thestor is tot also of the younger Dionysius and of Phalaris. See p. 68, lines Mand 18, notes, and cf. Tusc. Div. V. 22.
106 8. Igitur, introduces a repetitionis the thought On . 10
dides nor Diodorus mention an suci decree There is susticient reason, there re, ori ubi in the truth his state1neni.
He. The istandis Aegina as ab ut 100 stadia dis ui isti
Alti ea, and nearly in the centre os the Saroni guis. 21. Male etiam, Se ciunt. 22. Urbibus uti, se a places fiermanent reSidelice annbusi ness. s. p. 7, line 39. For the ood os uti, e P. 62, line 22, note unda. 544 M. 375 Q, Obs. 2.23. M. Iunius Pennus. Tribune of the Plebs R. C.'26, in Whicli eari proposed the la referredo here sor expellii ali soreigners Doni Rome C. Papius, tribuneis the Plebs, n C. 65, revived the la O Pennus, an added certa in provisi sor the punishment of those holad assumed the Roman ranchise Without having any claim to t. 24. Esse pro cive, to exercise the right os a citi is i. e. thejus ivitutis and si stragii eligibilit to me and the righi os in heritin property. The expression is borroWed rom thestatute. He.
29. saepe, e . alius, hie is commoni omitte in his eoii Q 06
30. Quae-habuit, ete. Aster the terribie dis ter at Cannae. in hie 70, Minen ut os the arm o pii ,000-th nower of the officere an soldiers-perished the consul Varro reeeivedine than k of the senator sor notiavi Didespatred of his eo . try. The Senate too the ea in ver movement, an re tored to the citigens confidenee in themselves an in the future. MOm. Vol. II. 34. Quum-sustinere, in the secon Persi an invasio under XerxeS, B C. 80.36. Troezene a cit in Argolis finee stadia Dom the coaston the ouili fide of the Saroni guis ita ut se exceptions the whole opulation est the country. The rea ternumber Os Women, hild ren, an infirm ere conveyed to thiscit otherario Salamis and Aegina. 37. conscenderent. For the ood se M. 389 Obs. 1; Z. civi The infinitive more frequently solio suta tuo.
otoue is preserred by the editora. 3. Rus belli se the batile os Salamis. 5. Id-esse that it reus notis edieau tho it sh ouid beseuer-nsihiloimi. s. p. 129 line 26 De Amisit. XIV. 1. In anastirmative sentenee, pud est has frequently this mea ning He. An instanee o litotes. Se C. 305 H. 637, ΙΙΙ. Α Ρ. 299; G. 448, Rem 2. 8. Subducta esset. Se LeX. s. v. I. B. Gytheum, ea thehead of the Laeonian guis . . os the mouth of the Eurotas, the clites maritime town in Laeonia and the ordinar stationo the Spartan hipsis War. 11. Magna exspectations se civium, ablat absolute, hieli osten denotes the statem condition under Whieli a thiniis doneor talae place or implies a description V. 472, note 1. 17. iratas immunes, nee pom tribute, and Ven restralat. During the civit War pirates had euom numerou andio er- fui, an Caesar hadiso nava fore adequale to the or ofoverthrowiti them. Socios se those hich had spoused themus Os Pompey, as Massilia see p. 69, line 12, and uote, haud Deiotarus, hingi Armenia.
l07 18. Maneat, i. e. pro certo Mutur. l. 20. Putare, sed M a noun, an in apposition it ho ly, sum M. 388; Z. 598.22. causae, quum videatur, cuses here it moy seem. Vide - atur is subjunctive potentiat He. 25. Alexandrea Rhodum. hese laees ere et te be- cause the were the hie centres for the coria trade-the Dela Egypt granar of tal and Greece, the ther Rr Asia Minor. me. 26. Numerum qu antity, is osten se of things hieli are colanted. f. Phil. II. 27 IIclaeimus in numerus : Pro TN-
29. Solvisse, e nave8 had 8et all. 31. Silentio. Se p. 68, line 6, note. Sapientem, here, notthe wis man in the strici philosophica sense, ut the virtuousman, vir bonu8. He f. p. 96, line 36, note.
34. Dubitet-sit, i. e. inclines to the opinio that it is notbase. Se C. 258, 15 H. 29, 3, note 2 A. 10,1 Rem. G. 459, Rem s. p. 18, line 22, and note. 35. Diogeni, a native of Seleucia in Babylonia a pupit os Chrysippus at Athens, and aster vard at the head os the Sto,
Sehoollat Athens. He asine of the three hilosopher senti, therathenians as an embassyrio Rome B C. 155. 36. Antipatro, o Tarsus a Stoie hilosopher, tho successoros Diogenes and the leaeheri Panaetius. For ther of liiq
108 1. Iure civili, i. e. lege et judiciis. s. p. 24 line 11 note
li. 56, linera et seqq.9. Ut utilitas, etc. Thai, hin canae sesulis injuriousio ea member hieli is notinis to the Wholeiody, is a proposition osten asse ted by the Stoies. e. 11. Adsit, is at hon l. 14. Finis bonorum the histhrat 'ood See Introd. p. 139.
16. Mihi. The dative instea of the more sua accusative. bee se of the antithetic laus tibi audire utile est He M. 373, Obs. 1. But se Z. 601. 17. Immo-necesse est is antin in the est MSS. It is there sore doubim Whether Cicero rote inquiet ille here
chap. XIII. 24. Expedire depend upo diei so that hereis a change here Dona the oratio rectu to the obliqua. e. Ita ut, i. e. that it is ea pedierim Pithout be in q, etc. He. 25. Ea re ideo. 26. Vendat, i. e. Fac eum vendere, Suppos limes seli. Hii.
28. Ignoretur-serpentes. r. doubis the genuinenes of this elause, and is admittet a Dall, ould infert it aster nemo sciat. ther editor inseri sint aster materiatae. 29. Materiatas, butit of bad imber. 33. Ille vero, Te8, he voti ld. 34. Quid est enim aliud, etc. In Englisli, the orderis the clauses is reversed. Erranti monstrare f. p. 24 line 17. 35. Exsecrationibus publicis se those hieli,ere vered, in aecordanee With Iam in an assembl of the peopte by a herald,s metimes by the priesu. t. Sanctum est. Se LeX. S. N. II., and cf. p. 113, line 15. 36. uero, to ac hasti .
37. Fraudem. See Lex. II. C. 2.38. Scientem, anees With the subject of the infinitive. 3. Villam-aedificatam, se rendo, Whiel Was generali omit-109
109 A. sitione recte. 5. Ubi-emptoris est. Here also Diogenes adheres to the let. ter os the laW. It was a principi o Roman law, that hereo ut be n oheatin Where the huyera ad the opportunii nos judginisor himself. 7. Dictum non omne, i. e. no et ery ord hic is sal inprais os an artici for sale. Praestandum est, ito be madegood so sed in urchases, etc., of that sor hicli ne is responsible f. p. 112, lines 4 and 37.12. Ex altera parte, Se by Antipater. 17. Dissensio, constet. Quae incit ea. Est So Br. sollowing Unger. Cf. Ρ. 102, line 16, note. o. an He adopi them S.
read inguunt. Non ut quaereremus, i. e. ut inanem qua tionem institueremu8.18. Exposuimus, in distinction hom explicaremus, proponere, to et forth He. 21. Id est-reticeas, an attractio sor celare cit reticere aliquid, quicquid id e8t .me. Sed quum, i. e. sed id est celare
25. Aperti, transuearent simplicis, stultele88; ingenui, franie. 26. Versuti . . . callidi See . 63, line 13, note obscuri,aecreti re astuti, ari fui, properi denotes acutenes in the invention and executionis a seeret priueet vafri denote adroit nes in introductu triclis, particulari in judiciat astairs. D. 28. Inutile Mamnosum, a Me s litotes. t. s. P. 107, linei, note By this expression Cicero does no mea tomaheth Utile the ighest principi os eoision, but ni is howthat the inhonestum is also inutile. He. Subire, to subjectisne'sset to. chap. XIV. Io Vanitatem, fessehood s. p. 56, linea. 31. Nec infacetus, o reithout wit. 32. Satis se mediocriter. t. 34. Hortulos, pie ure-gardens, country-8eat, i. e. Nili Mn, in Whicli senserit Was the usual expression in the Welve Tabies. He See M. 52, Obs. Z. 96. 35. Interpellatoribus troublesome visitora He. 37. Argentariam, sc ortem faceret, carried on the bus inessos a banher. The busines of the Argentarii a Ver varied, but consisted chien in the ex change of soreign coin D Romancoin the receivingis money on deposit ither illi or Without
interest, Oati in money on intereSi und buyin an selliti 10, Dropert O various indes On commission Diui Antiqq. Qui faceret is a causal elause, breuiserae Pa a banher, Os, homine mulit heresore ex peet sue a triek. He ther regarxit asine laus o result after talis unde tood. 38. Uti se ulla. 1. PromisiSSet, M. Se venturum, ciccepted thei vitation He 1102. The clause Qui esset-gratiosus is insertexas an explanatio of the facilii Mili hieli e carried ut his lan. r. Ut argentarius, be in g, etc. i. e. inasmuel a he as. s. line 28 Tusc. Disp. I. . osten in such elliptica expressionsit has a res trietive Oree. b. Tempori CL p. 41 linei, note, and Z. 475, Ole. 7. Pro se quisque, i. e. pro sui viribu8, pro Sua parte. It is therei ore bet terrio connec it With ceperat He. The meantiam ho ever, may be, euci epia rate V. r. 8. Quod ceperat, Se PiScium. 12. Aquatio the lao Dom hiuli musti obtaine at thedrinking uter so the city. Garve, Bl. and s. DomWhiclis veet,ater must be Sought. t. Wh quotes Ambrosius Aquα-tionem illic esse dulci aquae gratia innumerabiles eo pisces
13. Isti, e Syracusant, Ot pi8catores. S. 14. GraVate, Se agiti re8pondit, ad Objectioris. Ηe.16. Quid multa se dicum an hori. Z. 769 M. 479, d, Obs. 1.16. Emit. When a circumstane is added supplementary, asit ere, to a precedin verb, the ver is frequently repea ted. . 17. Instructos, in the s urten ance8. He. 17. Nomina facit, se Pythius. Nomen properi denoted thenam os a deblor registeret in a banher' or an Other aeeount book Hene it eam to signis the artietes Onan Reeount, ad tor, or a debl iiseis. Diet. Antiqq. For ita meantia Withfacere, e LeX. . Nomen I. B. 2 b. 19. Scalmum nullam, no eveni tholemin, i. e. o trace of αboat Theracalmu Wa a strong ooden sta on the inside os avesset to hic thema Was attached by means of a thong. 20. Eos. l. refers to Z. 30. Cf. p. 59, linei, note. He. regard nullo a a Stronger negative sor non. s. p. 19, linera,
1l0 - 23. Quid saceret. For the ood se C. 205 Η. 486, ΙΙ. A. 268 G. 468. 24. c. Aquilius Gallus, one of the mos distinguished of thoearly Roman urisis, praetor B. C. 67 along illi Cicero, in thediseharge of Whicli ossidet greatly signatige himself by leguli eforms. Among these ere the three formulae hieli e de-vised one os,hieli Was for procedure in caseis fraud Thesse formulae de dolo malo ere, in pari, ne clauSes in contrucisto protect against haud in pari, preseription respecting actions sor restitution hen in sales O Simila transactions therea adheon fraud. The Ialter is particulari referre tolere. It wpears o have been raW u in the formis question an un-
25. he term formula teolinteali denoted a generui forni orloga action to Whieli particular enses ere reserred, and aeeOrdinito hieli the were tried. t eonsisted of Our paris . hedemonstriatio explained ha the subjeet- matter of the aetion vas the intentio a the luim o demand of the laintist :the ad iudibatio gave the Iude authorit to a ludi te thething hieli a the subj0et os the dispute to ne or Other of the parties the condem tutio gave im auth Orit m in m. dein the defendant or aequit hi m. The Ieadings of theplaintis land defendant,ere also inserte incit. Se Diet. An tiqq. Actio. In quibus ipsis, se formulis, O he Onneeted with esset. 28. Luculente, se dictum δt. 29. Ergo . . . igitur See p. 57 line 17, note. 30. Nullum . . . utile. See P. 109, line 28, note. Chap. XV. 37. Erat vindicatus, se at ready besore the linteis Aquilius. r. Tutela, Dat vGul Isu ardian ip Gr. e. maiis, ut in tutela, as in matters of in dian his, ineating Was sorbid-den, etc. an add that tutela them S reading, cannot oscit-set signis tutela male administrata Tutela a the technient term so the guardianshi os orphans pupilli unde the ageos puberty. The power of the vardian tutor had respectno to the person of the pupillus,-the oare of Whom devolve lupo the mollier,-but Onlyrio his imperi an pecuniar intereStis, of his management of Whiel the guardian ad to rende a format account When his ard came os age. Di et Antiqq. Duodecim tabulis See p. 19, line 33, note his code On-